Document 16076424

College of Education
Council of Chairs
April 12, 2011
Meeting Summary
Present: K. Angeletti, A. Battle, P. Burke, E. Driver, F. Hultgren, D. Imig, S. Koziol, C. Maxwell Ray, M.
McLaughlin, A. Patty, D. Kivlighan, D. Wiseman
1. Update: Steve Koziol reported the following information from the April 11, 2011 Council of Deans’
 The College of Engineering is looking to provide senior campus administrators with a wireless
access device that can be used to connect to the internet anywhere there is 3G or 4G service. The
device creates a small wireless network that will allow up to 5 devices to share this internet
connection. Koziol will forward the information to Steve Pragel.
 Campus is not in compliance in delivery of on-line courses and programs. Federal regulations
require that courses be registered in the state where a student is located. Twenty-three states
currently have this requirement and it is expected that it will be expanded to all states.
Instructor CVs, syllabi, and fees were mentioned as things that need to be reported.
 Another area where campus is not fully in compliance is web pages. Pages must meet requirements
for individuals with hearing and sight impairments. The university can be fined significantly for
non-compliance. It was mentioned that Steve Pragel is attentive to this issue for our college webpage
and will work with departments to assure they are in compliance.
 In response to campus concerns regarding the requirement that faculty request sabbatical leave sixmonths prior to the expected date of the sabbatical, a proposal to amend the UMCP Policy and
Procedure on Sabbatical Leave for Faculty has been sent to the University Senate. The proposed
change eliminates the six-month rule and allows more flexibility. There is also concern that reports
on sabbatical activity are not being submitted to the Provost at the conclusion of the sabbatical.
Deans should track to make sure reports are filed. Deans should also check on a faculty member’s
productivity on their past sabbaticals before recommending a subsequent one.
 People outside UMB/UMCP do not generally support the proposed merger. A number of questions
have been raised, including where the president would reside. Four committees composed of deans
will be set up on the following topics: Shady Grove; joint appointments; joint programs; and
innovation /entrepreneurship.
 Campus would like to double enrollments at Shady Grover over the next unspecified number of
years. They are looking at undergraduate, graduate and certificate programs, and financial
implications. In the next 2-3 weeks we need to let campus know what new programs and/or
initiatives we might have to contribute. Koziol would like any ideas by the end of the week.
2. General Education: Koziol thanked the chairs for submitting 34 course proposal. He mentioned that
we don’t have much in the area of Humanities and that he would like something from EDSP. Get any
additional submissions to Koziol by tomorrow since Friday is the absolute deadline.
Reorganization Update: There is a lot of work to be done in the next couple of months. The college
Senate is finishing work on the Plan of Organization and By-Laws. Department plans need to be
completed as quickly as possible before the end of May. Maggie McLaughlin reminded that faculty
MOUs, with financial and non-financial commitments attached, need to be completed by June 30. She
will send an email to all faculty regarding informational meetings being held on May 18 and 22.
McLaughlin and April Patty are meeting with business managers on Friday to discuss how faculty
numbers are calculated. With regard to contracts, unless agreements are already in place for people
leaving or making changes, contracts will be continued for one year and be renegotiated the next year.
McLaughlin will keep people informed by email as we move forward.
The Dean handed out an overview of Next Steps: Reorganization and asked for any additional items that
need to be added. Some suggestions included program development, budget, development, students,
instituting a college-wide GSA, and committees.
Also discussed were the use of current and new acronyms for courses, a college-wide decision on what
the college’s degree will say, courses that must go through MHEC, renaming the college, and
consideration of funding and naming opportunities. Send any additional thoughts to Wiseman in the next
two weeks.
 Kathy Angeletti said that core offering targets are not yet met. She has contacted chairs and will
follow up. Some funds are available.
 Carla Maxwell Ray mentioned that while she is out on medical leave, Rebecca Sack will be
available for meeting. She stated that we reached 95 percent of our campaign goal although we
are below the goal this year. Also mentioned were a number of upcoming events that she will
sent notices about.
 Budgets for current departments are due May 17. Meetings will be scheduled.
 There will be an Educator Preparation meeting for faculty and PDS coordinators on May 18.
Please hold the date.
Next Meetings: 9:00-11:00 a.m., 3237 Benjamin
April 26
May 10