MEASURING LAND USE DIVERSITY AND CORRELATING ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH VMT Britt Fugitt B.S., University of California, Davis, 2003 PROJECT Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in CIVIL ENGINEERING (Transportation Engineering) at CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO FALL 2009 MEASURING LAND USE DIVERSITY AND CORRELATING ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH VMT A Project by Britt Fugitt Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Dr. Kevan Shafizadeh __________________________________, Second Reader Mike Mauch __________________________________, Third Reader Bruce Griesenbeck ____________________________ Date ii Student: Britt Fugitt I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this project is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the project. __________________________, Graduate Coordinator Dr. Cyrus Aryani Department of Civil Engineering iii ___________________ Date Abstract of MEASURING LAND USE DIVERSITY AND CORRELATING ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH VMT by Britt Fugitt This research effort expands the research and development of SACOG’s mixed-use index (or “mix index”) originally developed in 2007 to better understand the relationship between land use diversity with vehicle-miles of travel (VMT). While it is not well documented how the current SACOG mixed-index was developed in 2007, this research effort combines parcel-level land use data with household survey data from the entire six-county SACOG region. This project improves on the existing mixed index by modeling VMT as a function of surrounding land use diversity then comparing its effectiveness with SACOG’s current model by testing how well both correlate with household VMT from travel survey data. The proposed model is applied with the SACSIM regional travel demand model to illustrate that households with a higher mixed index generate less VMT. As a result, this research not only confirms that jurisdictions within the SACOG region would produce less VMT with greater land use diversity policies, it also provides a tool to quantify or measure the mix of land use at the household or parcel level. ______________________, Committee Chair Dr. Kevan Shafizadeh ______________________ Date iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I extend my gratitude to Bruce Griesenbeck and SACOG staff for the data sets and the initial research. Also special thanks to Professor Kevan Shafizadeh and Mike Mauch for all their help and guidance. Lastly, thanks to my supportive family. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgments.......................................................................................................................... v List of Tables ............................................................................................................................... vii List of Figures ............................................................................................................................. viii Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 1 Project Description ................................................................................................................. 2 2. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY ..................................................................................... 4 SACOG’s Research................................................................................................................ 4 Other Research........................................................................................................................ 6 3. METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................................. 10 Base Data ............................................................................................................................... 10 Data Development ................................................................................................................ 12 Model Development............................................................................................................. 14 Model VMT Estimation ...................................................................................................... 20 4. APPLICATION................................................................................................................... 26 5. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................... 28 References .................................................................................................................................... 29 vi LIST OF TABLES Page 1. Land Use Categories ....................................................................................................... 11 2. Data Description Table ................................................................................................... 14 3. Variable Test of Significance using the Correlation Coefficient .................................... 17 4. T-Test for Equality of Means for MIXINDEX_SACOG ............................................... 23 5. T-Test for Equality of Means for MIXINDEX_G .......................................................... 