FLUCTUATING DENTAL ASYMMETRY AT THE IMPERIAL ROMAN NECROPOLIS OF VELIA Morgan LaFleur B.A., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2002 THESIS Submitted in partial satisfaction of The requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS in ANTHROPOLOGY at CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO Fall 2011 FLUCTUATING DENTAL ASYMMETRY AT THE IMPERIAL ROMAN NECROPOLIS OF VELIA A Thesis by Morgan LaFleur Approved by: _______________________________________, Committee Chair Samantha M. Hens, Ph.D. _______________________________________, Second Reader Martin Biskowski, Ph.D. ____________________ Date ii Student: Morgan LaFleur I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this thesis is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the thesis. ____________________________, Graduate Coordinator _______________ Michael Delacorte, Ph.D. Date Department of Anthropology iii Abstract of FLUCTUATING DENTAL ASYMMETRY AT THE IMPERIAL ROMAN NECROPOLIS OF VELIA by Morgan LaFleur Fluctuating asymmetry is frequently used as an indicator of developmental stress. This study assesses asymmetry in a Roman Imperial sample from the coast of Italy. The purpose of this investigation was to analyze asymmetry in the adult dentition of 54 individuals from the necropolis of Velia in order to record overall magnitude of FA and the presence or absence of directional asymmetry and antisymmetry. The data was evaluated for patterns such as sex and size differences in FA frequencies, differences between maxillary and mandibular teeth, differences between the mesiodistal and buccolingual dimensions, differences between posterior and anterior teeth, and correspondence to field theory. Tests showed that the Velia sample had no directional asymmetry or antisymmetry present. Analyses of fluctuating asymmetry revealed that Velia males consistently have more asymmetry than females. No significant differences were noted between dimensions, however significantly higher asymmetry was noted for the posterior teeth, and for the maxillary teeth in both sexes. The asymmetry frequencies loosely correspond to dental field theory for both males and females. Evidence of skeletal and dental pathology from Velia and similar Imperial Roman samples indicate that stress during growth and development was common. The presence of fluctuating asymmetry at iv Velia confirms that fluctuating dental asymmetry is a useful indicator of developmental instability. ______________________________, Committee Chair Samantha M. Hens, Ph.D. ____________________ Date v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Special thanks to Luca Bondioli for access to the Velia collection at the L. Pigorini National Museum of Prehistory and Ethnography. I am particularly grateful to Samantha M. Hens, Ph.D. for her support, generosity, inspiration, and invaluable ideas and advice. Thanks also to Martin Biskowski, Ph.D. for his helpful input on this manuscript. Finally, I would like to thank my husband, Alan, for his patience and encouragement. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgements……………………………………………………………………. vi List of Tables………………………………………………………………………….... ix List of Figures…………………………………………………………………………... x Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………… 1 Project Specifications…………………………………………………………... 8 2. LITERARY REVIEW…………………………………………………………….. 9 Directional Asymmetry and Antisymmetry……………………………………. 9 Fluctuating Asymmetry……………………………………………………….. 15 Asymmetry in Non-Dental Structures………………………………………… 26 Common Problems and Error in Studies of FA……………………………..… 30 Patterns of Dental FA……………………………………………………..…… 35 Italian Literature…………………………………………………………..…… 38 Project Details…………………………………………………………..……... 47 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS………………………………………..……....... 49 4. RESULTS……………………………………………………………...………..... 55 5. FINDINGS AND INTERPRETATIONS……………………………...………… 67 Discussion…………………………………………………………...………… 67 Conclusion…………………………………………………………...……….... 71 Appendix A: Abbreviations Used in Study………...………………………………….. 72 vii Page Appendix B: Sample of Scatter Plots Showing Outliers……………………………….. 74 Appendix C: Quantile-Quantile Plots of Normality for the Velia Sample………..……. 80 References………………………………………………………………………..……... 84 viii LIST OF TABLES Page 1. Tooth Pair Sample Size by Tooth, Arcade, Sex, and Crown Diameter………......... 53 2. Summary Statistics of |L – R| for Velia Females……….…..…………………..….. 56 3. Summary Statistics of |L – R| for Velia Males………….………...………………... 56 4. ANOVA Results for Male and Female Differences using Transformed Data (L-R)/2 and the Absolute Value of L-R………..……..…………………….…....… 57 5. Test for Female Skew and Kurtosis…………………...…………..………….......... 58 6. Test for male Skew and Kurtosis………..………….…………………………….... 58 7. Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Results………………………………………….......... 59 8. Mean Values and Standard Deviation for Subsets of Data Tested for DA……...... 60 9. Mixed-model ANOVA Results Testing for DA………………………………..…. 60 10. Comparisons of Female and Male Mean by Arcade…………...…………..….… 61 11. Two-Way ANOVA Results for Sex and Tooth Dimensions, Considered Separately for Each Arcade……………..…….………………………….…...…. 61 12. ANOVA Results for Sex and Tooth Dimension, Arcades Pooled……….…...…. 62 13. ANOVA Results for Sex and Tooth Dimension, Considering Each Arcade....…. 62 14. Pooled ANOVA Results for the Main Variables……...………………………..... 63 15. Pooled Mean Values for FA……….……...…………………………………...... 63 16. ANOVA of the Male and Female Anterior and Posterior Teeth……..….…....… 64 17. Mean Values of FA by Tooth for the Arcades and Sexes…………………...….. 66 ix LIST OF FIGURES Page 1. Approximate Location of Velia in Relation to Modern Italian Cities and the Imperial Roman Necropolis of Isola Sacra...…………………...…….…………...49 x 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Fluctuating asymmetry (FA), coined by the German biologist Wilhelm Ludwig in his 1932 paper (Van Valen, 1962), has been the focus of much recent work. Fluctuating asymmetry is considered a measure of developmental stability, and has been used to make inferences about the general health of populations during growth and development. Fluctuating asymmetry is defined as random, independent deviations from bilateral symmetry in a particular trait or character (Palmer and Strobeck, 1986; Van Valen, 1962). FA involves the measurement of the same structure on two sides of an organism and determining the variance in the right minus left values. Measures of asymmetry assess developmental precision, or the ability of an organism to develop according to the genetic goal of perfect bilateral symmetry (Van Valen, 1962). Most researchers have found a positive correlation between instability during development, in the form of genetic or environmental stress, and the ability for an organism to develop symmetrically (Debat and David, 2001). Genetic and environmental stressors that cause disruptions in developmental stability can therefore manifest as bilateral asymmetry. Studies assessing the magnitude of asymmetry in structures have been used in numerous different scientific fields, many of which have attempted to associate fluctuating asymmetry with a number of environmental and genetic factors on a wide variety of species, both extant and archeological. 2 Many researchers have found fluctuating asymmetry in a variety of structures, including skeletal and dental traits, to be useful as an indirect measure of environmental stress in archaeological human populations (Albert and Greene, 1999; DeLeon, 2007; Hoover et al., 2005; Kujanova et al., 2008; Perzigian, 1977; Sciulli, 1978; Stojanowski et al., 2007; Suarez, 1974). Clinical and medical studies have found increased FA associated with wide array of behavioral and physical disorders such as schizophrenia, Down syndrome, mental retardation, cleft lip, cleft palate, chemical or toxin exposure in utero, fragile X syndrome, strabismus, and tempromandibular disorders (Angelopoulou et al., 2009; Barden, 1980; Benderlioglu et al., 2004; Benderlioglu and Nelson, 2003; Fushima et al., 1999; Heikkinen et al., 2002; Kieser et al., 1997; Livshits et al., 1988; Naugler and Ludman, 1996; Peretz et al., 2005). In studies of laboratory rats and mice, researchers have found connections between a variety of developmental and environmental stressors and increased FA, including extreme exposure to heat, cold, noise, reduced protein consumption, and intrauterine stress (Sciulli et al., 1979; Siegel and Doyle, 1975). Increased FA has also been well documented in human inbred populations (Hershkovitz et al., 1993; Niswander and Chung, 1965; Schaefer et al., 2006; Suarez, 1974) and in stressed contemporary populations (Baume and Crawford, 1980; Harris and Nweeia, 1980; Townsend and Brown, 1983). Additionally, studies of FA can be used equally as well in non-human animals and plants (Falk et al., 1988; Hallgrimsson et al., 2002; Helsen and Van Dongen 2009; Kark et al., 2001; Lens and Van Dongen, 2000; Swaddle and Witter, 1994) 3 These studies show that fluctuating asymmetry and stress are related, although specific environmental disturbances that may cause bilateral asymmetries in the dentition and skeleton of man are not well understood (DiBennardo and Bailit, 1978; Leamy and Klingenberg, 2005; Lens and Van Dongen, 2000; Palmer and Strobeck, 1986). The mechanisms, processes, and interaction of developmental stability and buffering capacity in the face of environmental stress are a confounding presence, and are still debated in the scientific community. Despite the fact that little is known about the underlying mechanisms causing FA, most studies have successfully linked FA and increased environmental stress, leading to the generally accepted study of FA as an indicator of developmental instability (Leamy and Klingenberg, 2005). The correlation with stress during development has made FA a popular subject for studies of humans because of its potential for revealing information about the health of past populations and its potential to act as an indicator of developmental disorders in clinical settings (DeLeon, 2007; Palmer and Strobeck, 1986). Of the ways in which to measure the magnitude of FA in humans, using dental measurements is perhaps the most common method. Numerous studies have considered fluctuating dental asymmetry as an indirect measure of environmental and genetic stress in various prehistoric and living human populations (Barden, 1980; DiBennardo and Bailit, 1978; Doyle and Johnston 1977; Guatelli-Steinberg et al., 2006; Harris and Nweeia, 1980; Hershkovitz et al., 1993; Townsend and Brown, 1983). The practical advantages for using dental remains over skeletal remains for FA analysis are numerous. The human dentition is well studied and well understood, from 4 pathology to development. Teeth begin formation early in life and continue throughout childhood, providing a relatively long period for stress to be recorded. Once crown formation is complete, teeth are minimally phenotypically plastic, unlike bone (GuatelliSteinberg et al., 2006; Rose et al., 1985). Lesions and growth disturbances on the dentition will remain long after the stress episode has occurred. The static nature of teeth after development provide the perfect setting for measuring minute differences between sides (FA) and for measuring other pathologies, such as enamel hypoplasia, size variation, and anomalies. Additionally, the dentition is observable in both adults and subadults, allowing for the study and comparison of permanent and deciduous dentition and a wide variety of age ranges (Guatelli-Steinberg et al., 2006; Heikkinen et al., 2002; Sciulli, 1978). Another added benefit is that teeth tend to preserve very well in archaeological settings. In clinical settings, dental molds can be made that preserve information the moment the mold was created, acting as a dental snapshot, and allowing for comparisons to be made later in life or at specific time intervals for the same individual. In studies of FA, teeth are welcoming to study because they are bilaterally symmetrical structures in which the genetic information is the same for both sides, leading the right and left sides to develop as mirror images under ideal circumstances (Potter and Nance, 1976). The dentition is thought of as being under tight genetic control, more likely lending bilateral deviations to environmental stress rather than genetics, and less likely to be influenced by directional asymmetry (Albert and Greene, 1999; 5 Stojanowski et al., 2007). Yet at the same time, dental tissues are considered sensitive and seem to respond quickly to stress (Albert and Greene, 1999; Hoover et al., 2005). Measures of dental asymmetry are easily obtained using the relatively simple measurements of buccolingual and mesiodistal crown diameters taken with calipers (Sciulli, 1978). Also commonly known as maximum crown dimensions, this measurement requires that the tooth be fully erupted. The buccolingual (BL) diameter is taken from the maximum crown breadth from the cheek (buccal), to the tongue (lingual). The mesiodistal diameter is measured as the maximum crown breadth front to back, or from the most mesial to the most distal points on the side of the crown, perpendicular to the buccolingual diameter (Hillson et al., 2005; Sciulli et al., 1979). For determining magnitude of FA, both left and right tooth antimeres must be present, tooth wear and dental calculus should be minimal, and teeth with pathological lesions and anomalies should be not be considered. Studies of FA have been employed as an indirect measure of environmental stress in a variety of archaeological and extant human populations. Modern day examples are far ranging and include the Inuit, Australian whites and Australian Aboriginals, Japanese, North Americans, Central and South Americans, Africans, and Europeans. Studies of FA in archaeological samples include Native Americans, Neanderthals, early American slave populations, medieval Nubians, prehistoric Japanese, and medieval Central Europeans. Some asymmetry is normal and expected in human populations (Noss et al., 1983). Comparative studies of FA must discern developmental stress as opposed to normal 6 human variation; however, normal human variation should not yield statistically significant bilateral asymmetry (Albert and Greene 1999). To date, only one study exists including analysis of fluctuating dental asymmetry in an Imperial Roman population, although there have been an abundance of studies assessing the stress and diet of Imperial Roman archaeological samples. Hoover et al. (2005) measured FA in a sample from the necropolis of the Imperial Roman port of Isola Sacra, dating from the 1st – 3rd century AD, located on the western coast of Italy just outside of the city of Rome. They were most interested in testing for a correlation between enamel hypoplasia incidence and severity and dental asymmetry, including FA and directional asymmetry. Hoover and workers collected data on the teeth most susceptible to each defect, which included the incisors and canines for enamel hypoplasia, and the first and second molars for asymmetry. The results of the study failed to find a significant relationship between enamel hypoplasia and asymmetry for Isola Sacra. They were able to note the trend that the maxillary teeth were more asymmetrical than the mandibular teeth for their sample, a similar finding to other published studies of FA (Groeneveld and Kieser, 