©2009 Philip Fontenot ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ii PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ITS IMPORTANCE AT THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEVEL – PARENTS’ PERSPECTIVES A Thesis by Philip L. Fontenot Approved by: ______________________________________, Committee Chair Lindy Valdez, Ed.D. ______________________________________, Second Reader Daryl Parker, Ph.D. ____________________________ Date iii Student: Philip L. Fontenot I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this thesis is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the thesis. __________________________, Graduate Coordinator Daryl Parker, Ph.D. Department of Kinesiology & Health Science iv ___________________ Date Abstract of PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ITS IMPORTANCE AT THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEVEL – PARENTS’ PERSPECTIVES by Philip L. Fontenot The purpose of this study is to examine parents’ perspectives on the importance for physical education in elementary schools curriculum. By including physical education in the curriculum it no longer is viewed as an elective or support subject for student. Furthermore the inclusion of physical education in the curriculum helps address one of the major issues facing youth, and the world today. That issue is obesity. Obesity and lack of physical activity are two of the main causes of heart problems, diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, stroke, and many other health risks. Parents are the direct link to change within the education system through such organizations as the schools local PTA. Parents can influence both educational policies and the particular nature of the school attended by their offspring. By understanding the perspective of parents on having physical education within the school curriculum, and v placing added importance on the need to keep student healthy and alert, student are assured a more holistic approach to education and wellness. _______________________, Committee Chair Lindy Valdez, Ed.D. _______________________, Date vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks first go to my parents, Clarence and Mary Fontenot. Without their love, understanding and encouragement, none of this would have been possible. It would be better if you were here in life to celebrate this moment with me, but feeling your presence and knowing you are here in spirit means the world to me. Thank you Dr. Schmidlein for getting me started on what was a tiresome process of finding a topic to present for my thesis. It’s often said that people come into and out of you life for a reason, which sometimes isn’t realized until later. For me that reason is realized, thank you for being there. For Dr. Valdez, thank you cannot be said enough. You stuck with me throughout the whole process of endless meetings, gathering the information, defenses of my thesis and finalizing the process. Working with you made the process seem less tedious and strenuous. Your support, feedback and encouragement are well appreciated. Thank you Dr. Valdez for everything. Next an enormous thanks goes to my brother Clarence for without him none of this would have been possible. You believed in me and provided me with a new beginning to better my life and myself. Thank you “My Brother”. Also to the other members of my family (Bertha, Kenny, Ronald, Ernest, Jenny, Keith, Kirk, and Joycelyn) in Kenner, La. for whom without I would not have had the versatility and adaptability to endure anything. Lastly, thank you does not go far enough for what needs to be said to my friend, who was there when I wanted to stop and her silence gave me strength to continue, my love who provided an ear when I needed it, and most of all my wife, Katia, whose support through all the years of homework, research and thesis writing vii she endured and never questioned. You are and have been my strength, endurance and motivation to life. I Love You My Friend, My Love, My Wife. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS …………………………………………………………… vii Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION ….....…………………………………………………………….…1 Statement of Purpose ……………………………………………………………. 3 Significance of Study………………….…………………………………………..3 Definition of Terms …….…………………….…………………………………..4 Delimitations .……………………………………………………………………..7 Limitations………………………………………………………………………...7 Assumptions ……………………………………………………………………... 7 Hypothesis ……………………………………………………………………….. 8 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE .….........………………………………………………...9 Parental Involvement in Education …………………………………………….. 10 Parents’ Perspective ...…………………………………………………………...16 Physical Education Specialists..………………………………………….21 Health Concerns ………………………………………..…….………….24 Concerns About Overweight/obesity in Student Population.…….……...27 Physical Education and Academic Benefits …………………………….30 Summary ………………………………………………………………………...34 3. METHODS .