Independent Study/Internship/Volunteer Abroad Guidelines

Independent Study/Internship/Volunteer Abroad
If you are planning to participate in an independent study, internship, or volunteer project abroad not
sponsored by the UW Colleges and want to get credit for your experience please read these guidelines.
As soon as you decide to participate in an international experience and obtain credit for that please
identify and meet with the UW Colleges faculty who will determine how many credits will be awarded and
how you will be evaluated for the work done overseas. After that, please contact the UW Colleges Study
Abroad office and inform us who that faculty member is so that we could work with the appropriate UW
Colleges academic department for course approvals and registration.
An independent study, internship or volunteer abroad requires a high level of personal maturity and
patience. It relates to following these guidelines as well as to taking an initiative to do the ground work
regarding visa requirements. It is especially important that you learn about appropriate type of visa
required by the host country for your purpose of visit and stay. Also, please be aware of the fact that
obtaining the appropriate visa is a bureaucratic process, varying from country to country, and is subject to
changes within the system of each country. The process of obtaining a visa may often require much
patience and perseverance.
When you are abroad please maintain regular and prompt contact with the faculty supervisor and the UW
Colleges Study Abroad office. We all want to help you succeed in your learning!
Meet with the faculty member who will act as your advisor to discuss what requirements of that
department are and the number of credits to be awarded for your abroad experience. This is the
person who will supervise your learning experience abroad and submit your grade upon completion
of all requirements.
Transfer Credit Prior Approval Form
When you meet with the faculty member within the UW-Colleges department where the credit for
the independent study, internship, or volunteer abroad will be applied, you will need to discuss,
complete and sign Transfer Credit Prior Approval Form and attach the course syllabus.
Independent Study/ Internship/Volunteer Abroad Agreement Form
Complete, sign and return to the UW Colleges Study Abroad Office.
UW Colleges Study Abroad Application Form
Complete, sign and return to the UW Colleges Study Abroad Office.
UW System and UW Colleges Statement of Responsibility, Release and Authorization Form
Complete, sign and return to the UW Colleges Study Abroad Office.
Letter of Acceptance to participate in Independent Study/ Internship/Volunteer Abroad
This letter should be issued by the agency the student is traveling with and should be printed on
official letterhead. The letter should also summarize the experience to be offered to the students,
include details on the travel, accommodations, and risk management plans, and provide emergency
contact information.
$200 Application Administrative Fee
This fee is non-refundable. Please make checks payable to “UW Colleges” and mail them to the
UW Colleges Study Abroad Office, 432 N Lake Street, Madison, WI 53706.
One (1) Letter of Reference/Recommendation
A formal letter of reference or recommendation is required from one of your current professors.
The letter must summarize your academic performance and aspirations.
Cover Letter
A cover letter (a letter to express interest in participating in an independent study, internship, or
service learning/volunteer project abroad, to develop goals for this experience, and to show how
this experience will benefit academic plans and future career exploration) is required.
All students participating in a UW-Colleges study abroad program, including Independent Study/
Internship/ Volunteer Abroad are required to complete the one-credit orientation course, Introduction to
Study Abroad. This course does not need to be repeated if you took this course previously. You
do not need to pre-register for this course, but you will be enrolled after you receive the letter of
acceptance. You do not need to pay additional fee for this course: the tuition is covered by the $200
Application Administrative fee. Failure to take this course and pass with C or better will jeopardize your
status as being accepted to go abroad. Details on the course can be found at WWW. You should plan
for this course in class/work schedules and credit load.
Make sure to register for the class that your faculty supervisor advised and you both agreed upon before
you travel. Remember, you must obtain the signature of the Department Chair on the Credit Approval
form. This signature enables Records and Registration to enroll you for the pre-determined number of
credits in the appropriate department section for your abroad experience. Students who receive an
incomplete must check directly with their faculty supervisor.
Any Financial Aid you receive currently may be applied directly to the cost of your tuition while abroad.
However, it is your responsibility to make all arrangements for this. Make sure to complete all necessary
financial aid paperwork before your departure. Only students who are full time students at UW-Colleges
can receive financial aid from their campus.
Even if your program includes overseas insurance, UW-System has mandated the purchase of a
state-approved health insurance plan for all UW System students abroad. The policy is through CISI,
Cultural Insurance Services International. The cost is approximately $35.00 per month currently and will
need to be paid at the UW Colleges Study Abroad office prior to your departure. You will be issued an
insurance card upon receipt of payment. *If your study abroad program is sponsored by a UW System
institution that already provides CISI insurance, please bring in verification so you can be waived from this
Fall Semester/Academic Year
Spring Semester
Materials should be mailed to:
April 15
February 15
October 15
UW Colleges Study Abroad
432 N Lake Street
Madison, WI 53706
If you have any questions please contact Tetyana Schneider, UW Colleges Study Abroad Coordinator by
phone (608-890-4611) or email: