Career Development Fund This form is to be used to apply for funding for travel, accommodation or related expenses associated with a laboratory placement or training course. To qualify for funding the applicant must be a non-clinical early career researcher within the faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health. Depending on available funding applications may be part or fully funded. The average funding per application is £350 with applications up to £400 considered. Please send completed application forms to 1. Applicant (name, position and address) 2. Brief description of the placement/course/training/visit (delete as appropriate) 3. Reasons for the funding request e.g. how the visit/training will add value to research in your laboratory/department? What is the impact of the funding over next three years? 4. What is the total funding required and timescale concerned? Please itemise costs. 5. Alternative funding a. Are there any sources of alternative funding available? b. Has funding already been requested from other sources? If so, what were these and what was the outcome or when is the outcome expected? 6. Statement of support by P.I or line manager, as appropriate. Career Development Fund Signature: Date: Name: ………………………………………………………………….. Signature: ………………………………………………………………Date: ………………………………………………………….. Signature of applicant: ………………………………………………………………… Date: ………………………………………………………