Summary SCC Employee Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Overall Summary of the SCC Fall 2014 Employee Accreditation Standards Survey M. Buechner, November 2014 Q1 Are you familiar with the following mission statement, which is published in our college catalog, website, and student guide? Answered: 174 Skipped: 3 Yes 90.80% No 0% 9.20% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Q2 The mission and vision statements provide adequate direction to the college. Answered: 174 Strongly Agree Skipped: 3 31.61% Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know 55.17% 6.32% 2.30% 4.60% 1 / 47 Summary SCC Employee Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q3 The unit-based planning process is effective in my area or department. Answered: 167 Strongly Agree Skipped: 10 13.17% Agree 47.31% Disagree 22.16% Strongly Disagree 2.40% Don’t Know 14.97% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q4 The College is moving in a satisfactory and positive direction. Answered: 166 Strongly Agree Skipped: 11 10.24% Agree 52.41% Disagree Disagree Don’t Know 20.48% 6.02% 10.84% 2 / 47 90% 100% Summary SCC Employee Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q5 My area or department uses research and/or evaluation to improve services/programs. Answered: 167 Strongly Agree Skipped: 10 19.76% Agree 54.49% Disagree 13.77% Strongly Disagree 3.59% Don’t Know 8.38% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Q6 My department has sufficient access, training, and support for research and data resources to adequately address institutional effectiveness. Answered: 167 Strongly Agree Skipped: 10 8.98% Agree 46.11% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know 23.35% 8.38% 13.17% 3 / 47 Summary SCC Employee Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q7 The mission statement is effectively linked to the goals of the institution. Answered: 166 Strongly Agree Skipped: 11 18.07% Agree 60.84% Disagree 7.83% Strongly Disagree 4.22% Don’t Know 9.04% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Q8 Progress toward mission/vision accomplishment is regularly assessed. Answered: 166 Strongly Agree Skipped: 11 13.25% Agree 43.37% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know 16.27% 4.82% 22.29% 4 / 47 Summary SCC Employee Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q9 Data are regularly evaluated by the college to assess institutional effectiveness and provide insight into actions needed for continuous process improvement. Answered: 165 Strongly Agree Skipped: 12 13.94% Agree 53.33% Disagree 10.30% Strongly Disagree 4.24% Don’t Know 18.18% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q10 Data that informs decision making is used as a basis for developing goals and objectives for the college. Answered: 166 Strongly Agree Skipped: 11 10.24% Aree 49.40% Disagree Disagree Don’t Know 13.25% 4.22% 22.89% 5 / 47 90% 100% Summary SCC Employee Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q11 The college ensures the quality of instruction, academic rigor, and educational effectiveness of its programs regardless of service location or instructional delivery method. Answered: 152 Strongly Agree Skipped: 25 16.45% Agree 48.03% Disagree 17.11% Strongly Disagree 1.97% Don’t Know 16.45% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q12 The college relies on research and analysis to identify student learning needs. Answered: 149 Strongly Agree Skipped: 28 11.41% Agree 52.35% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know 12.75% 3.36% 20.13% 6 / 47 90% 100% Summary SCC Employee Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q13 Instructional programs meet the diverse educational and developmental needs of its students. Answered: 152 Strongly Agree Skipped: 25 12.50% Agree 52.63% Disagree 23.68% Strongly Disagree 3.29% Don’t Know 7.89% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q14 The college relies on faculty expertise and advisory committees on matters of curriculum policy, design, and procedures. Answered: 152 Strongly Agree Skipped: 25 19.08% Agree 56.58% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know 12.50% 2.63% 9.21% 7 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Answered: 151 Skipped: 26 Q15 The college recognizes the central role of faculty for establishing quality, measuring student learning outcomes, and improving instructional courses and programs. Strongly Agree 18.54% Agree 49.01% Disagree 14.57% Strongly Disagree 3.97% Don’t Know 13.91% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q16 The college uses delivery modes and teaching methodologies that reflect the diverse needs and learning styles of its students. Answered: 150 Strongly