SOLAR THERMAL GENERATION OF ELECTRICAL POWER ON CALIFORNIA FREEWAY’S SHOULDERS AND MEDIAN Saurin D Shah B.E., S.P. College of Engineering, H.N.G.U., India 2005 Tejas A Bhagwat B.E., S.V.I.T, Gujarat University, India 2006 PROJECT Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degrees of MASTER OF SCIENCE in ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING at CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO FALL 2009 SOLAR THERMAL GENERATION OF ELECTRICAL POWER ON CALIFORNIA FREEWAY’S SHOULDERS AND MEDIAN A Project by Saurin D Shah Tejas A Bhagwat Approved by: ______________________________, Committee Chair Dr. John C. Balachandra ______________________________, Committee Chair Mr. Russell L. Tatro, MSEE ____________________________ Date ii Students: Saurin D. Shah Tejas A. Bhagwat I certify that theses students have met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this thesis is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the thesis. ________________________________, Graduate Coordinator __________________ Dr. B. Preetham Kumar Date Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering iii Abstract of SOLAR THERMAL GENERATION OF ELECTRICAL POWER ON CALIFORNIA FREEWAY’S SHOULDERS AND MEDIAN by Saurin D Shah Tejas A Bhagwat The major concern of the world at this time is the growing rate of energy consumption and the resulting act of increasing pollution. We are living in an era where it is not possible to stop the growth or decrease the use of energy, whether it relates to personal or commercial use. So the more energy we generate using fossil fuels, the more pollution crisis occurs. So the only way left to deal with this situation is to generate electricity with sources of renewable energy such as solar, wind and tidal waves. This project involves the use of the solar energy to generate electricity on the freeway’s shoulders and median. We are using Solar Thermal panel units manufactured by a company called Sopogy. The Sopogy uses MicroCSP technology to transfer solar energy into thermal energy. A steam turbine converts the thermal energy into electrical energy. The solar thermal power plant has some limitations along with benefits. Due to the low efficiency and inconsistency of solar power plants, they cannot replace a power plant that iv uses non-renewable energy sources. However, solar power plants generate sufficient amounts of electricity to help local utility companies maintain power at peak times and sustain balance in a demand curve. Furthermore, this project aims to find the most economical region in California to build this power plant and estimate total revenue generation per year. As a part of our research, we have collected electrical and civil engineering parameters for the installation of the power plant. Included here, we have illustrated a structural layout of solar panel units with adequate safety clearance to avoid any hazardous situation on freeways. In addition, we have analyzed the data and performed calculations to find total energy and revenue generation per year. By using our economical analysis, one can decide which freeway of California has the highest revenue generation and the lowest revenue payback period. Therefore, we believe that the contents and results of this project will help anyone to build a real solar thermal power plant on a freeway. _______________________, Committee Chair Dr. John C. Balachandra _______________________ Date v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS It is a pleasure to thank everybody who has helped us along the way. We would like to express our thanks to Dr. John C. Balachandra, who has introduced us to the field of renewable energy sources. We appreciate his guidance and support, and we value the many interesting discussions we shared. Also, he has taught us many practical aspects of research. In addition, we would like to thank Professor Russ Tatro for his valuable guidance in writing this project report. We would also like to thank Dr. Preetham B. Kumar, graduate coordinator of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, for his valuable suggestions, cooperation, and support. Last but not the least, we are thankful for all faculty the members of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department for helping us finish our requirements for graduation at California State University, Sacramento. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgments …..…………………………………...………………………...…… vi List of Tables …………..………………………………………..………………………. x List of Figures ………………………………………………………...………………… xi List of Graphs …………………………..……………………………………………… xii Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION ………………...…..…………..……………………………......… 1 1.1 Need of Renewable Energy Production in United States of America …...….. 1 1.2 Solar Thermal Energy as a more suitable option than other available renewable sources for California ……………………………………..……. 3 1.3 What is Solar Insolation? ................................................................................. 4 1.4 Temperature curve for Freeway I-10 ………………………...……………… 5 1.5 Overview of project ………………....………………….....………………… 6 2. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF THE SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY POWERPLANT …………………...………………………………………………….. 7 2.1 Sopogy …..………………..…………………………..................................... 7 2.1.1 Introduction ………………….…………………….………………………. 7 2.1.2 Design ..………………….………………………………...…………......... 8 2.1.3 Advantages ……..………………………………...………………………. 12 2.2 The battery (Power storage device) ……...………………………………… 13 2.3 Heat transfer fluid Pump ………………………............................................ 14 2.4 Steam turbine ………………………............................................................. 14 vii 3. SOLAR THERMAL PROCESS OF ENERGY GENERATION …………….……. 17 3.1 The energy generation process …...………………………………………… 17 3.2 Arrangement of solar panels on freeway ………..…….……...….………… 21 3.3 Special design consideration …...….….……………….…………………… 22 3.4 Efficiency of different stages in solar thermal power plant …...…………… 22 3.5 Safety and limitation issues of constructing a solar thermal power plant on Freeway ..………………………………………………………................... 24 4. METHODOLOGY TO CALCULATE TOTAL ENERGY AND REVENUE GENERATION PER YEAR OF SOLAR THERMAL POWER PLANT ................ 26 5. CALCULATIONS …………………………………………………...……………... 30 5.1 Freeway I-10 ……………………………………………………..………… 30 5.2 Freeway I-40 + I-58 ……………………………………………………..…. 33 5.3 Freeway I-5 Section-I .