Summer Faculty Fellowships and Grants-in-Aid of Research IU Northwest, Office of Academic Affairs Due Date: 5 PM CDT, October 9, 2015 (second Friday) Full-time faculty members may apply for more than one type of fellowship included here, and an individual can receive a Grant-in-Aid of Research in addition to a Summer Faculty Fellowship or a Mid-Career Summer Faculty Fellowship, but a faculty member cannot receive more than one type of Faculty Fellowship per year. The completed application must include one (1) hardcopy of all original application materials including supporting letters (delivered to Lindenwood 329 by the above deadline) AND an electronic PDF of the same (sent to and by the above deadline). Please check with your academic unit, as they may have earlier deadlines for receipt in their office. Note: Awards are contingent on meeting all appropriate research compliance requirements (e.g. animal, biosafety, and human subject approval). An application involving the use of animals must be accompanied by evidence that it has been approved by the IU Northwest Animal Resource Committee; an application involving the use of human subjects must be accompanied by evidence that it has been approved by the IU Northwest Human Subjects Committee; and an application involving DNA, human fluids or tissues, or other infectious agents must be accompanied by evidence that it has been approved by the IU Biosafety Committee in Bloomington. For information on the policies related to animal, biosafety, and human subjects approval, the applicant can access the Indiana University policies and forms ( ), and the IU Northwest policies and forms on human subjects ( online. Summer Faculty Fellowships for Research or Creative Activity and Innovations in Curriculum and Student Success PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE: To provide living costs for faculty who intend to devote an entire summer to intensive research, broadly defined to include the scholarship of discovery, integration, application and teaching (developing new curricula components or courses, or projects that create, adapt, and disseminate new learning materials and teaching strategies that reflect advances both in our disciplines and in what is known about teaching and learning). In order to assist faculty in developing a stronger scholarly basis for promotion and tenure, the Committee gives preference to tenure-track faculty. Applicants should note the addition of a new application category designated for tenured associate professors below. ELIGIBILITY: Summer Faculty Fellowships for Research or Creative Activity are limited to continuing tenuretrack and tenured faculty. Summer Faculty Fellowships for Innovations in Curriculum and Student Success are limited to continuing fulltime tenure-track faculty, tenured faculty, clinical faculty, and lecturers. LIMIT OF SUPPORT: $11,000. Note: This award is a summer stipend. It is not intended for the purchase of hardware, software, equipment or supplies, or for travel expenses. TYPE OF SUPPORT: The fellowship is paid directly to the faculty member in two equal payments, on or about June 1 and July 1, and subject to taxation as provided by Internal Revenue Service regulations and United States law. The University cannot be responsible for any unexpected circumstances relating to taxability. DURATION: Summer (approximately three months of active project time), typically from end of classes in spring semester to the week prior to classes beginning in the fall semester. 1 LETTERS OF SUPPORT: The applicant should request supporting letters from at least two persons, including the chairperson of the department or unit head as appropriate, and a person from outside the campus who is knowledgeable in the field of the proposed project. Please list names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of persons who will supply references. Letters should be addressed to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and are included with the application packet. The completed application must include one (1) hardcopy of all original application materials including supporting letters (delivered to Lindenwood 329 by the above deadline) AND an electronic PDF of the same (sent to and by the above deadline). AWARD NOTICE: Letters of award/rejection from the Office of Academic Affairs are sent upon completion of the review and selection process. SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS: (1) Grants may not be awarded to any faculty member who has not completed all the requirements for the terminal degree in her or his particular discipline, or be appointed with any contingency (Exceptions to this rule are available for the Curriculum and Student Success grant applications due to eligibility requirements). (2) Recipients must not hold any other teaching- or service-rendering appointments at any time throughout the summer. (3) Recipients must have a continuing appointment at Indiana University Northwest through the following academic year. If a recipient leaves the University and unable to continue for the following academic year, funds received will need to be returned to the University. SPECIAL NOTICE: The project should be described in enough detail to adequately justify the requested fellowship. Care should be taken in completing the application. The Grants and Research Development Committee is particularly concerned