23 6. T-Test for Equality of Means for MIXINDEX_H .......................................................... 24 vii LIST OF FIGURES Page 1. The Relationship Between Average Vehicle-Miles of Travel per Household and the Mixed-Index for Dataset A ............................................................................................. 20 2. Comparison of The Relationship Between Average Vehicle-Miles of Travel per Household and the Mixed-Index for Dataset A and B .................................................... 22 3. VMT per Household for Each Mixed-Use Class for the Sacramento County General Plan Update ..................................................................................................................... 27 viii 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION The Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) is interested reducing the average vehicle-miles of travel (VMT) per capita for both existing and new development. The Blueprint Scenario is the adopted visionary plan to guide the region how to grow over the next 50 years. The preferred alternative moderates travel demand through changes in the built environment by favoring development with a greater range of housing choices, reinvestment in already developed areas, and closer integration of jobs and housing (SACOG, 2007). Designing housing projects, small shopping centers, entertainment, office and light industrial uses near each other create active neighborhoods where trips tend to interact more with each other (SACOG, 2007). As a part of the Blueprint Scenario, combining mixed-use development along with other smart growth principles such as improvements to transit stops, sidewalks, landscaping, and street-side aesthetics contribute to the attractiveness of walking or bicycling. Although most trips would still be made by personal automobile, use of Blueprint growth concepts will encourage other modes of travel and reduce the average auto trip length. An analysis of the Blueprint Scenario shows that mixed land use patterns could achieve significant benefits to the region’s transportation system (SACOG, 2007). To study the benefits of mixed-use development, SACOG staff has developed a variable mathematical model called the mixed-use index, which indexes the balance of land use types near a household. SACOG also hopes to use the mixed-use index model to assist in evaluating land use mix to reduce VMT. The advantage to the mixed-index method is its simplicity. The inputs are land use type and 2 location at the parcel level for a study area. The mixed-index method does not account for factors such as building size, population demographics, parking, and location to transit. These are key factors that do affect travel behavior but are difficult to forecast. Whereas the mixedindex method inputs (zoning maps and/or land use maps) are often finalized in advance at the planning stage in an environmental impact report (EIR) providing a strong level of confidence in forecast. Hence the mixed-index model can be applied at local project level or regional level. The mixed-index method will also be used to estimate the benefits in VMT reduction due to mixed-use for travel demand models. Four-step travel demand models may capture reductions in VMT due to mixed-use, but it is often masked because of the lack of detail and design. The mixed-index method will provide accurate VMT reductions and because of the simplicity it can be built into the travel demand model. Project Description This paper discusses the expanded research and development of SACOG’s mixed-index project. This project consists of analyzing land use data within a fixed distance of a household with household travel surveys to correlate a relationship between the diversity of surrounding land use and VMT per household. Land use totals are computed by land use type (households, education jobs, retail jobs, service jobs, total jobs) for seven fixed areas for each parcel in the SACOG region and used to develop the mixed-index model. The main goal of the project is to improve on SACOG’s mixed-index model. Improvements are defined and determined on two performance areas: 3 1. The statistical strength in the correlation between household VMT and surrounding land use. This project redefines SACOG’s mixed-index model to maximize the relationship between mixed-use and household VMT. 2. The primary use of the mixed-index project is to measure the mix of land use and estimate household VMT. Improvements focus on the accuracy in estimating VMT using the mixed-index method. The improved mixed-index model is applied with the SACSIM regional travel demand model to illustrate that households with a higher mixed index generate less VMT. 4 Chapter 2 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY SACOG’s Research The starting point of this research effort is based on work completed by SACOG staff. They developed a methodology for analyzing the diversity of land use and how it relates to travel behavior. Hossack, in his 2007 paper “Data Measuring and Visualizing the Diversity of Land Use and Its Relationship with Travel Behavior”, discussed SACOG’s