The University of Lethbridge Faculty of Education EDUC 3601 Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Science – 2 Course Outline Spring 2007 Instructor: Paul Stevenson Email: Phone: 403 – 327 – 4103 Office: A842 Secretary: Barb Krushel, B858 Class Times: Mon./Wed. 1:00 p.m. – 3:50 p.m. Room: B760 (Science Education Lab) Required Textbook: Scientific Literacy for Canadian Students by Roscoe and Mrazek (CLR) Science is… by Bosak, Bosak & Puppa (Scholastic Canada) Invitations to Inquiry by Tak Liem Web Resources: • Alberta Science Program of Studies • Learning Resources Centre (authorized resources for Alberta Science Program) • ICT Program of Studies • Telus Learning Connection • • Alberta Teachers' Association Science Council • The Science Page (links to thousands of science sites with activities, information, resources) • Canada Schoolnet: Learning Resources/Curriculum Area (Canadian science resources) Course Description: The curriculum and Instruction module consists of 39 hours of instruction focussed on effective medium term (unit) planning. The intent of the course is to foster the student’s development as a teacher of science. The course will explore: Effective planning both short and long term in science The outcomes as described in the Programs of Study Science resources including print and electronic Instructional strategies for science Integration of computer technology in the science classroom Student assessment and evaluation Classroom management and leadership Learning Outcomes: Students will: 1. Create effective science lesson plans and unit plans that correlate with the outcomes and philosophy of the Alberta Programs of Study (KSA #2, #3, #4 and #6) 2. Identify and effectively use a wide range of educational resources for science lesson and unit planning. (KSA #10, #13, #6) Student basic resources including textbooks and teacher resource manuals Other resources approved by Alberta Education Electronic resources such as multimedia CD-ROMs and web sites Community Resources 3. Use a variety of instructional strategies appropriate to the Alberta Program of Studies in science, the level taught, and student’s learning needs including: (KSA #9, #5) Direct instruction Individual guided practice Class discussion and questioning Hands-on science activity (including partial and full inquiries) Demonstrations Small group/ cooperative learning strategies 4. Integrate information and communications technology (ICT) outcomes into science instruction (KSA #10) 5. Plan for effective classroom management and leadership in science classrooms including: (KSA #8) Creating a positive learning environment Establishing and reinforcing expectations Building positive relationships Developing effective classroom routines and procedures Safety procedures Responding effectively when expectations are not met 6. Develop and use a variety of science assessment techniques and instruments to assess and evaluate the full range of science outcomes. (KSA #11) 7. Create multiple paths to learning differentiation instruction and adapting instruction for multi-grade or multipurpose classrooms (KSA #5, #6) 8. Develop and implement a Professional Growth Plan (TPGP). (KSA #15, #16) General Expectations/Professionalism: The student will: 1. Follow professional standards of conduct in the course and practicum, including: #4 showing enthusiasm and initiative #5 maintaining positive relationships with peers and faculty personnel #7 demonstrating a commitment to teaching and professional growth #8 acting in responsible manner: punctual, dependable, and consistent 2. Attend every class, be on time (i.e. 5 min early), and stay for the duration of the class. Contact the instructor in advance of class in the case of an unavoidable absence. 3. Come to class prepared. 4. Submit assignments on the due date that closely adhere to the required standards and criteria for that assignment. Assignments 1. Webquest (25%) (KSAs #3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13) Due: Wednesday January 24 You will choose a grade level and unit from the Alberta Science Program of Studies, and create a WebQuest (web-based student activity) that matches unit SLOs and the curriculum emphasis for that unit. The WebQuest should include the following components: Introduction - orients students and captures their interest. Task & Product - describes the activity's end product(s), including a graphic organizer. Process - explains procedures and resources students should use to complete the task. Assessment/Evaluation - measures the results of the activity. Conclusion - sums up the activity and encourages students to reflect on its process and results. Credits & References - a list of the resources used and people who helped Teacher Page – informs teacher-users of the WebQuest about the intended audience, science program outcomes, processes, resources, assessment/evaluation methods. Webquests will be submitted to the instructor by email or CD-ROM. Note: It is suggested that students consult and follow the links to examine sample science WebQuests. 