Hospitality Expenses Indiana University Northwest

Indiana University Northwest
The following information is provided as a guide to
communicate the rules governing the allowance of
hospitality expenses, the approved source of
funding, and the hospitality request process. This is
not an all inclusive document.
Refer to the Fiscal Affairs Resource web site for
additional hospitality related information.
Refer to the Campus Events web site for additional
catering information.
Allowable Activities
The expense must be:
 Reasonable in amount
 Appropriate for the occasion
 Necessary
 Serve a bona fide university purpose
Be good stewards of Indiana University Northwest
(IUN) and Indiana University Foundation (IUF)
Hospitality Request Forms
The form can be found at:
The completed Hospitality Request Form (HRF)
needs to be received by Fiscal Affairs no later than
15 business days before an event.
If HRF not submitted 15 business days before an
event, provide a written explanation and the HRF
must be approved by the administrator
(chancellor, CFO, CIO, executive director or vice
chancellor) for your department.
Student Events
Object code 4025 or 4028 (Student Activities only)
Classroom activity (Field Trip)
Research Trip
Recognition, Awards Ceremonies
Summer Programs
End of Year Activities
Social (Celebrations)
Object code 4025
Faculty and Staff
University prefers 4 per table per meal which
includes the candidate.
Maximum covered by IUN funds at 4 per table
 Breakfast - $13.00 per person
 Lunch - $15.00 per person
 Dinner - $26.00 per person
Funds: IUN max. 4 per meal per table, no alcohol;
IUF for additional meal expenses
Additional resources:
Academic Visitors
Object code 4025
Meals only
These visitors can NOT be state or federal
government officials or IU employees.
 Seek approval anytime a government official is
visiting. The form can be found at:
Peer Review and Accreditation
 Hospitality for committee members is allowed.
Funds: Guest only IUN funds; IUF for additional
meal guests
Organized Departmental
Meetings with External Guests
Object code 4025
Meetings with guests from outside IU
 Collaboration, guest speaker, class activities
 More than a ½ day
 No lunch-only meetings
Funds: IUN or IUF for meals and refreshments
Object code 4025
IU Employees
 Faculty and Staff only
For the purpose of goal-setting, discussion of
mission, etc.
More than ½ day
University would prefer it to be held on campus.
Funds: IUN or IUF
Object code 4025
Faculty and Staff
 Example: Orientation for new employees, staff
development, etc.
Refreshments may be provided when training is
provide by campus Human Resources (or
approved by HR), campus faculty development
offices, or facilitated by an external training
Funds: IUN or IUF
Conferences and Workshops
Object code 4026
Collection of registration fee
 Fee must cover all hospitality expenses
Conferences hosted by university personnel for
which registration/vendor fees are charged
Registration activities must be processed through
the Office of Conference and Event Registration
Services (OCERS).
Object code 4025
Employee recognition receptions (service
anniversaries, retirements, etc.)
Official, ceremonial functions of the university
(such as commencement, etc.)
Funds: IUN
Community Engagement (MLK celebration,
performance, etc.)
Funds: IUN or IUF
Grant and Contract Accounts
Object code 4027
All hospitality expenses incurred in achieving the
university’s mission can be approved or
reimbursed from grant and contract accounts if it
is determined that the expenses are:
 Necessary
 Appropriate to the occasion
 Reasonable in amount
 Consistent with the donor’s intent or agency’s
intended use of the funds and must be included
in the approved budget.
Things to Remember
Pre-Approval is needed; Hospitality Request Form
(HRF) must be received in Fiscal Affairs 15 business
days before the event.
Provide clear, detailed information on the HRF.
All catering requests need to be processed
through Campus Events.
Progressive Dining Group (PDG) has “exclusive
rights for catering” and first right of refusal for all on
campus catered events.
Need a quote? Contact Campus Events 20
business days before the event to enable
adequate time to provide pricing information.
Things to Remember
No out of pocket reimbursements (exception –
search committees)
No alcohol from IUN funds
No flowers from IUN funds
No meals for employees
 Exceptions include search and screen, retreats,
student events, recruitment of students
 Student events must be for the benefit of students
Object Codes:
 4025 – Food, beverages
 4026 – When fees collected for conference and
 4027 – Contracts and grants
 4028 – Student Activities Fee
Contact Information
Catering – Linda Sharma or
6803 or TerryAnn Defenser 7763
Hospitality Policy - Kim Harness or
Hospitality Process - Karen Peterson or 6708