work and described the technique used for calculating land use diversity (Hossack, 2007). SACOG’s methods calculate mixed-use for a fixed area focusing on the diversity of land use within a half-mile radius of households at the parcel level. Unique to other methods of calculating diversity, this approach is independent of density. The measurement, called MIXINDEX, computes the level of land use diversity on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0 (Hossack, 2007). As the MIXINDEX for a household approaches unity, it implies the jobs-to-housing ratio and schools-to-housing ratio for that household is approaching the regional ratios and indicates a well-balanced mix of land uses within a half-mile radius. For each household, the MIXINDEX is calculated using equation 1. MIXINDEX_ SACOG min( hh halfmile * edu , eduhalfmile) WGTedu max(hhhalfmile * edu , eduhalfmile) min( hhhalfmile * ret , rethalfmile) WGTret max(hh halfmile * ret , rethalfmile) min( hhhalfmile * srv , srv halfmile) WGTsrv max(hhhalfmile * srv , srv halfmile) min( hhhalfmile * tot , tothalfmile) WGT tot max(hhhalfmile * tot , tothalfmile) (1) 5 where: hhhalfmile = households within a half-mile of parcel βedu = regional ratio of K-12 enrollment per household eduhalfmile = K-12 enrollment within a half-mile of parcel WGTedu = weight factor for education βret = regional ratio of retail jobs per household rethalfmile = retail jobs within a half-mile of parcel WGTret = weight factor for retail employment βsrv = regional ratio of service jobs per household srvhalfmile = service jobs within a half-mile of parcel WGTsrv = weight factor for service employment βtot = regional ratio of total jobs per household tothalfmile = total jobs within a half-mile of parcel WGTtot = weight factor for total employment The minimum value function denoted by min(number1, number2,…) returns the minimum value in the set. The maximum value function denoted by max(number1, number2,…) returns the maximum value in the set. The regional ratios are a good indication of well-balanced mix of land uses, because a high percent of all trips are internal to the region. Likewise as the MIXINDEX for a household approaches zero, it indicates a poor-balanced mix of land uses within a half-mile with respect to the regional mix. Weights factors are applied to each land use ratio to set the upper and lower bounds as unity and zero respectively; and also the weights allow for more or less emphasis to be 6 placed on a land use. The weight factors are 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, and 0.1 for education, retail, service, and total jobs respectively (Hossack, 2007). Total jobs were weighted lower to 0.1 because most people in the SACOG region work beyond a half-mile of their home (Hossack, 2007). SACOG’s MIXINDEX research shows a good balance of households, schools, shopping and jobs reduces automobile trip lengths (Hossack 2007). Households with a MIXINDEX of less than 0.15 generated over 50 vehicle-miles of travel (VMT) per house on an average day. Households with a MIXINDEX greater than 0.40 produced more non-vehicle trips (walk, bike, and transit) and reduced VMT per household by about 40 percent. As a result, land use diversity, as represented by the mix index, is important to metropolitan planning organizations such as SACOG that are trying to reduce VMT by critically evaluating land use patterns to meet regional VMT goals as well as proposed greenhouse gas emission goals set forth by California State Assembly Bill 375 in 2008. Other Research Another practical method for quantifying land-use mix is the entropy method derived by Cervero (Cervero, 1989) as shown in equation 2. Ent r opy (1) * P j * l n(P j ) j l n(J) (2) where Pj is the proportion of developed land in the jth use type. Similar to SACOG’s method, the entropy method produces an index between zero and one, where a value of one implies a balanced mix of land uses. As noted by Kockelman, all uses are 7 viewed equally important in the entropy calculation (Kockelman, 1996). For example, if four use types (commercial, office, schools, and residential) are being analyzed in a district, then an entropy value of one implies that each land use type occupies one quarter of the developed land. Having a uniform mix of land uses in a district is not necessarily desired from an urban planner’s perspective. Kockelman suggested the entropy method of balance would be improved if weights were applied for each “j” use type (Kockelman, 1996). An advantage to the entropy method is it can be applied to nonresidential areas measuring the mix of employment only. SACOG’s method however is based on an areas employment mix and balance of jobs to housing. Research by Frank and Pivo applied the entropy method to travel surveys and demographics in the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) area (Frank and Pivo, 1994). The developed entropy index described the uniformity of distribution among seven land-use categories for each census tract (Frank and Pivo, 1994). Unlike SACOG’s MIXINDEX calculation, Frank and Pivo’s methodology is based on a large fixed boundary indexing each census tract as a whole area. Because census tracts