1991; Harris and Nweeia, 1980; Kieser et al., 1986; Schaefer et al., 2006; Sciulli et al., 1979). Hoover and colleagues mention several possibilities as to why no correlation was found between FA and enamel hypoplasia but state that more research must be done. They point to the possibility that different timing and growth sequences might not record growth disturbances in certain teeth, and suggest that comparing asymmetry and hypoplasia in the same tooth might better capture a correlation between the two indicators of developmental instability (Hoover et al., 2005). The 7 authors also mention that hypoplasia and asymmetry might be recording different stresses. For instance, hypoplasia has been shown to have a strong nutritional etiology while asymmetry has not been found to correlate to a specific stressor (Hoover et al., 2005). Additionally, the authors note that it is possible that one indicator is more sensitive to developmental stressors than the other. It may take a very large destabilizing force to cause enamel hypoplasia, while asymmetry measures smaller, less significant stress episodes, or vice versa. Lastly, the authors mention differential genetic susceptibility as a possible factor in their results. The study of FA, enamel hypoplasia, and stress on Isola Sacra by Hoover et al. (2005) leaves many questions about the nature of FA in Imperial Roman populations. Their choice to use only teeth most susceptible to each of the pathologies does not tell us much about the patterns of fluctuating asymmetry in Imperial Roman samples. Recent work by Craig et al. (2009) on the diet at the Imperial Roman town of Velia, a coastal town contemporaneous with Isola Sacra, opens up the opportunity to learn more about dental asymmetry in Imperial Roman samples and to discover more about the population of Velia and the developmental instability they may have faced. The necropolis of Velia, located on the west coast of Italy, with interments dating from the 1st – 2nd century AD, is an excellent comparison to Isola Sacra. The Romans took control of Velia and it a Roman trading center and important sea port (Craig et al., 2009; Prowse et al., 2005). Similarly, Isola Sacra was also a port city. Accounts have described a decline in the welfare of Velia upon Roman rule (Craig et al., 2009). Tombs and grave inclusions suggest social congruence between Isola Sacra and Velia, although Craig and colleagues (2009) 8 reported stable isotope analyses of the adults from Velia in which they determined that Velia citizens had less access to meat and fish than Isola Sacra, with Velia relying more heavily upon cereals as a staple of their diet. Their heavier reliance on agricultural goods and cereals will likely have implications on their health status. Both Isola Sacra and Velia samples are known to have experienced early childhood stress, evidenced by high infant mortality rates, and previous research recording dental and skeletal pathologies common throughout the samples (Hoover et al., 2005, Craig et al., 2009). Project Specifications This study expects to uphold the positive association of stress and asymmetry by assessing fluctuating dental asymmetry in a sample of individuals from the necropolis of Velia in Southern Italy. The purpose was to analyze asymmetry in the adult dentition of a sample from Velia to record overall magnitude of FA and the presence or absence of directional asymmetry and antisymmetry. The data were evaluated for patterns such as sex and size differences in FA frequencies, differences between maxillary and mandibular teeth, differences between the mesiodistal and buccolingual dimensions, and correspondence to field theory. The analysis of FA should reveal information about the health status of the Velia sample, adding to what is already known about this and other Imperial Roman populations. 9 Chapter 2 LITERARY REVIEW Directional Asymmetry and Antisymmetry There are three types of bilateral asymmetry: fluctuating asymmetry, antisymmetry and directional asymmetry, and of these, only fluctuating asymmetry is widely regarded as an indicator of developmental instability (Palmer and Strobeck, 1986; Van Valen, 1962). Because more than one type of asymmetry can be present in a population, it is important to know which asymmetries are present and what that may indicate about a sample (Naugler and Ludman, 1996). Directional asymmetry (DA) is present when there is greater development of a structure on one side over the other. Van Valen (1962) mentions the mammalian heart as an example of directional asymmetry, where typically the left side of the heart is larger than the right side. DA is measured as the signed difference between two sides and is characterized by a nonzero mean with a normal distribution (Palmer and Strobeck, 1986; Roff and Reale, 2004). Many studies have related directional asymmetry to purely genetic factors, determining that it is not reflective of environmental stress, and therefore not an indicator of developmental instability (Little et al., 2002; Van Valen, 1962). In some cases, directional asymmetry can also be adaptive, developmentally determined, or mechanically produced, e.g. handedness (Van Valen, 1962, Falk et al., 1988; Roy et al., 1994). Many papers on skeletal asymmetry, especially of the limb and hand bones, are interested in DA because what it infers about natural side preferences and the 10 biomechanical mechanisms of sidedness or handedness (Falk et al., 1988; Roy et al., 1994). However, a relationship between directional asymmetry and environmental stress has been linked in a few samples known to have large amounts of stress. This reflects the possibility that DA may indicate or coincide with extreme stress events and FA, although this is not well understood or explained by current models and requires more study (Boklage, 1987; Kujanova et al., 2008; Palmer and Strobeck, 1986; Schaefer et al., 2006). For example, Schaefer et al. (2006) found significant directional asymmetry to cooccur with fluctuating asymmetry in a highly stressed sample and proposed that directional asymmetry itself might be a potential indicator of developmental instability. Schaefer et al. (2006) assessed FA in the dental arch of a reproductively isolated Adriatic community on the island of Hvar, where inbreeding was common. Their reference sample, located just off the island on the mainland in Zagreb, while having the same basic healthcare, was far more heterozygous and therefore could serve as a control for environmental stress on the island. The authors used early-mixed to complete permanent dentition of 222 children aged 7-15 years from Hvar and 31 children aged 8-16 years in the Zagreb reference sample, all in the form of dental casts. They carefully selected individuals in both samples so that the distribution of dentition and occlusal traits would match. Schaefer et al. also did an endogamy assessment for all the participating children to assess the degree of inbreeding and to sort the children into an out bred group, a more endogamous group, and a less endogamous group, for the purpose of the study. They then digitized 26 different non-occlusal landmarks and conducted a geometric morphometric based statistical analysis. The authors noted that shape change during growth is not 11 associated with changes in asymmetry, and that there was no correlation between total FA and age, overall size of the jaw, or sex in either population. The Hvar sample showed highly significant directional asymmetry when compared with the Zagreb sample, which presents no significant DA. As expected, the study found significantly lower FA present in the Zagreb sample as compared to Hvar, and amongst the Hvar samples, the most inbred group had the highest FA. The authors present some interesting findings: they suggest that DA might itself be an indicator of stress and that the upper jaw appears better buffered than the lower jaw, which fared worse in almost all the samples. Their findings support the contention that inbreeding increases FA, and perhaps DA, and that environmental circumstances, such as poor medical care, likely increase asymmetry (Schaefer et al., 2006). The authors note that one cannot know, based from this study, whether the increased amounts of FA and DA are in fact due to stress related to or caused by inbreeding, or by some other mechanism. Schaefer et al. (2006) speculate that DA might represent population-level stress, and FA might better signify individual-level stress. Another example of a project that included the study of DA, coupled with FA, is the work done by Kujanova et al. (2008). They analyzed limb bone asymmetry in two samples: a medieval Slavonic sample from the 9th-12th century AD, and a Bohemian population from the first half of the 20th century. In this case, the more modern sample was subject to more environmental stress due to low socioeconomic status and other studies confirming poor general health, than the older but less socioeconomically impaired medieval Slavonic sample. The authors hypothesized that the modern sample 12 would see increased amounts of asymmetry as compared to the medieval sample. Kujanova and colleagues found significant amounts of DA in both samples, with an especially high amount of DA in the upper limb bones, much of which they attributed to handedness. However, there was a significant increase in DA in both the upper and lower limb bones of the recent, more environmentally stressed sample, along with significantly greater amounts of FA. Like Schaefer et al. (2006), this may reflect that DA had a role in the expression of environmental stress. In contrast, many researchers have also encountered isolated communities or highly stressed populations and did not find any significant directional asymmetry, although FA amounts were considered to be high (Noss et al., 1983; Perzigian, 1977; Townsend and Brown, 1983). Other studies outline the ambiguous nature of the relationship between FA and DA. For example, Little et al. (2002) compared Mexican school children living under chronic mild to moderate undernutrition to a white urban middle class sample from Texas. They determined FA and DA for numerous different anthropometric traits, including the long bones of the arm. Values of asymmetry were actually lower in the chronically undernourished Mexican sample than in the wellnourished Texas sample. The values of DA were overall significantly higher for the modern Texas sample. The finding of increased DA was perhaps due to the more athletic and active middle class children in relation to sports and handedness. The authors attribute the findings in this study to an apparent lack of an effect of environmental stress on asymmetry, which they feel is consistent with the large genetic component in measures of asymmetry. Little et al. (2002), Schaefer et al. (2006), and Kujanova et al. 13 (2008) emphasize the equivocal role of directional asymmetry as a potential tool for measuring developmental instability. Clearly, the position of DA as an indirect indicator of developmental stress requires further study and attention for future works and applications. Whereas FA is largely understood to be an indicator of developmental stability and DA may or may not be a similarly useful measure in certain characters or populations, antisymmetry is not employed for such a task. Antisymmetry (AS) is defined as a situation where asymmetry is present in all individuals, but whether the right or the left side is greater varies at random among individuals (Naugler and Ludman, 1996; Van Valen, 1962). An apt example can be found in the signaling claws of male fiddler crabs, where the large signaling claw, which is significantly larger than the opposing one, occurs in equal frequencies on both the right and left sides in the population (Palmer and Strobeck, 1986). Antisymmetry is characterized by a bimodal distribution of R – L, indicating a negative correlation between two sides, with a mean of zero (Kellner and Alford, 2003). It is more commonly accepted that antisymmetry has a strong genetic basis, and is therefore not considered an indicator of developmental instability (Palmer and Strobeck, 1986). A different perspective is offered in Lens and Van Dongen (2000), in which the authors suggest that the three types of asymmetries should be considered interrelated and may reflect developmental instability in particular environmental conditions. Lens and Van Dongen (2000), found evidence that very high levels of developmental instability may not only increase FA, but will transition from FA to an admixture of other 14 asymmetries. While their study on natural bird populations exposed to different levels of habitat disturbance found AS to be rare, they note experimental studies that have shown a more complex relationship between the asymmetries. Lens and Van Dongen feel that more attention should be paid to the interactions of the different asymmetries, rather than simply discarding or correcting for them. More research must be done in order to better understand the relationship between the asymmetries and to determine if antisymmetry or directional asymmetry are useful as estimates of developmental instability. However, as of yet, there is not an unequivocal environmental basis for antisymmetry, and only a potential, weak, or poorly understood environmental connection for directional asymmetry. Only FA is considered a reliable indicator of developmental instability. In order to determine true FA in a sample, tests for FA must first consider the presence of antisymmetry and DA, as these asymmetries can have a confounding effect on measures of FA. Common practice is to statistically correct for traits exhibiting DA in order to determine true FA, and in the case of antisymmetry, such traits are simply discarded from the analysis of studies of FA since no mathematical correction exists (Palmer and Strobeck, 1986). Antisymmetry and DA are not commonly found in studies of the human dentition and would not be expected in any significant values in the Velia sample. For the purposes of this paper in determining the nature of the health status of the necropolis at Velia, FA warrants deeper discussion. 