Agree Skipped: 27 14.67% Agree 48.67% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know 21.33% 1.33% 14.00% 8 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q17 The college awards degrees and certificates based on student achievement of a program’s stated learning outcomes. Answered: 152 Strongly Agree Skipped: 25 22.37% Agree 59.21% Disagree Disagree 5.26% 0.66% Don’t Know 12.50% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q18 Students who successfully complete the general education requirements demonstrate competence in the general education learning outcomes. Answered: 149 Strongly Agree Skipped: 28 16.11% Agree 43.62% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know 8.05% 0.67% 31.54% 9 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q19 Students who successfully complete a vocational or certificate program have adequate skills for licensure, certification, or to enter the workplace. Answered: 149 Strongly Agree Skipped: 28 24.16% Agree 44.97% Disagree 2.68% Strongly Disagree Don’t Know 28.19% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Q20 The information provided in college publications (e.g., catalog, class schedule, college web site) is current, clearly stated, and accurate. Answered: 150 Strongly Agree Skipped: 27 24.00% Agree 57.33% Disagree 10.00% Strongly Disagree 2.67% Don’t Know 6.00% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 10 / 47 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q21 Planning and resource allocation processes for instructional programs are clearly defined. Answered: 149 Strongly Agree Skipped: 28 14.09% Agree 28.19% Disagree 20.13% 10.74% Disagree Don’t Know 26.85% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 80% 90% 100% Q22 Student learning outcomes and associated assessment strategies for instructional courses and programs are determined collaboratively by faculty. Answered: 149 Strongly Agree Skipped: 28 18.79% Agree 48.32% Disagree Disagree 11.41% 0.67% Don’t Know 20.81% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 11 / 47 50% 60% 70% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q23 SCC assures the quality of student support services and demonstrates that these services support student learning regardless of location or means of delivery. Answered: 143 Strongly Agree Skipped: 34 14.69% Agree 46.85% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know 15.38% 4.90% 18.18% 12 / 47 Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q24 The college provides a learning environment that encourages personal and civic responsibility, as well as intellectual, aesthetic, and personal development for all of its students. Answered: 143 Strongly Agree Skipped: 34 16.08% Agree 58.74% Disagree 10.49% Strongly Disagree 3.50% Don’t Know 11.19% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q25 The college demonstrates an understanding of and concern for issues of equity and diversity. Answered: 142 Strongly Agree Skipped: 35 30.99% Agree 53.52% Disagree 11.97% Strongly Disagree 2.11% Don’t Know 1.41% 13 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q26 The college’s assessment and placement process is effective. Answered: 142 Strongly Agree Skipped: 35 7.75% Agree 35.92% Disagree 23.94% Strongly Disagree 5.63% Don’t Know 26.76% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q27 SCC evaluates student support services to assure their adequacy in meeting identified student needs and uses the results as the basis for improvement. Answered: 143 Strongly Agree 11.19% Agree 36.36% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know Skipped: 34 14.69% 2.80% 34.97% 14 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q28 Planning and resource allocation processes for student support services are clearly defined. Answered: 142 Strongly Agree Skipped: 35 9.15% Agree 31.69% Disagree 16.20% Strongly Disagree 7.75% Don’t Know 35.21% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q29 Student learning outcomes and associated assessment strategies for student support services are determined collaboratively by Student Services faculty and staff. Answered: 142 Strongly Agree 11.97% Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Skipped: 35 28.87% 10.56% 4.93% Don’t Know 43.66% 15 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q30 The library and learning support services for students are sufficient to support the college’s instructional programs and intellectual, aesthetic, and cultural activities in whatever format and location they are offered. Answered: 139 Strongly Agree Skipped: 38 19.42% Agree 48.92% Disagree 10.07% 1.44% Disagree Don’t Know 20.14% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q31 Educational materials and