MOB Dynamics Letter of Consent

MOB Dynamics
Letter of Consent
As a requirement for partial fulfillment of Mgt 2030, a course in Organizational
Behaviour at the University of Lethbridge, students are required to conduct
interviews to gather insight into the experiences people have when working in
organizations. The information and experiences that you share will be
summarized. You will have the opportunity to review the final document before
they submit it.
Your time and effort are integral aspects of our learning process and we
appreciate your participation.
Interviewer’s Agreement
I, __________________, understand that it is my responsibility, as the
Interviewing Researcher, to maintain the confidentiality of the Participant, to
respect the requests of the Participant, and to gather and use the information
obtained in an ethical manner. I understand that it is my responsibility to use the
information gathered from the interview for the purpose outlined, and to store the
data securely.
Participant’s Statement of Consent
I understand the purpose of this interview. I understand that any
information that the Researcher gathers from the interview for use in reports or
published findings will not contain names or identifying features. I understand
that all information will be kept confidential. I also have right to review the final
I understand my participation is this interview is voluntary. I may
choose not to answer some or all of the questions with no consequences. I
understand that I have the option, at the end of the interview, to revoke my
consent for any or all of my information to be used in this assignment.
I grant permission to be taped (if applicable)
Yes______ No________