2. Minilesson (20%) (KSAs #3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 15, 16) Due February 7 You will prepare and deliver a 20-minute science lesson to a small group of peers, based on your choice of subject/grade, unit and learning outcomes. The lesson will include both knowledge and skill outcomes and at least 3 instructional strategies. Assignment components include (a) a detailed lesson plan for the lesson, (b) your selfassessment of the lesson plan and the lesson-as-taught (due Feb 9). Peers and a faculty member will also provide feedback that will be addressed in your selfassessment. 3. Unit Plan (35%) (KSAs #3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15) Due March 6 You will develop a detailed unit plan for the unit you are assigned by your teacher associate. This unit plan will include Focusing Questions, Unit Summary, Concept Map(s), Semantic Web, a Rationale, the General and Specific Learner Outcomes, Unit Schedule, Materials List, Resources List and a minimum of three lesson plans. The Unit plan will include as appendices: A Classroom Management and Leadership Plan An Assessment Plan 4. Professional Growth (10%) (KSAs #15, 16) A. Teacher Professional Growth Plan (TPGP) Including PSII Goals Due Feb. 26 You will develop and implement a professional growth plan that involves: Setting professional goals for the practicum (on-campus) Designing a plan to fulfill the goals (on-campus/during the practicum) Implementing the plan (during the practicum) Reflecting on your progress (during the practicum) Setting goals for PSIII (during the practicum). The university consultant and teacher associate will collaborate with the ED 3601 instructor in the assessment and evaluation of the professional growth plan during the practicum. It is suggested that the professional growth plan be included in your PSII professional portfolio. Assignment Summary Assignment Resource Creation Minilesson Preliminary Unit Plan Professional Growth In class assignments Total Weighting 25% 20% 35% 10% 10% 100 % Faculty of Education Grade Equivalencies 96 - 100 90 - 95 86 - 89 81 - 85 76 - 80 71 - 75 A+ A AB+ B B- Excellent Good 67 - 70 63 - 66 60 - 62 57 - 59 53 - 56 50 - 52 <50 C+ C Satisfactory CD+ D Poor DF Unsatisfactory ED 3601 Tentative Schedule - Winter 2007 Class # 1 M Jan. 8 2 W Jan. 10 3 M Jan. 15 4 W Jan. 17 5 M Jan. 22 6 W Jan. 24 7 M Jan 29 8 W Jan 31 9 M Feb 5 10 W Feb. 7 Th Feb 8 11 M Feb. 12 Content, Activities, Assignments Orientation to ED 3601: introductions/science teaching inventory/great science teachers/course outline/resources/schedule/assignments/ placements/professional growth • Introduction to Nature of Science § Science Activity #1 Learning science •Nature of science cont’d./ teaching strategies & unit planning • Print resources for science ed. • Orientation to Science Resources (1.5 hour: Curriculum Lab) • WebQuests • Concept Maps Scientific Literacy • The learning cycle/ STS Science & the Alberta Science Program •Nature of Science /Science Inquiry Emphasis § Science Activity #2 • Science & Technology Emphasis § Science & Technology Resources & Activities • STSE/Societal Decision-Making Emphasis• STSE Issues & Perspectives • STSE decision-making activities • Growth Plan: goal-setting• Mini lesson prep • Science Demonstrations, Science Inquiry Skills, Questioning & Class Discussion • Objectives & Lesson Planning • Resource Assignment Due • Hands-on Investigation &Oobleck: What do scientists do? • Lab Safety Principles/video • Direct Instruction & guided practice/seatwork • Small Group Learning • Preparation for Practicum Orientation • Science & the Internet • Integrating ICT into the Science Program (Guest Speaker) • Minilessons Day Integration Day: p.m. only PRACTICUM ORIENTATION DAY: Friday Feb. 9 • Practicum orientation de-brief 12 W Feb. 14 • Unit Planning: Preliminary Unit Plan (Curriculum Lab) • Creation of concept map READING WEEK/ ATA CONVENTION February 19-23 (no classes) 13 M Feb 26 14 W Feb. 28 • Classroom Management/Leadership & Science Teaching • First day/first week classroom management • Management/Leadership Plan • TPGP(PSII Goals) Due • Differentiating science instruction: IPPs, learning styles, MI, centres, etc. 15. T Mar 6 Mar.8-Apr.25 Integration Day • Unit Plan due PSII PRACTICUM Apr. 6-13 Easter Break TRANSITION DAY on campus: closure activities; course debrief • Reflections on Progress & PSIII Goals Due (to University Consultant and TA) April 26