TOMORROW (12/06) • You will need notebook paper and blue/black pen

TOMORROW (12/06)
• You will need notebook paper and blue/black pen
• You will write a formal essay response to a Gatewaystyle prompt
• There will be two prompts, and you will choose one
for your response
• One prompt will be related to Unit 2: Matter
• One prompt will be related to Unit 5: Bonding
• Plan to take the entire class period to write your essay
and keep an eye on the clock
Performance Final
• Identify the main idea/purpose and develop thesis
• The bullet points of the prompt are NOT the main idea
• Essay must have three parts, meaning a minimum of
three paragraphs:
• Introduction – includes thesis statement
• Body – bullet points help with organization
• Conclusion
• Do not restate the introduction
• Do not introduce new information
• Make it meaningful (why does the information matter?)
Performance Final
• Address ALL parts of prompt
Task Statement
Bullet Points
• Use ALL documents and cite them appropriately
• ONLY use parenthetical citations
• Matter may initially be categorized as substances
or mixtures (Document A).
• Pay attention to titles of documents (letters or numbers).
Performance Final
• Explanations should include specific details: FACT + 2
• FACT: Ionic bonding involves the transfer of
electrons from metals to nonmetals.
• Support 1: Metals lose valence electrons to achieve a
stable configuration. These electrons may then be
transferred to nonmetal atoms, which need to gain
electrons to increase their stability.
Support 2: For example, a lithium atom has one valence
electron, which will be lost to give the lithium ion a
complete outer energy level. Fluorine, a nonmetal atom,
can then gain the electron given up by lithium to
attain an octet of electrons in its outermost energy level.
• Depth of explanations comes from answering questions
“How?” and “Why?”
Performance Final
• Examples should be simple and clear
• Unit 2: Matter
• Substances: element and compound
• Mixtures: heterogeneous (suspension and colloid) and
homogeneous (solution)
• Unit 5: Bonding
• Ionic compound
• Covalent molecule: nonpolar and polar
• Acid: binary and tertiary
Performance Final