15 Fluctuating Asymmetry Fluctuating asymmetry is minor, random, non-directional deviations from bilateral symmetry (Van Valen, 1962). It has been established since the 1950s as a measure of developmental instability, also commonly termed ‘developmental noise’ (Van Valen, 1962). Genetic studies have shown that minor, random deviations from bilateral symmetry have little or no genetic basis, indicating that bilateral symmetry differs from most other morphological attributes in its lack of a heritable basis (Palmer and Strobeck, 1986; Potter and Nance, 1976). While the heritability of FA itself is generally considered low or absent (Leamy and Klingenberg 2005; Potter and Nance, 1976; Potter et al., 1976), FA is not a simple measure of environmental insult, since studies have shown that the likelihood and degree to which an individual departs from bilateral symmetry, in either direction, has a strong genetic basis (Naugler and Ludman, 1996; Potter and Nance, 1976; Potter et al., 1976). Genetic factors certainly influence the canalization and developmental stability of an organism. Individuals respond to stressors differently and there are inherent individual and populational differences in resisting the effects of developmental stress (Van Valen, 1962). Any study of asymmetry must consider that canalization and developmental stability are at play in the expression of asymmetry, and therefore, one cannot separate out the influence of genetics on the study of FA (Palmer and Strobeck, 1986; Van Valen, 1962). For this reason, comparisons between populations should be made only between genetically similar populations. The ability of an organism to buffer against insult appears to be strongly of genetic composition (Palmer and Strobeck, 1986). Central to the mechanism behind 16 asymmetry are the components of developmental homeostasis, canalization, and developmental stability (Clarke 1993; Debat and David 2001). Canalization is the process by which a consistent phenotype is produced despite variable genetic and environmental factors. Canalization acts as a stabilizing force, enacting mechanisms that keep the phenotype consistent in spite of disturbances, therefore working to maintain developmental homeostasis (Clarke 1993; Debat and David 2001; Van Valen, 1962). Destabilizing forces interact with stabilizing forces and influence the expression of the phenotype, and depending on how well buffered an individual is, developmental stresses can interfere with the phenotype so that skeletal and dental features deviate from their ideal genetic form to varying degrees (Naugler and Ludman, 1996; Van Valen, 1962). Destabilizing forces can be genetic in nature, such as the homozygosity of deleterious alleles, or any number of environmental factors, such as malnutrition, poor prenatal and maternal conditions, socioeconomic level, disease, parasite load, and toxin exposure. There are several important older studies that lay the foundation for the inclusion of FA as an indirect indicator of developmental instability. One of the pioneering works was Van Valen’s 1962 study of fluctuating asymmetry. Van Valen (1962) was among the first to clearly define the three types of asymmetry, directional, fluctuating, and antisymmetry. The study measured a variety structures in three different species, fruit flies, deer mice, and an extinct horse species. The latter two were analyzed by dental measurements and traits. Van Valen assessed FA in terms of buffering ability and attempted to measure correlations between the three species. The study found uniformity in the lack of control for the buffering of developmental noise, indicating that FA was 17 present in all three species (Van Valen, 1962). The theory behind the measurement of asymmetry which Van Valen so eloquently elaborated in this paper led the way for other workers to begin to analyze FA on a variety of samples and traits. Niswander and Chung (1965) hoped to learn more about the environmental and genetic factors affecting tooth size. Using a large Japanese sample with family relation mapped, Niswander and Chung measured the mesiodistal dimension of the central incisors. They found increased variation in tooth size among first cousin marriages, which constitute low levels of inbreeding. They also found significant dental asymmetry that could not be accounted for by inbreeding. The authors suggest the possibility that inbred individuals are more poorly buffered during development and therefore more subject to fluctuating asymmetry (Niswander and Chung, 1965). Garn et al. (1966) examined dental asymmetries on modern Ohio whites to see if asymmetries follow field theory of dentition, a hypothesis of dental patterning describing the differing stability of individual teeth. They analyzed the mesiodistal dimension of unworn teeth in Ohio whites and found an increase in FA in the maxillary teeth, and a correlation between increased size and increased FA. Although they looked, they found no significant correlation of asymmetrical variation between adjacent teeth. Their findings are one of the first of many that are consistent with field theory as it concerns FA. Starting in the 1960’s, examinations of FA branched out and researchers began looking at a diverse lot of traits and organisms, comparing the study of asymmetry to other known indicators of instability, determining genetic influence, and conducting 18 experiments attempting to isolate FA causing stressors. Much experimental laboratory work with rats and mice was done in this time period. Bader (1965) found that inbred lines of mice have greater asymmetry than wild or random bred mice populations. Leamy and Bader (1968) determined the variance of the widths of the second and third molars in a wild-derived population of the white-footed mouse. Their sample size was large and spread over three generations, and the authors were able to determine heritability estimates. They found that approximately 11% of M2 and 5% of M3 variance was attributable to fluctuating asymmetry. Higher amounts of variation could be attributed to heritability and maternal effects (Leamy and Bader, 1968). Leamy and Bader note that the amounts of FA found are similar to the amounts found in other mouse species and in man. In an attempt to isolate specific stressors that cause developmental instability leading to FA, Siegel and Smookler (1973) produced an increase in the magnitude of FA in rats exposed to audiogenic stress. Shortly thereafter, Siegel and Doyle (1975) found an increase in the magnitude of FA with prolonged cold stress in mice. Sciulli et al. (1979) designed an experiment in which pregnant rats were stressed using combinations of heat, cold, noise, and protein deprivation. While no directional asymmetry was found, all of the protocols significantly elevated FA in the young (Sciulli et al., 1979). They were also able to determine that not all tooth dimensions respond to stress to the same degree. In this study, mandibular M1 appeared most stable. These researchers all postulated that increased dental FA is a developmental response of the animal to stress, and that stress causes the deviations from symmetry in the dentition. 19 Another pioneering work was done by Potter and Nance using Australian twin pairs (1976). They set out to estimate three parameters within monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs, discordance, asymmetry, and mirror imagery (Potter and Nance, 1976). Potter and Nance showed that dizygotic twins had greater discordance in all the variables studied, lending credence to the strong genetic control of the dental dimensions, namely the buccolingual and mesiodistal measurements used in this study. However, the results for mirror imagery and asymmetry found that there was no evidence for a genetic etiology of asymmetry on tooth dimensions (Potter and Nance, 1976). The authors therefore attributed the FA to developmental noise from environmental factors. This determination helped to pave the way for the popularity of FA since there was now seemingly little question about FA’s environmental etiology, and its ability to indicate developmental instability from environmental perturbations. The twin studies of Potter and Nance (1976) have shown that human odontometric asymmetry itself is not genetically inherited. Potter and colleagues followed this study up with another using the same twin data. In this second paper Potter et al. (1976) assessed the genetic determinants of the maxillary and the mandibular dentition. They concluded that the maxillary dentition and the mandibular dentition appear to be relatively independent of each other. Potter and colleagues also feel their results suggest a differential degree of stability between the maxillary and mandibular dentition, as evidenced repeatedly in a variety of studies of FA, where most often, the maxillary teeth show greater variability (Garn et al., 1966; Harris and Nweeia, 1980; Potter et al., 1976). 20 Perzigian (1977) analyzed and compared odontometric fluctuating asymmetry in three different North American archaeological sites, Indian Knoll, Campbell, and Larson, and compares these with a Caucasian portion of the Hamann – Todd collection. These samples differ socio-economically and nutritionally as the Indian Knoll sample is made up of hunters-gatherers, while Campbell and Larson represent samples from farming based subsistence, and Hamann – Todd is a modern sample of Ohio whites. Perzigian found no directional asymmetry and no differences between the sexes, but the huntergathering Indian Knoll sample was shown to have increased asymmetry while there were no significant differences between Campbell, Larson, and Hamann – Todd (Perzigian, 1977). The author expected these results because of the accompanying prevalence of skeletal and dental paleopathological data from the Indian Knoll sample. Taking this one step further, the author analyzed femur length and asymmetry in the Indian Knoll sample, comparing asymmetry in a group of individuals with shorter femurs versus a group with larger femurs. Femur length is tied into stature, and decreased stature can be due to nutritional stress and poor condition. Perzigian found a clear relationship between shorter femur length and increased odontometric FA. The author expressed a confident link between FA and environmental conditions. Similarly, Doyle and Johnston (1977) and Suarez (1974) analyzed native Americans, Eskimos, Ohio whites, and Neanderthals for dental asymmetry, finding, as expected, less asymmetry in the modern Ohio sample than in the other populations. Suarez argued for particularly significant asymmetry in Neanderthal data due to a 21 proposed increase in environmental stress. However, this conclusion is weak due to problems with sample size in the Neanderthal collection. Harris and Nweeia (1980) wrote an excellent example of a relatively simple older study of FA in dentition. Harris and Nweeia measure the maximum mesiodistal (MD) and buccolingual (BL) crown diameters for all permanent teeth in 57 extant Ticuna adults. Based on earlier medical examinations of the Ticuna, and of knowledge about their diet and social structure, Harris and Nweeia hypothesize that dental FA will be higher amongst Ticuna than contemporary Western standards and that Ticuna females will have more FA than Ticuna males (Harris and Nweeia, 1980). The authors employ a simple equation that measures the difference between the left and right antimeres while negating the effects of size differences among teeth. The mean is analyzed and is found not to be significantly different than zero in any of the measurements, indicating that there is no directional asymmetry at play and establishing that only random side differences exist. Harris and Nweeia then compare the Ticuna data with three other groups, contemporary white Americans, prehistoric Hopi Indians, and prehistoric Alaskan Eskimo. The Ticuna exhibit less FA than either of the two prehistoric groups, all three of which have significantly more FA than the contemporary American Whites, as expected (Harris and Nweeia, 1980). For the within-population analysis, Harris and Nweeia employ a three way analysis of variance to gain insight on FA differences in sex, arcade, and tooth. They find that the MD measurement is the most statistically significant in all three variables, whereas only tooth type differences are significant with BL breadths. Females had significantly higher FA than males, but only for the MD diameter, and both arcades have 22 significant asymmetry differences, with the maxillary teeth having increased FA as compared to the mandibular teeth (Harris and Nweeia, 1980). Interestingly, among the different individual teeth, sex is not significant in either MD or BL diameters and there are markedly higher rates of FA among M2 and M3 than among M1, P3, P4, C, I1 and I2. The canines appear the most stable, having the lowest frequency of FA than any of the teeth. The trend of maxillary teeth being more asymmetric overall continues for the tooth by tooth analysis. The authors note that tooth morphology might be a significant variable in these measurements where the variability of a cusp, for instance, will affect molar breadth and length. Major conclusions from this study include that, at least for the Ticuna, maxillary teeth are more asymmetric, especially with the mesiodistal measurement. Also, there appears to be significant differences in tooth type, reflecting that some teeth may be more susceptible to asymmetry than others. Finally, tooth morphology must not go without consideration when using simple measurements such as BL and MD diameters. Several studies examined FA in conjunction with morphological variation or discrete dental traits. Noss et al. (1983) addresses asymmetry in MD and BL crown diameters in addition to asymmetry in morphological traits. The authors consider measurements of asymmetry only in the maxillary and mandibular M1 and M2. They are particularly interested in learning more about the relationship, if any, between morphological asymmetry and asymmetry in dental dimensions in addition to learning more about dental asymmetries in the Pima Indians of Arizona. They measured BL and MD diameters in casts of 738 males and 790 females and scored for grades of 23 morphological trait expression. The authors found that DA was not present and no differences between males and females were detected with either measurement, however M2 was found to have higher FA frequencies as compared to M1 (Noss et al., 1983). Noss and coworkers found no evidence of a relationship between morphological asymmetry and measurements of FA for the Pima Indians. They mention the possibility that timing of tooth formation and mineralization, as well as individual buffering, or perhaps the different mechanisms of each combined might cause the lack of relationship between FA and morphological asymmetry. It is interesting to note that the authors found an abnormal distribution in dimensional and morphological measurements and traits, indicating that the Pima Indians might have asymmetries resulting from several different sources. Townsend and Brown (1983) were interested in size differences and morphological variation and their potential effect on analyses and measurements of asymmetry. Other studies, such as Albert and Greene (1999) and Harris and Nweeia (1980), have disagreements as to whether differences in size and morphology affect measurements of FA. In their study, Townsend and Brown (1983) assessed contemporary Australian Aboriginals for molar size sequencing and asymmetry. The authors measured MD diameters, BL diameters, and crown areas (product of the diameters) for differences in sizing of M1, M2 and M3, and for asymmetry. They had a large sample size of males and females, and used dental casts to gather measurements. The authors note that variability in tooth size can be of genetic and environmental etiology, and that recent and historic Aboriginal populations tend to display considerable variation in tooth size 24 (Townsend and Brown, 1983). Frequency of asymmetry in molar size sequence was measured for individuals for M1 and M2 and also for all three molars in a quadrant. For the total sample, the authors found that the frequencies of M2 > M1 were lower in the mandible. For a comparison of the sexes within the MD measurement, there were no statistically significant differences between the sexes in the frequency of M2 > M1 sequence of maxillary molars, but this sequence was significantly more frequent in females in the mandibular dentition. For the BL measurement, the M2 > M1 sequence was significantly more frequent in males in both the upper and lower jaws. The consideration of all three molars yielded high rates of asymmetry within all factors (mandibular, maxillary, BL, and MD), with the M1 showing the least asymmetry. Asymmetry for the sequences was