Water Audits TEACHER’S NOTES – carry out an audit to see how water is being used in your school and at home You will need: School Water Audit activity sheet. Identify where the school uses water, and if any is being wasted – record this on the School Water Audit. Interview the school caretaker, or premises manager and kitchen staff to help get some answers. Work out how much water is being used per person in the school – read the meter, or ask for the meter readings for a day, or better still a week . Calculate how much water is used each day and how much is used per person in the school. What could be done to reduce the amount of water being used in the school? Mount a campaign to raise awareness in school about how and why they should be careful with their water use – design posters for use around the school, don’t forget the staff room and staff toilets (remember to keep them simple, – one message on each poster); write a radio advert; prepare a powerpoint presentation as part of an assembly, to explain to the rest of the school why they should save water. You could include an interview with pupils as ‘experts’ being ‘interviewed’ for a television news programme. Continue to monitor the school’s water use to see if your campaign has worked. Ask pupils to carry out an audit at home for a week and use the results in maths.