with the methodology of the research. The faculty member is advised to be thorough in preparing the application, adding supplementary materials where considered relevant. Be specific and try to write with an educated lay reader in mind. Avoid language or jargon that tends to reflect a specialized discipline. OBLIGATIONS: All faculty members who receive an award must file a brief informative report on project outcomes with the Office of Academic Affairs upon completion of their project (or fellowship) to and by October 1st. If the work is not completed by the end of the fall semester following the receipt of the grant (or fellowship), a progress report must be submitted. A final report should be submitted when the project is completed. Failure to submit these reports will cause a faculty member to be ineligible for all categories of IU Northwest support for research and teaching development. These reports may be reviewed by future Grants and Research Development Committees to assist them in evaluating subsequent applications of a faculty member and serve as guides to program revision. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION ROUTE: An application for a Summer Faculty Fellowship should be sent to the department chairperson (where appropriate), and then to the unit head for recommendation. From there, it is sent to the Office of Academic Affairs, where it is evaluated by the Grants and Research Development Committee. Please note: The completed application must include one (1) hardcopy of all original application materials including supporting letters (delivered to Lindenwood 329 by the above deadline) AND an electronic PDF of the same (sent to and by the above deadline) to be eligible for review. For additional grant information, please contact Dr. Cynthia O’Dell (Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) at or 219-980-6509. 2 INDIANA UNIVERSITY NORTHWEST Academic Affairs Application for Summer Faculty Fellowship in (check box): Research/Creative Activity Innovations in Curriculum Improvement and Student Success Date: 1. Applicant Name 2. Title and Department/Division/Unit 3. Project a. Title b. Character and scope c. Applicant’s special competence for this project (background, training, preparation) d. Method and plan of work e. Intellectual merit and impact of the proposed project on the field or discipline f. Comment on progress-to-date and the expected completion and publication timeline 4. Please indicate how this fellowship will advance your scholarly agenda, including research, creative activities, and/or the scholarship on teaching and learning, and the impact on your progress in faculty advancement. 5. Papers published by the applicant, bearing upon this subject 6. Other publications by the applicant (attach list, if desired) 7. Previous IUN SFF awards: 8. a. Have you ever been awarded a Summer Faculty Fellowship? Please list dates and project titles. b. What is the status of these previously funded projects? Describe any relationships between this project and your publications described in items 5 and 6 above. LETTERS OF SUPPORT: The applicant should request supporting letters from at least two persons, including the chairperson/director of the department or unit head as appropriate, and a person from outside the campus who is knowledgeable in the field of 3 the proposed project. Please list names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of persons providing Letters of Support. Letters should be addressed to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and accompany the application packet that must arrive in Academic Affairs (Lindenwood 329) by 5:00 PM on the second Friday of October. 9. Other source(s) of support for this project, if any 10. Year of first appointment as a full time professorial appointment at Indiana University 11. Other sources and amounts of support for research you have received in the last five years 12. Other relevant information, if any By signing this application, the applicant signifies that he/she has read and agrees with these conditions. _________________________________ Signature Revised 9/15 4 Mid-Career Summer Faculty Fellowships for Research or Creative Activity and Innovations in Curriculum and Student Success This year, the Office of Academic Affairs, following the recommendation of Faculty Development and Career Success Committee, will award up to two (2) summer faculty fellowships to individuals at the rank of Associate Professor. The purpose of this award is to provide support to strengthen the scholarship agenda of our tenured mid-career faculty (associate professors). The campus recognizes that faculty seek opportunities to raise their level of scholarly work to a higher level and require time to develop their ideas and activities. Our ultimate aim of these fellowships is to focus on activities that raise the prospects for advancement to full rank. Recognizing the breadth of faculty scholarship and creativity, we believe that, while progress occurs regularly over the academic year, a period of full attention to summer activities can significantly advance our agenda in discovery research, creative activity, and research on the scholarship of teaching and learning. PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE: To provide living costs for faculty who intend to devote an entire summer to intensive research, broadly defined to include the