high, but no analysis was attempted to determine FA from the left and right variability in the sample or to distinguish FA from DA as this was not the focus of the study. This paper lends credence to the stability of M1 and notes the importance of tooth morphology on MD and BL based measurements for determining tooth sequence, variation, and asymmetry. Not all researchers have found a clear connection between FA and environmental stress. DiBennardo and Bailit (1978) noted that the critical period of dental development falls during prenatal life, when teeth are beginning to form in the womb. This is the time in which asymmetries from developmental disruptions would begin to take shape. To determine the effect of stress on dental asymmetry, they chose to look at several factors during and after gestation, such as birth weight, gestational age, sex, maternal age, and socioeconomic factors, in a Japanese sample after widespread radiation from the atomic 25 bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki (DiBennardo and Bailit, 1978). They found that dental asymmetry did not relate to prenatal stress as they had hoped to capture it with the numerous factors they assessed. They concluded that the level of individual asymmetry does not reflect individual fitness or risk. The authors felt that FA as a measure of buffering ability or fitness was equivocal and they suggest future research be conducted to pinpoint the specific environmental causes of asymmetry. Similarly, Angelopoulou et al. (2009) could not find a significant correlation between radiation exposure from the Chernobyl accident and fluctuating asymmetry in their study of FA in Greek children. While environmental radioactivity is considered a health risk and increased radionuclides were found in human tissue samples from Greece after the Chernobyl accident, the experimental group did not have significantly different amounts of FA than the control group (Angelopoulou et al., 2009). Other workers have also had mixed results. Black (1980) assessed dental FA in white children from Michigan. Black determined that FA was higher in the Michigan children than in Hamann and Indian Knoll population despite the fact that his sample was not stressed. Jantz (1975) looked at digital ridge-counts for several groups from diverse racial backgrounds and found considerable population variation, leading him to suggest genetic control rather than environmental basis for all asymmetrical variation. 26 Asymmetry in Non-Dental Structures In addition to non-human experiments, researchers began measuring a variety of traits to study FA. Several key studies have successfully assessed FA using skeletal traits. In addition to Little et al. (2002), Schaefer et al. (2006), and Kujanova et al. (2008) which have already been described, Albert and Greene (1999) examined FA in the epiphyseal union intending to show that FA is an indicator of environmental stress. The authors looked at a population previously identified as under developmental stress, the Medieval Kulubnarti from Nubia. The skeletal sample was comprised of an earlier period, called the early Christian period, and a later period called the late Christian period. The authors speculated that the earlier period samples would show increased asymmetry as compared to the later period. Like the Schaefer et al. (2006), this analysis will also involve FA as an indicator of stress in a sub-adult sample, this time assessing epiphyseal union in paired bones. The authors note that in past studies, the normal amount of human variation in skeletal maturation has not produced statistically significant differences in bilateral asymmetry (Albert and Greene, 1999). Their sample size totaled 90, 36 individuals in the early Christian period and 54 individuals comprising the late period sample with age variation between 11 and 31 years. Four stages of epiphyseal union were outlined and the sample was scored for epiphyseal union of the long bones, iliac crests, ischial tuberosities, and medial clavicler epiphyses (they listed either proximal or distal or both). Individuals were scored for right and left sides and this score was statistically analyzed. For the entire sample, the authors found statistically significant bilateral asymmetry, and tested separately, the early period was found to have significantly more asymmetry than 27 the late period (Albert and Greene, 1999). This is consistent with earlier findings from Kulubnarti showing that the earlier period inhabitants were under more stress. There were no significant differences in asymmetry between males and females in either sample, however, the study found interesting differences in epiphyseal union between right and left sides in the early period sample. This suggests that there were asymmetries in skeletal growth and maturation for the early sample. It seems unlikely that such phenomena would be from a biomechanics related cause, such as right-handedness for example, since one sample did not present as statistically significant but the other did. From this, the authors feel that the skeletal asymmetry evidenced in this study is most likely due to environmental stress. Since it has been documented that both of these samples were under stress, albeit one greater than the other, the findings suggest that asymmetry might not be expressed in epiphyseal union except under a very pronounced degree of environmental stress (Albert and Greene, 1999). DeLeon (2007) analyzed fluctuating asymmetry in the craniofacial skeleton. The sample consisted of two diachronic Nubian cemeteries from Kulubnarti, an earlier and more developmentally stressed group, termed the “S” cemetery, and a later group considered to be in better overall health, termed the “R” cemetery. DeLeon notes the numerous bioarchaeological studies comparing the two different samples stress levels and health status. The author expects to see increased magnitude of FA in the earlier Nubian population as compared to the later, healthier population. Choosing thirty adult skeletons of comparable age and sex from each population for a total sample size of 60 individuals, DeLeon used three-dimensional coordinate data from the measurement of 48 midline and 28 bilateral landmarks of the skull and analyzed this data using EDMA. She tested for measurement error and for directional asymmetry. The results showed that more landmarks showed FA in the earlier group than in the late period group, and that the earlier group also had significantly greater levels of FA, findings which support DeLeon’s original hypothesis. The author looked further and noticed that presence and amount of FA was dependent upon which landmark was being analyzed, with little FA showing in either population along the midline landmarks. This indicates that FA is trait specific. In other words, DeLeon found that certain landmarks are more sensitive indicators of stress than others. She proceeds to discuss several mechanisms which might explain this phenomena: the functionality hypothesis, which postures that natural selection would reduce FA where it is involved in important biological functions relevant to the fitness of an organism, the signaling hypothesis, in which natural selection would work to reduce FA in the most visible areas for the importance of signaling and sexual selection, and the complexity hypothesis, where traits of greater complexity would be expected to have lower levels of FA relative to simple traits because complex traits are made up of multiple components that may or may not be influenced by FA (DeLeon, 2007). DeLeon notes which areas of the skull would be considered simple traits, such as the neurocranium due to its fewer osteogenic sites, and which would be complex traits, like the facial skeleton because the face is formed from multiple osteogenic sites. As it concerns the data, DeLeon finds that the complexity hypothesis does not quite accurately explain the results because of the relatively high levels of FA in the complex landmarks that extend from the cranial vault to the face. Of the other two hypotheses, the author 29 feels that the signaling hypothesis best explains the pattern of FA in the study. Areas of the face close to the midline, important for both function and signaling, showed significantly less FA while areas not involved with signaling, but heavily involved with function, such as the cranial base, did not have low FA. DeLeon notes that additional work should be done to further test these hypotheses as they relate to differential levels of FA and trait specificity and feels that the results presented provide support for the use of FA as an indicator of developmental instability and stress. Hoover and Matsumura (2008) looked at a group of prehistoric Japanese archaeological samples and conducted a comparison of FA from cranial traits with a dental lesion called linear enamel hypoplasia, also considered an indirect indicator of stress during tooth development. The authors note that previous studies have only found a weak link between odontometric FA and enamel hypoplasia, despite both being of the dentition, and both being widely considered indicators of developmental instability (Corruccini et al. 2005; Hoover et al., 2005). Using DeLeon’s study (2007) as evidence for the stress based etiology for FA in cranial landmarks, Hoover and Matsumura measured upper facial breadth, orbital breadth, and orbital height and compared their findings to enamel hypoplasia data from the maxillary and mandibular anterior dentitions. They expected that individuals with hypoplasia would have greater overall FA. In this sampling, they found a weak, albeit significant, association between FA and enamel hypoplasia. Additionally, the findings did not corroborate their hypothesis, which supposed that increased magnitude of fluctuating asymmetry would be found in the more stressed group, while, on the other hand, the enamel hypoplasia increased dramatically 30 within this highly stressed group. Hoover and Matsumura note that their sample sizes were small, perhaps confounding their results, but feel that their data support the hypothesis that greater FA occurs in individuals with nutritionally based enamel defects (Hoover and Matsumura, 2008). Common Problems and Error in Studies of FA Analysis of fluctuating asymmetry is subject to certain unique issues and concerns. MD and BL measurements can easily be affected by various morphological traits and dental pathology such as the buildup of dental calculus, caries, and LEH (Corruccini et al. 2005; Harris and Nweeia, 1980; Hillson et al., 2005). Researchers have to be careful to remove affected teeth from consideration in the study. Additionally, unlike many skeletal traits used in the study of FA, teeth suffer from relatively poorly defined landmarks, making them subject to greater measurement error and operator bias (Falk and Corruccini, 1982). Early studies of asymmetry tended to focus on the connection between FA and environmental stress. In these early studies, workers measuring asymmetry in the dentition tended to view tooth pairs as independent variables and did not remove the effect of tooth size differences in their computation or analysis of asymmetry. Many early researchers failed to recognize the relationship between increased tooth size and increased metric variation. It would be expected that larger teeth would have greater FA; since crowns grow at a constant rate, a larger tooth will have a longer growth period (Garn et al., 1966; Rose et al., 1985). Longer growth periods allow for additional 31 episodes of childhood or maternal stress to be recorded in the teeth (Garn et al., 1966). Additionally, character size differences often occur within populations and between populations. It is well understood that there is sexual dimorphism in crown diameters. Generally researchers have since decided that tooth size should be considered in studies of FA where there is an apparent size-asymmetry relationship, and have scaled differences by dividing by average tooth size (Harris and Nweeia, 1980; Palmer and Strobeck, 1986; Smith et al., 1982). This eliminates the measurement differences between the sexes and between tooth size differences so that one can better compare FA between individuals, sexes, and between different sample populations. Additionally, many early works only measured one variable. Leung et al. (2000) convincingly demonstrated via computer simulation that it is more effective to use multiple traits for the analysis of FA as an indicator of environmental stress. Since FA is rare and occurs in very small amounts when compared to trait size, it can be difficult to detect using a single paired trait (Leung et al., 2000). Employing the right set of traits is also of importance, since one would want to avoid a trait showing tendencies for DA and antisymmetry, which reflect heritable variation instead of variation from developmental instability (Palmer, 1994). Using multiple traits and appropriate analyses for those traits can help to maximize the reliability of FA as an indirect measure of developmental stress. Smith and coworkers (1982) pointed out the numerous problems with the models and statistics of many of the studies that predate their own. Since then, Greene (1984) has also spoken out about how easily measurement error can confound FA data. Others have voiced criticisms of dental FA as well. Buschang and Demirjian (1989) and Naugler and 32 Ludman (1996) feel that studies of dental FA suffer due to the prolonged developmental time frame of teeth, which might obscure links between increased FA and episodes of specific insult. Others are apt to point out that deciduous teeth, which form much faster than permanent dentition, appear neither better or less buffered against developmental instability in numerous studies (Guatelli-Steinberg et al., 2006; Hershkovitz et al., 1993), indicating that the length of time for tooth development does not affect the magnitude of FA. Because differences in FA among samples are typically very small, antisymmetry, DA, and measurement error can make up a sizable portion of the between-sides, or within individual, variance in a sample (Palmer and Strobeck, 1986). Since FA is very small compared to the size of the trait being measured, typically around 1% of trait size, measurement error is of particular concern (Greene, 1984; Palmer and Strobeck, 1986). In 1965, Bader determined that measurement error accounted for up to 25% of dental fluctuating asymmetry counts in a wild mouse population and Greene (1984) found similar results in human studies. It has been strongly suggested that measurements should be replicated and tested to discern true asymmetry from measurement error (Greene, 1984; Palmer and Strobeck, 1986; Swaddle et al., 1994). Smith et al. (1982) argue that differences in dental asymmetry could be explained by sampling effects on the small sample sizes typically used. Additionally, they note that measurement error itself can mimic FA and that sampling effects can obscure true FA if the average amounts of FA are small (Smith et al., 1982). It has been shown that the index chosen can also have an effect on true measures of FA. 33 Palmer and Strobeck (1986), interested in obtaining the best estimate of FA, review the various indices used for the analysis of FA and survey the differences between the indices, as well as suggest a recommended course of statistical analysis for obtaining the best estimates of FA while checking for DA, measurement error, and antisymmetry. Palmer