…………....…………………………………………………………….37 Demographics …………………………………………………………………...38 ix Participants ………………………………………………………………………39 Instrument ……………………………………………………………………….39 Procedures...…………………………………………………………….………..40 Data Analysis ….…………………………………………………………..…….41 4. RESULTS ……………………………………………………………………..……42 Analysis Statement 1 - Physical Education classes are a very important part of the curriculum ……..……………………………....… 49 Analysis Statement 2 - Participation in physical activity is essential for a quality life, regardless of sex and ethnic background …..56 Analysis Statement 3 - Good health throughout life is related to one’s level of physical activity ……………………………………...61 Analysis Statement 4 - Physical education should be required at every level of education ……………………………………………..66 Analysis Statement 5 - Physically active people are generally more mentally alert than less active people ……………………………..72 Analysis Statement 6 - If there is a need to reduce the number of courses offered in the school program, physical education should be one of the courses dropped .…………...……..77 Analysis Statement 7 - Most students get all the exercise they need just doing normal daily activity …………………………………….84 Analysis Statement 8 - Physical education classes are just as important as academic classes ………………………………………..91 Analysis Statement 9 - Physical activity is of major importance to my family’s life …………………………………………….96 Analysis Statement 10- Important objectives, such as development of cardiovascular fitness, flexibility and strength, concepts x of fair play and working together, and development of physical skills, are learned in physical education ..…...102 Analysis Statement 11- I feel that 100 minutes a week, 50 minutes twice a week, is more than enough time for my child to spend in physical education ..………………………………...108 Analysis Statement 12- Physical education, at the elementary school level, can help build a foundation towards a lifestyle health and fitness ...…………………………………....116 Analysis Statement 13- I am very knowledgeable of what my child is doing in physical education ...…………………………………..121 Analysis Statement 14- More can be gained for my child if a qualified physical education instructor, instead of a classroom teacher, teaches them ...……………………………….128 Analysis Statement 15- On a scale of (1-5) how would you rate the following subjects on their importance in your child’s’ curriculum with (5) being the highest, or most important to (1) being the lowest value or least important?.…….…......130 Analysis Statement 15 - English ...…..…………………………………………131 Analysis Statement 15 - History……………….………………..…………...…132 Analysis Statement 15 - Math .…………………………………………………133 Analysis Statement 15 - Physical Education ………………...…………….…..134 Analysis Statement 15 - Science …………………………………………….…135 Analysis Statement 15 – Gender.…………………………………...…………..136 Analysis Statement 15 - Age Group.………………………………………...…138 Chapter Summary ……………………………………………………………...138 5. DISCUSSION………………………………..………………..……………….…….141 Recommendation …………………………………………………………...….149 xi Appendix A. Physical Education Questionnaire ...……………………………….……150 Appendix B. Parents Consent Form……………………………………………….…...154 Appendix C. Protection of Human Subjects ……………………………………….….156 Appendix D. Request to Conduct Research in the Sacramento City Unified School District…...……………………..…………………………….….162 Appendix E. District Approval Letter..…………………………………………..….…166 References …………………………………………………………………………..….168 xii LIST OF TABLES Page 1. Table 1 Gender - Physical education classes are a very important part of the curriculum …...…………....…………………………………………..45 2. Table 2 Chi-square tests/Gender.………………………………..……..………46 3. Table 3 Age Groups - Physical education classes are a very important part of the curriculum ..….………………...……………………….……………. 46 4. Table 4 Chi-square tests/ Age group..………………………….………..……..49 5. Table 5 Gender- Participation in physical activity is essential for a quality life, regardless of sex and ethnic background …………….………..……...51 6. Table 6 Chi-square tests/Gender.……………………………….….…….….…52 7. Table 7 Age Groups - Participation in physical activity is essential for a quality life, regardless of sex and ethnic background ….………………...…. 53 8. Table 8 Chi-square tests/ Age group……..…………………….….…………..56 9. Table 9 Gender- Good health throughout life is related to one’s level of physical activity..…...………….……………………………………….………57 10. Table 10 Chi-square tests/Gender …………………………………...……….58 11. Table 11 Age Groups - Good health throughout life is related to one’s level of physical activity……………………………………………..…….. 58 12. Table 12 Chi-square tests/ Age group..…….………………..………………. 60 13. Table 13 Gender - Physical education should be required at every level of education ..…………….……………………..…..……………….. 62 14. Table 14 Chi-square tests/Gender…….…………………...………...…….… 63 15. Table 15 Age Groups - Physical education should be required at every level of education ……………………...……..……………..