………………………………………………...…… 37 5.4 Freeway I-5 Section-II …………………………………..…………….....… 41 5.5 Freeway I-5 Section-III ……………………...……………………............... 45 5.6 Freeway I-80 ………………..……….……….………….…………............. 48 5.7 Freeway I-99 ………………..……….……….……………….…...……...... 52 5.8 Freeway I-8 ………………..……….……….…………………...….……… 56 5.9 Installation Cost ……………………………………………………………. 59 5.10 Comparison between coal-fired power plant and solar thermal power plant over a ten years of period …………………………………………………. 60 6. SIMULATION AND RESULTS …….……………………………………………… 63 6.1 Simulation using programming ‘C’ …...…………….................................... 63 viii 6.2 Simulation results of program for different freeways ……………...………. 65 6.3 Simulation of energy generation per year in Kwh using …...……………… 72 6.4 Revenue generation per year in Million US $ ...........................................… 73 6.5 Economical analysis on freeways to calculate most economical energy generation ………………………………………………………...………… 75 6.6 Energy generation analysis for Freeway I-10 …...……................................. 77 6.7 Revenue payback period ……………………………………………...……. 78 6.8 Economical comparison between coal-fired power plant and solar thermal power plant over a ten years of period ……………………………..………. 81 7. CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………………................ 83 References.…….……………………………………………………………….............. 85 ix LIST OF TABLES Page 1. Technical specification of Sopogy solar panel ……...………………………. 10 2. Seasonal solar insolation of major cities on the freeway I-10 …...………….. 31 3. Seasonal solar insolation of major cities on the freeway I-40 +I-58 …...……………………………………………………………….. 35 4. Seasonal solar insolation of major cities on the freeway I-5 Section-I ...…………………………………………………………………… 39 5. Seasonal solar insolation of major cities on the freeway I-5 Section-II ...………………………………………………………………… 43 6. Seasonal solar insolation of major cities on the freeway I-5 Section-III ...…………………………………………………………………. 46 7. Seasonal solar insolation of major cities on the freeway I-80 ...…………….. 50 8. Seasonal solar insolation of major cities on the freeway I-99 ...…………… 54 9. Seasonal solar insolation of major cities on the freeway I-8 …...……………. 57 10. Installation Cost ...………………………………………………………….. 60 11. Energy generation per year in Kwh for freeways ………………………… 72 12. Revenue generation per year in Million US $ ............................................... 74 13. Economical analysis on different freeways …………………………...……. 75 14. Monthly projected energy generation on I-10 …………………………...… 77 15. Revenue payback period ……………………………………………...……. 79 16. Comparison between coal-fired power plant and solar thermal power plant …………………………………………………………...…….. 81 x LIST OF FIGURES Page 1. The role of renewable energy in the Nation’s energy supply ………………..…. 2 2. Solar insolation comparison between Germany and USA …………………....... 3 3. Module of Sopogy panel …………………………………………..…………… 9 4. Top view of Sopogy panel …………………………..………………………… 11 5. Side view of Sopogy panel-1 ………………………………..………………… 11 6. Side view of Sopogy panel-2 ………………………………………..………… 12 7. Steam turbine rotor …………………………………………………...……….. 15 8. Three stage steam turbine …………………………………………...………… 16 9. Solar thermal power plant ……………………………………………..……… 17 10. Line diagram of solar thermal power plant ………………………...………… 19 11. Solar panel arrangement on median of freeway (Top View) …………………. 21 xi LIST OF GRAPHS Page 1. Monthly temperature data for freeway I-10 …………………………………….5 2. Actual energy generation per year in Kwh …………………………………….. 73 3. Revenue generation per year in Million US $ ..................................................... 74 4. Economical analysis ……………………………………………………..……... 76 5. Projected energy generation on freeway I-10 ………………………………….. 78 6. Total installation cost and revenue generation per year in Million US $ ............ 80 7. Payback period (Years) ……...………………………………………………… 81 8. Installation and running cost …………………………………………...…….… 82 xii 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Need of Renewable Energy Production in United States of America With the increase of technology and population, the demand for electricity in the United States of America is also increasing. Now we are becoming more and more dependent on technology than ever before, which indicates that we do not have sufficient control on energy demand. Nowadays a lot of functions are turning to automation, which also demands power. To fulfill these requirements, we have to either build new power plants or expand the capacity of existing power plants. The expansion of the capacity of existing power plants has certain limitations. Building a new conventional (non-renewable energy sources) power plant increases issues of pollution and global warming. On the contrary, a renewable energy power plant produces green energy and is cost effective over a long period. Along with the problem of pollution, another factor that plays role in consideration is the dependencies on oil producing countries. USA depends on oil producing countries to import its crude oil. This dependency draws money out of the country. On the contrary, renewable energy power plant produces green energy and it is cost effective over a long period. Figure1 shows that in 2008, 37% of total power generation used crude oil only. Moreover, 84% of the total power generation used fossil fuels, which are harmful to the 2 environment. Only 7% of renewable energy sources were used for energy generation. Therefore, the use of renewable energy sources is necessary for the United States [1]. Figure 1: The role of renewable energy in the Nation’s energy supply The above Figure shows the role of renewable energy in total supply, 2008 [1]. Instead of using fossil fuels, we can use renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, tidal waves, biomass and geothermal energy to generate green energy. 3 1.2 Solar Thermal Energy as a more suitable option than other available renewable energy sources for California Among the available renewable energy sources, California receives plenty of solar energy throughout the year. This energy can be useful in generating environmentalfriendly, clean electricity. California has dry, sunny weather more than 60% of the year. It also leads the country in the generation of non-hydraulic renewable energy sources including geothermal, wind and solar. Despite these facts, California imports more electricity from other states than any other state in the union [2]. Figure 2: Solar insolation comparison between Germany and USA[3] 4 Figure 2 shows the comparison between available solar energy in Germany (on left side) and Unites States of America (on right side). Here we can see that all parts of the USA—except for Seattle—has a higher availability of solar energy compared to Germany. Even though USA has more resources, Germany uses seven times more solar energy to generate electricity. 