and Strobeck are also interested in determining how the various indices account for and deal with variation in character size. Such a wide variety of measures of FA are used in literature, each with different strengths, weaknesses, and underlying assumptions. At the time their paper was written, the authors counted 22 different indices used in previous studies and determined that these 22 are variants of 9 main indices. They assess the 9 main indices for their ability to detect true differences in FA frequencies among a random sample. Palmer and Strobeck simulated 2 samples for which the differences in FA were known. The samples did not contain any antisymmetry but do consider two variations: FA independent of size, and FA proportional to size. In testing the 9 indices, the authors varied the range of character size, the proportionality of FA to character size, DA, and FA, while maintaining the mean character size as constant. A sample size of 20 was chosen because the authors found that to be a common sample size in studies of FA. The tests were repeated 100 times using different distributions of random numbers. They found that indices based on unsigned R – L differences were least able to distinguish true FA differences, while indices based on the variance of R – L are more useful for detecting true differences in FA. The authors then analyze the effect of character size variation among the indices when FA is independent of size and when FA increases proportionally to size, finding that indices scaling out character size were more reliable 34 for both. The various indices also handled DA differently, some not registering DA while other indices were found to be very sensitive to DA. Based on their findings, Palmer and Strobeck (1986) make recommendations as to what index to use depending on the pattern of size variation within a sample. Firstly, they recommend testing for a relationship between the magnitude of FA and the character size. Since increased character size often correlates to increases in FA, the authors stress the importance of scaling for size variation. To determine true FA from measurement error, antisymmetry, and DA within samples, Palmer and Strobeck suggest using a two-way mixed-model analysis of variance with repeated measurements of each side. The authors state that this method is best used in sample sizes greater than 25. Finally, Palmer and Strobeck also discuss tests and patterns of heterozygosity as it relates to FA. They noted a lack of consistency among studies of FA, and emphasize that FA as a measure of developmental stability is easy confounded by the fact that differences in FA among samples are generally very small, and as such, the measurement of FA is easily confounded by antisymmetry, DA, and measurement error. Patterns of Dental FA There appears to be very few intra-population consistencies with the measured presence of FA, as noted by Black (1980), Palmer and Strobeck (1986), and others. Some researchers have found MD measurements to show more FA, while others have found BL measurements to do so. Some individuals can have FA in one tooth dimension and none or a different amount in the other dimension in the exact same tooth. Similarly it seems to 35 be sample dependent as to whether the maxillary or mandibular teeth are found to show more FA, or what quadrants and tooth classes are better buffered against stress during development. Indeed, this is where the genetic complexity of the dentition is underscored, at the level of both the individual and the population. Lack of patterns in tooth type, arcade, and FA support the contention that tooth dimensions along the two arcades are primarily independently determined (Kieser at al., 1986; Stojanowski, 2007). Townsend and colleagues (2009) describe the varying nature of the molecular signaling in the upper and lower jaw, suggesting, along with twin data, the independent genetic determination of maxillary and mandibular dentition (Townsend et al., 2009). The bucco-lingual and mesio-distal measurements themselves might have innate differences, with the BL dimension perhaps more affected by environmental factors than the MD dimension, possibly due to the spatial constraints on the MD dimension (Kolakowski and Bailit, 1981; Perzigian, 1977). In some cases where, for instance, it was expected that females would have more FA due to historically known increased stress, this was in fact not found to be the case, or not the case in both dimensions or some tooth classes. Most researchers have not found significant differences in FA between the sexes, and those studies that have significant differences in FA between the sexes might in part be noticing that trend because of cultural differences in the raising of children or in biological population differences (Noss et al., 1983). Notable exceptions to this are Harris and Nweeia (1980), who found statistically significant differences between males and females, as did Garn et al. (1966) and Niswander and Chung (1965). 36 One of the few consistencies in the analyses of dental FA is that asymmetry often conforms to dental field theory, a theory explaining the patterning and regional specialization of teeth. Field theory, according to Dahlberg (1945), who first adapted the idea of field theory to the adult human dentition, states that a tooth growing in the center of a field, also known as the pole or key tooth, would be expected to show less phenotypic variation than the teeth on either side. The further from the center in a particular field, the more variable the teeth should be. In humans, four fields have been identified: incisor, canine, premolar, molar (Dahlberg, 1945). Within the fields, the upper central incisor, lower lateral incisor, canine, first premolar and first molar have been identified as the pole teeth. Pole teeth are presumed to be the most stable teeth in each field and would be expected to be better buffered against environmental perturbations (Townsend et al., 2009). While field theory has a complex developmental etiology that is still debated, few disagree that this order or patterning exists within the human dentition (Townsend et al., 2009). Dental crown size, variability, and asymmetry have often been found to conform to field theory (Aas and Risnes, 1979; Barden, 1980; Garn et al., 1966; Garn et al., 1967; Groeneveld and Kieser, 1991; Kieser et al., 1986; Mayhall and Saunders, 1986; Townsend et al., 2009). Interestingly, some other indirect indicators of developmental stress, such as linear enamel hypoplasia, seem to present most often in the pole teeth, central incisors, canines, and the first molar (Hoover et al. 2005). In most studies of dental FA, there are fairly consistent findings that pole teeth generally seem to be less influenced by systemic developmental stress as measured by fluctuating asymmetry. The existence of the developmental patterning of pole-teeth and 37 non pole-teeth most likely represent the relative amount of time that each developing tooth germ spends in the soft tissue phase of growth, prior to mineralization (Townsend et al., 2009). The longer the soft tissue phase, the more time there is for epigenetic and environmental factors to influence the tooth’s final shape and size. There appears to be no relationship with FA between adjacent teeth or patterning indicating the necessary increase of FA distally in the arcade (Townsend et al., 2009). Serial increases in FA frequency across the arcade or between pole teeth and their neighbors have also not been shown, and asymmetry in tooth dimensions has not been shown to influence the size of a neighboring tooth (Townsend et al., 2009). There also seems to be consistency that the molars, particularly the second and third molars, show increased amounts of FA as compared to other teeth. However, higher rates of FA in the molars more likely represent at least in part, some bias of the measurement since they are also the most morphologically variable (Mayhall and Saunders, 1986; Noss et al., 1983; Townsend and Brown, 1983; Townsend et al., 2009), and it is widely agreed that certain morphological characteristics can influence MD and BL measurements, as already discussed. Third molars are the last teeth to erupt and their eruption time is the most variable of any tooth (Townsend et al., 2009). Their morphology is highly variable, more than any other tooth, and they are also the most commonly cogenitally missing tooth (Townsend et al., 2009). As such, for the purposes of assessing FA, third molar measurements are often omitted altogether or are considered of limited usefulness. 38 Italian Literature Many skeletal samples from the Imperial Roman era have been well documented and studied and can shed light on typical health status, socioeconomic status, and diet of samples from the same time period. The skeletal sample from Isola Sacra, an Imperial Roman necropolis, dating to the 1st through 3rd century AD has been well studied. There is a large amount of data available to assist in the characterization of Isola Sacra, including its similarities to other Roman or Italian samples, genetic composition, diet, health status, social habits, and demography (Bondioli et al., 2004; Cucina et al., 2005; Manzi et al., 1991; Manzi et al., 1997; Manzi et al., 1999; Prowse, 2001, Prowse et al., 2007; Prowse et al., 2008). These characterizations can assist with expectations for the study of FA in a sample from Velia, which is from the same time period and is socioeconomically and genetically similar to the Isola Sacra sample. Manzi et al. (1997) and Prowse et al. (2007) describe the homogeneity and immigration patterns from Isola Sacra and other Imperial Roman samples. Manzi and workers examined dental size and shape at Isola Sacra and another site in close proximity to Rome, Lucus Feroniae, both of which date to the 1st – 3rd century A.D. (Manzi et al., 1997). Isola Sacra is considered by the authors to represent a middle-class urban sample while the sample at Lucus Feroniae is more rural and suggests humble origins such as slaves, farmers, and war veterans. The authors took BL and MD measurements for the permanent dentition and the teeth were also scored for nonmetric traits. The authors feel that analysis of both dental dimensions and morphology will provide a basis for the 39 characterization of dental variation in Italian samples from the Roman Imperial age. Analysis determined that these two Roman samples are rather homogeneous in their dental morphology, and there is a noted absence of rare phenotypic variants. Both samples were found to have very small dental dimensions in general, and the authors correlate this to the trend of dental size reduction in human populations. Another possibility for the small dental dimensions found in both samples is the possibility that they were undergoing metabolic disturbances during growth and development, which has been shown in other populations to reduce dental dimensions (Manzi et al., 1997). The authors point out that stress markers on the bones and teeth, such as linear enamel hypoplasia and Harris lines, can be found in similarly high quantities in both samples. Enamel hypoplasia is found in greater quantities in the males of both samples. Despite this, Manzi et al. note that Isola Sacra was less variable than Lucus Feroniae in both dental morphology and in dental dimensions, suggesting that the gene pool of the Isola Sacra sample was more homogeneous than that of Lucus Feroniae. While this study helps determine that the sample of Isola Sacra is fairly homogeneous compared to its neighbor Lucus Feroniae, and that the dentition during this time period show marked progression towards reduction, a series of studies by Prowse and colleagues more aptly describe the basic tenants of the sample of Isola Sacra, including immigration and diet. Prowse et al. (2007) analyzed the Isola Sacra sample for patterns of migration and geographic provenience using oxygen stable isotope ratios measured in tooth enamel. Oxygen stable isotopes are acquired from drinking water, and record the water sources available during a particular time and place. The authors analyzed oxygen ratios of the 40 first permanent molar and the third permanent molar in both upper and lower dentitions. Due to the timing of the formation of the M1 and M3 tooth crowns, analyses of ratios in these teeth represent a record of available water sources during infancy and into late childhood or adolescence. Prowse et al. note that the infant mortality rates at Isola Sacra were very high, and that its position as the main port of Rome, requiring a constant workforce to supply the city of Rome, would require immigration. To test this theory, stable isotope ratios of a sample from Isola Sacra were compared to ratios of a modern indigenous Roman sample whose purpose was to act as a control sample, establishing baseline Rome area ratios. For analysis of M1, Prowse and colleagues found that one third of the Isola Sacra sample had isotopic signatures that indicated that they were born outside the region of Rome (33%). The remaining 67% have signatures that correspond to modern day Roman samples, indicating these individuals were from the area around Rome and Isola Sacra. Analysis of M3 shows that a significant portion of these individuals migrated to Isola Sacra during childhood; local isotope signature for M3 shifts to 75% of sample and outsider signatures drop to 25%. The authors state that it was unexpected to encounter the migration of children, and presumably their families, as it was previously thought migration during Imperial Roman times was an activity of adult males. The high rates of immigration support the author’s hypothesis that, due to the high mortality rates in Isola Sacra, immigration must be high to maintain population levels. Other studies from Prowse (2001), Prowse et al. (2005) and Prowse et al. (2008) employ isotopic evidence to characterize diet, differential access to resources, and childhood feeding practices for the Isola Sacra sample. In 2001, Prowse examined dietary 41 patterns inferred from isotopic analysis and dental health data in the Isola Sacra sample. Using isotopic data, Prowse was able to describe the diet of Isola Sacra to be 60% territorial and 40% marine, with males showing higher consumption rates of marine foods in their diet. The author found very little isotopic variation between different burial types in the necropolis (Prowse, 2001). According to the study, infant weaning began around 3 months of age and continued until 2 years of age, and they were fed a largely grain based weaning diet (Prowse, 2001). Prowse also analyzed dental health data for the sample, including caries, tooth wear, antemortem tooth loss (AMTL), abscesses, and calculus. It was noted that the data indicate a good level of oral health in the Isola Sacra sample, as consistent with evidence from other Roman skeletal samples from this time period (Prowse, 2001). Similar to the isotopic data, Prowse notes that there were no significant relationships between burial type and dental health. Differences between males and females can be seen in the dental health data, where males have higher incidences of calculus, caries, and tooth wear, and females have higher amounts of AMTL. In the deciduous dentition, tooth wear started as early as 1.5 years, and pathological lesions began to appear around 2.5 years, indicating that there was stress during early childhood. In 2005, Prowse and coworkers looked more closely at age related variations in