equipment (e.g. library holdings, media items, computer centers, databases, etc) are sufficient to support educational courses, programs, and degrees wherever offered. Answered: 138 Strongly Agree Skipped: 39 21.01% Agree 41.30% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know 21.01% 2.90% 13.77% 16 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q32 The college systematically assesses the library and learning support services using student learning outcomes, faculty input, and other appropriate measures in order to improve the effectiveness of these services. Answered: 137 Strongly Agree 16.79% Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Skipped: 40 27.74% 4.38% 2.92% Don’t Know 48.18% 17 / 47 Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q33 Faculty members have an opportunity to make suggestions for acquiring learning resources, materials, and equipment. Answered: 139 Strongly Agree Skipped: 38 33.09% Agree 44.60% Disagree 2.88% Strongly Disagree 2.16% Don’t Know 17.27% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q34 SCC provides students, faculty, and staff responsible adequate access to the library and learning support services regardless of their location or means of delivery. Answered: 138 Strongly Agree Skipped: 39 24.64% Agree Disagree 55.07% 10.14% Strongly Disagree Don’t Know 10.14% 18 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Answered: 138 Skipped: 39 Q35 The college provides appropriate training and support to users of learning resources. Strongly Agree 23.91% Agree 50.00% Disagree Disagree 9.42% 0.72% Don’t Know 15.94% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q36 Planning and resource allocation processes for learning resources are clearly defined. Answered: 138 Strongly Agree 13.77% Agree 26.81% Disagree Strongly Disagree Skipped: 39 12.32% 1.45% Don’t Know 45.65% 19 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Answered: 139 Skipped: 38 Q37 Faculty members have access to adequate distance education training to support their instructional role. Strongly Agree 13.67% Agree 34.53% Disagree 15.83% Strongly Disagree 2.16% Don’t Know 33.81% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q38 In my opinion, the college has distance education policies and procedures that ensure that all courses meet the same level of academic rigor. Answered: 138 Strongly Agree 10.14% Agree 25.36% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know Skipped: 39 27.54% 7.97% 28.99% 20 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Answered: 134 Skipped: 43 Q39 Planning and resource allocation processes for classified staffing resources Strongly Agree 8.96% Agree 16.42% Disagree 20.15% Strongly Disagree 12.69% Don’t Know 41.79% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q40 Planning and resource allocation processes for adjunct faculty resources are clearly defined. Answered: 135 Strongly Agree 8.89% Agree 24.44% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know Skipped: 42 22.96% 8.15% 35.56% 21 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Answered: 134 Skipped: 43 Q41 Planning and resource allocation processes for full-time faculty resources are clearly defined Strongly Agree 15.67% Agree 32.84% Disagree 16.42% Strongly Disagree 4.48% Don’t Know 30.60% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Q42 I am clear about the processes by which I am evaluated. Answered: 135 Strongly Agree Skipped: 42 30.37% Agree 54.07% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know 11.11% 3.70% 0.74% 22 / 47 80% 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q43 The college demonstrates appropriate understanding and concern for faculty and staff equity and diversity. Answered: 136 Strongly Agree Skipped: 41 22.79% Agree 45.59% Disagree 19.85% Strongly Disagree 7.35% Don’t Know 4.41% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q44 Staffing in my department or work area is sufficient to provide quality service. Answered: 136 Strongly Agree 11.03% Agree 36.76% Disagree 33.09% Strongly Disagree Don’t Know Skipped: 41 18.38% 0.74% 23 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q45 The staff in my department/work area is qualified and maintains up-to-date knowledge. Answered: 134 Strongly Agree Skipped: 43 23.88% Agree 58.21% Disagree 13.43% Strongly Disagree 2.99% Don’t Know 1.49% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q46 There are sufficient opportunities provided for me to learn something new that might help me in my work. Answered: 133 Strongly Agree Skipped: 44 19.55% Agree 50.38% Disagree 21.05% 8.27% Disagree Don’t Know 0.75% 24 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q47 Current hiring practices secure the best