14% of Germany’s total energy is renewable energy and they are targeting to reach 27% by 2020. Denmark produces 40% renewable energy [3]. Therefore, this analysis shows that California has a better opportunity to generate more solar energy to meet its demand. California has plenty of regions with higher solar insolation values to install solar thermal power plants. 1.3 What is Solar Insolation? Solar insolation is defined as the amount of solar energy received by earth’s surface. Higher solar insolation value for a particular region means a higher solar radiation is available to that area. The solar insolation value decides the size of solar collector that is required. Higher the value, lower the collector size and vice versa. This value is generally described as the amount of solar radiation coming to the earth in a meter square area on a single day, which is Kwh/meter2/day. These values vary per different regions. In California, the average solar insolation level is 3.5 – 7 Kwh/meter2/day in different period for different areas [15]. 5 1.4 Temperature curve for Freeway I-10: The temperature mainly depends on the location of region. The weather is more variable near the seaside compared to the regions far from sea. So here, we are illustrating the temperature curve of Freeway I-10. Our selected portion of freeway I-10 passes through two major cities, Santa Monica and Blythe. We have illustrated the different temperatures of these cities during the year of 2008. This graph gives a general idea of the temperatures at different time of the year for the stated cities. We can see the temperatures in that region vary from 62-degree Fahrenheit to 109 degree Fahrenheit throughout the year. Graph 1: Monthly temperature data for freeway I-10 [23] 6 1.5 Overview of project: In this project, we are proposing to install a solar thermal power plant on a free space of the shoulders and median of the freeway. The main concept of this project is to lease a portion of California’s freeways from CALTrans to install a solar thermal power plant. Our project guide, Dr. Balachandra, had a talk with the California Department of Transportation officers and they are working on a way to make it possible. In our study, we found six major freeways in California with high solar insolation values to install a solar thermal power plant. The sum of the total length of all freeways is approximately 1500 miles excluding city areas. We have estimated 15 days per year for maintenance and major shut offs. We have collected our project data from national and private organizations to calculate the total energy generated per day for a particular freeway. The sum of calculated revenue generation per year per freeway is approximately one billion US dollars. We also have calculated installation costs, revenue generation and revenue payback period for each freeway. In addition, we have compared economical values over a period for coal-fired and solar thermal power plants. Moreover, we concluded that over a long period the solar thermal power plants are more economical compared to conventional power plants. 7 Chapter 2 ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF THE SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY POWERPLANT 2.1 Sopogy Sopogy panels comprise the main element of our project. They use MicroCSP (Concentrating Solar Power systems) Technology to convert solar energy into thermal energy and, in the next step, steam turbine converts thermal energy into electrical energy. 2.1.1 Introduction Sopogy, a Hawaiian based company, provides solar panels to convert solar energy into thermal energy. The name ‘Sopogy’ stands for ‘Solar Power Technology.’ Sopogy provides the best energy solution for households as well as industrial utilities. This module has specific curvature design, which concentrates solar energy on a collector pipe. This concentrated solar energy heats the collector pipe, so the fluid flowing through the collectors heats up to 300 – 500 degree F. We are using water as our fluid for this power plant. This water passes through the collector pipe several times until it reaches a working temperature of 300 – 500 degree F. The water is then converted to a steam and sent to a steam turbine, which generates electrical power. Sopogy panels are connected to each other; this module can be built in an array to generate electricity. This way we can generate the required amount of electricity, varying from some Kw to 8 Mw. The Sopogy unit has solar to thermal efficiency of 50.68%. This solar unit can generates small as well as large amounts of power. The solar thermal plant is more efficient in early afternoon, when there is peak demand [4] [5]. 2.1.2 Design Sopogy module has a lightweight parabolic structure with the heat collector element passing through it. The heat collector element has a diameter of 1 inch; the water flow rate through the element is 17 gallons/minute, as shown in the Table 1 [8]. The heat collector element passes through the many Sopogy units of the modules, and then connects to the steam turbine. The water flows through the collector pipe until the required temperature is achieved. For the flow of the fluid a “heat transfer fluid pump” is used, which is described in detail in chapter 3. The Sopogy structure is made in such a way that its reflector will contain the glare, which may otherwise disturb traffic. The reflector design collects solar energy and transmits it very precisely to the focal area. The basic structure of the module is shown in Figure 3 and the design specifications are shown in the Table 1[4] [6]. 9 Figure 3: Module of Sopogy panel [7] Sopogy module has east-west 1-axis tracking system, which is designed to rotate the module to correspond with the direction of the sun to collect the maximum amount of solar energy. Also for safety consideration, this tracking system places the panel upside down during the times when Sunlight may be unavailable due to bad weather conditions, heavy wind, rain and very low operating temperature. The Sopogy panel structure and its dimensions are shown in the Table 1. Figure 4, Figure 5 and Figure 6 give details of its structure and specification [9]. These modules can be shipped as parts and be easily reassembled at the construction site [4]. 