Questionnaire Design




Purposes of the Questionnaire

Ensures standardization and comparability of the data across interviews

Increases speed and accuracy of recording

Facilitates data processing

Allows the researcher to collect the relevant information necessary to address the management decision problem

Designing the Questionnaire

Logical Steps to Develop a Good Questionnaire

Plan what to measure.

Decide on format. E.g. personal interview, telephone, self.

Formulate questions to obtain the needed information

Decide on the wording of questions

Decide on the order and layout of the questionnaire

Using a sample, test the questionnaire for omissions and ambiguity

Correct the problems (pretest again, if necessary)

The Major Decisions in

Questionnaire Design

1. Content -

What should be asked?

2. Wording -

How should each question be phrased?

3. Sequence -

In what order should the questions be presented?

4. Layout -

What layout will best serve the research objectives?

The most difficult step is specifying exactly what information is to be collected from each respondent

Content: Questions must meet 5 requirements

1. Are the questions relevant. Do they pertain to the research problem

2. Are the questions accurate. Do they accurately depict the attitudes, behaviors, etc. intended to investigate

3. Do respondents have the necessary information?

• Qualify respondents

4. Do respondents understand and interpret the question correctly

5. Will respondents give the information?

How should the questions be asked?

Format: How much freedom do we give respondents in answering questions

Open-ended questions

– eg. What do you look for most in a job?

Some key advantages

Wide range of responses can be obtained

 Lack of influence. Don't channel respondents thinking

Particularly useful as introduction to survey or topic

 When it’s important to measure the salience of an issue

 When too many possible responses to be listed or unknown

Open-ended questions

Key disadvantages

Ability and/or willingness of respondent to answer

 Interviewer’s ability to record answers quickly or summarize accurately & probe effectively

 Interviewer’s attitude influences response

Time consuming (interview sessions, tabulation, classification, assignment, validation)

Difficulty in coding

 Require respondents to be articulate

Respondents may miss important points


Closed-ended questions (Fixed-alternative questions)

What do you look for most in a job?

____ Work that pays well

____ Work that gives a sense of accomplishment

____ Work where you make most decisions by yourself

____ Work that is steady with little chance of being laid off.


Ease of understanding

Requires less effort on part of interviewer and respondent

Ease of tabulation & analysis

Less error prone

Less time consuming

Answers directly comparable from respondent to respondent

Closed-ended questions (Fixed-alternative questions)


 Middle/Neutral categories often selected inappropriately

(ignorance, safety)

Less opportunity for self-expression or subtle qualifications

 Less involving for respondents

Order of response categories can have major impact on results

Key tradeoff

Want to get respondent to address issues our research is concerned with (Forced response) and at same time give respondent opportunity to honestly opt out of question (i.e.,

Don’t Know, No Answer, Neither Agree nor Disagree) so as not to dilute data collected

Question Wording

Can have major impact on how respondent interprets question

Things to avoid

Avoid Complexity: use simple, direct, conversational language

Avoid leading questions -- that suggest or imply certain answers

Avoid loaded questions -- that suggest social desirability, or are emotionally charged

 Avoid Ambiguity and vagueness: Words such as “often”,

“occasionally”, “usually”, “regularly”, “frequently”, “many”, should be used with caution. If these words have to be used, their meaning should be explained properly.

 Which province is bigger Manitoba or Alberta? – would your answer be based on population or area?

More things to avoid

Avoid long-worded questions

Avoid double-barreled items. Questions that refer to two or more issues within the same question. Where respondent may agree with only 1 part of multipart statement.

E.g. do you think Nike offers better pricing and variety than other brands

Avoid making implicit assumptions

Avoid burdensome questions - that may tax the respondent’s memory

Surveys are more than a collection of unambiguous questions

How questions are specified and put together will influence the respondents’ willingness to participate & the responses they provide

Sequence & Layout Decisions

Initial stages

 Need to gain & maintain respondent’s cooperation

Make questionnaire simple for interviewer to administer

The opening questions should always be interesting, simple, and easy to answer


Beyond initial stages

General questions should be asked before more specific ones

 Demographic questions should come at the end.

Use multiple questions instead of one

Similar questions together

– consistent mindset for respondents

Develop a logical flow

Use transitions between sections (E.g. In this section we ask questions about X)

Distinguish question and responses

CAPS or BOLD or Underline versus lower case or unformatted

Distinguishing question and responses:


Do you agree, disagree or have no opinion that this company has:

A good vacation policy - disagree/not sure/agree.

• Good management feedback - disagree/not sure/agree.

• Good medical insurance - disagree/not sure/agree.


Does this company have:


A good vacation policy

Disagree Not Sure Agree


• Good management feedback 1

Good medical insurance 1







–Filter and pivot questions should be used as necessary.

– A FILTER question is one that screens out respondents who are not qualified to answer a second question.

–A PIVOT question is a type of filter question that is used to determine what version of a second question to ask.

Developing a logical flow

If the questionnaire deals with several topics, complete questions on a single topic before moving on to a new topic

If topics are related, ask questions on related topics before asking questions about unrelated topics

If you ask questions about behaviors over some time period, follow chronological order backward in time

When changing topics, use some transitional phrase


The layout and physical attractiveness of a questionnaire are important aspects

 Questionnaires should be designed to appear as short as possible

Questionnaires should not appear overcrowded

Questionnaires in booklet form are often recommended

Pretesting and Correcting Problems

Purpose of pretest: To ensure that the questionnaire meets the expectations in terms of the information that will be obtained

Missing important variables

Pretesting Specific Questions For

• Variation


Task difficulty

Respondent interest and attention

• Ambiguous, ill-defined, loaded, double-barreled questions

Pretesting the Questionnaire

• Flow of the questionnaire

• Skip patterns


Respondent Interest and Attention

Questionnaire Design Flow Chart

Step 1: Specify what information will be sought

Step 2: Determine type of questionnaire and method of administration

Step 3: Determine the content of individual questions

Step 4: Determine form of response for each question

Step 5: Determine wording for each question

Step 6: Determine sequence of questions

Step 7: Determine physical characteristics of questionnaire

Step 8: Revise steps 1-7, revise if necessary

Step 9: Pretest questionnaire, revise if necessary