candidates possible for available positions. Answered: 136 Strongly Agree Skipped: 41 11.76% Agree 33.82% Disagree 31.62% Strongly Disagree 16.18% Don’t Know 6.62% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Q48 Current performance review procedures give employees accurate feedback and encourage improvement. Answered: 134 Strongly Agree Skipped: 43 11.94% Agree 50.75% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know 23.88% 8.96% 4.48% 25 / 47 80% 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q49 I feel safe on campus during the day and the evening. Answered: 135 Strongly Agree Skipped: 42 21.48% Agree 57.04% Disagree 19.26% 1.48% Disagree Don't Know 0.74% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q50 I have opportunities to participate in the governance process with regard to personal and other safety matters. Answered: 134 Strongly Agree Skipped: 43 21.64% Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know 58.96% 8.96% 3.73% 6.72% 26 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q51 I have access to enough information about crime and accident prevention. Answered: 136 Strongly Agree Skipped: 41 23.53% Agree 62.50% Disagree 11.03% Strongly Disagree Don't Know 2.94% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q52 Overall, the campus buildings provide a safe and healthy environment in which to work and learn. Answered: 136 Strongly Agree Skipped: 41 15.44% Agree 58.82% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know 17.65% 5.15% 2.94% 27 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q53 My assigned workspace is adequate for me to carry out my job. Answered: 135 Strongly Agree Skipped: 42 18.52% Agree 57.04% Disagree 17.78% Strongly Disagree 5.19% Don't Know 1.48% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q54 The equipment provided or that is accessible to me is satisfactory to do my job. Answered: 136 Strongly Agree Skipped: 41 17.65% Agree 55.15% Disagree Disagree 20.59% 6.62% Don't Know 28 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q55 The college has adequate physical accommodations for people with disabilities. Answered: 135 Strongly Agree Skipped: 42 13.33% Agree 49.63% Disagree 16.30% Strongly Disagree 2.22% Don't Know 18.52% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Q56 Planning and resource allocation processes for facilities resources are clearly defined. Answered: 134 Strongly Agree 14.18% Agree 25.37% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know Skipped: 43 22.39% 7.46% 30.60% 29 / 47 80% 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q57 Student learning needs are central to the planning, development, and design of new facilities. Answered: 135 Strongly Agree Skipped: 42 16.30% Agree 31.85% Disagree 16.30% Strongly Disagree 7.41% Don't Know 28.15% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q58 Opportunities exist for me to participate in the governance process with regards to college facilities, including my work environment. Answered: 134 Strongly Agree Skipped: 43 16.42% Agree 45.52% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know 18.66% 6.72% 12.69% 30 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q59 Planning and resource allocation processes for information technology resources are clearly defined. Answered: 133 Strongly Agree Skipped: 44 13.53% Agree 28.57% Disagree 18.80% Strongly Disagree 6.02% Don’t Know 33.08% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q60 The college provides appropriate access to technological resources including hardware and software. Answered: 134 Strongly Agree Skipped: 43 11.94% Agree 58.96% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know 18.66% 3.73% 6.72% 31 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q61 The college provides sufficient professional support staff in support of technology. Answered: 134 Strongly Agree Skipped: 43 18.66% Agree 48.51% Disagree 21.64% Strongly Disagree 5.97% Don’t Know 5.22% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Q62 The college provides opportunity to participate in appropriate technology training programs. Answered: 134 Strongly Agree Skipped: 43 17.16% Agree 57.46% Disagree 13.43% Strongly Disagree 5.97% Don’t Know 5.97% 32 / 47 80% 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Answered: 135 Skipped: 42 Q63 The college provides consistent financial support for both maintenance and improvement (new acquisitions) of its information technology resources, materials, and equipment. Strongly Agree 15.56% Agree 37.04% Disagree 20.74% Strongly Disagree 8.15% Don’t Know 18.52% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q64 The college has professionally qualified staff sufficient to provide training