10 Table 1: Technical specification of Sopogy solar panel [8] 11 Figure 4: Top view of Sopogy panel [9] Figure 5: Side view of Sopogy panel-1 [9] 12 Figure 6: Side view of Sopogy panel-2 [9] 2.1.3 Advantages 1) It uses a renewable energy source, “The Sun,” to generate solar thermal energy, which is available for free. 2) It provides “Green Energy” to keep the environment free from pollution and green house gases. 3) Energy cost of this technology, over a long period, is less than the Natural-Gas Energy cost. 13 4) Supplementary energy can be supplied during the peak times. 5) This module has a tracking system designed to follow the direction of the sun to collect maximum energy. 6) During non-operating conditions, this panel turns upside down to avoid any damage that may be caused by wind, rain, snow or dust. 7) Sopogy modules are very lightweight and easy to install on site [4] [5] [8]. 2.2 The battery Solar thermal power plant converts solar energy into electrical energy. In the absence of solar energy, the power plant cannot produce electricity. This may increase burden on consumers (local utility companies) during peak hours. To avoid this condition, we proposed a concept of a battery to store electricity. This stored electricity can be provided to consumers (local utility companies) during such conditions and if not, then we can supply this power to fuel charging station to charge electrical /hybrid cars. Therefore, the battery plays an important role for the temporary storage of electricity. Here we have proposed an idea to store portions of generated electricity. The generated power from steam turbines can be diverted and stored in a battery using inverter and switch mechanism. It is essential to ensure the appropriate design of the battery, regarding its working condition, charging/discharging time, and operating temperature. 14 There are different types of batteries available to store electricity, such as Lead-Acid Batteries, Sealed deep-cycle lead-acid batteries, and Sealed Gel Cell batteries. Among all these batteries, sealed deep-cycle lead-acid batteries are low maintenance and easy to use in remote areas. This kind of storage equipment is necessary for a solar thermal power plant to supply continuous power in bad weather conditions. The major drawbacks of battery units include high cost and short life [13]. 2.3 Heat transfer fluid pump In a solar thermal power plant, water passes through a collector pipe. This pipe continuously heats the water until the boiling level is reached and then steam is transferred to the steam turbine. To maintain the regular flow of water in a collector pipe, a ‘Heat Transfer Fluid (HTF) Pump’ is used. We propose using “Spirax Sarco” manufactured pumps for our power plant. This pump is also called a ‘Pressured Powered Pump” because it works on the principles of pressure to force the fluid. It uses the pressure of the vapor to pump water from the low pressure to the high-pressure side [14]. 2.4 Steam turbine “A steam turbine is a mechanical device that extracts thermal energy from pressurized steam and converts it into rotary motion.” Because of this rotary motion, electricity is 15 generated in the form of alternative current (A.C.). the first steam turbine was invented by Thomas Newcomen; it later improved by James Watt [12]. As shown in the Figure 7, high-pressure steam passes through the rotary wings. As a result, rotary wings rotate and convert thermal energy into kinetic energy. Then the rotary mechanism generates electricity in the generator, which is connected to it. Figure 7: Steam turbine rotor [10] 16 Figure 8: Three stage steam turbine [11] As shown above in Figure 8, steam turbine has three stages instead of one stage. The expansion of steam is taking place in three turbines, high pressure, medium pressure and low-pressure. The high-pressure steam first passes through a high-pressure turbine, after which it reduces its pressure and temperature, and is then sent to a medium pressure turbine and then on to a low-pressure turbine. This three-stage process increases the efficiency of a steam turbine unit. 17 Chapter 3 SOLAR THERMAL PROCESS OF ENERGY GENERATION The main objective of this project is to capture and harness solar thermal power and convert it to electricity in the most effective and productive manner possible. 3.1 The energy generation process As stated earlier, we are using MicroCSP technology to generate electricity. The water is used as a main fluid, which is heated through the channel, and so water converts into steam. This steam spins the turbine blades, which converts thermal energy into kinetic energy. An alternator, attached at the end of steam turbine converts, this kinetic energy into electrical energy. Figure 9: Solar thermal power plant [16] 18 1) First, the thermal energy is generated through solar energy, and then it is harnessed to a solar panel in the collector area. This is then focused on the collector pipe by reflectors. This thermal energy is used to heat the water flowing inside the collector pipe. The cooling tower pumps the water into the collector pipe. Here we use a Heat Transfer Fluid (HTF) pump [16] [14]. Once steam temperature reaches the desired working temperature of 300-500° F, it flows to the steam turbine. 2) The steam thus generated is channeled to a steam turbine. The steam of the solar panel unit reaches a temperature of around 300—500° F. This hot steam flows through the turbine blade, which rotates the turbine and produces mechanical energy (kinetic energy). The generator (alternator) attached at the end of the steam turbine converts this mechanical energy into electrical energy. 3) For higher efficiency, we use same steam for the next stage. For this step, the condenser condenses the low-pressure steam and converts it back into water, which is again stored in a cooling tower (the fluid storage tank in the diagram) which eventually re-pumps into the solar panel again [16]. For further reference, please consider Figure 10. 4) The generated electricity is then transfered through Circuit Breakers and other essential protection elements. Now consider Figure 10. The generated electricity now has two paths that it can flow into. If switch-1 and switch-3 are closed then electricity is channeled to switch-2, which is connected to a step-up transformer, which in turn, is connected to a synchronizer. A synchronizer coordinates the different power sources 19 and merges the solar thermal power into a local transmission line. A step-up transformer is required to increase the voltage level of power. Figure 10: Line diagram of solar thermal power plant 20 Here: HTF = Heat Transfer Fluid CB = Circuit Breaker LV= Low Voltage (Winding) HV = High Voltage (Winding). 