Faculty Organization Executive Committee Meeting Minutes March 4, 2011 12:00-2:00 p.m. Library 140A Present: Argyilan, Bandyopadhyay, Delunas, Flint, Gallmeier, Montalbano, Park, Szarleta, McShane, Bodmer. Guests: Chancellor Lowe, EVCAA Malik, Library Services Director Tim Sutherland 1. Call to order—President Gallmeier called the meeting to order at 12:05. 2. Approval of the minutes of February 4, 2011—A motion to approve the minutes of February 4, 2011 was made, seconded, and passed unanimously. 3. President’s Announcements: a. Dean Review Committee for Dean Wigle has been charged: Bankston, Chair, Bodmer, Brock, Schoon, Pudar-Hozo, and Blohm. They will probably report to the Ex Comm at some point. b. Board of Review Case Completed – Ranjan Kini, Chair. President Gallmeier reported briefly on the outcome of the case. c. Constitution Committee charged to review faculty representation on the Executive Committee and All Campus P&T – Ken Schoon has agreed to chair the committee. We hope to have a report at our next Ex Comm meeting and then at the April Fac Org meeting. d. Student Affairs Committee charged to draft amendments in Student Hearing Procedures. The Committee’s chair, however, is a state legislator and is presently out of the State of Indiana as part of the Democratic legislators’ protest in the Indiana General Assembly. We’ll try to resolve this problem as soon as possible. e. Planning and Budgetary Affairs Committee has begun participation in Campus Budget Hearings with Arlene Adler serving as Chair. 4. EVCAA David Malik – Dr. Malik distributed written copies of his report, reproduced below. He also mentioned that COAS faculty published 23 books and 119 articles last year. These data were learned very quickly as a result of the online Faculty Annual Report system. EVCAA MALIK REPORT TO FACORG EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE March 4, 2011 Deans Review for Education. Periodic Dean Review underway, with Committee members Dean Bankston (Chair), Bodmer, Pudar-Hozo, Blohm, Brock, and Schoon. Thank you for your input. This week Chuck and I charged the Committee with the expectations and role of such a review. New Laboratory Fee Proposal with University Budget Office. Proposal seeks to base lab fees on contact hours rather than whole course. Will impact not only sciences, but any scheduled modality similar to a lab, area with instrumentation, or similar functionality. Will apply to sciences, arts, modern languages, music, etc. This is a first step toward improving departmental/school budgets. Budget Hearings Underway: Campus budget committee includes Chancellors, VCs, CFO, CIO, Director of External Relations, President Gallmeier. Once again, participation with the FacOrg Budgetary Affairs Committee. Credit Hour Definition: Need input on a definition of "credit hour". Hope that FacOrg Academic Affairs Committee can help explore a solution. IUPUI has definition that will meet the needs of the Department of Education. 5. Chancellor Bill Lowe – Chancellor Lowe had several items to discuss: New Tamarack—The ICHE has this issue on its board agenda for next Friday. Also, the prospect of a major construction on Broadway has caught the interest of the GRIP (Gary and Region Investment Project). The new Tamarack would be the major component of a Broadway redevelopment plan. Early Retirement Incentive Plan—A draft of the ERIP has been circulated throughout the university. Change in IU I.T. organization—The chancellor sent out an email to the campus this morning about I.T. services at our campus, as well as at the other campuses, being placed under UITS. Our I.T. folks appeared to be pleased at this news, for it’s a sign of positive recognition for them. They believe it won’t involve large changes for us. Federal directives—We may have to supply more data to the federal government than in the past. Financial aid appears throughout these various federal directives. We’ll have to review our programs. We’ll also need to transmit attendance data in certain circumstances. In addition, we need to define a credit hour. Plus, students who do not meet a certain academic performance standard will be denied financial aid. The administration needs to come up with ways to meet these new regulations, and come up with a financial aid appeals process by the end of Spring semester. 6. Tim Sutherland, Director of the Library – Tim is meeting with us, representing Ana Osan, chair of the Fac Org Library Committee. He distributed a report on Library Services for IUN Faculty, which included the many initiatives offered by the Library to our faculty; a draft resolution by the Fac Org Library Committee to increase significantly the percentage of common core Library databases available at IU Northwest; a listing of library/department liaisons; and the draft collection development budget. He answered several questions by Ex Comm members, particularly on collection development issues. Tim asked that this information be disseminated at the March 25 Fac Org meeting. 7. Board of Review and March Faculty Organization Elections: The Fac Org offices up for election include the VP, Secretary, UFC Representative, and one At Large Representative. For the Faculty Board of Review, Chuck has five people and needs two more. 8. UFC Report – Ellen Szarleta—Ellen reported on several issues before the UFC: Family Leave Policy—a memo on this policy should be coming out soon. Health Care Costs—UFC Compensation and Benefits Committee is reviewing our health care plans/health engagement plans. IU East’s vote on LEAP—will occur in March. Also, all campuses need to respond on the three LEAP resolutions by April 5. Our faculty has endorsed becoming a LEAP campus. UFC passed a resolution against the Senate bill that discriminated against gay marriage. UFC is taking a look at various aspects of its organization. For example, members appear to favor face-to-face meetings instead of video meetings. There is consensus that there should be two reps from regional campuses on UFC. The Council is looking at policy on mergers on campuses and how faculty would be involved. Professor of Practice position—Chuck will send us the information on this post. Faculty members that are under the 18-20 retirement plan are not eligible for the ERIP. 9. Definition of Undergraduate Unit of Academic Credit—Chuck has charged the Faculty Affairs Committee to work with EVCAA Malik on this issue. He also emailed a summary report on the IUPUI parameters to Ex Comm members last night. 10. Revised “Goldenrod” P&T Guidelines – Should a mail ballot be used to approve/not approve these guidelines? A motion to use a mail ballot was made, seconded, and approved unanimously. 11. Old Business—There was no old business. 12. New Business—There was no new business. 13. Adjournment—Meeting adjourned at 2:05 pm.