diet from isotopic evidence, and found a pattern in food consumption where adult males consumed more proteins, especially in the form of marine foods, than females or subadults. This is in agreement with known status and social habits of Romans, in which males were of higher status then females and children, so they would be more likely to 42 consume food related to prestige such as meat and fish (Prowse et al., 2005). The authors also found that the older age portion of the sample consumed more meats and fish than those in younger age classes. Prowse and colleagues suggest that this trend could indicate that individuals who regularly consumed a diet rich in protein also survived to an older age. A dietary pattern was also found among the data from the subadult sample, in which subadults were found to be depleted in both isotopes analyzed as compared to adults. Since the subadult diet was largely comprised of plant foods, the authors imply that the subadult diet was lacking in nutritional adequacy. This trend was explored further in Prowse et al. (2008), which described the weaning and feeding practices of infants and young children from Isola Sacra looking at a combination of isotopic, paleopathological, and historical data. From isotopic analysis of the deciduous dentition, they determined that the weaning period began at about one year of age, at which point there was addition of complementary food items other than breast milk. This transitional weaning diet was likely carbohydrate in nature and was probably not nutritionally beneficial. Prowse and workers found caries, calculus, and tooth wear that began shortly after the deciduous teeth erupted, consistent with the transitional diet of the Isola Sacra subadults. The isotopic studies done by Prowse et al. (2008, 2005) do not attempt to analyze paleopathological data for implications of the health of Isola Sacra, however, they do hint at an inadequate transitional feeding diet during weaning. A study by FitzGerald et al. (2006) provides some information about the health of infants from Isola Sacra. In this study, the authors analyze Wilson bands in deciduous teeth to determine ages of 43 formation and duration of defects based on methods of evaluating crown development and incremental growth markers. High infant death rates make deciduous teeth, which form between 13-16 weeks in the fetus, to about 11 months after birth, likely candidates for assessing defects in enamel microstructure. Even if death is avoided, markers can still show up in the enamel. FitzGerald and workers document and evaluate the prevalence of Wilson bands in the first year of life in the deciduous dentition of specimens from Isola Sacra. Age at death ranged from birth to about 13 years based on dental and skeletal standards. Nearly forty percent of the sample was found to have at least one Wilson Band, of which canines most commonly exhibited the dental defect (FitzGerald et al., 2006). Concerning age at death, the authors found that individuals with Wilson bands have a higher average age at death than those without, 4.8 years versus 3.8 years. FitzGerald and colleagues feel that this may be an indication that these two different groups, those with Wilson bands and those without, do not share the same frailty or buffering capability. Additionally, the authors were able to pick out peaks in enamel defect occurrence, the first between months 2 and 5, and the second beginning at month 6 and extending until month 9. This pattern may correspond to infant feeding practices during the classical Roman period, and corresponds well to what Prowse et al. (2008) and Prowse (2001) found with isotopic data in the same sample. Interestingly, those from the group displaying no Wilson bands in the first year of life had a very high mortality rate in that first year, more than double that of infants presenting with Wilson bands (FitzGerald et al., 2006). 44 The determination of the frequency and age distribution of Wilson bands by FitzGerald and coworkers indicate that the sub-adults of Isola Sacra were experiencing some amount of stress. Other workers have also assessed the Isola Sacra dentition for signs of stress. Manzi et al. (1999) analyzed dental lesions in three different skeletal samples in Italy, two from the Roman Imperial age, Isola Sacra and Lucas Feroniae, and a third sample from the early medieval site of La Selvicciola. The authors chose these samples because they are well documented historically and archeologically. The samples will make interesting comparisons because it has been well established that Isola Sacra is mostly urban middle class, while Lucas Feroniae was known to be of poorer social status, and the sample of La Selvicciola, from the early middle ages, is a rural community that has been historically and archeologically shown to be under stress due to political strife, high incidence of disease, and general decline during this time period. Dental lesions for the three samples were diagnosed via macroscopic examination and included caries, ante mortem tooth loss, calculus, periodontal lesions (retraction of the alveolar bone from the cementoenamal junction), linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH), and dental attrition. It is interesting to note that the individual results showed lower amounts of caries, abscesses, tooth loss, calculus, resorption, but high rates of LEH for Isola Sacra. The high rate of LEH was not an expected result of the study. Generally, Lucas Feroniae held an intermediate position with Isola Sacra presenting less pathology and La Selvicciola presenting the most pathology (Manzi et al., 1999). When analyzing only LEH, this pattern is reversed. To this, the authors note the possible different susceptibility of the Roman samples versus the Lombards of La Selvicciola due to genetic differences. Manzi 45 et al. (1999) also mention that high frequencies of infant mortality in the Isola Sacra and Lucas Feroniae samples, while infant mortality was significantly lower for La Selvicciola. After two years of age, this trend reverses and La Selvicciola has significantly higher mortality rates. This finding suggests that subadults are under stress at Isola Sacra. Bondioli and coworkers found a similar discovery when analyzing Wilson bands from the Isola Sacra skeletal collection (2004). They showed that Wilson band prevalence was higher for Isola Sacra than modern samples and they were able to correlate peak occurrence with an age of nine and ten months steadily decreasing through 50 months of age. Like Prowse et al. (2008) and FitzGerald et al. (2006), this suggests that the young of Isola Sacra faced challenges to their overall health. To date, there has been one published study of fluctuating asymmetry done on a portion of the Isola Sacra sample. In 2005, Hoover and colleagues investigated the relationship between FA and enamel hypoplasia. Although their study was not done at the populational level, and does not permit population-wide conclusions, they noted interesting findings. The authors found only a very weak correlation between LEH and FA, although these are both considered non-specific indicators of stress. Hoover et al. (2005) note the possibility that the lack of relationship between the two might be due to the longer length of time asymmetry takes to develop. This infers that FA is potentially more sensitive to prolonged general stressors during growth and development, whereas LEH is more specific to particular insults (Hoover et al., 2005). Hoover and colleagues speculate that the differing etiology between the two defects might also be at play, noting 46 FA perhaps has a more complex and generalized etiology while LEH is linked to having a strong nutritional etiology. While Isola Sacra is relatively well studied and researchers have a good idea of population stress, diet, immigration, and other cultural facts, the necropolis of Velia, although understood to be very similar to Isola Sacra in many ways, is less well documented and studied. Craig et al. (2009) have analyzed Velia for stable isotope evidence of diet. The first published study on Velia to date, Craig and colleagues analyzed stable isotopes extracted from bone collagen from every adult interred from the Velia necropolis. The sample was comprised of 117 individuals. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses were performed to gain insight into the diet of individuals from Velia. The data was consistent with a diet primarily comprised of cereals, and with only modest contributions of meat and fish. However, the authors noted substantial variation within the population, and noted that it appears that some males had greater access to marine resources, similarly indicated in the stable isotope analysis of the Isola Sacra sample (Prowse, 2001; Prowse et al., 2005). Craig and coworkers compared this data to tomb type and grave inclusions and found no significant differences between these elements and isotope values. They also compare age at death with the isotopic values and again found no correlation, providing no evidence that adults who lived longer ate a diet richer in marine resources. Interesting to note, individuals from Velia consumed less marine resources than compared with the contemporaneous population of Isola Sacra. Because of the variation seen in the isotopic values, Craig and workers suggest, as one possible explanation, the possibility of immigration or high population mobility, that 47 perhaps Velia was at least partially comprised of individuals that would have had diets that were different than the rest of the population. The authors conclude that Velia likely revolved around agriculture, supplemented by the raising of livestock, with only a minority of the population involved in the gathering of marine resources. They find the isotopic data from the Velia sample to be consistent with the historical and archaeological findings, namely that the diet was high in cereals but lower in the consumption of meat and fish for the majority of Velia citizens. Project Details The study of stable isotopes by Craig and workers (2009) provides a peek into what the diet would have been like at Velia. Although similar to Isola Sacra in many ways, Velia also differs in important ways. Their heavier reliance on agricultural goods and cereals might have a greater impact on health status, especially among the young. Accounts suggest that Velia was under some amount of stress and percentages at the necropolis suggest a high infant mortality rate of 31% (Craig et al., 2009). The objective of this study was to analyze fluctuating dental asymmetry in a sample of individuals from the necropolis of Velia in Southern Italy. Documentation from other Roman Imperial studies with similar samples from the same time period, and the work of Craig and colleagues, suggest that FA should be present in the dentition of the Velia sample. This study was undertaken to analyze asymmetry in adult dentition to record overall magnitude of FA, presence or absence of DA and antisymmetry, and to evaluate the data for patterns such as sex differences in FA frequencies, differences between maxillary and 48 mandibular teeth, differences between the MD and BL dimensions, and correspondence to field theory. 49 Chapter 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS Velia is the name that the Romans gave to the ancient village of Elea, founded in 540 BC by the Greeks fleeing the Persian invasion of Ionia (Craig et al., 2009). Velia is located on the west coast of Italy, south of the modern day town of Salerno. The Romans controlled the city of Velia from the late third century BC. It was a trading center and known for its port facilities (Craig et al., 2009). Figure 1. Approximate Location of Velia in Relation to Modern Italian Cities and the Imperial Roman Necropolis of Isola Sacra. 50 The people of Velia would have been comprised of citizens who were traders or employed in the construction and repair of ships. They would have fished the seas, practiced small scale permanent cultivation, and likely operated a fish preservation industry (Craig et al., 2009). The area is hilly with narrow river valleys giving way to mountainous territory and would not be considered particularly suited for farming. A long series of excavations have taken place at Velia, with the most recent field campaign focused on the exploration of the necropolis. Workers uncovered over 230 burials spanning the first and second centuries AD, the zenith of the Imperial Roman period (Craig et al., 2009). The necropolis at Velia contained both inhumations and cremations, and a variety of tomb types, although none were indicative of particularly high prestige (Craig et al., 2009). The skeletal remains were remarkably complete and well preserved, making it possible to determine age at death and sex for large percentage of individuals. Craig and colleagues (2009) recently analyzed stable isotopes for evidence of diet in the Velia adults and provided basic sex and age at death estimations. They sexed the individuals according to Acsadi and Nemenskeri (1970) and Phenice (1969). They estimated age at death using Burns (1999), Iscan and Loth (1986), Lovejoy (1985), Meindl and Lovejoy (1985), and Todd (1920). Nearly 54% of the individuals uncovered from the Velia necropolis were subadults, and the infant mortality rate for Velia was found to be particularly high at 31% (Craig et al., 2009). There was a slight predominance of males to females in the overall adult sample, with 64 males to 51 females (Craig et al., 2009). 