Faculty Of Medicine Dentistry And Health. Research Associate Destination Questionnaire The aim of this research is to establish why Research Staff leave the Faculty and to map their next destinations. This also allows us to tailor the Think Ahead programme to be relevant to the current needs of research staff. Reasons for leaving may be obvious – e.g. new position elsewhere, end of contract, career change, or there may be other factors that have influenced your choice. These data are essential in the crafting of a tailored and relevant programme of professional development. Your responses are confidential, and will be analysed by Dr Kay Guccione and Dr Lucy Lee, training and development advisors for research staff. Any reporting will use anonymised, aggregated data. Please be aware that if you have any issues of concern about your employment, redundancy, or leaving, you are advised to contact the appropriate Human Resources officer (Jennie Newton jennifer.newton@sheffield.ac.uk) to discuss your concerns, as these cannot be addressed through this study. Your details 1. Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Did you do your PhD at the University of Sheffield? 3. Date of PhD award: ___________________________________________________________________ 4. How long (years) have you been employed by University of Sheffield? Yes No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+ 5. How long have you worked in the Faculty of MDH? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+ 6. How long have you worked with your current supervisor? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+ 7. Did you receive an induction when you arrived? a. Department Don’t know Yes No Faculty Of Medicine Dentistry And Health. b. Faculty/Think Ahead Yes No Yes No Don’t know c. University Don’t know 8. Was your induction adequate? Please share any views below ___________________________________________________________________________________ Reason for leaving 9. Why are you leaving the Faculty? End of contract New research opportunity New career direction To retrain/return to study (please give details below) ___________________________________________________________________________________ Personal reasons/ change in circumstances Other (please give details below) ___________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Would you have stayed in the Faculty if there was appropriate funding in place? Yes No Depends on project Experience as a researcher in the Faculty 11. Did you have access to an annual ‘SRDS’ appraisal meeting? Yes No Yes No 12. Did you discuss your career plan in your SRDS? Faculty Of Medicine Dentistry And Health. Please expand on your answer in the space below. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 13. Were you given opportunities to develop transferable skills beyond those acquired at the lab bench? These may include grant or paper writing; teaching or tutoring; joining societies or committees; outreach activities, etc. a. By your PI Yes b. By the Think Ahead programme c. Independently No Yes Yes No No Please expand on your answer in the space below. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 14. How was this experience beneficial to your own career development needs? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 15. Were your own personal career aspirations attained/enhanced through your association with the Faculty? Yes No Please expand on your answer in the space below. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 16. Were you encouraged to become an independent researcher? For example: applying for own research funding, writing own papers etc. Yes No Please expand on your answer in the space below. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 17. Did you feel part of a community or team? Faculty Of Medicine Dentistry And Health. Yes No 18. Did you feel that you had the support that you needed for your research? Yes No 19. Did you feel that you had the support that you needed for your training needs? Yes No 20. Did you feel that you had the support that you needed for your career development? Yes No 21. Did you have a mentor through the Think Ahead programme? Yes No 22. Skills analysis 23. This section is based on the Researcher Development Framework (http://www.vitae.ac.uk/rdf). Please indicate (by ticking in the appropriate box) how competent you feel you are at each of the following skills. Descriptors of the Researcher Development Poor Framework. has Average improved in Excellent 1 my current 2 3 post 4 5 A. Knowledge and intellectual abilities A1 Knowledge base Subject knowledge Research methods - theoretical knowledge m Faculty Of Medicine Dentistry And Health. Research methods - practical application Information seeking Information literacy and management Languages Academic literacy and numeracy A2 Cognitive abilities Analysing Synthesising Critical thinking Evaluating Problem solving A3 Creativity Inquiring mind Intellectual insight Innovation Argument construction Intellectual risk B. Personal effectiveness B1 Personal qualities Enthusiasm Perseverance Integrity Self-confidence Self-reflection B2 Self management Preparation and prioritisation Commitment to research Time management Responsiveness to change Work-life balance B3 Professional and career development Faculty Of Medicine Dentistry And Health. Career management Continuing professional development Responsiveness to opportunities Networking Reputation and esteem C. Research governance & organisation C1 Professional conduct Health and safety Ethics, principles and sustainability Legal requirements IPR and copyright Respect and confidentiality Attribution and co-authorship Appropriate practice C2 Research management Research strategy Project planning and delivery Risk management C3 Finance, funding & resources Income and funding generation Financial management Infrastructure and resources D. Engagement, influence & impact D1 Working with others Collegiality Team working People management Supervision Mentoring Influence and leadership Faculty Of Medicine Dentistry And Health. Collaboration Equality and diversity D2 Communication & dissemination Communication methods Communication media Publication D3 Engagement & impact Teaching Public engagement Enterprise Policy Society and culture Global citizenship Next destination 24. Do you have another post to move into? In another department at the University of Sheffield At another UK university At another university internationally In industrial research In research for a charity In a non-research role Other - Please name below Please expand on your answer in the space below. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 25. What is your career goal? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Faculty Of Medicine Dentistry And Health. 26. Would you like to make use of the Non-Academic Career Network to consult someone in a no –academic career that you are considering? Yes No 27. Which careers are you interested in? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 28. Would you like to make use of the Careers Service specialist researcher careers advisors? Yes No 29. Could the Think Ahead programme have provided more training to optimise your chances of gaining employment elsewhere (in any sector of work)? Yes No Don’t know Please expand on your answer in the space below. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 30. What could the Faculty do to improve opportunities for Researchers? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 31. What could the Think Ahead programme do to improve opportunities for Researchers? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 32. Would you recommend working in the Faculty to someone else? Yes No Please expand on your answer in the space below. Faculty Of Medicine Dentistry And Health. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________