Vehicular Communication Technology 17.07.2016 Vehicular Communication Technology 1 Motivation Safety and transport efficiency In Europe around 40,000 people die and more than 1.5 millions are injured every year on the roads Traffic jams generate a tremendous waste of time and of fuel Most of these problems can be solved by providing appropriate information to the driver or to the vehicle 17.07.2016 Vehicular Communication Technology 2 Vehicle Communication (VC) VC promises safer roads, … more efficient driving, 17.07.2016 Vehicular Communication Technology 3 Vehicle Communication (VC) … more fun, … and easier maintenance. 17.07.2016 Vehicular Communication Technology 4 Smart Vehicle Event data recorder (EDR) Forward radar Positioning system Communication facility Rear radar Display 17.07.2016 Computing platform Vehicular Communication Technology 5 Approaches to vehicular communication Communication using dedicated infrastructures Communication using cellular systems Direct Communication 17.07.2016 Vehicular Communication Technology 9 Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) Ad-Hoc Network: A network with minimal or no infrastructure Self-organizing Each node can act as the source of data, the destination for data and a network router Vehicular Ad Hoc network (VANET) 17.07.2016 Uses equipped vehicles as the network nodes Nodes move at will relative to each other but within the constraints of the road infrastructure Vehicular Communication Technology 11 Differences VANETs from MANETs Rapid Topology Changes Frequent Fragmentation Chunks of the net are unable to reach nodes in nearby regions Small Effective Network Diameter High relative speed of vehicles => short link life A path may cease to exist almost as quickly as it was discovered (reactive routing) Limited Redundancy 17.07.2016 The redundancy in MANETs is critical to providing additional bandwidth In VANETs the redundancy is limited both in time and in function Vehicular Communication Technology 12 Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) Message propagates to destination using a number of intermediate links 17.07.2016 Vehicular Communication Technology 13 Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) If vehicle mobility causes links to break, message rerouted using a different path 17.07.2016 Vehicular Communication Technology 14 Why use VANETS? Easier deployment Decreased dependency on fixed infrastructure Sparse network of roadside beacons Permit gradual introduction of technology Location-oriented services can be provided with little or no running costs to the users 17.07.2016 Vehicular Communication Technology 15 Lot of Involved Parties 17.07.2016 Vehicular Communication Technology 16 Major problems in this area Communication / Networking Localization 17.07.2016 Vehicular Communication Technology 17 Requirements on vehicular communication Mobility Delay bounded (real-time) Scalability Bandwidth efficiency Cost Fairness Any time, any place, any hosts (GPS unequipped vehicles, standardization between cars’ manufactures) 17.07.2016 Vehicular Communication Technology 18 Addressing the challenges Physical Layer Link Layer limited bandwidth congestion control, latency, throughput, fairness and scalability Network (Routing) Layer 17.07.2016 rapid topology changes and network fragmentation Vehicular Communication Technology 19 Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) DSRC operates at 5.9 GHz 17.07.2016 Vehicular Communication Technology 20 DSRC – Operating Characteristics IEEE 802.11p protocol (802.11a modification for VC) Maximum range: 1000 m Vehicle speeds up to 100 mph Low latency: 50 ms Application priority: 8 levels Channel 172: vehicle safety only 17.07.2016 Vehicular Communication Technology 21 How does DSRC work? Road-Side Unit (RSU) Announces to OBUs 10 times per second applications it supports on which channel On-Board Unit (OBU) 17.07.2016 Listens on Channel 172 Executes safety applications first Then switches channels Executes non-safety applications Returns to Channel 172 and listens Vehicular Communication Technology 22 Channel allocation (MAC) Existing MAC protocols (CSMA/CA, MACA, MACA-BI) are contention-based => not delay bounded Proposed MCS/CDMA 17.07.2016 Each vehicle senses all the spreading codes, finds a code that is not used by nearby vehicles, and transmits data using the selected code Search for free code, contention for free code (if vehicles > codes) => large delays Vehicular Communication Technology 23 Channel allocation (MAC) Location-based Channel Access (LCA) 17.07.2016 The geographical area is divided into a cellular structure Each cell has a unique channel associated with it Multiple access scheme, such as CSMA/CA and MCS/CDMA, can be used within each cell Main design parameters: cell size and channel reuse distance Advantages: no central station for channel assignment, no wait before transmit, no contention for free channels, reuse of channels => delay bounded, fairness, bandwidth efficiency, scalability and mobility Vehicular Communication Technology 24 Routing Schemes Proactive (table-driven) Reactive (source-driven, on-demand) Each node attempts to maintain a current representation of the network topology Advantage: lower message latency (routes are immediately available) Disadvantage: bandwidth overhead (to maintain routes), restricted scalability Routes are requested by source nodes only when needed Advantage: bandwidth economy (no control messages for nonactive routes) Disadvantage: latency (establishing a route) Hybrid 17.07.2016 ZRP – proactive within zone, reactive outside zone Vehicular Communication Technology 25 Major problems in this area Communication / Networking Localization 17.07.2016 Vehicular Communication Technology 27 GPS 17.07.2016 Vehicular Communication Technology 28 Space Segment 17.07.2016 Vehicular Communication Technology 29 How does GPS work? 17.07.2016 Vehicular Communication Technology 33 How do we compute Position? GPS is a Distance (Range) Measuring System Stable Frequency Standards in the Satellites and Receivers Able to compute a Clock Offset Velocity of Radiowave is known Thus Distance = V x T Since the coordinates of the Satellites are known at any point of time, with 4 ranges the position of the GPS Antenna can be computed 3-D Trilateration: Distance, Distance, Distance and Distance Intersection 17.07.2016 Vehicular Communication Technology 34 DGPS Differential GPS can improve accuracy from several meters to a few centimeters 17.07.2016 Vehicular Communication Technology 35 However… Vehicles may be unequipped with GPS or sometimes cannot obtain line-of-sight access to satellites (in tunnels) In order to discover their position (or at least driving direction), GPS-U vehicles can use communication with GPS-E vehicles 17.07.2016 GPS-U periodically broadcasts PREQ message to its one-hop neighbors When GPS-E receives PREQ, it sends back PREP message including its current position The knowledge of the exact position depends on the number of neighbors sending PREP messages GPS-U can compute its exact position if it receives at least three PREP from three different vehicles (by triangulation) Vehicular Communication Technology 36 Thank You! 17.07.2016 Vehicular Communication Technology 37