51 While the sample from Velia is generally well preserved and in good condition, some factors, such as extreme tooth wear, AMTL, and dental calculus, limited the sample size for the study of FA. The sample uncovered at Velia contains the remains of more than 100 individuals, however only 54 individuals had dentition intact or well preserved enough to be considered for this study. Prior to the measurement of crown diameters, obvious skeletal and dental pathologies were noted for each individual, including the presence of enamel hypoplasia, cribra orbitalia, dental caries, abscesses, anti-mortem tooth loss (AMTL), tooth wear, buildup of dental calculus, and anomalous traits. Approximately 35 out of the 54 individuals examined in this study had enamel hypoplasia lesions; caries, AMTL, active and healed abscesses, and tooth wear were also common. A great majority of the 54 individuals measured had light to moderate tooth wear. For analysis of FA, buccolingual (BL) and mesiodistal (MD) crown diameters were taken of emerged upper and lower permanent teeth in 54 individuals comprised of 28 females, 21 males, and 5 of undeterminable sex. The age range of the 54 individuals assessed for dental asymmetry varied from approximately ten years of age (where mixed dentition allowed some permanent teeth to be accessible) to adults over the age of fifty. Tooth pairs totaled 1040, made up of 527 female tooth pairs, 429 male tooth pairs, and 84 tooth pairs of unknown sex. Table 1 contains the exact sample sizes by tooth class, sex, crown diameter, and arcade. Any tooth pairs where the presence of caries, lesions, fractures, buildup of calculus, or heavy wear that would affect the dimensions were 52 excluded. Third molars were excluded from study. Only complete right and left pairs were considered for the study. All measurements were taken by the author. The first 13 individuals measured were re-taken on a different day, as increased familiarity with the sample, the dimensions, and the calipers lead to more accurate and repeatable measurements of the BL and MD dimensions. The first set of measurements for those 13 individuals were discarded from study and only the second set of measurements was used for those individuals. The tooth diameters were carefully measured using sharp-pointed Mitutoyo digital calipers, with an accuracy of 0.001mm. The MD diameter of the tooth was defined as the maximum width of the tooth crown in the mesiodistal plane (Sciulli, 1979). The BL diameter of a tooth was taken as the widest diameter of the tooth measured perpendicular to the mesiodistal plane (Sciulli, 1979). Differences in character size have been shown to confound measurements of FA (Harris and Nweeia, 1980; Palmer and Strobeck, 1986). Some researchers transform their data to eliminate size differences among teeth (Harris and Nweeia, 1980). One common method, which was employed in this study, is to divide the absolute value of the side difference (L – R) by the mean size of the left and the right teeth: |𝐿 − 𝑅| 𝐿+𝑅 2 Table 1. Tooth Pair Sample Size by Tooth, Arcade, Sex, and Crown Diameter. Tooth Class MD I1 MD I2 MD C MD P1 MD P2 MD M1 MD M2 Total MD Tooth Pairs BL I1 BL I2 BL C BL P1 BL P2 BL M1 BL M2 Total BL Tooth Pairs Maxillary Teeth Mandibular Teeth Female Male Unknown Total Female Male Unknown Total 13 15 3 31 16 14 5 35 15 14 3 32 23 15 5 43 19 18 2 39 23 19 0 42 20 15 4 39 26 18 2 46 21 16 3 40 25 17 2 44 15 4 4 23 18 15 5 38 18 14 2 34 19 19 2 40 121 96 21 238 150 117 21 288 13 15 3 31 14 15 5 34 15 14 3 32 22 15 5 42 18 18 2 38 22 19 0 41 19 15 4 38 25 18 2 45 19 16 3 38 25 17 2 44 13 5 4 22 17 15 5 37 15 15 2 32 19 19 2 40 112 98 21 231 144 118 21 283 53 54 Descriptive statistics were generated for meaningful subsets of data, including mean size and standard deviation. Antisymmetry was assessed by testing for the normality of the R – L distributions with a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and also included tests for kurtosis and skewness. To detect DA, a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test for significant differences between mean L and mean R in the Velia sample. Analyses of within-group distributions of FA for Velia were done by conducting two-way and one-way ANOVA procedures (Palmer and Strobeck, 1986). However, sample size limitations of less than 25 individuals prevented the use of mixed-model ANOVA in most subsets of data. The statistics were calculated using Microsoft Excel (2010) and the statistics software ‘R’, version 2.11.1. The frequency of FA was calculated for males and females separately, and for the total group. Comparisons were made to discern FA frequency differences between the sexes, the BL and MD dimensions, the mandibular and maxillary dentition, and for analysis of differences between the posterior and anterior teeth, and between tooth classes within the Velia sample. 55 Chapter 4 RESULTS Data was first carefully inspected for bad raw measurements, data entry errors, outliers, and aberrant individuals. Differences between sides in some individuals might be artificially inflated due to injury, wear, extreme phenotypic plasticity, anomalous teeth etc. (Palmer and Strobeck, 2003). Palmer and Strobeck suggest the careful visual inspection of scatter plots to identify outliers and errors. The data from Velia was grouped into subsets of tooth, dimension, sex, and arcade and scatter plots of each subset were used to identify extreme measurements. Scatter plots of the Velia data revealed several measurements that appear to be outliers. It was noted that these extreme measurements were not from the same individual, but had numerous sources and were most likely single tooth anomalies. Outliers were determined by testing L – R measurements for deviations from the sample mean by more than three times the standard deviation. Exclusion of outliers via this method required careful consideration as removing outliers can further reduce the already small sample size of some of the Velia data subsets, and some outliers might represent real variation within the sample. However, outliers can confound FA values and can also affect the normal distribution of the data (Palmer and Strobeck, 2003). The inability to take replicate measures and fully test for measurement error and the inability to re-measure upon finding an anomalous measurement or statistical outlier made the author err on the side of caution. All statistical outliers were removed from the sample and the end result provides a working 56 sample size consisting of 937 tooth pairs. Tables 2 and 3 present a summary of statistics of |L – R| for males and females by arcade and dimension for the Velia sample. Table 2. Summary Statistics of |L – R| for Velia Females. Velia Females MD n Maxilla mean BL SD N mean SD 118 0.133 0.109 111 0.122 0.105 Mandible 147 0.117 0.107 141 0.121 0.105 SD = Standard Deviation; n = number of tooth pairs Table 3. Summary Statistics of |L – R| for Velia Males. Velia Males MD n Maxilla 94 mean BL SD 0.177 0.184 Mandible 114 0.136 0.120 n 96 mean SD 0.141 0.120 116 0.125 0.102 SD = Standard Deviation; n = number of tooth pairs Palmer and Strobeck (2003) and Palmer (1994) have recommended that the data should be checked for a size dependence and asymmetry relationship, and if one is found, only then should one transform the data. Palmer (1994) has determined that the arbitrary correction for presumed size dependence in studies of FA can create artificial differences among samples. Additionally, Palmer points out that size differences among samples 57 may reflect real differences in condition, which is correlated with FA, and eliminating all size dependence of FA could potentially obscure associations between condition and FA (Palmer, 1994; Palmer and Strobeck, 2003). Meaningful subsets of data from Velia were checked for a size-FA relationship using scatter plots relating |L – R| to mean individual sizes of L and R (L +R/2). There was no apparent relationship between |L – R| and size for the Velia sample. Furthermore, an analysis of variance using transformed data provided the similar results for differences between males and females as the untransformed data, shown in Table 4. As such, the size difference between left and right antimeres (L – R) was used as the measure of asymmetry in this study, with |L – R| used to measure fluctuating asymmetry. Table 4. ANOVA Results for Male and Female Differences Using Transformed Data (L-R)/2 and the Absolute Value of L-R. |L – R| (L-R)/2 F Value 18.0903 p-value 0.0001 F Value 6.7789 p-value 0.00937 Antisymmetry is thought to have a genetic basis and testing the sample for the presence of antisymmetry is of importance because where antisymmetry is present, L – R variation would not solely be due to developmental instability. Antisymmetry is tested for by analyzing the sample for departures from normality. Per the recommendations of Palmer (1994), quantile-quantile plots were used to visually inspect the data for departures from normality for the Velia sample, with subsets broken down by sex, arcade, 58 and dimension. Quantile-Quantile plots were used to compare the shapes of distributions, providing a graphical view of how properties such as location, scale, and skewness are similar or different (Appendix B). The linearity of the points for the Velia subsamples suggests that the data are normally distributed. Skew and kurtosis were measured for each subset of data, and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests were employed to test each subset for departures from normality. The results of these tests are presented in Tables 5, Table 6, and Table 7. None of these tests found statistically significant departures from normality. Table 5. Test for Female Skew and Kurtosis. Maxilla MD Mandible BL n 118 111 Mean 0.01876 -0.01571 SD 0.196874 0.169348 Skew -0.01549 -0.62816 Kurtosis 1.850948 0.643869 n = sample number; SD = standard deviation MD BL 147 -0.0274 0.19125 -1.37376 4.4514 141 -0.00175 0.174196 -0.27507 1.99662 Table 6. Test for Male Skew and Kurtosis. Maxilla MD BL n 94 96 Mean 0.004167 -0.02643 SD 0.29326 0.200701 Skew -0.39618 0.163452 Kurtosis 2.894567 1.798893 n = sample number; SD = standard deviation Mandible MD 114 0.006239 0.211268 0.255884 2.209209 BL 116 -0.0141 0.177769 0.99711 3.951975 59 Table 7. Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Results. Maxilla Female Male D p-value D p-value MD 0.3517 0.0001 0.2883 0.0001 BL 0.377 0.0001 0.3528 0.0001 Mandible MD BL 0.3621 0.3555 0.0001 0.0001 0.3317 0.3556 0.0001 0.0001 Similarly to antisymmetry, tests for the presence of DA should be conducted in studies of FA due to the fact that in characters exhibiting DA, some of the between sides differences may have a genetic basis and not be the result of developmental instability (Palmer, 1994). Finding DA in a sample would confound FA values. Mean and standard deviation were assessed for the arcades, tooth dimensions, and the sexes separately, and are presented in Table 8. A two-way analysis of variance was also used to test for significant differences between mean left values and mean right values in the Velia sample, the results of which can be seen in Table 9. While Table 9 shows some factors from the two-way ANOVA testing for DA are significant, only the differences between sides are important for determining if DA is present, and in none of the data subsets tested was the mean of left and right significantly different from zero. None of the differences between left and right is even as large as the standard deviation presented in Table 8. Tests for DA and antisymmetry confirm that the major source of variation of (L – R) in the Velia sample is attributable to fluctuating asymmetry. Previous studies of FA have shown that maxillary and mandibular teeth may respond differently to stress, that 60 females and males can present with differences in FA, and that the mesiodistal and buccolingual dimensions may also respond differently to stress (Garn et al., 1967; Harris and Nweeia 1980; Siegel and Doyle 1975). The Velia sample was analyzed for these potential relationships. Table 8. Mean Values and Standard Deviation for Subsets of Data Tested for DA. Mean SD n Maxilla 8.202784 1.625946 934 Mandible 7.681567 1.835851 1136 MD 7.542906 1.760642 1046 BL 8.301025 1.682116 1024 Female 7.754743 1.68133 1052 Male 8.09473 1.795688 852 n = sample number; SD = standard deviation Table 9. Mixed-Model ANOVA Results Testing for DA. Source of Variation F Value P Value Arcade 45.7236 0.0001 Side* 0.0083 0.9276 Arcade:Side* 0.0001 0.9924 Sex 18.0903 0.0001 Side* 0.0084 0.9272 Sex:Side* 0.0001 0.9994 Dimension 100.1685 0.0001 Side* 0.0076 0.9304 Dimension:Side* 0.0159 0.8997 * For the purposes of analyses of DA, between sides differences are of primary importance Examined by a one-way ANOVA, pooling tooth type, arcade, and dimensions, males and females were found to have statistically significant differences in magnitude of 61 FA, with males being more asymmetric (n = 937, p = 0.00937; see Table 10). Further observations of a two-way analysis of variance with the two factors being sex and tooth dimension (MD and BL) run separately for each arcade revealed that significant differences between males and females are found only in the maxillary teeth (n = 419, p = 0.01485, Table 11). Table 10 charts the differences for mean and standard deviation by sex and arcade, and Table 11 presents the results of the two-way ANOVA for sex and dimension considering each arcade separately. Table 10. Comparisons of Female and Male Mean by Arcade. Maxilla Number of Tooth Pairs 419 Female Mean 0.142167 Male Mean 0.145382 Standard Deviation 0.129925 Mandible 518 0.119201 0.130435 0.108096 Table 11. Two-Way ANOVA Results for Sex and Tooth Dimensions, Considered Separately for Each Arcade. Sum Mean F Sq Sqr Value Sex 0.0993 0.099337 5.9846 Maxilla Dimension 0.0512 0.051247 3.0874 Sex:Dimension 0.0169 0.016939 1.0205 Sex 0.0161 0.016137 1.3785 Mandible Dimension 0.0008 0.00083 0.0709 Sex:Dimension 0.0074 0.007355 0.6283 * indicates statistical significance at a 95% confidence level P 0.01485 * 0.07964 0.31299 0.2409 0.7901 0.4283 62 There was no significant difference for mandibular teeth, for FA differences between the MD and BL dimensions, or for the interaction of sex and the dimensions. Within the dimensions, with the arcades pooled, male and female differences between left and right were statistically significant in the MD dimension (n = 473, p =0.01193) but not in the BL dimension, as shown in Table 12. A one-way ANOVA testing the female maxillary MD dimension and the male maxillary MD dimension also showed significant differences between males and females, with males having higher amounts of FA, while all other combinations of arcade and dimension did not (Table 13). The analyses all indicate that males have significantly higher FA in the maxillary MD dimension than females. Table 12. ANOVA Results for Sex and Tooth Dimension, Arcades Pooled. Number Sum Sq Mean Sqr Female MD vs. Male MD 473 0.1072 0.107203 Female BL vs. Male BL 464 0.0124 0.012433 * indicates statistical significance at a 95% confidence level F Value 6.3713 1.127 P 0.01193 * 0.289 Table 13. ANOVA Results for Sex and Tooth Dimension, Considering Each Arcade. Maxilla Mandible Number P Number P Female MD vs. Male MD 212 0.03101 * 261 0.1826 Female BL vs. Male BL 207 0.2179 257 0.778 * indicates statistical significance at a 95% confidence level 63 Evaluations for FA frequencies in the arcades using one-way ANOVA, pooling sex and dimension, suggested that there was a statistically significant difference between FA in the mandible and the maxilla (Table 14), with the maxillary FA frequencies being higher (Table 15). Comparing upper and lower teeth within each sex and within each dimension produced no significant results, although comparisons of the male maxillary and mandibular MD was significant at the 90% confidence level. Across the sample subsets, the maxillary dentition showed greater levels of FA as compared to the mandibular dentition. Pooled data of the entire sample tested for distinction in the dental dimensions yielded no significance. Differences within the sexes between the MD and BL dimension had the same results, although the MD mean was consistently higher, suggesting increased FA in this dimension, but not to a statistically significant degree. Table 14. Pooled ANOVA Results for the Main Variables. Number SD Sum Sq Mean Sqr MD/BL 937 0.118617 0.0281 0.028101 Maxilla/Mandible 937 0.118617 0.0725 0.072538 Female/Male 937 0.118617 0.0948 0.094795 * indicates statistical significance at a 95% confidence level Table 15. Pooled Mean Values for FA. MD BL Maxilla Mandible Female Male Mean 0.135544 0.126138 0.141885 0.124189 0.123037 0.143262 F Value 1.9993 5.1785 6.7789 P 0.1577 0.02309* 0.00937* 64 A series of one-way ANOVA also revealed significant differences between the anterior teeth (incisors and canine) and the posterior teeth (premolars and molars) within and between the sexes. The results are presented in Table 16. Table 16. ANOVA of the Male and Female Anterior and Posterior Teeth. Source of Variation Sum Sq Mean Sq Male Maxillary Anterior/Male 0.3567 0.35674 Maxillary posterior Male Mandibular Anterior/Male 0.05578 0.055785 Mandibular Posterior Female Maxillary Anterior/Female 0.00288 0.002882 Maxillary Posterior Female Mandibular Anterior/Female 0.0429 0.042912 Mandibular Posterior Male Mandibular Anterior/Female 0.00275 0.002746 Mandibular Anterior Male