Quality Standards for Accreditation

Quality Standards for Accreditation
 Divided into 5 areas:
 Relationships
 The Environment
 Developmental Learning Activities
 Safety and Health
 Professional and Business Practices
Quality Standards
 28 standards
 Scored:
 Fully and Consistently Met
 Partially or Sometimes met
 Not met
 Not Observed
 Intentional No
 Some standards are mandatory, they must be fully met
Quality Standards
Mandatory Standard:
1.1 The provider cares about, respects, and is committed to
helping each child develop to his or her full potential.
What does that look like?
 Get together is groups of 3 and come up with a list of
descriptive behaviors a provider should do to show caring,
respect and commitment to the children.
 When you are done, write your list on the paper under each
Standard 1.1
 The provider:
 pays attention to individual children, taking the time to
listen, talk and show an interest in the child.
uses a warm, cheerful or calm tone of voice.
gets down on the child’s level when talking.
uses a gentle touch.
express affection by hugging, holding and cuddling as
Standard 1.1
 The provider:
 Lets children know they are appreciated, by recognizing
small acts of kindness.
 Respond to children with patience and understanding.
 Is supportive when children are sad, worried or distressed
and need support.
 Attends to children’s physical needs, feeding when hungry,
changing when wet, etc.
Standard 1.1
 The provider is:
 Polite and courteous when talking to children.
 Apologizes when makes a mistake.
 Avoids disciplining older children in front of others.
 Avoids singling out a single child for behavior, good or bad.
 Avoids put-downs or labeling children.
Standard 1.1
 The provider:
 Observes each child and plans experiences and activities
specifically for each child.
 Interacts with each child at his/her own level.
 Responds attentively to each child’s needs for support,
encouragement, and acknowledgement.
 Recognizes and builds on individual children’s strengths.
The educator is sincere and comfortable with
Discovering new activities, ideas and experiences.
Interacting with children at their own level.
Showing affection, observing children and planning activities they are
interested in.
The provider observes children’s behavior, verbal and body
language, and abilities. The provider uses this information
to respond to each child.
Determine the child’s interest, skills and needs.
The provider cares about, respects, and is committed
to helping each child develop to his or her full potential.
Pay attention to each child
Use kind, warm voice. Get down to the child’s level.
The provider recognizes signs of stress in
children’s behavior and responds with appropriate
stress-reducing activities.
The provider shows positive attitudes toward
bottle weaning, diapering, toilet learning,
discipline, and special needs of children.
How do you show positive attitudes?
The provider seeks information about each family’s cultural traditions
and uses this information in responding to the children and in planning
Celebrate Differences
Share Similarities
 Gender
 Age
 Class
 Sexual Orientation
 Physical abilities and characteristics
 Race and Ethnicity
 Equality, Justice and Inclusion
The provider respects diverse family styles
and recognizes the strengths of each family.
 The program supports the identity of every child enrolled.
 Provider and parents work together on issues such as
guidance/discipline, eating, toileting, etc.; always keeping in
mind the best interest of the child.
Breakout session
 In groups of 4:
 Think of a time when you had a disagreement or
misunderstanding with a parent over some aspect of
care, child development, or policy.
 How did you resolve the problem?
 Were you able to individualize your program in response
to a parent’s specific request, preference or values? Or
did you stick with your policies?
 The educator encourages parents to visit any time their
children are present. She is available to parents by telephone
when children are present, or regularly checks for phone
Communication and Involvement
 Parents are kept informed
about what their children do,
daily for infants, and weekly
for older children.
 Yearly conferences are held to
review the child’s progress
and needs.
 Documentation Boards or
 The educator maintains an open and easy communication
with each family and discusses concerns when they arise.
 If the educator does not speak the language of the provider,
the provider finds an effective way to communicate with
 If the educator does not speak the language of the provider,
the provider finds an effective way to communicate with
The educator provides a variety of ways for parents to
participate in the program’s activities.
Parent participation is voluntary.
The educator plans occasional activities where
the child care families can get together.
What are some of the parent activities
you plan?
The Children with Each Other
The educator supports children in developing friendships with each other, finding
positive ways to interact with others.
The educator encourages children to help and
support each other.
Children seem to enjoy each other’s company. Animated conversation and
laughter are heard much of the time.