and support to users of information technology resources. Answered: 133 Strongly Agree Skipped: 44 21.05% Agree 49.62% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know 15.04% 3.01% 11.28% 33 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Answered: 131 Skipped: 46 Q65 Planning and resource allocation processes for financial resources are clearly defined. Strongly Agree 13.74% Agree 27.48% Disagree 22.14% Strongly Disagree 8.40% Don’t Know 28.24% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q66 My department’s/unit’s interests are fairly represented in decision making regarding use of financial resources. Answered: 133 Strongly Agree Skipped: 44 12.78% Agree 41.35% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know 21.80% 8.27% 15.79% 34 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Answered: 132 Skipped: 45 Q67 Decision making processes regarding use of financial resources at SCC supports innovation/expansion of programs. Strongly Agree 11.36% Agree 28.03% Disagree 22.73% Strongly Disagree 11.36% Don’t Know 26.52% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q68 Resource allocation and financial management are handled with integrity at SCC. Answered: 133 Strongly Agree 16.54% Agree Disagree Disagree Don’t Know Skipped: 44 40.60% 9.77% 6.77% 26.32% 35 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Answered: 132 Skipped: 45 Q69 The allocation of financial resources at SCC is tied to the unit plans of department’s/unit’s. Strongly Agree 17.42% Agree 46.21% Disagree 9.85% Strongly Disagree 4.55% Don’t Know 21.97% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q70 Processes for financial planning and resource allocation are clearly defined. Answered: 130 Strongly Agree 13.08% Agree 30.00% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know Skipped: 47 24.62% 8.46% 23.85% 36 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q71 Faculty and staff have the opportunity to participate effectively in the financial planning and resource allocation process. Answered: 132 Strongly Agree Skipped: 45 12.12% Agree 38.64% Disagree 18.94% 10.61% Disagree Don’t Know 19.70% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q72 The Los Rios Board of Trustees makes responsible decisions. Answered: 132 Strongly Agree Skipped: 45 15.91% Agree Disagree Disagree Don’t Know 50.76% 7.58% 1.52% 24.24% 37 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q73 The Los Rios Board of Trustees takes responsible actions that support and promote the mission and functions of SCC. Answered: 132 Strongly Agree Skipped: 45 16.67% Agree 48.48% Disagree Strongly Disagree 7.58% 0.76% Don't Know 26.52% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q74 My senate or representative council has sufficient opportunities to provide input into college decisions. Answered: 131 Strongly Agree Skipped: 46 12.98% Agree 45.04% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know 17.56% 1.53% 22.90% 38 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q75 The college practices effective communication (clear, understood, widely available, and current). Answered: 131 Strongly Agree Skipped: 46 9.92% Agree 38.93% Disagree 32.06% Strongly Disagree 16.03% Don't Know 3.05% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q76 I understand the process for how college policy and procedure decisions are made. Answered: 132 Strongly Agree 14.39% Agree 28.79% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know Skipped: 45 36.36% 11.36% 9.09% 39 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q77 The college has an effective process for all constituent groups to participate in the decision-making process. Answered: 133 Strongly Agree Skipped: 44 11.28% Agree 33.83% Disagree 30.08% Strongly Disagree 12.78% Don’t Know 12.03% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q78 The college governance process supports student learning programs and services. Answered: 132 Strongly Agree Skipped: 45 12.88% Agree 49.24% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know 12.88% 4.55% 20.45% 40 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q79 The college governance process supports improving institutional effectiveness. Answered: 130 Strongly Agree Skipped: 47 11.54% Agree 46.92% Disagree 16.92% Strongly Disagree 3.85% Don’t Know 20.77% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q80 The college administration provides effective leadership and management, which support the college’s mission. Answered: 132 Strongly Agree Skipped: 45 9.09% Agree 41.67% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know 22.73% 15.15% 11.36% Answered: 131 Skipped: 46 41 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q81 The District