scholarship of discovery, integration, application and teaching (developing new curricula components or courses, or projects that create, adapt, and disseminate new learning materials and teaching strategies that reflect advances both in our disciplines and in what is known about teaching and learning). ELIGIBILITY: Mid-Career Summer Faculty Fellowships for Research or Creative Activity and Innovations in Curriculum and Student Success are limited to Associate Professors who would like to embark on a new line of research, creative activity and/or research in the scholarship of teaching and learning. LIMIT OF SUPPORT: $11,000. Note: This award is a summer stipend. It is not intended for the purchase of hardware, software, equipment or supplies, or for travel expenses. TYPE OF SUPPORT: The fellowship is paid directly to the faculty member in two equal payments, on or about June 1 and July 1, and subject to taxation as provided by Internal Revenue Service regulations and United States law. The University cannot be responsible for any unexpected circumstances relating to taxability. DURATION: Summer (approximately three months of active project time), typically from end of classes in spring semester to the week prior to classes beginning in the fall semester LETTERS OF SUPPORT: The applicant should request supporting letters from at least two persons, including the chairperson of the department or unit head as appropriate, and a person from outside the campus who is knowledgeable in the field of the proposed project. Please list names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of persons who will supply references. Letters should be addressed to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and included with the application packet. The complete application packet must arrive in Academic Affairs (Lindenwood 329) on or before the deadline of at the top of this notice. AWARD NOTICE: Letters of award/rejection from the Office of Academic Affairs are sent upon completion of the review and selection process. 5 SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS: (1) Grants may not be awarded to any faculty member who has not completed all the requirements for the terminal degree in her or his particular discipline, or be appointed with any contingency. (2) Recipients must not hold any other teaching- or servicerendering appointments at any time throughout the summer. (3) Recipients must have a continuing appointment at Indiana University Northwest through the following academic year. If a recipient leaves the University and unable to continue for the following academic year, funds received will need to be returned to the University. SPECIAL NOTICE: The project should be described in enough detail to adequately justify the requested fellowship. Care should be taken in completing the application. The Grants and Research Development Committee is particularly concerned with the methodology of the research. The faculty member is advised to be thorough in preparing the application, adding supplementary materials where considered relevant. Be specific and try to write with an educated lay reader in mind. Avoid language or jargon that tends to reflect a specialized discipline. OBLIGATIONS: All faculty members who receive an award must file a brief informative report on project outcomes with the Office of Academic Affairs upon completion of their project (or fellowship) to and by October 1st. If the work is not completed by the end of the fall semester following the receipt of the grant (or fellowship), a progress report must be submitted. A final report should be submitted when the project is completed. Failure to submit these reports will cause a faculty member to be ineligible for all categories of IU Northwest support for research and teaching development. These reports may be reviewed by future Grants and Research Development Committees to assist them in evaluating subsequent applications of a faculty member and serve as guides to program revision. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION ROUTE: An application for a Summer Faculty Fellowship should be sent to the department chairperson (where appropriate), and then to the unit head for recommendation. From there, it is sent to the Office of Academic, where it is evaluated by the Grants and Research Development Committee. Please note: The completed application must include one (1) hardcopy of all original application materials including supporting letters (delivered to Lindenwood 329 by the above deadline) AND an electronic PDF of the same (sent to and by the above deadline) to be eligible for review. For additional grant information, please contact Dr. Cynthia O’Dell (Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) at or 219-980-6509. 6 INDIANA UNIVERSITY NORTHWEST Academic Affairs Application for Mid-Career Summer Faculty Fellowship in (check box): Research/Creative Activity Innovations in Curriculum Improvement and Student Success Date: 1. Applicant Name 2. Title and Department/Division/Unit 3. Project a. Title b. Character and scope c. Applicant’s special competence for this project (background, training, preparation) d. Method and plan of work e. Intellectual merit and impact of the proposed project on the field or discipline f. Comment on progress-to-date and the expected completion and publication timeline 4. Please indicate how this fellowship will advance your scholarly agenda and the impact on your progress in faculty advancement. 