5) When there is less demand for power, switch-3 is opened, and switch-1 and switch-2 are closed which transfers the electricity into the battery (storage unit). The generated power is an alternating current (AC) so we need to convert it to direct current (DC) before we supply it to the battery. Therefore, we need an inverter after switch-2, to convert the alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC). This DC power is channel to the battery, which stores the power. 6) We can use this stored power in two different ways: 1) We can supply the stored power to the local utility company when it has a peak demand of power. Thus, this stored power helps to maintain the peak of demand curve for the utility company. 2) In addition, we can use the stored power in the fueling station for electrical and hybrid cars. We project that in three to four years that we will have plenty of electrical cars or hybrid cars that will require electric charging stations, just like a gas station. Therefore, we can develop a charging station for electric cars and supply an electric power directly from the battery (storage unit) to the charging station. 21 3.2 Arrangement of solar panels on median of freeway Figure 11 shows the top view of solar panel array arrangement on the freeway median. The panels have been arranged with nominal vertical distance in order to reduce the heat loss of water flowing through it. Figure: 11 Solar panel arrangement on median of freeway (Top View) 22 3.3 Special design considerations: The total width available in the median is 40 feet. For maintenance purposes, the panels are arranged in such a way that they have 7.5 feet distance from one edge of the median and 1.5 feet of clearance in between each panel. These panels can be constructed to a normal height on the shoulders of a freeway; on the median, it is necessary to maintain some vertical clearance in the event damage is caused by an automobile accident. For this reason, the identical vertical clearance of 16.8 feet is necessary on the median. These panels are built on a pole structure with a solid concrete base. The vertical clearance from the ground also helps in maintenance work [17]. 3.4 Efficiency of different stages in solar thermal power plant: The efficiency of power generated through Sopogy pannels is relatively low compare to energy generated by the non renewable engery power plants. The average efficiency varies from 10 – 12 percent, which depend on the weather conditions like extreme rain, very low temperature, high wind flow and clouds [18]. Moreover, it depends on whether there are dust particles in the air, which reduces the efficiency of collectors. Still, this technology has considerably high efficiency and the benefits are greather than PV (photovoltaic) technology. The Sopogy (Micro CSP) technology is more reliable, cost effective, and has more consistency in power delivery, and low shifting capability compared to PV (photovoltaic) technology [19]. 23 The solar thermal panel unit has different stages and each stage has different efficiencies. The three main efficiencies are: (1) Collector efficiency: (2) Steam Turbine Efficiency (3) Electricity transmission efficiency (1) Collector Efficiency: Efficiency of the collector is dependent on outside temperature, solar insolation value, and the collector fluid (water) temperature. The collector converts solar energy into thermal energy. The Micro CSP technology (SOPOGY) panel has solar to thermal efficiency of 50.6%. (2) Steam Turbine efficiency: Steam turbine converts thermal energy into mechanical energy and attached alternator converts this mechanical energy into electrical energy. An identical turbine works maximum theoretical possible but an actual turbine do less amount of work than an identical turbine. This is because of friction loss in the blades, leakage past the blades and mechanical friction. “Turbine efficiency is defined as the ratio of actual work done by turbine to the work that would be done by the turbine if it were an ideal turbine” [24]. For our project, we are following datasheet of MicroCSP technology (Sopogy) and steam turbine efficiency combines with an alternator has taken as 18.98% [18]. (3) Electrical Transmission Efficiency: Transmission losses always occur when we transmit electricity from one point to another. This transmission loss is also known as power loss, which comprises 5-7% of the total power generated. The power loss changes 24 with the amount of current (I) that flows through the transmission line and the resistance of the line(R), which is represented by I2R. This loss is also dependent on the length of the transmission line. Longer length leads to higher transmission losses. We are not able to calculate the transmission loss at this time due to the nature of our project, since we would not be able to determine the length of the transmission line and amount of current flow (voltage level). However, if we keep voltage level high, transmission loss would not have a high impact on our results of energy generation [25]. 3.5 Safety and limitation issues of constructing a solar thermal power plant on freeway US highways are the most convenient way for transportation and are quite busy during office hours. Safety issues are critical for the construction of these solar panels on the median and the shoulders. Construction on the freeways may lead to traffic delays. Construction may create noise pollution that may affect nearby inhabitants. They may object to construction. Any major accident may interrupt the power supply to the local utilities. Because of the safety reasons on the freeway, construction and installation time for these panels may take longer than expected. Power generation mainly depends on the intensity of the Sun. Any changes in weather conditions will affect the power generation. In rainy or cloudy seasons, and during the 25 snowfall, these panels cannot generate electricity because of the unavailability of sunlight. We are using water as a fluid in these panels, and availability of water is necessary. Moreover, high wind flow may reduce the fluid temperature and increase the thermal losses, which will eventually result in a reduction of power generation. 