Department Of Human Resources. SRT1 STATUTORY REQUEST FOR STUDY OR TRAINING FORM Please refer to the full procedure prior to the completion of the form. It will help us to deal with your application if you provide as much information as you can about the study or training that you wish to undertake. If, on receipt of this form, your manager thinks that further detail is required before your request can be properly considered, he or she will contact you. Please note that if you do not complete every section of this form fully, your request for time off work for study/training will not be legally valid and the University will not be under a duty to consider it. If this should occur, we will notify you accordingly and identify the information that is missing from your request, inviting you to resubmit it with the required information included. SECTION I: FOR COMPLETION BY THE MEMBER OF STAFF 1. Personal Details Name Employee Number Faculty/Department Date form submitted I wish to submit a request for study /training as detailed below. This is an application under s.63D of the Employment Rights Act 1996. 2. Previous applications in relation to study or training I have/have not (delete as applicable) submitted a previous request in relation to study or training. (If you have, please answer the next question.) My last request in relation to study or training was submitted on ………………. and was made (tick as appropriate): On a SRT1 Form / By email / By letter 3. Application for time off for study or training Please specify the type of study or training for which time off is requested, providing details of the course of study or training, e.g. name of course, subject matter, when the study/training would take place and for how long, any other related support you are requesting, etc. Please provide as much detail as possible in support of your request (continue on a separate sheet if necessary): Will the course / study / training lead to the award of an accredited qualification? (Please delete): Yes/No If yes, please state the qualification that you will obtain: Please explain how you think the proposed study or training would improve your effectiveness in the University and the performance of the business: Please name the organisation or individual that you intend to be the provider of the training: Will the study/training be supervised? (Please delete): Yes/No If the study/training is supervised, who will be the supervisor? Where do you propose to undertake the requested study/training?: At work / At home / At an external location (please state where): 4. Personal Declaration: I confirm that I am eligible to make a request: I am an employee of the organisation for at least 26 weeks. I have not made a time to train request during the past 12 months. I confirm that (if applicable) I have considered the impact of any adjustments which will be made to my salary to reflect the reduction in my working hours. Signed Date Once you have completed the form, please send it directly to your Head of Department. Once you have submitted a fully completed Section 1 of the form, your Head of Department will contact you to arrange a meeting within 28 days (or sooner) to discuss your request. You may be accompanied at this meeting by a work colleague. Within 14 days of this meeting your Head of Department will respond in writing by providing you with a completed copy of Section II of this form within 14 days of the meeting. SECTION II: FOR COMPLETION BY THE HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Please refer to the full Procedure prior to the completion of the form. You are required by law to meet with an employee to discuss a statutory request for training within 28 days of its receipt. You are also required by law to provide a written response to the employee within 14 days of the meeting. You should do this by completing the following sections and returning this to your employee. For further advice on requests please speak to your customary HR contact. Dear _______________________________________________ Employee Number _____________ Following receipt of your application and our meeting on ______________________________ (date), I have considered your statutory request for training, the details of my decision are provided below. Signed (Head of Department) ________________________________________ Date ____________________________ i) Following the meeting IAGREE IN Please provide further details: FULL to the request as described in Section I. ii) Following the meeting I AGREE IN PART with the alternative Please provide details of arrangements as agreed: arrangements described Please provide details of what could not be agreed (and opposite. complete question iii below to provide reason for this): iii) Following the meeting I have been UNABLE TO AGREE IN FULL / IN effectiveness in the department, stated opposite. the proposed study or training would not improve the performance of our business PART the request for the reason(s) the proposed study or training would not improve your the burden of additional costs detrimental effect on ability to meet customer demand inability to re-organise work among existing staff inability to recruit additional staff detrimental impact on quality detrimental impact on performance there would not be enough work for you to do during the periods you propose to work planned structural changes. The reason why I reached this decision is [you must provide a written explanation of why the business reasons apply in the circumstances]: YOU MAY APPEAL THIS DECISION WITHIN 14 DAYS OF RECEIVING THIS NOTIFICATION AS DESCRIBED IN THE PROCEDURE. PLEASE SEND A COPY TO THE EMPLOYEE BY WAY OF WRITTEN RESPONSE AND RETAIN THE ORIGNAL FOR DEPARTMENTAL RECORDS.