5. Papers published by the applicant, bearing upon this subject 6. Other publications by the applicant (attach list, if desired) 7. Previous IUN SFF awards: 8. a. Have you ever been awarded a Summer Faculty Fellowship? Please list dates and project titles. b. What is the status of these previously funded projects? Describe any relationships between this project and your publications described in items 5 and 6 above. LETTERS OF SUPPORT: The applicant should request supporting letters from at least two persons, including the chairperson/director of the department or unit head as appropriate, and a person from outside the campus who is knowledgeable in the field of 7 the proposed project. Please list names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of persons providing Letters of Support. Letters should be addressed to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and included with the application packet that must arrive in Academic Affairs (Lindenwood 329) by 5:00 PM on the second Friday of October. 9. Other source(s) of support for this project, if any 10. Year of first appointment as a full time professorial appointment at Indiana University and the date of your promotion to Associate Professor. 11. Other sources and amounts of support for research you have received in the last five years 12. Other relevant information, if any By signing this application, the applicant signifies that he/she has read and agrees with these conditions. _________________________________ Signature Revised 9/15 8 Grants-in-Aid of Research/Creative Activity SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Second Friday in October, 5:00 PM CDT. Please keep a copy of your application on file for personal use. PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE: To provide seed money for research/creative activity. ELIGIBILITY: Limited to tenure-track and tenured faculty. LIMIT OF SUPPORT: $2,000. TYPE OF SUPPORT FOR RESEARCH PROJECTS: Travel: To libraries, museums, other information sources, and for field studies. Travel to professional meetings is supported from other funds not under this program. Supplies: Laboratory supplies; film, audio recording tape, video tape, office supplies, art supplies, and other expendable materials. Documentation: Photocopies or microfilm copies of source material which normally would not be purchased through the library or in situations where loans are impractical or impossible. Use of Facilities: Reimbursement to schools, churches, governments, etc. if investigator is to be billed for use of the research site. Wages: For typists, research assistants, laboratory assistants, etc., for work directly related to the project. Publication Costs: Costs of publication are usually not allowed until the research is completed; subject to restrictions cited in this program description. Equipment: Equipment for research projects should be purchased through the operating budget of the local campus; consult the Office of Academic Affairs for approval. Computer Time: In rare instances where use of the IU Northwest computing center is impractical or impossible, or when a particular campus budget requires the investigator to pay for his/her research time on the computer. Budget must be itemized with exact listing of costs. DURATION: Projects are active until research is completed or until it is determined that the project is inactive, usually a maximum. Accounts are reviewed annually (May) so that unspent monies can be redistributed to other research projects. LETTERS OF SUPPORT: The applicant should request supporting letters from at least two persons, including the chairperson of the department or unit head as appropriate, and a person from outside the campus who is knowledgeable in the field of the proposed project. Please list names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of persons who will supply references. Letters should be addressed to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, accompany the application, and arrive in Academic Affairs (Lindenwood 329) on or before the deadline. AWARD NOTICE: Letters of award rejection come from the Office of Academic Affairs upon completion of the selection process. 9 SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS: (1) Dissertation or thesis research is not supported by this fund. (2) In applying for grants and supporting manuscript preparation, the faculty member agrees to return to Indiana University one-half of all royalties in excess of $100 per year until the face value of the grant has been repaid. (3) Grants may not be used to provide salary or supplemental pay for the instructor. (4) Grants may not be used to purchase books unless they are demonstrably needed by the investigator and are of no use to the library. (5) Grants may not be used to purchase equipment. (6) An application involving the use of animals must be accompanied by evidence that it has been approved by the Northwest Animal Resource Committee; an application involving the use of human subjects must be accompanied by evidence that it has been approved by the IU Northwest Human Subjects Committee; and an application involving DNA, human fluids or tissues, or other infectious agents must be accompanied by evidence that it has been approved by the Biosafety Committee in Bloomington ( ). Without