are so large, a well-mixed tract only showed benefits to work-based trips. Which are typically longer than shopping-based trips (Frank and Pivo, 1994). Greenwald’s (2006) research in the Portland Metro area applied the entropy method to understand the relationship between land use balance and trip internalization at the traffic analysis zone (TAZ) level. He noted that internal trips are not necessarily shorter in distance to external trips; an individual living on the edge of a TAZ may make a shorter trip traveling to a neighboring TAZ (Greenwald, 2006). Greenwald’s analysis point’s out a primary issue with a fixed boundary analysis for measuring an area’s land use balance. In the Portland Metro region the average size of a TAZ area is large, about 2.99 square miles. The TAZ’s land use balance is 8 only an accurate measure for households located near the center of the TAZ. Households along the border of a TAZ could have a different land use balance. Both Kockelman (1996) and Levine (2000) in their research attempted to fix this issue of fixed boundaries by defining and creating fixed area “neighborhoods”. Kockelman’s analysis applied the entropy method to the neighborhood level by averaging the indices of all developed hectares within each census tract. A neighborhood is defined as all developed area within one-half mile of each active hectare (Kockelman, 1996). Levine used a similar approach by defining several neighborhood variables of which mix-use is calculated using surrounding quarter-mile and twomile grid cells, and then is averaged over each TAZ (Levine, 2000). Although both methods compute an index for a smaller fixed area, the relationship to trip behavior is still based on the average of neighborhood indexes within a large area. Levine’s method proved to be more accurate for estimating travel behavior compared to the tract-bounded entropy measure (Kockelman, 1996). As will be shown, the research presented here investigates the correlation of varying sizes of parcel-level, radial boundaries to determine which distance best fits the relationship with VMT. Zhang (2005) diagnoses the modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP) of averaging land use indicators over a spatial aggregation like TAZs or fixed distance grids for travel analysis in the Boston region. Zhang’s research compares aggregation of land use balance for five sized grid areas (1/16 mi, ¼ mi, ½ mi, 1 mi, and 2 mi) and at the TAZ and block level (Zhang, 2005). The entropy measure of land use balance proved to be important to explain travel mode choice when calculated at a grid size of ½ mi or larger (Zhang, 2005). No statistical relationship was shown for land use balance at the TAZ or block level (Zhang, 2005). Like Zhang’s research, the 9 research in this paper too calculates land use mix based different sized grid areas; however grid size can differ based on the land use type. In addition, this paper takes a different approach of calculating land use mix. SACOG’s Sacramento Regional Travel Simulation Model (SACSIM) uses parcel level land use data rather than aggregating into TAZs in order to better capture the relationships between land use and travel behavior (Griesenbeck, 2006). Similar to the mixed-index model, SACSIM also uses a buffering process to summarize land use totals by type within a quarter-mile and a halfmile of each parcel. Like TAZs, the buffering aggregates land use for a given area. Unlike TAZs, the buffering varies by parcel, where as TAZ land use totals are fixed for every parcel within the same TAZ. In other words, the buffering process for a given parcel is likely to be different from its immediate neighbor even if both parcels are in the same TAZ (Griesenbeck, 2009). 10 Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY The first step of this project is to redefine SACOG’s MIXINDEX equation such that the correlation between mixed-use and household VMT is maximized. SACOG’s method only accounted for land uses within a half-mile of a household and applied weights to each land use. This project tests the half-mile assumption and determines if larger distance area would strengthen the relationship between mixed-use and household VMT without the use of weights. By not using weights all variables are viewed equally important and emphasis is placed on the fixed distance. Base Data The study area for this project is the entire six-county SACOG region: El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba counties. SACOG provided the SACSIM (SACOG’s activity-based travel demand model) parcel level land use database for the region containing approximately 550,000 parcels based on the best available assessors records in 2004 (SACOG MTP 2007). From GIS parcel point files, the database includes the parcel location represented by a point in X and Y coordinates which is approximately located at the geographic center of the parcel (SACOG MTP 2007). Each parcel in the database also includes the number of units for each land use in the parcel. See Table 1 for the types land uses included in the parcel database. Note a land use has a sector use category and project use category; this project’s analysis is based on the project use category. 