MiniLesson Plan TEACHER: GRADE:

ED 3601
Science Minilesson Plan
MiniLesson Plan
TEACHER: Shelley Sayers
GRADE: Seven
DATE: Feb. 7th, 2006
TIME: 20 min.
LESSON TOPIC: Choosing Materials
SUBJECT/UNIT: Science 7, Unit D Structures and Forces
General and Specific Learning Objectives
4.3 Students will analyze and evaluate a technological design or process on the basis of
identified criteria such as costs, benefits, safety and potential impact on the environment
2.3 Students will carry out procedures, controlling the major variables
4.2 Students will work cooperatively with team members to develop and carry out a plan and
trouble shoot problems as they arise
4.1 Students will be encouraged to work collaboratively in carrying out investigations and in
generating and evaluating ideas.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
1. evaluate and test which brand of Kleenex is the best based on structure properties discussed
in class.
2. record and control the variables in the strength test.
3. communicate in teams to decide which Kleenex brand is the best.
4. display teamwork and leaderships skills to come to a team conclusion.
1. Hand Out
2. Empty Containers
3. Kleenex (3 different brands)
4. Pennies
5. Plunger
6. CD Case/Envelope
Ms. S. Sayers
Science 7 ‘Structure and Force’
ED 3601
Science Minilesson Plan
1. Review of Previous Lesson: Quickly review the types of structures we have talked about
5 min
before. Ask each student for an example of a structure. Structure types: Natural (bird
feather), Manufactured (buildings), Mass (dams), Framed (houses), Shell (egg), Mix and
Match (airplanes). “Now that we know what kind of structures there are, we are going to
discuss how to decide the best materials to use when building structures and to do that we
need to talk about the properties of structures.”
2. Briefly outline lesson for students on board.
3. Place the structure brought from home on the table (plunger)
a. ask the class the brainstorm the different properties of the structure
b. What colour is it? Shape? What is it used for? Weight? Size? Cost?
c. write responses in web style on the board
ASK: what would happen if these were different…i.e.: if it was heavier? How would
it change the function?
4. Now summarize the properties: cost, function, appearance, environmental impact, materials,
energy efficiency, any others…. (write on board)
3 min
2 min
1. With these properties in-mind, introduce two new items and have the students write which
one would be the best for holding CD’s and why. Share with the rest of the class. (CD case
and an envelope)
2. Now with all of this knowledge we are unofficially Kleenex Masters.
a. place the three boxes of Kleenex in front of the class
b. Number them off and have evens in a group and odds in a group
c. in their groups have them write down all of the properties they can think of (write
down the cost for each) Give out handout.
3. Ask them if there is anything else they think that would be important to test?
4. Show the students the materials they will have to work with (empty container,
Kleenex and pennies). Before they get their materials, each group needs to plan their
procedure, the variables they will control, and how they will control them – they
need to share this with me before they get their materials.
a. Ideal Procedure: use one layer of Kleenex, place over the container, hold
tightly, and add pennies until the tissue breaks.
b. Variables: # of layers of tissue used, amount of force holding around the
container, way the pennies are placed on the tissues, where you place the
pennies, etc.….
5. Make sure students record their results on the handout.
6. Have them decide overall which Kleenex brand is the best (not necessarily the
strongest). Which one would they buy?
Ms. S. Sayers
Science 7 ‘Structure and Force’
ED 3601
5 min
Science Minilesson Plan
Conclusion (write results on the board)
1. Have each group share which brand they found to be the strongest
2. Have each group share which brand they would buy and why.
** If time permits, assign each group a brand and have a debate over which one is
the best**.
1 minute to discuss
Team 1 Presents: Team 2 Presents: Rebuttal from Team1: Rebuttal from Team2
1. Informal Conversation
- By talking with each group before they carry out their strength test I will be able to
assess that they are aware of the control variables in the experiment and how to control
2. Group Discussion
- By having everyone share why they think a CD case or a box is better for holding CD’s,
I will be able to assess that they understand properties and how to apply them to
3. Observation of Group Work
- Watching how individuals interact with their groups will allow me to informally assess
how everyone is communicating and working with their team.
Ms. S. Sayers
Science 7 ‘Structure and Force’