administration provides effective support to the college to define college goals, develop plans, and establish priorities. Strongly Agree 7.63% Agree 39.69% Disagree 21.37% Strongly Disagree 6.11% Don’t Know 25.19% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q82 The District and the college utilize effective methods of communication and exchange information in a timely and efficient manner. Answered: 132 Strongly Agree 6.82% Agree 37.12% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know Skipped: 45 27.27% 9.85% 18.94% Answered: 132 Skipped: 45 42 / 47 90% 100% Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q83 The Los Rios District Office staff provides services that support the mission and functions of the college. Strongly Agree 7.58% Agree 49.24% Disagree 11.36% Strongly Disagree 4.55% Don’t Know 27.27% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Q84 The college president works and communicates effectively with the college community. Answered: 131 Strongly Agree 10.69% Agree 33.59% Disagree 22.90% Strongly Disagree 22.90% Don’t Know Skipped: 46 9.92% 43 Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q85 The college president works and communicates effectively with the external community served by the institution. Answered: 131 Strongly Agree Skipped: 46 9.92% Agree 19.85% Disagree 6.11% 9.92% Disagree Don't Know 54.20% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Q86 Responsibilities are clearly defined between the college and the district office. Answered: 131 Strongly Agree 7.63% Agree 31.30% Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know Skipped: 46 25.95% 3.82% 31.30% 44 Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q87 What is your employee group? Answered: 127 Administrative Classified Faculty Skipped: 50 6.30% 32.28% 61.42% 45 Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q88 What is your division? Answered: 116 Administrative Services President's Staff 4.31% 0.86% Admissions & Records, FA ... 2.59% Counseling & Student... 9.48% Matrictulation & Student... 4.31% Advanced Technology 6.03% Humanities & Fine Arts 3.45% Physical Education,... 2.59% Business 8.62% Learning Resources 6.90% Language & Literature 10.34% Math, Statistics &... 4.31% Science & Allied Health Outreach Center Skipped: 61 16.38% 0.86% Behaviorial & Social Sciences 10.34% Instruction Office 2.59% Student Services Office 6.03% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 46 Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q89 Number of years employed at SCC? Answered: 116 Response Text Less than 1 1.5 1 10 years 14 8 12 26 24 20 33 20 17 18 8 10 Many 16 years 8 6 9 5 15 12 15 11 9 6 8 12 19 8 10 16 16 23 11 5 15 35 7 1 31 Skipped: 61 17 21 over 20 12 17 21 years 13 24 10 8 29 16 24 4 10 13 16 13 11 18 1 14 20 <1 7 15 8 2 2.5 20 20 2 16 9 10 37 24 10 18 10 20 17 14 19 More than 10 7 years 4 2 18 11 17 18 15 10/15/2014 11 18 12 4 15 2 10 25 19 21 8 15 5 12 13 4 5 6 13 20 47 Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 Q90 What is your gender Answered: 114 Skipped: 63 41.23 % Male 58.77% Female 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Q91 Comments, if you are referring to a specific question, please indicate the question number you are referring to: Answered: 23 Skipped: 154 Response Text 88, there is no IT Dept Option The college has excellent participatory decision making procedures and processes, however, they are being followed less and less. There is the appearance that decisions and directions from some of the upper management are not communicated effectively or timely. This, in turn, causes a "domino effect" of "hurry up and decide now, we can discuss later" type action. I do believe that there is the best of intent to follow college processes, but it is just not being accomplished. Lillard Hall must be rebuilt. The building rapidly deteriorating, lacks updated IT, and is not conducive for increasing student success. 91 questions is at least 3 times longer than my attention span most events happen with administration making the decisions behind closed door and the college campus being informed of that decision. Not shared governance. The college needs to facilitate the collection of data about the contribution of LRC services to student success. none Classified staff are encouraged to participate in standing committees, then the supervisor will harass you to get the work done Best run college and district in the state! There were multiple places in this survey where I would have preferred a neutral response rather than agree or disagree. My answers might have been quite different if that option had been available. I don't know is not the same as a neutral option. You are asking a lot of my unpaid time for these surveys 48 Faculty / Staff Self-Study Survey Fall 2014 2. The mission and vision statements provide adequate direction to the college. I think the mission and vision statement are excellent and do what they should do. However, it is impossible for two brief items to provide adequate direction to the college, although they certainly contribute. 