1 The University of Lethbridge Faculty of Education EDUC 3601 PRINCIPLES OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION: SCIENCE-1 COURSE OUTLINE SPRING 2008 Instructor: Keith Roscoe Email: keith.roscoe@uleth.ca Phone: (403) 329-2446 Office: TH309 Secretary: Margaret Beintema, TH 321, 329-2732 Class Times: Tuesdays/Thursdays, 9:00-11:50 Room: B760 (Science Education Lab) Required Textbooks 1. Scientific Literacy for Canadian Students (2005) by Roscoe & Mrazek 2. Science is... by Bosak, Bosak & Puppa (amazing book for all grade levels with 450+ science activities) 3. Invitations to Science Inquiry by Tik Liem (the classic demonstration handbook with 400+ tested demo’s) Required Materials: 1. 2-3” three-ring binder with dividers 2. science notebook (provided) 3. stapler 4. three-hole punch Web Resources • EDUC 3601 Science-1 Site (outline, assignments, web resources, templates, exemplars) http://classes.uleth.ca/200701/educ3601e1/ • Alberta Science Program of Studies (Science Programs, related documents and information) http://www.education.gov.ab.ca/k_12/curriculum/bySubject/science/ • Learning Resources Centre (authorized resources for Alberta Science Program) http://www.lrc.education.gov.ab.ca/pro/cat/cat_english.htm • ICT Program of Studies http://www.education.gov.ab.ca/ict/pofs.asp • Telus Learning Connection (lots of tools and resources for science and other subjects) http://www.2learn.ca/ • LearnAlberta.ca (resources by grade and subject) http://www.learnalberta.ca/Main.aspx • Alberta Assessment Consortium (see Assessment Materials link; username: uleth, password: assess2eval) http://www.aac.ab.ca • ATA Science Council (annual conference and science teaching resources-plans, assignments, etc) http://sc.teachers.ab.ca/ • The Science Page (links to thousands of science sites with activities, information, resources) http://sciencepage.org/ • Canada Schoolnet: Learning Resources/Curriculum Area (Canadian science resources) http://www.schoolnet.ca/home/e/resources/index_cur.asp 2 Course Description The curriculum and instruction module in science methods consists of 39 hours of instruction focused on effective medium-term (unit) planning. Topics that support effective unit planning are also considered, including the use of the Alberta Science Program of Studies, print and electronic resources for science education, lesson planning, instructional and assessment strategies for science teaching, integration of ICT outcomes into science, and classroom management and leadership for the science classroom. Course emphases include (1) an understanding by design (backwards design) approach to planning, assessment and instruction, (2) a broad-based approach to planning, assessment and instruction, and (3) a preventive problem-solving approach to classroom management. Learning Outcomes Students will: 1. Create effective science lesson plans and unit plans that match the outcomes and philosophy of the Alberta Science Program. (KSA: #2, #3, #4, & #6) 2. Identify and effectively use a wide range of educational resources for science lesson and unit planning, including: student resources (textbooks) and teacher resource manuals other science print resources electronic resources community resources. (KSA: #10, #13, 6) 3. Use a variety of instructional strategies appropriate to the Science Program of Studies, the level taught, and students’ learning needs, including: direct instruction individual guided practice class discussion and questioning hands-on investigation science demonstrations small group/cooperative learning activities. (KSA: #9 & #5) 4. Integrate information and communication technology (ICT) outcomes into science planning and instruction. (KSA: #10) 5. Plan for effective classroom management and leadership in science classrooms, including: (KSA: #7,8) creating a positive learning environment building positive relationships developing effective classroom routines and procedures (including safety procedures for hands-on activities) establishing and reinforcing expectations responding effectively to inappropriate behaviour. 6. Develop and use a variety of assessment strategies and tools to assess and evaluate the full range of STSE, knowledge, skills, and attitude outcomes in the Science Program 3 of Studies. (KSA: #11) 7. Create multiple paths to learning by differentiating and adapting instruction for various classroom situations. (KSA #5 & #6). 8. Develop and implement a Teacher Professional Growth Plan (KSA: #15 & #16). Semantic Map: ED 3601 Science Methods Alberta Science Program of Studies: Rationale & P hilosophy, Foundations, SLO's Resources f or Science Education: P rint, WWW, nonprint , media Classroom Management: Expectations, Routines & P rocedures, Safety, Transitons, ED 3601 UNIT PLANNING Direct Instruction 4-6 week science unit grades 1-12 structure and content of a unit, scope & sequencing, evaluation & assessment Instructional Strategies: subject-specific & generic Hands-0n Activ ities Lesson Planning: Objectives, Structure (inroduction-bodyclosure), Assessment, Management Demonstrations Evaluation & Assessment: formative and summative assessment strategies, STSE Decisionmaking ICT Outcomes: integration into science instruction Small-Group Strategies General Expectations/Professionalism: The student will: 1. Follow professional standards of conduct in the course and practicum, including: #4. showing enthusiasm and initiative #5. maintaining positive relationships with peers and faculty personnel #7. demonstrating a commitment to teaching and professional growth #8. acting in responsible manner: punctual, dependable, and consistent 2. Attend every class, be punctual (i.e. ≥ 5 min early), and stay for the duration of the class. Contact the instructor in advance of class in the case of an unavoidable absence. 3. Come to class very well prepared. 4. Submit assignments on the due date that closely adhere to the required standards and criteria for that assignment. 