11 Table 1: Land Use Categories Sector Use Unit Project Use Households Dwelling Units Households K-12 Education Student Enrollment K-12 Education College Education Student Enrollment College Education Education Employment Employees Education Employment Food Employment Employees Retail Employment Government Employment Employees Other Employment Office Employment Employees Other Employment Other Employment Employees Other Employment Retail Employment Employees Retail Employment Services Employment Employees Service Employment Medical Employment Employees Other Employment Industrial Employment Employees Other Employment In addition to the parcel database, SACOG made available travel data from its year 2000 household surveys. The survey was conducted in spring of 2000 and had 3,942 respondents that completed 24-hour place-based travel diaries (Hossack, 2007). Of the 3,942 respondents, 710 of them did not provide trip data implicating that the households made no trips. These 710 surveys were discarded from the analysis for two reasons. First because it seems unreasonable to suggested that eighteen percent of households do not make trips for an average day. And second, the intent of this research is to focus on the relationship of land use mix and households that make trips. 12 SACOG with the help of outside consultants went through great efforts to compute household daily trips and vehicle-miles-traveled (VMT) for each survey respondent. Of the respondents, a total of 29,636 trips were tallied and classified by household and mode of travel. Data Development Using the parcel point X and Y coordinates from the parcel database, a program was developed in Matlab to calculate the total number of specific jobs and households within a fixed distance of a household for each individual household in the regional database. Land use totals were calculated for seven different fixed area types: half-mile radius, one-mile radius, two-mile radius, three-mile radius, four-mile radius, five-mile radius, and 15-mile radius. The large region dataset was then reduced to contain land use totals for only households where travel surveys were conducted. Land use totals were aggregated into five categories for all seven fixed area types: households, education jobs, retail jobs, service jobs, and total jobs. Land use totals were normalized to a value between zero and one using a minimum-to-maximum method developed by SACOG. The minimum-to-maximum method computes a jobs-to-household ratio for each of four job categories and four of the seven fixed areas as shown in equation 3. 13 min( hh (a,b,c,d ) * X _ jobs , X _ jobs(a,b,c,d ) ) Normalization Ratio(a,b,c,d ) max(hh(a,b,c,d ) * X _ jobs , X _ jobs(a,b,c,d ) ) (3) where: hh(a,b,c,d) = Households within (a, b, c, or d) miles of household X_jobs(a,b,c,d) = jobs (education, retail, service, or total) within (a, b, c, or d) miles of household βX_jobs = regional ratio of jobs (education, retail, service, or total) per household a,b,c,d = half-mile, one-mile, two-miles, three-miles respectively The only difference between this method and SACOG’s method, is this method is a function of land uses within four distances of a household: half-mile, one-mile, two-miles, and three-miles. SACOG’s normalization method only accounted for land uses within a half-mile of a household. Computing land use within four distances of a household provides four times as many ratios for a total of sixteen (four-job-categories x four-distances = 16 ratios). Although only four of the sixteen ratios will be used in the mixed-use model, all will be evaluated to determine which four contribute to the largest correlation with household VMT. The sixteen new normalized ratios are combined with the household daily VMT to form an m x n matrix where m = 3,232 (number of usable surveys) and n = 17. See Table 2 for a description of each n variable in the data set. 14 Table 2: Data Description Table n Name Description 1 hh_vmt 2 edua Normalized education jobs within a half mile of household 3 edub Normalized education jobs within a one mile of household 4 educ Normalized education jobs within two miles of household 5 edud Normalized education jobs within three miles of household 6 reta Normalized retail jobs within a half mile of household 7 retb Normalized retail jobs within a one mile of household 8 retc Normalized retail jobs within two miles of household 9 retd Normalized retail jobs within three miles of household 10 srva Normalized service jobs within a half mile of household 11 srvb Normalized service jobs within a one mile of household 12 srvc Normalized service jobs within two miles of household 13 srvd Normalized service jobs within three miles of household 14 tota Normalized total jobs within a half mile of household 15 totb Normalized total jobs within a one mile of household 16 totc Normalized total jobs within two miles of household 17 totd Normalized total jobs within three miles of household Daily VMT of household The m x n matrix provides the final data set needed for the mixed-index model development. Model Development The model development is based on evaluating each variable in the Table 2 to optimize a correlation