26 Chapter 4 METHODOLOGY TO CALCULATE TOTAL ENERGY AND REVENUE GENERATION PER YEAR OF SOLAR THERMAL POWER PLANT Here we have shown methodology to calculate the total power generation and revenue generation. In addition, we have shown the economical comparison between coal power plant and solar thermal power plant for ten years of period 4.1 We considered six freeways in California to build this project. We have not considered the whole length of freeway but only the useful length of freeway using 4.2 We also have not considered the length of freeway passes through the city limits as it is not feasible to build a project in that area. In addition, we have to consider some other obstacles too in which we cannot utilize the useful length of freeway so taking guidance from Dr Balachandra, we assumed that we could consider 25% of freeway length to be reserved for constructive obstacles and use 75% of useful length of freeway to build this project. 4.3 We have considered the one median and two shoulders to build this project. Average size of width of median has taken, as 40 feet and for shoulders, it is 20 feet each. Therefore, the total width available is 80 feet (20+40+20) to build this project. We assume that all the protection units and control panel would be on one of the 27 shoulder and which too require space. Therefore, we have taken 40% of one of shoulder as reserve space. Therefore, the total effective width will be 20 + 80 + (20 * 60%) which is 72 feet. Therefore, the width of reserved will be 6 feet. This reserved space is accumulating 10% of effective width available. 4.4 Then we have converted the length from miles to km and so meter for easy calculation. We use this conversion in this process. 1 Mile = 1.609344 Km 1 Km = 1000 meters 4.5 After that, we have converted the effective width to meter from feet. 1 feet = 0.3048 meter 4.6 So we calculated the effective area “A” using this equation. Area = effective length * effective width We have collected the solar Insolation data for different season (spring, summer, autumn and winter) from National Renewable energy laboratory, U.S. Solar Radiation Resource Maps [20]. 4.7 Also, The Sopogy has solar to thermal loss and thermal to electrical loss of 49.04% and 81.02% respectively. So cumulative, system efficiency is 9.603%. 28 4.8 So finally using that solar Insolation and area, we have calculated the total energy generated, Kwh per day using this formula : Energy generated per Day Ped = Area m2 * Solar Insolation (S.I.) KwH/m2/day 4.9 We also need to do maintenance of plant at certain period in the year and so we need at least 15 days of complete shut off period, which includes maintenance period time and some critical emergency shut off time. Now we have analyzed different time of the year and found that winter season have least number of hours sun energy available and eventually least Solar Insolation compare to other season. Therefore, we are dividing each season into 90 days and keeping winter as 80 days. Thus spring = 90 Days, Summer = 90 Days, Autumn = 90 days and Winter = 80 days. Therefore, the total working days of power plant will be = 90+90+90+80 = 350 days + 15 days of maintenance/ critical shut down. 4.10 So now we have calculated the energy generated KwH per season using this formula : Pe season = Ped * No. of days in that season 4.11 So now, we are able to calculate the total revenue generated in each season considering above data. 29 We are assuming to sell one KwH power at least for 11 cents so we calculated the seasonal power generated with 11 cents and got the total revenue generated in each season. 4.12 At last, we have calculated the total revenue generated per year for each freeway section. This is obtained by sum of revenue generated in each season. 30 Chapter 5 CALCULATIONS Calculation of total power generated on freeway length using solar thermal panel: 5.1 Freeway I-10 Starts @ West - Santa Monica Ends @ East – Blythe (Ca-Arizona border) Length- 242.54 miles = 390.33 Km = 390330 meters Effective Length Lef = 75% of total length = 390330 * 0.75 meter = 292747.5 meter Total Width W = 80 ft ((20*2) shoulders +40 median) Here we will use 40% of one shoulder (20ft *40%) for constructions like steam turbine, charging station (battery) and protection elements. Therefore, Effective Width Weff = 20ft (shoulder) +40ft (median)+(20*60%)shoulder Weff = 72 feet 1ft = 0.3048 m 31 So Weff = 21.94 meter Area = Effective Length Lef f * Effective Width Weff = 292747.5 * 21.9456 = 6424524 m2 Number of hours solar energy available per season in major cities [21] [22]. Santa Monica Spring -March 20 - 6:57am to 7:05 pm Summer-June 21 - 5:42am to 8:08pm Autumn -Sept 22 - 6:42am to 6:50pm Winter -Dec 21 - 6:55am to 4:48pm Blythe Spring - March 20 - 6:44am to 6:53pm Summer - June 21 - 5:24am to 8:01pm Autumn - Sept 22 - 6:29am to 6:37pm Winter - Dec 21 - 6:48am to 4:30pm Season Solar Insolation in Santa Monica (Kwh/m2/day) Solar Insolation in Blythe (Kwh/m2/day) Average Solar Insolation (Kwh/m2/day) Spring 4 5 4.5 Summer 6 8 7 Autumn 5 6 5.5 Winter 4 5 4.5 Table 2: Seasonal solar insolation of major cities on the freeway I-10 [20] 32 Also, The Sopogy has solar to thermal loss and thermal to electrical loss of 49.04% and 81.02% respectively. So cumulative, system efficiency is 9.603%. 1) Spring Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 6424524 * 4.5*0.09603 = 2776261.83 Kwh/day = 2776261.839 Kwh/day * 90 days = 249863565.5 Kwh – for Spring 2) Summer Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 6424524 * 7*0.09603 = 4318629.527 Kwh/day = 4318629.527 Kwh/day * 90 days = 388676657.5 Kwh – for Summer 3) Autumn Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 6424524 * 5.5*0.09603 = 3393208.914 Kwh/day = 3393208.914 Kwh/day * 90 days = 305388802.3 Kwh – for Autumn 33 4) Winter Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 6424524 * 4.5*0.09603 = 2776261.839 Kwh/day = 2776261.839 Kwh/day * 80 days = 222100947.1 Kwh – for Winter Now total power generated per year = Sum of power generated in all the seasons (i.e. spring, summer, winter and autumn) = 1166029972 Kwh /Year So actual energy generated per year = 1166029972 Kwh /Year Economical Analysis: If we sell 1 Kwh amount of power for $0.11, the total revenue will be sum of actual Energy generated per Year. So, the total revenue generated for I – 10 per year = 1166029972 Kwh * 0.11 = 128.263297 Million US $ 5.2 Freeway I-40 + I-58 Section 1 @ Bakersfield to Barstow – I-58 = 129 miles Section 2 @Bartow to Needles, CA = 145 miles 