6. My department has sufficient access, training, and support for research and data resources to adequately address institutional effectiveness. Thanks to the PRIE office, we can obtain the research and data we need. Training in this area has been minimal, consisting primarily of demonstrating website resources or sharing the results of various institutional research. However I think this is appropriate; the PRIE office has experts in institutional data available for consultation. 13. Instructional programs meet the diverse educational and developmental needs of its students. I think the diverse educational needs of the students are being well addressed. However, I don’t think all of their developmental needs are being met by the college, and I don’t think that’s a realistic expectation. 14. The college relies on faculty expertise and advisory committees on matters of curriculum policy, design, and procedures. I used to think this was true, until I saw how the 7145 Distance Education documents were generated. But I suppose this was a district action, rather than a college action. 20. The information provided in college publications (e.g., catalog, class schedule, college web site) is current, clearly stated, and accurate. For the most part this is true. But I’ve had problems with the registrar’s office (?) applying a different graduation application deadline than the one published elsewhere . (I can’t recall whether it was published in the class schedule or on the SCC website). 21. Planning and resource allocation processes for instructional programs are clearly defined. I agree that the unit planning process is mostly clearly defined. However, there is a lot of information that isn’t generally available about what the different sources of funding are and what are the restrictions for certain funds and how to increase the likelihood of having a funding request approved. 22. Student learning outcomes and associated assessment strategies for instructional courses and programs are determined collaboratively by faculty. I think that most faculty determine SLO assessment independently rather than collaboratively. However in my department program learning outcomes are determined collaboratively. OK, I don’t have time for comments, since I’m only 1/3 through the survey now! 41. Planning and resource allocation processes for full-time faculty resources are clearly defined. I think it is wrong that the district lists sabbaticals as a benefit, and yet a faculty member may never be granted a sabbatical, despite repeated applications. 47. Current hiring practices secure the best candidates possible for available positions. It is an absurd process, not allowing thorough questioning of candidates and not allowing sufficient time with the candidates. 53. My assigned workspace is adequate for me to carry out my job. I need an additional file cabinet and I need more space for email storage. I couldn't answer many of the questions because I didn't have the specific knowledge needed to respond. We are offered to be on committees, then questioned regarding our workload. We are not encouraged to be a part of the committees, work must come first Unfair workload for coordinators and coordinator/chairs Too many important decisions are made without appropriate consultation with faculty. As a result, mistakes are made that reduce my ability to teach effectively.. technology at the main campus is terrible. Adjunct position -- teaching 8 weeks/year. Typo in question 10, need free form answer space With regard to technology: Please provide laptops instead of desktops for instructors who teach online. Q 75 Overall communication is great, but varies by Division Morale on this campus has been very poor in recent years and I don't see any trends towards improvement I am not alone in the impression that other Los Rios campuses, such as ARC, get a much more favorable allocation of resources than SCC does. Question #52: I generally feel safe here; I do not believe all the campus environments are healthy. It is difficult to get custodial to vacuum regularly and the air quality is often poor on the 3rd floor. (I bring a portable air filter.) In the past, hot water has been shut off from certain restrooms. I'd like to see more vacuuming, changing or air filters (HEPA, please) and hot water in all restrooms year round. 49