Maxillary Posterior/Female 0.3063 0.306349 Maxillary Posterior Female Mandibular Posterior/Male 0.015 0.015026 Mandibular Posterior Female Maxillary Anterior/Male 0.01098 0.010985 Maxillary Anterior * indicates statistical significance at a 95% confidence level F Value P 15.775 0.0001014* 4.6147 0.03275 * 0.2513 0.6166 3.8715 0.05008 0.3036 0.5822 16.537 0.0001* 1.1356 0.2874 0.8588 0.3553 Comparisons of the male anterior and posterior teeth for both the mandible and the maxilla showed that the posterior teeth were significantly more variable than the anterior teeth. This was especially true for the maxilla, in which the posterior teeth present marked increases in FA as compared to the anterior teeth (n = 191, p = 0.0001014). Differences between the maxillary female and male posterior teeth were highly significant (p=0.0001), although differences in the maxillary anterior teeth 65 between the sexes were not significant. Female comparisons of anterior and posterior teeth did not show the same trends as the males, and in fact, although not statistically significant, they had the higher frequencies of FA in the anterior maxillary teeth than in the posterior maxillary teeth. Individual teeth were assessed for FA by pooling the MD and BL measurements for two reasons: the diameters were not found to differ significantly in their frequencies of FA, and to permit a better sample size for individual teeth. Tooth types were separated by sex and by arcade for the study, and they were analyzed for patterns and correspondence to field theory and other known patterns of odontometic asymmetry. Means, indicating FA frequencies, for both males and females and the upper and lower teeth are presented by individual tooth in Table 17. Mean differences between female maxillary and mandibular tooth types suggest nearly complete congruency with field theory. In the female maxillary dentition, the tooth with the least amount of FA was the first molar, followed closely by the canine. Mean differences in the lower teeth showed the first lower incisor to have the lowest magnitude of FA. In both the upper and lower teeth, M2 was found to have the largest amount of FA. Females showed no statistically significant differences between tooth types. Tooth type and FA analysis in males yielded significant differences between teeth for magnitude of FA. As already noted, statistically significant values were found in the maxilla, but not in the mandible. The male mandibular teeth followed expectations of field theory with the exception of M2, which showed remarkably small amounts of FA. The male maxillary dentition also loosely conformed to field theory, with the exception 66 of I1 having more asymmetry than I2. The largest mean values of asymmetry were present in the male maxillary teeth, with M2, P2, and I1 having larger means than any other subset measured. In the male sample, the canine appeared to be the most stable maxillary tooth and the I2 was the most stable in the lower teeth. Table 17. Mean Values of FA by Tooth for the Arcades and Sexes. Tooth I1 I2 C P1 P2 M1 M2 Female Means Maxilla Mandible 0.128855 0.076923 0.133083 0.107442 0.115405 0.116818 0.124706 0.1218 0.127353 0.133469 0.11075 0.124857 0.146889 0.138108 Male Means Maxilla Mandible 0.142667 0.112414 0.107407 0.107143 0.101714 0.114595 0.150333 0.141714 0.200313 0.167353 0.186667 0.154667 0.268571 0.113784 67 Chapter 5 FINDINGS AND INTERPRETATIONS Discussion Craig et al. (2009) and other workers have documented that Velia and similar communities in existence during the Imperial Roman period were under stress, especially at a young age (Craig et al., 2009; Cucina et al., 2005; FitzGerald et al., 2006; Hoover et al., 2005; Manzi et al., 1999; Manzi et al., 1997; Manzi et al., 1991; Prowse, 2001; Prowse et al., 2008; Prowse et al., 2007; Prowse et al., 2005). As expected, tests established the presence of FA in the Velia population, and confirmed a lack of DA and antisymmetry, making the sample ideal for discerning patterns of FA variation. Tests of asymmetry frequencies for the Velia data have consistently provided the following trends: the maxillary teeth have greater amounts of FA than mandibular teeth, the MD dimension showed increased FA as compared to the BL measurement, posterior teeth showed more asymmetry, and males had higher FA means than females, with greatest asymmetry occurring in the male maxillary posterior teeth. Past research has shown that there is some evidence that fluctuating asymmetry is not expressed uniformly across sexes and populations. While it is not surprising that there should be differences between males and females in the Velia population, given the evidence of differential access to nutritional foods, it is surprising that males should have higher FA amounts than females. In the Velia sample, male frequencies of FA were especially significant in the posterior maxillary dentition and for the maxillary MD 68 dimension. Generally, mean FA amounts were greater for males across all Velia subsets, indicating greater variation and increased asymmetry in males. This finding should not be an artifact of a tooth size and asymmetry relationship, as tests on the Velia sample showed a consistent lack of correlation between tooth size and asymmetry. To ensure this assumption was not mistaken, male and female differences were analyzed using transformed data, to eliminate any possible effect of a size-asymmetry correlation. The results from the ANOVA using transformed data matched the results from the same test on non-transformed data. Differences between the sexes are fairly rare among studies of odontometric FA. Harris and Nweeia (1980) found that females were significantly more asymmetric than males for the MD diameter in the modern-day Amazonian Ticuna Indians. Garn et al. (1967), found in their sample of modern Ohio whites, that males were more asymmetric, but for the BL dimension. While most studies do not find significant differences between the sexes, it is widely believed that females are better buffered against developmental instability due to their double X chromosome (Guatelli-Steinberg et al., 2006; Harris and Nweeia, 1980). This could certainly be the case for Velia. What is known from research on other Imperial Roman collections seem to indicate that females would experience more stress given their dietary, cultural, and behavioral differences. It has been convincingly reported that males had greater access to marine and mammal resources (Craig et al., 2009; Prowse, 2001; Prowse et al., 2005). However, the explanation of the findings from Velia would seem to indicate that males were under greater developmental stress. One possible explanation is that Velia males could be comprised of a good portion 69 of immigrants, as Craig et al. (2009) speculated that Velia had high population mobility. Prowse et al. (2007) had a similar finding for the sample from Isola Sacra. Both noted that males rather than females were more likely to immigrate. Immigrants were often more socioeconomically challenged, perhaps consisting of a slave class or laborer, and thus would perhaps be more apt to experience stress during development. Comparative analysis of stable isotopes and FA might be an avenue for further investigation on this hypothesis. Analysis of the dental dimensions within and between the sexes and arcades showed only a significant difference in the MD dimension for the male maxillary teeth. Differences in the magnitude of FA in the Velia sample suggest that the MD dimension is a more sensitive measure of developmental instability. The MD and BL dimensions both showed increased asymmetry in the maxillary teeth, lending to evidence for an arcadedimension effect sometimes found in studies of dental FA (Garn et al., 1967; Harris and Nweeia, 1980; Siegel and Doyle, 1975). Previous studies have often found the maxillary teeth to be more asymmetric than mandibular teeth (Garn et al., 1967; Harris and Nweeia, 1980; Hoover et al., 2005; Potter et al., 1976; Siegel and Doyle, 1975). The Velia data find the maxillary teeth to be more asymmetric for both sexes and for both dimensions. Pooled data indicate a statistically significant difference in FA between the maxilla and mandible. Further investigation showed marked FA in the male posterior maxillary teeth. Consistent differences between the upper and lower teeth suggest that the two arcades function independently in their buffering ability to genetic and environmental disturbances. Hoover and colleagues 70 (2005), assessed asymmetry on a sample from Isola Sacra, and also found increased FA in the maxillary dentition. The positive association between asymmetry and the dental patterning as described by field theory is evident in the FA measurements from the Velia sample. The female maxillary dentition show complete agreement with field theory, in which the pole teeth I1, C, P1 and M1 have the least asymmetry, and I2, P2, and M2 appear to be less well buffered. The mandibular teeth do not show this pattern as cleanly, since the lower I1 tooth was found to have the least asymmetry, whereas the pole tooth would be expected to be I2. All other female mandibular teeth followed the description of field theory, in which the pole teeth, considered most stable, have less variation and asymmetry. Males follow a similar trend, with the exception of the upper I1 in and lower M2. Velia females had no significant differences amongst the seven tooth types in either arcade or for either dimension. Differences in the magnitude of FA between female anterior and posterior teeth were also not significant. Analysis of male tooth types and comparison of anterior and posterior teeth offered a different pattern. For males, pooling the dimensions, there were no statistically significant FA differences within tooth classes. However, comparisons of the male anterior and posterior teeth yielded significant results for both arcades, strongly indicating more variability in the posterior dentition. Discussion of tooth type asymmetry from Velia should be interpreted with some caution. Sample sizes were small, even with the dimensions (MD and BL) pooled. 71 Conclusion The present study supports the contention that fluctuating dental asymmetry is a useful measure of developmental instability. The sample from Velia, as evidenced from skeletal and dental pathologies, experienced stress during growth and development leading to deviations from bilateral symmetry in the adult dentition. Males were found to be more asymmetric than females, and maxillary teeth were more asymmetric, especially for the MD dimension. Asymmetry was also found to vary in accordance with tooth position, where typically the most stable tooth in each field, or pole tooth, was least asymmetric. The lack of patterning and agreement in the various FA investigations conducted over the years suggest that fluctuating asymmetry is not expressed uniformly across populations, sexes, arcades, tooth classes, or dimensions. Without investigating genetically similar comparative samples, it is impossible to know whether FA analyses from Velia reflect trends of FA variation also seen in other Imperial Roman collections. Further investigation is recommended to better understand the nature of fluctuating asymmetry in Roman Imperial populations. 72 APPENDIX A Abbreviations Used in Study AMTL – Antemortem Tooth Loss BL – Buccolingual Tooth Dimension DA – Directional Asymmetry C – Canine FA – Fluctuating Asymmetry I1 – Central Incisor I2 – Lateral Incisor L – Left LEH – Linear Enamel Hypoplasia MD – Mesiodistal Tooth Dimension M1 – First Molar M2 – Second Molar M3 – Third Molar P1 – First Premolar 73 P2 – Second Premolar R – Right 74 APPENDIX B Sample of Scatter Plots Showing Outliers Scatter plot of |L – R| and (L-R)/2 for the female maxillary mesiodistal I1. 0.6 Absolute Value of L-R 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 7.5 8 8.5 (L-R)/2 9 9.5 Scatter plot of |L – R| and (L-R)/2 for the female maxillary mesiodistal P1. 0.7 Absolute Value of L-R 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 5.5 6 6.5 7 (L-R)/2 7.5 8 75 Scatter plot of |L – R| and (L-R)/2 for the female maxillary mesiodistal P2. 0.7 Absolute Value of L-R 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 (L-R)/2 Scatter plot of |L – R| and (L-R)/2 for the female maxillary mesiodistal M1. 0.7 Absolute Value of L-R 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 9 9.5 10 (L-R)/2 10.5 11 76 Scatter plot of |L – R| and (L-R)/2 for the male maxillary mesiodistal I2. 1.2 Absolute Value of L-R 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 (L-R)/2 Scatter plot of |L – R| and (L-R)/2 for the male maxillary mesiodistal P2. 0.9 Absolute Value of L-R 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 5.5 6 6.5 7 (L-R)/2 7.5 8 77 Scatter plot of |L – R| and (L-R)/2 for the male maxillary buccolingual canine. 0.8 Absolute Value of L-R 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 (L-R)/2 Scatter plot of |L – R| and (L-R)/2 for the female mandibular mesiodistal canine. 1 Absolute Value of L-R 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 5.5 6 6.5 (L-R)/2 7 7.5 78 Scatter plot of |L – R| and (L-R)/2 for the male mandibular mesiodistal M2. 0.8 Absolute Value of L-R 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 (L-R)/2 Scatter plot of |L – R| and (L-R)/2 for the female mandibular buccolingual I2. 1.6 Absolute Value of L-R 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 5.6 5.8 6 6.2 6.4 (L-R)/2 6.6 6.8 7 79 Scatter plot of |L – R| and (L-R)/2 for the male mandibular buccolingual I2. 1.8 Absolute Value of L-R 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 5.5 6 6.5 (L-R)/2 7 7.5 Scatter plot of |L – R| and (L-R)/2 for the male mandibular buccolingual canine. 0.9 Absolute Value of L-R 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 6.5 7 7.5 8 (L-R)/2 8.5 9 80 APPENDIX C Quantile-Quantile Plots of Normality for the Velia Sample Normality distribution of the female maxillary MD dimension. 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -3 -2 -1 Female Max MD 0 1 2 3 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 Normality distribution of the female maxillary BL dimension. 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -3 -2 -1 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7 0 1 2 3 Female Max BL 81 Normality distribution of the female mandibular MD dimension. 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -0.2 Female Mand MD -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 Normality distribution of the female mandibular BL dimension. 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -3 -2 -1 Female Mand BL 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 1 2 3 82 Normality distribution of the male maxillary MD dimension. 1.5 1 0.5 0 -3 -2 -1 Male Max MD 0 1 2 3 -0.5 -1 -1.5 Normality distribution of the male maxillary BL dimension. 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -3 -2 -1 Male Max BL 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 1 2 3 83 Normality distribution of the male mandibular MD dimension. 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -3 -2 -1 Male Mand MD 0 1 2 3 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 Normality distribution of the male mandibular BL dimension. 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Male Mand BL 0 -3 -2 -1 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 1 2 3 84 REFERENCES Aas IHM, Risnes S. 1979. 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