S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries The President under Notification dated 9th May 2007 has amended the Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961. Pursuant to this amendment, Ministry of Agro and Rural Industries (Krishi Evam Gramin Udyog Mantralaya) and Ministry of Small Scale Industries (Laghu Udyog Mantralaya) have been merged into a single Ministry, namely, “MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (SUKSHMA LAGHU AUR MADHYAM UDYAM MANTRALAYA)” S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Introduced on 1st April 2009 Twin Benefits of Company and Partnership 5410 LLPs have been incorporated As on 04.07.2011 Various Conversion Options introduced effective from 31.05.2009 Taxation has been notifed on 10.07.2009 Limited Liability Partnership is a form of business organization with each partner’s liability limited to the contribution made by them, except in the case of fraud, malpractice; wrongs etc., in such case the liability shall be unlimited. LLPs are treated as persons in the eyes of law and incorporated as persons unlike normal partnership concerns which are not incorporated as such. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries BODY CORPORATE Legal Entity DPIN integrated with DIN w.e.f. 05.07.2011 Perpetual Succession Minimum 2 Designated Partner Limited Liability and Agreement as Per Schedule I of LLP Act S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries S Dhanapal & Associates Practising Company Secretaries No Restriction on Maximum number of partners No Major Investment - i.e. No Minimum Capital Requirement Internal Flexibility No Personally Liablity Commercially Efficient Vehicle Expansion and Growth which has perpetuity Audit Requirement only if the Contribution exceeds 25 Lakhs or Trunover exceeds 40 Lakhs S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries ICSI An Initiative of ICSI in Development of MSMEs LLP Ministry Various Modes of MSMEs S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) the most apt model for the small and medium sector enterprises in the country. Government suggests the MSMEs to adopt structure of LLP so as to reduce the liability as well as the lower compliance part. The idea of getting SME sector to adopt the LLP model is to make them more competitive by extending them the benefits of this model. Converting to a LLP structure will also help SME units get easier access to credit from banks. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries LLP registrations were opened in April 2009 but the response has been very poor, with only 5410 entities being registered till date. The present number mainly comprises big consulting groups and law firms, with a relatively small portion of small-sized entities and new entrants showing interest. "This (LLP form of business) is a fantastic new opportunity and will inevitably give a whole new profile to the MSME sector. It will be possible for the sector to reach out to venture capital. This can be the stepping stone for partners becoming much larger industrialists and logging bigger growth by adopting the LLP Structure of Business. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Around 90% of MSMEs are not registered. In order to spread knowledge, various awareness programs like energy conservation, intellectual property rights etc have been organised. The Contribution of MSMEs towards government is very huge. 40% of exports are done by MSMEs And around 40% of employment is also provided by them and Yet another 40% has been contributed by them in GDP. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries To conduct National level programs for MSMEs. Subsidies are given in different ways to companies which are implementing proper techniques and procedures. The main objective of giving subsidy is to bring some major changes in MSME sector. To make MSME sector to have the productive capacity to compete with large scale industries. They want it to survive and compete and adopt Corporate Governance. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Credit guarantee fund scheme for MSME Credit linked capital subsidy scheme Scheme for registration for bar coding Lean manufacturing competitiveness schemes Scheme for technology and quality upgradation Design clinic scheme Scheme for upgradation of information technology and communication Scheme for technology upgradation & marketing Scheme of international co operation Scheme for capacity building S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Domestic entrepreneurs can now easily access any information related to global micro, small and medium enterprises, their products and technologies on the website launched by National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC). www.msmeintelligence.com S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Classifies Enterprises (instead of Industries) which gives due recognition to the Service Sector Simplified Registration process with the District Industries Center. Registration is optional in most cases except for enterprises already registered as SSI Units. Statutory National Board for MSMEs and Advisory Board Setup to assist implementation of the Act S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries SME/SSI Registration India Units would usually get registered to avail some The SME/SSI registration benefits, scheme has no incentives or statutory basis. support given either by the Central or State Govt. Usually the registration certificate issued by the registering authority is seen as proof of being SSI. Both the They relate to Centre and the development State, whether under law or of industrial States/UTs estates, tax otherwise, have their own target their subsidies, package of incentives and power tax incentives and subsidies, support facilities for packages capital small scale. investment generally to units subsidies and other support. registered with them. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries The regime of incentives offered by the Centre usually contains the following: Credit prescription (Priority sector lending), differential rates of interest etc. Excise Exemption Scheme Exemption under Direct Tax Laws. Statutory support such as condition and the Interest on Delayed Payments Act. • Where MSME has to be registered ? DIC (District Industries Centre) is the primary registration centre. To maintain statistics. Generally adopt uniform registration guidelines. Purpose of Registration To maintain roll of units for incentive and supporting services. States use the same registration scheme for implementing their own policies. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries EM ( Entrepreneur Memorandum) has to be submitted to the Concerned DIC. The form of Memorandum is in two parts. Any person who intends to establish a micro, small or medium enterprise engaged in providing or rendering of services may file or those who want to establish medium enterprise engaged in the production or manufacture of products shall file Part- I of the Entrepreneurs Memorandum to District Industries Centre. Once the above enterprises start production or start providing or rendering services, they shall file Part II of the Entrepreneurs Memorandum to District Industries Centre. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries In case of non- filing of Part II of the Entrepreneurs Memorandum within two years of the filing of Part I, the Memorandum (Part I) filed by the entrepreneur will become invalid. In case of change in the investment in plant and machinery or in equipment, the enterprises who have already filed Entrepreneurs Memorandum should inform the District Industries Centre of the same in writing within three month of the change in investment. In case of change of products and that of services or addition in products or services, the enterprises which have already filed Entrepreneurs Memorandum shall inform the District Industries Centre of the same in writing within three months of the change S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Entrepreneur Memorandum Part I is for the proposed enterprises. Entrepreneur Memorandum Part II is for established enterprises after commencement of commercial production. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries It crosses the investment limits. It starts manufacturing any new item or items that require an industrial license or other kind of statutory license. It does not satisfy the condition of being owned, controlled or being a subsidiary of any other Collateral Free Loans - Micro and Small Enterprises S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries The Act decisively defines the MSMEs by the level of Plant and Machinery (P&M ) investment. The categorization also makes allowances for the inherently smaller investments of Serviceenterprises. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Micro Manufacture Service Plant and Machinery Equipment 25 Lakhs of Investment 10 Lakhs of Investment S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Small Manufacture Service Plant and Machinery Equipment Upto 5 Crores of Investment Upto 2 Crores of Investment S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Medium Manufacture Service Plant and Machinery Equipment Upto 10 Crores of Investment Upto 5 Crores of Investment S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries DIN - Mandatory (DPIN has been discontinued w.e.f 05.07.2011) Form 1 - Name Reservation - No Attachments Required* Form 2 - Incorporation Documents - Address Proof of Registered office and Subscriber Sheet Certificate of Incorporation Form 3 - Registration of Initial LLP Agreement - Initial LLP Agreement to be attached Form 4 - Consent of Partners - Partners Consent Letters has to be attached * RBI Letter required if Business is of Trading in Securities S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries 2 Designated Partners Capital Contribution DIN Digital Signature Registered Office S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Limited Liability Partnerships are also required to maintain books of account in respect of their income and expenditure. These books of account are required to be kept at the registered office of the Limited Liability Partnership unless the Partners decide otherwise as per the terms of the LLP Agreement. Limited Liability Partnerships are required to maintain their Books of Account on cash basis or accrual basis and according to the double entry system of accounting. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Taxation Treatment like Partnership firm No Tax in Partners' hands Classified under the MAT head Tax @ 30% (Minimum "Income + education Alternate from Cess @3% Tax) Busienss Applicable and Profession" S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Form 8 for Statement of Accounts of Solvency Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account Form 11 for Annual Return of Limited Liability Partnership S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Form 1 (Existing Name) Form 2(Incorporation Document & Statement) Form 16 (COI) Form 17 (CONVERSION) Form 18 (CONVERSION) Form 18 (CONVERSION) Form 19 (COI) Form 3 (LLP Agreement) & Form 4 (Consent to become partners/Designated partner) with in 30 days of Incorporation. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries All the assets and liabilities of the Company immediately before the conversion shall become the assets and liabilities of the LLP; All the shareholders of the Company immediately before the conversion shall become the partners of the limited liability partnership and their capital contribution and profit sharing ratio in LLP should remain in the same proportion as their shareholding in the company on the date of conversion; The shareholders of the company do not receive any consideration or benefit, directly or indirectly, in any form or manner, other than by way of share in profit and capital contribution in the LLP; S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries The aggregate of the profit sharing ratio of the shareholders of the company in the LLP shall not be less than fifty per cent at any time during the period of five years from the date of conversion; The total sales, turnover or gross receipts in business of the company in any of the three previous years preceding the previous year in which the conversion takes place does not exceed sixty lakhs rupees; and No amount is paid, either directly or indirectly, to any partner out of balance of accumulated profit standing in the accounts of the company on the date of conversion for a period of three years from the date of conversion. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Classification of the Micro and Small Enterprises (manufacturing and service) shall be under Priority Sector. The Micro and Small (Service) enterprises shall include Small Road and Water Transport Operator, Small Business, Professional and Selfemployed Persons and all other service enterprises. Retail Trade will not be classified under Micro and Small enterprises (service sector). S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Small Road and Water Transport Operator (SRWTO), Small Business, Professional and Self Employed Persons (PSEP) will be classified as per the original cost of equipments either under Micro or Small Enterprises (service) sector instead of earlier classification/ definition of 10 vehicles in case of SRWTO and working capital and /or Term loan limits in case of Small Business/Professional and Self employed persons. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Manufacturing Activities Medical Equipment and Ayurvedic Product Composite unit of Bacon Processing and Piggery Farm* Tobacco Processing Beedi /Cigarette manufacturing and other tobacco Products Extraction of Agave Spirit from Agave juice ; (imported medicinal plant ) extraction of Agave Manufacture of Bio-Fertilizer * Piggery Farm without bacon processing as this is a farming activity. ** The activity of “Bee-Keeping” being farming allied activity. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Section 8 of MSMED Act Enter Entrepreneur's Memorandum Registeration Mandatory Optional For Micro and Small Industries Before Expiry of 180 days Register at respective Government Authority is General Manager, District Industries Centre of respective State Government S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries FDI IN SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIAL UNDERTAKINGS • Check the applicability of Foreign Investment i.e. main object should not be prohibited under FDI. • Small Enterprises may come under Automatic Route. • In some extent it may have to get approval under RBI if its activity is notified. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries The Bank may provide all types of funded and non funded facilities to the borrower under this sector viz, Term Loan, Cash Credit, Letter of Credit, Bank guarantee, etc. A Composite Loan with maximum limit upto Rs.1.00 crore may be considered by bank to enable the Micro and Small Enterprises {both for manufacturing and service sector} to avail of their working capital and Term loan requirement through Single Window. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries (A) FUNDED Upto Rs.25000 Above Rs.25000 1. 2. 3. Minimum Margin NIL 25% 20% (Under Turnover Method) 20-25% NIL Margin on Book Debts Exports Bills backed by L/C confirmed by First Class Bank (B) NON-FUNDED Letter of Credit (DP) 5% Letter of Credit (DA) 10% Bank Guarantee 20% Margin in case of Non Funded facility can be reduced upto 5% by the GM(PSC) at HO and below 5% by the Chairman and Managing Director or Executive Director(in absence of C&MD). S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries As per data available on LLP portal of Ministry of Corporate Affairs, 3513 LLP have been formed as on 24th January 2011, out of which majority of LLP’s have been formed in the following sector: SECTORS LLP Construction 354 Real Estate 360 Wholesale trade and Commission trade 242 Computer & Related Activity 382 Education 107 Total 1445 S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries • MSME sector today accounts for about 45 per cent of the manufacturing output and 40 per cent of the total exports of the country. • Around 75%-80% of businesses in MSME sector, are being carried on as proprietorship & partnership, which generally forms part of the unorganized sector. • The main reason of non presence of corporate form in this sector is high compliance cost & large regulatory control vis-à-vis proprietorship & partnership which is subject to complete flexibility and less compliance cost. • But for this gain the sector is losing heavily on access to easy & cheap the credit & technology. • Now the Limited Liability Partnership form has opened the door for this sector to enjoy the dual advantage of less compliance with higher access to credits & technology in the market. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries • Another advantage for SMEs that in the new LLP form alike Companies, only the Limited Liability Partnership having turnover/contribution of more than Rs. 40/25 Lacs have to get their accounts audited as per the requirement of law providing a step ahead in the flexibility. • SMEs would benefit most from LLP form, as it would allow an entrepreneur to get into the business without exposing his full assets to it. • In an increasingly litigious market environment, the prospect of being a member of a partnership firm or proprietorship with unlimited personal liability is considered risky and unattractive and on the other side the corporate form is expensive for MSMEs. • LLP provides a bridge between the two risks where an entrepreneur would be able to foray into a business venture without any fear of being held liable for the partners’ misconduct. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries • LLP model has great potential to act as catalyst of growth for economic development of the country. • LLP can go a long way in filling the gap created due to inherent drawbacks of existing business form like company & partnership. • It can further revolutionize the MSME sector by helping them in overcoming their limitation by providing easy access to capital, credit & technology, which can bring far reaching effects. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Sl. Basis of Difference No. Small Scale Industries (SSI) Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSME) 1. Governing Act Small Scale Industries Undertaking Rules Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Act, 2006. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Sl. Basis of No. Difference 2. Meaning Small Scale Industries (SSI) The following requirements are to be complied with by an industrial undertaking to be graded as Small Scale Industrial undertaking w.e.f. 21.12.1999. An industrial undertaking in which the investment in fixed assets in plant and machinery whether held on ownership terms on lease or on hire purchase does not exceed Rs 10 million. (Subject to the condition that the unit is not owned, controlled or subsidiary of any other industrial undertaking) Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSME) CLASSIFIED IN TWO CLASSES: Manufacturing EnterprisesThe enterprises engaged in the manufacture or production of goods pertaining to any industry specified in the first schedule to the industries (Development and regulation) Act, 1951). The Manufacturing Enterprise is defined in terms of investment in Plant & Machinery. Service Enterprises: The enterprises engaged in providing or rendering of services and are defined in terms of investment in equipment. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Sl. Basis of No. Difference 3. Limits Small Scale Industries (SSI) Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSME) Investments upto one crore Micro Manufacturing: P&M Less than 25 lakhs Micro can registered as a Small Scale Industrial Undertaking. Service: P&M Less than 10 lakhs Small Manufacturing: Less than 5 crore Small Service: Less than 2 crore Medium Manufacturing: Less than 10 crore Medium Service: Less than 5 crore S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Sl. No. Basis of Difference Small Scale Industries (SSI) Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSME) 4. Registration Not Mandatory Not mandated but if registered can enjoy privileges. 5. Perpetuity Merged and Discontinued Exists as Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Act, 2006. 6. Web site www.ssi.nic.in www.msme.gov.in S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries MSMEs include: Small road & Water transport operators, II. Small business, III. Retail trade, IV. Professional, V. Self‐employed persons and VI. Other service enterprises I. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Lending by banks to medium enterprises will not be included for the purpose of reckoning of advances under the priority sector. MSMED Act, 2006 does not provide for clubbing of investments of different enterprises set up by same person / company for the purpose of classification as Micro, Small and Medium enterprises, the Gazette Notification No. S.O.2 (E) dated January 1, 1993 on clubbing of investments of two or more enterprises under the same ownership for the purpose of classification of industrial undertakings as SSI has been rescinded vide GOI Notification No. S.O. 563 (E) dated February 27, 2009. S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries http://msme.gov.in/ http://www.smenetwork.net/ http://smetimes.tradeindia.com/smetimes/index.html http://www.fisme.org.in/ http://www.laghu-udyog.com http://www.smera.in/ - rating agency http://www.nmcc.nic.in/ - national manufacturing competitiveness council S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries Any Questions ? S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries S DHANAPAL & ASSOCIATES Practising Company Secretaries