The arrangement of space and use of materials are balanced to meet
the needs of both the child care program and the educator’s family.
Appropriate steps are taken to make this a good experience for the
educators own children.
Share some ideas about how you have made
your business work for your family.
 How have you included your own children?
 Do you have separate areas for your child care and your family?
 What are some of the obstacles you have met combining the needs or
your business and the needs of your family?
How do you support yourself?
 Do you network with other educator?
 Are you an active member of an association?
 What other forms of social support do you have?
The Environment
29 Standards
The Home
The child care
space is well
The environment is
arranged so that
the provider seldom
has to say “no” to
Tubs with materials are labeled for easy access.
Children can use what they can reach most of the time.
Children can use what they can touch, without
hearing “No” very often
Materials are stored in consistent places and some of them are easy for children to
find, help themselves to, and put away. Separate containers are provided for
different kinds of materials.
The environment is pleasant, not over stimulating.
Background noise is kept to a minimum, and at least ½ the time there is no background noise.
Enough space for freedom of movement
35 square feet per child of open space
Outdoors has open space, play equipment and
places for explorations
A variety of materials are available outdoors.
All equipment is safe for the ability of the children
who use it.
Equipment is modified to accommodate children’s special needs, or special equipment is
provided. Wheelchairs can move freely, if needed.
Each child has a space for personal belongings.
Infant and Toddler area
Space is available for babies to explore freely, to crawl and to stand. Sturdy, low
furniture is available for those who are learning to walk.
The Environment
 All equipment, outdoors and indoors, is safe for the ability
of the children who use it.
swings, and
slides are
stable or
Cushioning materials are under all climbers, swings
and slides over 36 inches high
Indoors and outdoors
Helmets are worn
 Children always wear a helmet while riding bicycles,
skateboards, scooters and in-line or roller skates.
 Can be scored: N/A
No bikes, skateboard, or skates.
Helmets are worn
 Children always wear a helmet while riding bicycles,
skateboards, scooters and in-line or roller skates.
 Can be scored: N/A
No bikes, skateboard, or skates.
Special needs
 The environment has adaptations for special
needs children.
 IFSP or IEP are followed
The environment includes a comfortable and
cozy place for children, as well as a place for
quiet time alone.
Cozy area
includes stuffed animals and dolls.
Enough materials to engage all the
children in appropriate ways.
Large and Small Motor Development
Grasping toys,
riding toys, peg
boards, dancing
props, blocks,
outdoor sports
Materials are stored in easy to use,
organized containers
 Materials are rotated to maintain interest.
 If there is a toy box, it has safety hinges and air
holes, or there is no lid.
Babies can crawl freely.
They need balls, stacking and nesting
toys, and grasping toys.
 Sturdy furniture is available for babies to
pull up and cruise on.
Toddlers need climbing, riding, sensory play, blocks
and puzzles.
Open outdoor space for movement.
Preschoolers can play manipulative out
of reach of toddlers.
School age
need sports
and games.
Games should include ones that require participation
Art Materials
 Should be available everyday
Under 2 can be brought out, over 3 needs to be
Under 2 years
Crayons or markers, paint brushes, large pieces of paper,
non-toxic paint, play dough
Over 2 years
 Tools for drawing, paint brushes, paint, paper, play dough,
glue, college materials, scissors, etc.
Dramatic play
 Dress up clothes
 Materials for children to create their own costumes or props
 Stuffed animals
 Puppets
 Theme props
 Miniature animals and people
 Blocks
Language materials
 Books:
 Under 2 years: made of durable materials, simple pictures
of people and familiar objects, short stories.
Over 2 years: a variety of stories, pretend and real,
information books
Other language materials.
Interactive games
Written or audio materials in the child’s home language
Math Materials
 Matching
 Sorting
 Counting
 Measuring patterns
 Comparing similar and different
 Graphing
Science Materials
 Magnets
 Magnifying glass
 Balance scale
 Sand and water (or similar materials)
 Collections of natural materials
 Live animals or plants
 Planned and unplanned science experiences daily
Real tools
 Hammer and nail
 Shovels
 Rolling pin
 Cookie cutters
 Plastic knives
 Measuring cups and spoons
Materials reflect the
lives of the children
enrolled and diverse
in race and ethnicity.
No stereotyped
Materials showing
diversity should
include books, dolls,
puzzles and pictures.