4 Assignments (See assignment package for more details) 1. WebQuest (25%) (KSAs #3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13) Due: Thursday January 24 You will choose a grade level and unit from the Alberta Science Program of Studies, and create a WebQuest (web-based student activity) that matches unit SLOs and the curriculum emphasis for that unit. An online tutorial is available for this assignment. The WebQuest should include the following components: • Introduction - orients students and captures their interest • Task & Product - describes the activity's end product(s), including a graphic organizer; • Process - explains procedures and resources students should use to complete the task • Assessment/Evaluation - measures the results of the activity • Conclusion - sums up the activity and encourages students to reflect on its process and results. • Credits & References - a list of the resources used and people who helped; • Teacher Page – informs teacher-users of the WebQuest about the intended audience, science program outcomes, processes, resources, assessment/evaluation methods, and suggested introductory and follow-up activities. Webquests will be submitted to the instructor by email or CD-ROM. 2. Minilesson (25%) (KSAs #3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 15, 16) Due: Thursday February 7. You will prepare and deliver a 20-minute science lesson to a small group of peers, based on your choice of subject/grade, unit and learning outcomes. The lesson will include both knowledge and skill outcomes and at least 3 instructional strategies. Assignment components include (a) a detailed lesson plan for the lesson, (b) your self-assessment of the lesson plan and the lesson-as-taught (due Feb 9). Peers and a faculty member will also provide feedback that will be addressed in your self-assessment. 3. Unit Plan (35%) (KSAs #3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15) Due February 26 (last class). You will develop a detailed unit plan for a science unit you are assigned by your teacher associate. The unit plan will include Focusing Questions, Unit Summary, Graphic Organizer, Rationale, General and Specific Learner Outcomes, Assessment Plan, Unit Schedule, Materials List, Resources List. 4. Teacher Professional Growth Plan (15%) (KSAs #15, 16) Due: Thursday February 14 (PSII Goals/Preliminary Plan); Final Conference: (Completed Professional Growth Plan). You will develop and implement a professional growth plan that involves: setting professional goals for the practicum (on-campus) designing a plan to fulfill the goals (on-campus/during the practicum) implementing the plan (during the practicum) reflecting on your progress (during the practicum) setting goals for PSIII (during the practicum). 5 The university consultant and teacher associate will collaborate with the ED 3601 instructor in the assessment of the professional growth plan during the practicum. The professional growth plan is included in your PSII professional portfolio. Assignment Summary Assignment WebQuest Minilesson Unit Plan TPGP Total Weighting 25% 25% 35% 15% 100 % Faculty of Education Grade Equivalencies 96 - 100 90 - 95 86 - 89 81 - 85 76 - 80 71 - 75 A+ A Excellent AB+ B Good B- 67 - 70 63 - 66 60 - 62 57 - 59 53 - 56 50 - 52 <50 C+ C Satisfactory CD+ D Poor DF Unsatisfactory 6 ED 3601 Science-1 Tentative Schedule: Spring 2008 Class # 1 Tues. Jan. 8 2 Thurs. Jan. 10 3 Tues. Jan. 15 4 Thurs. Jan. 17 5 Tues. Jan 22 6 Thurs. Jan. 24 7 Tues. Jan. 29 8 Thurs. Jan 31 9 Tues. Feb. 5 10 Thurs. Feb. 7 Friday Feb. 8 11 Tues. Feb. 12 12 Thurs. Feb. 14 February 18-22 13 Tues. Feb. 26 Mar. 3-4 Mar. 5 - Apr. 23 Apr. 21-23 Content, Activities, Assignments • Orientation to ED 3601: introductions/course outline/ resources/ schedule/ assignments/ placements/ professional growth • Introduction to Nature of Science § Science Inquiry Activity #1: “Water Drops” • Learning science, the learning cycle and planning • Intro’ to Science Resources: student resources (textbooks), teacher resources, other science print resources • WebQuest & Web Authoring workshop (1 hour-Mac Lab) • Scientific Literacy • STSE Science & the Alberta Science Program • Nature of Science /Science Inquiry Emphasis § Science Inquiry Activity #2: “Drops Away” • Science & Technology Emphasis § Science & Technology Resources § Technological Problem-Solving Activities: Tower Power, Golf Ball Bridge • STSE/Societal Decision-Making Emphasis• STSE Issues & Perspectives § STS decision-making activity: A Test of Time • TPGP: Goals and Rationales • Introduction to teaching strategies • Science Demonstrations, Science Inquiry Skills, Questioning § Student Demonstrations • Hands-on Investigation § Science Inquiry Activity: Oobleck - What do Scientists Do? • Lab Safety: Principles/video [WebQuest Due] • Direct Instruction • Objectives & Lesson Planning • Orientation to Minilessons • Unit Planning: Units and the PSII Practicum, Unit Plan Components, the ‘Backwards Design’ Process • Small Group Learning & Class Discussion • Preparation for Practicum Orientation [Minilessons Due: three groups of 5-6 students, 3 different rooms] PRACTICUM ORIENTATION DAY • Practicum orientation de-brief • Classroom Management/Leadership & Science Teaching • First day/first week classroom management • Classroom Management Plans • Assessment Tools and Methods for Science Teaching and Learning • Unit Assessment Plans READING WEEK/SWATCA CONVENTION (no classes) • Unit Planning Workshop: unit graphic organizers, unit schedules, assessment plan (Curriculum Lab) [Preliminary Teacher Professional Growth Plan Due] • Differentiating science instruction: IPPs, learning styles, MI, centres, etc. [Unit Plan due] Planning/Transition Days PSII PRACTICUM Completed Professional Growth Plan Due (to University Consultant and TA) Apr. 24 PSII CULMINATION DAY on campus: closure activities, course debrief Apr. 25 PSIII Fall 2008 Orientation Meeting