between surrounding land use and household daily VMT. The correlation method was applied to explore this relationship. The correlation method is a statistical method to measure the strength of a linear relationship between two variables by computing a coefficient that explains the proportion of variation between the two variables. The correlation coefficient 15 ranges from zero to one where zero is a poor fit and one is a perfect fit. The correlation coefficient is defined in equation 4. correlation coefficient m(r _ jobsi vmti ) (r _ jobs)i vmti m(r _ jobs) ( r _ jobsi ) 2 i 2 m vmt ( vmti ) 2 i 2 (4) where: r_jobsi = edu(a,b,c,d) + ret(a,b,c,d) + svr(a,b,c,d) + tot(a,b,c,d) ; see Table 2 vmti = hh_vmt ; see Table 2 i = from 1 to m such that m = 3232 The correlation method does a better job at measuring the strength of a linear relationship between two variables opposed to other common statistical methods because no other factors are included. For example a linear regression computation includes variable coefficients and a yintercept. Both variable coefficients and the y-intercept skew the relationship test, but will enhance the model goodness-to-fit. A linear regression between land use variables and household VMT could produce negative variable coefficients implying that job use nearby increases VMT. Also a linear regression could significantly favor or disfavor a variable with a larger/smaller coefficient. For example, SACOG’s approach to enhance the model was to logically apply a weight to each variable. The larger the weight the more emphasis is placed on that variable. This project’s approach focused more on obtaining an optimal linear relationship between two variables, mixed-use index and household VMT, where mixed-use index is computed without the use of weights or parameters. All land use variables are of equal importance, but the fixed area radius of each land use variable is adjusted to maximize a 16 correlation on VMT. For example, a smaller radius implies there is more of an effect on VMT when that land use is near the household. With four job categories and four fixed areas, there exist 256 (44) possible combinations. To simplify the optimization process, a computer program was written in R that loops through all possible combinations and outputs the correlation coefficient. The correlation coefficient ranged from about -0.16 to -0.22; which implies a correlation exists, but there is a lot of noise in the data. The negative implies an inverse relationship between the two variables. In other words, as the normalized land use index approaches unity household VMT decreases. Although the correlation is “small” it may be viewed as high because the simplicity of the inputs. As noted above, the mixed-index method ignores key factors of household VMT such as building size, population demographics, parking, and location to transit. The second step of the R program statistically analyzes the correlated output searching for patterns in distance from household among the higher correlated combinations. Of the higher correlated combinations, 68 percent included educational employment within a half-mile, 44 percent included retail employment within one mile, 40 percent included service employment within two miles, and 64 percent included total employment within a half-mile radius. These findings are important because they are used to create the mixed-index model. Table 3 shows the output of the correlation test. 17 Table 3: Variable Test of Significance using the Correlation Coefficient Distance from Land Use Employment Type Household Education Retail Service Total Within Half-Mile 68% 4% 8% 64% Within One-Mile 20% 44% 20% 20% Within Two-Miles 0% 12% 40% 4% Within Three-Miles 12% 40% 32% 12% As stated above, this project’s approach focused more on obtaining an optimal linear relationship between mixed-use and household VMT based on the results from the correlation test. However, because total employment captures all types of employment (education, retail, service, office, government, industrial, etc.), it is reasonable to assume a larger fixed area of two-miles would be more useful for the mixed-use model. As stated in SACOG’s research, in the SACOG region, most people’s job is located beyond a half-mile of their home (Hossack, 2007). Because of this concern, the project tested two fixed areas for total jobs, half-mile radius (MIXINDEX_G) and two-mile radius (MIXINDEX_H). Equation 5 shows the MIXINDEX_G, which uses a half-mile radius for total jobs and equation 6 shows MIXINDEX_H, which uses a two-mile radius for total jobs. Note that G and H are arbitrary identifiers. The 2009 298 TRB Special report summarizes recent research on travel demand with respect to density, diversity, design, and regional accessibility. It reports that the reductions in VMT due to local diversity are small in comparison to the reductions due to regional accessibility (NCR, 2009). Which means dense, mixed-use developments in the middle of nowhere may offer only 18 modest regional travel benefits (NCR, 2009). By using a two-mile radius for total jobs, the mixed-index is also capturing the benefits due to job accessibility beyond the local level. MIXINDEX _ G min( hh halfmile * edu , eduhalfmile) max(hhhalfmile * edu , eduhalfmile) min( hhonemile * ret , retonemile ) max( hhonemile * ret , retonemile ) min( hhtwomile * srv , srv twomile ) max( hhtwomile * srv , srv twomile ) min( hhhalfmile * tot , tothalfmile) max( hhhalfmile * tot , tothalfmile) (5) MIXINDEX _ H min( hh halfmile * edu , eduhalfmile) max(hhhalfmile * edu , eduhalfmile) min( hhonemile * ret , retonemile ) max(hhonemile * ret , retonemile ) min( hhtwomile * srv , srv twomile ) max(hhtwomile * srv , srv twomile ) min( hhtwomile * tot , tottwomile ) max(hhtwomile * tot , tottwomile ) (6) where: hhhalf-mile = households within a half-mile of parcel βedu = regional ratio of K-12 educational jobs per household eduhalf-mile = K-12 educational jobs within a half-mile of parcel hhone-mile = households within one-mile of parcel βret = regional ratio of retail jobs per household retone-mile = retail jobs within one-mile of parcel hhtwo-mile = households within two-miles of parcel 19 βsrv = regional ratio of service jobs per household srvtwo-mile = service jobs within two-miles of parcel βtot = regional ratio of total jobs per household tothalf-mile = total jobs within a half-mile of parcel tottwo-fmile = total jobs within two-miles of a parcel The final step in model development was to use the surveys to determine the average household VMT for a given mixed-index. The household survey dataset was randomly split into two datasets: A and B. Dataset A was used for model development, while dataset B was used for model testing. Figure 1 shows relationship between average household daily VMT and the mixed-index for the three MIXINDEX models (SACOG’s MIXINDEX; the mixed-index with a half-mile radius for total jobs, MIXINDEX_G; and the mixed-index with a two-mile radius for total jobs, MIXINDEX_H) using dataset A. Average household daily VMT is grouped and averaged by mixed-index increments of 0.2. All three mix-index calculations show a similar relationship for mix-indices greater than 0.4; but for mix-indices less than 0.4 calculation G and H show households produce more daily VMT than SACOG’s calculation. 20 Figure 1: The Relationship Between Average Vehicle-Miles of Travel per Household and the Mixed-Index for Dataset A Model VMT Estimation As stated earlier, the primary use of the mixed-index project is to estimate household VMT. This section discusses test and results of the accuracy in estimating VMT between the three MIXINDEX models developed in the above section. From dataset A, the average household daily VMT has been calculated for five mixed-index intervals (< 0.2, 0.2 to 0.4, 0.4 to 0.6, 0.6 to 0.8, and >= 0.8). The same calculation was done for 21 dataset B, which served as the testing dataset for estimating the average household VMT. Figure 2 shows the visual comparison of average household daily VMT for both datasets A and B. Visually dataset B followed the same trend as dataset A for each mixed-index with the exception of indices greater than 0.8. Both SACOG’s MIXINDEX and the mixed-index with a half-mile radius for total jobs (MIXINDEX_G) showed sizable changes in VMT for indexes greater than 0.8 when comparing dataset A to dataset B. These important observations imply that SACOG’s MIXINDEX and the mixed-index with a half-mile radius for total jobs (MIXINDEX_G) do not accurately estimate household VMT for indexes greater than 0.8. However, the mixed-index with a two-mile radius for total jobs (MIXINDEX_H) appears to be more stable for indexes greater than 0.8 implying overall it is a more accurate tool compared to SACOG’s MIXINDEX and the mixed-index with a half-mile radius for total jobs (MIXINDEX_G). 22 Figure 2: Comparison of The Relationship Between Average Vehicle-Miles of Travel per Household and the Mixed-Index for Dataset A and B A two-sample t-test was used to statistically compare the average household VMT between dataset A and B for each mixed-index interval. The t-test is used to test if there is a statistically significant difference between the two means within a level of confidence by proving or disproving the null hypothesis, which states that the two means are the same. This method uses the mean and variance of each dataset group to calculate a t-value to determine the probability that the means are significantly different. The t-test was computed using SPSS. 23 The SPSS t-test output for MIXINDEX_SACOG, MIXINDEX_G, and MIXINDEX_H are in Table 4, Table 5, and Table 6 respectively. Table 4: T-Test for Equality of Means for MIXINDEX_SACOG Mixedt 95% C.I. Sig. Mean Std. Error (2-tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper df Index < 0.2 -0.81 629 0.42 -2.32 2.84 -7.90 3.27 0.2 - 0.4 -0.24 932 0.81 -0.48 2.02 -4.45 3.50 0.4 - 0.6 1.00 967 0.32 1.91 1.91 -1.83 5.65 0.6 - 0.8 0.13 626 0.90 0.30 2.31 -4.24 4.84 >= 0.8 -0.63 68 0.53 -4.28 6.85 -17.94 9.39 0.60 -0.05 2.31 -4.58 4.48 Weighted Average Table 5: T-Test for Equality of Means for MIXINDEX_G Mixedt 95% C.I. Sig. Mean Std. Error (2-tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper df Index < 0.2 0.14 210 0.89 0.74 5.30 -9.71 11.20 0.2 - 0.4 -0.26 562 0.80 -0.76 2.98 -6.61 5.09 0.4 - 0.6 -0.85 1310 0.39 -1.40 1.64 -4.61 1.82 0.6 - 0.8 1.38 1029 0.17 2.41 1.74 -1.01 5.82 >= 0.8 -1.09 111 0.28 -5.78 5.32 -16.33 4.77 0.42 -0.08 2.27 -4.55 4.38 Weighted Average 24 Table 6: T-Test for Equality of Means for MIXINDEX_H Mixedt 95% C.I. Sig. Mean Std. Error (2-tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper df Index < 0.2 -0.23 131 0.82 -1.42 6.12 -13.53 10.69 0.2 - 0.4 0.11 428 0.91 0.39 3.47 -6.43 7.22 0.4 - 0.6 -0.21 1134 0.83 -0.39 1.84 -3.99 3.22 0.6 - 0.8 0.20 1358 0.84 0.32 1.61 -2.83 3.47 >= 0.8 -0.26 171 0.80 -1.11 4.32 -9.64 7.42 0.85 -0.07 2.26 -4.51 4.38 Weighted Average The probability (sig. 2-tailed) in each table represents the statistical confidence that the null hypothesis is false. A basic criterion for statistical significance is a "2-tailed significance" less than 0.05. If the probability is less than 0.05, the difference is statistically significant and the null hypothesis is rejected. If the probability is greater than 0.05, the difference is not statistically significant. In other words the null hypothesis is accepted, the two means are statistically similar. Data where the means are identical would have a probability of 1.0. From Table 4, Table 5, and Table 6; all three mixed-index calculations for all five intervals had a probability greater than 0.05. Hence all three models produced meaningful results. SACOG’s MIXINDEX ranged from a probability of 0.42 to 0.90 with an average of 0.60. The mixed-index with a half-mile radius for total jobs (MIXINDEX_G) ranged from a probability of 0.17 to 0.89 with an average of 0.42. The mixed-index with a two-mile radius for total jobs (MIXINDEX_H) ranged from a probability of 0.80 to 0.91 with an average of 0.85. Overall the t-test results for the mixed-index with a two-mile radius for total jobs (MIXINDEX_H) showed the highest 25 probability that the means are similar. The result implies the mixed-index with a two-mile radius for total jobs (MIXINDEX_H) is statistically a better model at estimating household daily VMT compared to SACOG’s MIXINDEX and the mixed-index with a half-mile radius for total jobs (MIXINDEX_G). 26 Chapter 4 APPLICATION The mixed-index with a two-mile radius for total jobs (MIXINDEX_H) was applied in conjunction with the SACOG’s Sacramento Regional Travel Simulation Model (SACSIM) for the 2009 Sacramento County General Plan Update to estimate the benefits in VMT reduction due to the proposed land use plan. The proposed land use plan contains land use and transportation strategies, goals, and policies related to smart growth in an effort to reduce the average household daily generated VMT (DERA, 2009). A key factor used in the evaluation was analyzing the location of various types of land use in a close proximity at a parcel level. The mixed-index with a two-mile radius for total jobs (MIXINDEX_H) was used in the analysis to quantify and then stratify the entire unincorporated Sacramento County by a parcel level mixused index. SACSIM was used as the travel-forecasting tool to estimated VMT per household for the Smart Growth section. Figure 3 illustrates VMT for each mixed-use class for the Sacramento County General Plan Update. Areas with better (higher) mixed-use characteristics have substantially lower VMT than areas of low mixed use. It is estimated that the highest mixed-use category will have 37.6 vehicle-miles of travel per household for the growth areas and planned communities, compared to 57.6 vehicle-miles of travel per household for the areas of low mixed-use (DERA, 2009). Figure 3 illustrates VMT for each mixed-use class for the major new growth areas proposed in Sacramento County General Plan Update. 27 Figure 3: VMT per Household for Each Mixed-Use Class for the Sacramento County General Plan Update 28 Chapter 5 CONCLUSION This research effort expands the research and development of SACOG’s mixed-use index to better understand the relationship between land use diversity and vehicle-miles of travel (VMT). This study focused on correlating parcel-level land use data with household VMT travel data to estimate the benefits in VMT reduction due to mixed-use. It improved on SACOG’s existing mixed-index by modeling VMT as a function of surrounding land use diversity then comparing its effectiveness with SACOG’s current model by testing how well both correlate with household VMT from travel survey data. Overall, the project develops a simple method for quantifying diversity of land use at the parcel level, which proved to be statistically stronger than SACOG's original model at estimating household VMT. The proposed model (MIXINDEX_H) developed from this research effort was applied in conjunction with the SACOG’s Sacramento Regional Travel Simulation Model (SACSIM) for the 2009 Sacramento County General Plan Update to estimate the benefits in VMT reduction due to the proposed land use plan. It has been shown that areas with better (higher) mixed-use characteristics have substantially lower VMT than areas of low mixed-use. The results in the 2009 Sacramento County General Plan Update confirm that jurisdictions within the SACOG region would produce less VMT with greater land use diversity policies. 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