34 Total length = 129+145 = 274 miles Pros: Mojave National Park Length- 154.61 miles = 248.820 Km = 248820 meters Effective Length Lef =75% of total length = 248820 * 0.75 meters = 186615.506 meters Total Width W = 80 ft ((20*2) shoulders +40 median) Here we will use 40% of one shoulder (20ft *40%) for constructions like steam turbine, charging station (battery) and protection elements. Therefore, Effective Width Weff = 20ft (shoulder) +40ft (median) + (20*60%) shoulder Weff = 72 feet 1ft = 0.3048 m So Weff = 21.94 meter Area = Effective Length Lef f * Effective Width Weff = 186615.5 * 21.9456 = 4095389 m2 Number of hours solar energy available per season [21] [22]. Bakersfield March 20 - 6:59am to 7:08pm June 21 - 5:41am to 8:14pm 35 Sept 22 - 6:44am to 6:52pm Dec 21 - 7:01am to 4:47pm Needles March 20 - 6:44am to 6:53pm June 21 - 5:24am to 8:01pm Sept 22 - 6:29am to 6:37pm Dec 21 - 6:48am to 4:30pm Season Solar Insolation in Solar Insolation in Barstow Solar Insolation in Needles Average Solar Insolation Bakersfield (Kwh/m2/day) (Kwh/m2/day) (Kwh/m2/ (Kwh/m2/ day) day) Spring 5 5 5 5 Summer 7 7 7 7 Autumn 6 6 6 6 Winter 5 5 4 4.66 Table 3: Seasonal solar insolation of major cities on the freewayI-40+I-58 [20] 1) Spring Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 4095389 m2 * 5*0.09603 = 1966401.157 Kwh//day = 1966401.157 Kwh/day * 90 days 36 = 176976104.1 Kwh – for spring 2) Summer Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 4095389 m2 * 7*0.09603 = 2752961.62 Kwh/day = 2752961.62 Kwh/day * 90 days = 247766545.8 Kwh – for summer 3) Autumn Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 4095389 m2 * 6*0.09603 = 2359681.388 Kwh/day = 2359681.388 Kwh/day * 90 days = 212371324.9 Kwh – for autumn 4) Winter Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 4095389 m2 * 4.66*0.09603 = 1832685.878Kwh//day = 1832685.878 Kwh/day * 90 days = 164941729 Kwh – for winter Now total power generated per year = Sum of power generated in all the seasons (i.e. spring, summer, winter and autumn) = 802055703.9Kwh /Year So actual energy generated per year = 802055703.9Kwh /Year 37 Economical Analysis: If we sell 1 Kwh amount of power for $0.11, the total revenue will be sum of actual Energy generated per Year. So, the total revenue generated for I – 40 + I-58 per year = 802055703.9 Kwh * 0.11 = 88.22 Million US $ 5.3 Freeway I -5 Section – I Starts @ North - Sacramento Ends @ South – Los Angles Length- 385 miles = 619.597 Km = 619597 meters Effective Length Lef =75% of total length = 619597 * 0.75 meter = 464697.75 meter Total Width W = 80 ft ((20*2) shoulders +40 median) Here we will use 40% of one shoulder (20ft *40%) for constructions like steam turbine, charging station (battery) and protection elements. Therefore, Effective Width Weff = 20ft (shoulder) +40ft (median) +(20*60%)shoulder 38 Weff = 72 feet 1ft = 0.3048 m So Weff = 21.94 meter = Effective Length Lef f * Effective Width Weff Area = 464698.1* 21.9456 = 10198078 m2 Number of hours solar energy available per season [21] [22]. Sacramento March 20 - 7:09am to 7:18pm June 21-5:42 am to 8:34pm September 22 - 6:54am to 7:02pm December 21 -7:20am to 4:48pm Los Angeles March 20 - 6:57am to 7:05 pm June 21 - 5:42am to 8:08pm September 22 - 6:42am to 6:50pm December 21 - 6:55am to 4:48pm 39 Season Solar Insolation in Sacramento (Kwh/m2/day) Solar Insolation in Los Angeles (Kwh/m2/day) Average Solar Insolation (Kwh/m2/day) Spring Summer Autumn Winter 4 7 6 3 4 6 5 4 4 6.5 5.5 3.5 Table 4: Seasonal solar insolation of major cities on the freewayI-5 Section-I [20] 1) Spring Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 10198078 m2 * 4*0.09603 = 3917285.79 Kwh/day = 3917285.79 Kwh/day * 90 days =352555721.3 Kwh – for spring 2) Summer Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 10198078 m2 *6.5*0.09603 = 6365589.412 Kwh//day = 6365589.412 Kwh/day * 90 days = 572903047.1 Kwh – for summer 40 3) Autumn Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 10198078 m2 * 5.5*0.09603 = 5386267.964 Kwh//day = 5386267.964 Kwh/day * 90 days = 484764116.8 Kwh – for autumn 4) Winter Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 10198078 m2 * 3.5*0.09603 = 3427625.068 Kwh//day = 3427625.068 Kwh/day * 80 days = 308486256.1 Kwh – for winter Now total power generated per year = Sum of power generated in all the seasons (i.e. spring, summer, winter and autumn) = 1718709141 Kwh /Year So actual energy generated per year = 1718709141 Kwh /Year 41 Economical Analysis: If we sell one Kwh amount of power for $0.11, the total revenue will be sum of actual energy generated per Year. So, the total revenue generated for I – 5, Section I per year =1718709141Kwh * 0.11 = 189.287618 Million US $ 5.4 Freeway I – 5 Section – II Starts :Sacramento Ends :Yreka Length- 257 miles = 413.60 Km = 413600 meters Effective Length Lef =75% of total length = 413600 * 0.75 meter = 310200 meter Total Width W = 80 ft ((20*2) shoulders +40 median) Here we will use 40% of one shoulder (20ft *40%) for constructions like steam turbine, charging station (battery) and protection elements. Therefore, Effective Width Weff = 20ft (shoulder) +40ft (median) +(20*60%)shoulder 42 Weff = 72 feet 1ft = 0.3048 m So Weff = 21.94 meter Area = Effective Length Lef f * Effective Width Weff = 310201.1 * 21.94 = 6807548 m2 Available hours of Solar energy in cities of California [21] [22]. Sacramento March 20 - 7:09am to 7:18pm June 21-5:42 am to 8:34pm September 22 - 6:54am to 7:02pm December 21 -7:20am to 4:48pm Yreka March 20 -7:14am to 7:21pm June 21 - 5:35am to 8:48pm September 22 - 6:57am to 7:08pm December 21 - 7:33am to 4:42pm 43 Season Solar Insolation in Sacramento (Kwh/m2/day) Solar Insolation in Yreka (Kwh/m2/day) Average Solar Insolation (Kwh/m2/day) Spring 4 4 4 Summer 7 6 6.5 Autumn 6 5 5.5 Winter 3 2 2.5 Table 5: Seasonal solar insolation of major cities on the freeway I-5Section II [20] 1) Spring Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 6807548 m2 * 4*0.09603 = 2614915.45 Kwh/day = 2614915.45 Kwh/day * 90 days = 235342390.6 Kwh – for spring 2) Summer Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation =6807548 m2 * 6.5*0.09603 = 4249237.60 Kwh/day = 4249237.60Kwh/day * 90 days = 382431384.7 Kwh – for summer 44 3) Autumn Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 6807548 m2 * 5.5*0.09603 = 3595508.745 Kwh/day = 3595508.745 Kwh/day * 90 days = 323595787 Kwh – for autumn 4) Winter Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 6807548 m2 *2.5*0.09603 = 1634322.157 Kwh/day = 1634322.157 Kwh/day * 80 