…………….. 63 xiii 16. Table 16 Chi-square tests/Age group .....…………………….…...…………. 66 17. Table 17 Gender - Physically active people are generally more mentally alert than less active people ……………...……………………...…….. 67 18. Table 18 Chi-square tests/Gender …………….……………………..……… 68 19. Table 19 Age Groups - Physically active people are generally more mentally alert than less active people …………………….…………..……. 68 20. Table 20 Chi-square tests/Age group ......…………….…………………..…..72 21. Table 21 Gender - If there is a need to reduce the number of courses offered in the school program, physical education should be one of the courses dropped …………………………..……………………..……..…. 73 22. Table 22 Chi-square tests/Gender …….…………………………….…….….74 23. Table 23 Age Groups - If there is a need to reduce the number of courses offered in the school program, physical education should be one of the courses dropped .…………………………………………...…..74 24. Table 24 Chi-square tests/Age group …...………………………………..…..77 25. Table 25 Gender- Most students get all the exercise they need just doing normal daily activity …...……..………….……………….……….78 26. Table 26 Chi-Square tests/Gender ...………………………….……….…….80 27. Table 27 Age Groups – Most students get all the exercise they need just doing normal daily activity …….………………..………….……….…...80 28. Table 28 Chi-square tests/Age group ....………………………….……..….. 84 29. Table 29 Gender- Physical education classes are just as important as academic classes …….……….…..…………………………………….…… 86 30. Table 30 Chi-square tests/Gender …...…………………………….…….…. 87 31. Table 31 Age Groups - Physical education classes are just as important as academic classes ……………………………………….….….….. 87 32. Table 32 Chi-square tests/Age group ...………………….………….…….... 91 xiv 33. Table 33 Gender - Physical activity is of major importance to my family ‘s life………………..…………………………………...….………. 92 34. Table 34 Chi-square tests/Gender ...………………………………….…….. 93 35. Table 35 Age Groups - Physical activity is of major importance to my family‘s life ….…………………………………………….………93 36. Table 36 Chi-square tests /Age group ……………………………….………96 37. Table 37 Gender - Important objectives , such as development of cardiovascular fitness, flexibility and strength, concepts of fair play and working together, and development of physical skills, are learned in physical education …..…………….97 38. Table 38 Chi-square tests/Gender ……...…………………………….…….. 98 39. Table 39 Age Groups – Important objectives , such as development of cardiovascular fitness, flexibility and strength, concepts of fair play and working together, and development of physical skills, are learned in physical education .……………………………….……98 40. Table 40 Chi-square tests/Age group ...……………………………….……102 41. Table 41 Gender- I feel that 100 mins. a week, 50 mins. twice a week, is more than enough time for my child to spend in physical education ………………………………..…………………….…104 42. Table 42 Chi-square tests/Gender ...………………………………………..105 43. Table 43 Age Groups- I feel that 100 mins. a week, 50 mins. twice a week, is more than enough time for my child to spend in physical education ……………………………………………….…….….106 44. Table 44 Chi-square tests/Age group ……….……………………………...108 45. Table 45 Gender- Physical education at the elementary school level, can help build a foundation towards a lifestyle of health & fitness………..110 46. Table 46 Chi-square tests/Gender ……………...…………………………..112 47. Table 47 Age Groups - Physical education at the elementary school level, can help build a foundation towards a lifestyle of health fitness…......112 xv 48. Table 48 Chi-square tests/Age group ...…………………………….………115 49. Table 49 Gender- I am very knowledgeable of what my child is doing in physical education …………...…………………………………...117 50. Table 50 Chi-square tests/Gender …...……………………………………..118 51. Table 51 Age Groups - I am very knowledgeable of what my child is doing in physical education ……………………..………………………...118 52. Table 52 Chi-square tests/Age group ...….…………………………………121 53. Table 53 Gender- More can be gained for my child if a qualified physical education instructors, instead of a classroom teacher, teaches them …………………………………………………………..….123 54. Table 54 Chi-square tests/Gender …………...……………………………..124 55. Table 55 Age Groups - More can be gained for my child if a qualified physical education instructors, instead of a classroom teacher, teaches them ……………………………....…………………….. 125 56. Table 56 Chi-square tests/Age group………………………………..……...128 Rate the Importance of Subjects in Curriculum 57. Table 57 Descriptive Statistics…...……….…………………………...…....130 58. Table 58 Rate the Importance English …..………………………………....131 59. Table 59 Rate the Importance History …………….……………………….132 60. Table 60 Rate the Importance Math ………..………………………………133 61. Table 61 Rate the Importance Physical Education .………………………..134 62. Table 62 Rate the Importance Science ..……………………………………135 63. Table 63 Ranks/Gender………………………………………………....…..136 64. Table 64 Ranks/Age group ……..………………………...………..……....137 xvi