such approval and in the absence of unusual extenuating circumstances, an application will not be considered. SPECIAL NOTICE: The project should be described in enough detail to adequately justify the requested budget. All expenditures must adhere to Indiana University policy on purchasing and account management. Consult the Interim Campus Chief Financial Officer if you are not aware of current policy on these matters. The Grants and Research Development Committee is particularly concerned with the methodology of the research. The faculty member is advised to be thorough in preparing the application, adding supplementary materials where considered relevant. Be specific and try to write with an educated lay reader in mind. Avoid language which tends to reflect a specialized discipline. OBLIGATIONS: All faculty members who receive an award must file a brief informative report with the Office of Academic Affairs upon completion of their project (or fellowship) to and by October 1st. If the work is not completed by the end of the fall semester following the receipt of the grant (or fellowship), a progress report must be submitted. A final report should be submitted when the project is completed. Failure to submit these reports will cause a faculty member to be ineligible for all categories of IU Northwest support for research and teaching development. These reports may be reviewed by future Grants and Research Development Committees to assist them in evaluating subsequent applications of a faculty member. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION ROUTE: An application for a Grant-in-Aid of Research should be sent to the department chairperson (where appropriate), and then to the unit head for recommendation. From there, it is sent to the Office of Academic Affairs, where it is evaluated by the Grants and Research Development Committee. Please note: the completed application must include one (1) hardcopy of all original application materials including supporting letters (delivered to Lindenwood 329 by the above deadline) AND an electronic PDF of the same (sent to and by the above deadline) to be eligible for review. The Committee reserves the right to review, evaluate, and revise all grant requests originating on the IU Northwest campus. The grant application is then forwarded to the Academic Affairs Office with the Committee's recommendation. For additional grant information, please contact Dr. Cynthia O’Dell (Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) at or 219-980-6509. 10 INDIANA UNIVERSITY NORTHWEST Academic Affairs Application for a Grant-in-Aid of Research Date: 1. Applicant Name 2. Title and Department 3. Project a. Title b. Character and scope c. Applicant’s special competence for this project (background, training preparation) d. Method and plan of work e. Presumable contribution to knowledge f. When commenced, progress-to- date, and expectation as to completion and publication 4. The application or relation of possible results from these investigations to more general issues in this field 5. Papers published by the applicant bearing upon this subject 6. Other publications by the applicant (Attach list if desired.) 7. Previous awards 8. a. Have you ever been awarded a Grant in Aid of Research? Please list dates and project titles. b. What is the status of these previously funded projects? (Correlate with publications listed in items 5 and 6.) LETTERS OF SUPPORT: The applicant should request supporting letters from at least two 11 persons, including the chairperson of the department or unit head as appropriate, and a person from outside the campus who is knowledgeable in the field of the proposed project. Please list names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of persons who will supply references. Letters should be addressed to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, accompany the application, and arrive in Academic Affairs (Lindenwood 329) on or before the October deadline 9. Other source(s) of support for this research, if any 10. Year of first appointment at Indiana University 11. List other sources and amounts of support for research you have received in the last five years 12. Other relevant information, if any 13. Please state what periods are available for uninterrupted work 14. Amount requested: $ 15. Plans for employment for grant (Please detail budget.) NOTE: 1. It is understood that (a) substantial deviations from the budget for a Grant-in-Aid are not to be made without the authorization of the Office of Academic Affairs, and (b) any granted funds not needed should be promptly returned. 2. A brief but meaningful summary of the work should be made at the termination of the grant, and a final report should be submitted if the project is completed at a later date. 3. Because some projects supported through Grants-in-Aid of Research may yield royalties or other income to the grantees, each applicant agrees, as a condition of the award he/she may receive, to repay the University fund from such personal income when the amount is in excess of $100 in any year. Thus, each year the income exceeds $100, the recipient is obligated to repay the University fund one-half of such excess until the grant is repaid. (By signing this application, the applicant signifies that he/she has read and agrees with these conditions.) _______________________________ Signature Revised 9/15 12