days = 147088994.1Kwh – for winter Now total power generated per year = Sum of power generated in all the seasons (i.e. spring, summer, winter and autumn) = 1088458556 Kwh /Year The Sopogy has solar to thermal lose and thermal to electrical lose of 49.04% and 81.02% respectively. So actual energy generated per year = 1088458556 Kwh/ Year 45 Economical Analysis: If we sell one Kwh amount of power for $0.11, the total revenue will be actual energy generated per Year. per year So, the total revenue generated for I – 5, Section II = 1088458556 Kwh * 0.11 5.5 Freeway I – 5 Section-III Starts : Los Angles Ends : San Diego Length- 116 miles sum of = 119.73 Million US $ = 186.683 Km = 186683 meters Effective Length Lef =75% of total length = 186683 * 0.75 meter = 140012.92 meter Total Width W = 80 ft ((20*2) shoulders +40 median) Here we will use 40% of one shoulder (20ft * 40%) for constructions like steam turbine, charging station (battery) and protection elements. Therefore, Effective Width Weff = 20ft (shoulder) +40ft (median) +(20*60%)shoulder Weff 1ft = 0.3048 m = 72 feet So Weff = 21.94 meter 46 Area = Effective Length Lef f * Effective Width Weff = 140012.92 * 21.94 = 3072668 m2 Available hours of Solar energy in cities of California [21] [22]. Los Angeles March 20 - 6:57am to 7:05 pm June 21 - 5:42am to 8:08pm September 22 - 6:42am to 6:50pm December 21 - 6:55am to 4:48pm San Diego March 20 - 6:52am to 6:59pm June 21 - 5:40am to 7:59pm September 22 - 6:36am to 6:46pm December 21 - 6:46am to 4:45pm Solar Insolation in Los Angeles (Kwh/m2/day) Solar Insolation in San Diego (Kwh/m2/day) Average Solar Insolation (Kwh/m2/day) Spring 4 4 4 Summer Autumn Winter 6 5 4 5 5 4 5.5 5.5 4 Season Table 6: Seasonal solar insolation of major cities on the freeway I-5 Section III [20] 47 1) Spring Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 3072668 m2 * 4*0.09603 = 1180273.122 Kwh/day = 1180273.122 Kwh/day * 90 days = 106224581 Kwh – for spring 2) Summer Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 3072668 m2 * 5.5*0.09603 = 1622875.54 Kwh/day = 1622875.54 Kwh/day * 90 days = 146058798.8 Kwh – for summer 3) Autumn Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 3072668 m2 * 5.5*0.09603 = 1622875.54 Kwh/day = 1622875.54 Kwh/day * 90 days = 146058798.8 Kwh – for autumn 4) Winter Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 3072668 m2 * 4*0.9603 = 1180273.122 Kwh/day 48 = 1180273.122 Kwh/day * 80 days = 106224581Kwh – for winter Now total power generated per year = Sum of power generated in all the seasons (i.e. spring, summer, winter and autumn) = 504566759.6 Kwh /Year The Sopogy has solar to thermal lose and thermal to electrical lose of 49.04% and 81.02% respectively. So actual energy generated per year = 504566759.6 Kwh /Year Economical Analysis: If we sell one Kwh amount of power for $0.11, the total revenue will be sum of actual energy generated per Year. So, the total revenue generated for I – 5, Section III per year = 504566759.6 Kwh * 0.11 = 55.50 MillionUS $ 5.6 Freeway I – 80 Starts: Truckee (Near Reno) Ends: San Francisco Length- 180 miles = 289.681 Km = 289681 meters 49 Effective Length Lef =75% of total length = 289681 * 0.75 meter = 217261.44 meter Total Width W= 80 ft ((20*2) shoulders +40 median) Here we will use 40% of one shoulder (20ft *40%) for constructions like steam turbine, charging station (battery) and protection elements. Therefore, Effective Width Weff = 20ft (shoulder) +40ft (median) +(20*60%)shoulder Weff = 72 feet 1ft = 0.3048 m So Weff Area = 21.94 meter = Effective Length Lef f * Effective Width Weff = 217261.44 * 21.94 = 4767933 m2 Available hours of Solar energy in cities of California [21] [22]. Truckee, CA March 20 -7:04am to 7:12pm June 21- 5:34am to 8:30 pm September 22 -6:48am to 6:59pm December 21- 7:16am to 4:40pm 50 San Francisco March 20- 7:13am to 7:22pm June 21- 5:48am to 8:35pm September 22-6:58am to 7:06pm December 21- 7:22am to 4:55pm Season Solar Insolation in Truckee 2 (Kwh/m /day) Solar Insolation in San Francisco (Kwh/m2/day) Average Solar Insolation (Kwh/m2/day) Spring Summer Autumn Winter 4 6 6 3 4 6 5 3 4 6 5.5 3 Table 7: Seasonal solar insolation of major cities on the freeway I-80 [20] 1) Spring Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 4767933* 4 Kwh/day*0.9603 = 1831458.29 Kwh/day * 90 days = 164831246.3 Kwh – for spring 2) Summer Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 4767933 *6.0 51 = 2747187.439 Kwh/day = 2747187.439 Kwh/day * 90 days = 247246869.5 Kwh – for summer 3) Autumn Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 4767933 *5.5 = 2518255.15 Kwh/day = 2518255.15 Kwh/day * 90 days = 226642963.7 Kwh – for autumn 4) Winter Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 4767933 *3.0 = 1373593.719 Kwh/day = 1373593.719 Kwh/day * 80 days = 123623434.7 Kwh – for winter Now total power generated per year = Sum of power generated in all the seasons (i.e. spring, summer, winter and autumn) = 762344514.2 Kwh /Year The Sopogy has solar to thermal lose and thermal to electrical lose of 49.04% and 81.02% respectively. So actual energy generated per year = 762344514.2Kwh /Year 52 Economical Analysis: If we sell one Kwh amount of power for $0.11, the total revenue will be sum of actual energy generated per Year. So, the total revenue generated for I – 80 per year = 762344514.2Kwh * 0.11 = 83.85 MillionUS $ 5.7 Freeway I – 99 Starts: Bakersfield Ends: Red bluff Length- 424 miles = 682.361 Km = 682361 meters Effective Length Lef =75% of total length = 682361 * 0.75 meter = 511771.39 meter Total Width W = 80 ft ((20*2) shoulders +40 median) Here we will use 40% of one shoulder (20ft *40%) for constructions like steam turbine, charging station (battery) and protection elements. Therefore, Effective Width Weff = 20ft (shoulder) +40ft (median) +(20*60%)shoulder Weff = 72 feet 1ft = 0.3048 m 53 So Weff Area = 21.94 meter = Effective Length Lef f * Effective Width Weff = 511771.34 * 21.94 = 11231130 m2 Available hours of Solar energy in cities of California [21] [22]. Bakersfield March 20 - 6:59am to 7:08pm June 21 - 5:41am to 8:14pm Sept 22 - 6:44am to 6:52pm Dec 21 - 7:01am to 4:47pm Red Bluff March 20- 7:12am to 7:20pm June 21- 5:39am to 8:41pm September 22- 6:56am to 7:07pm December 21-7:27am to 4:45pm 54 Season Spring Summer Autumn Winter Solar Insolation in Bakersfield (Kwh/m2/day) Solar Insolation in Red Bluff (Kwh/m2/day) Average Solar Insolation (Kwh/m2/day) 4 7 7 4 4 6 7 3 4 6.5 7 3.5 Table 8: Seasonal solar insolation of major cities on the freeway I-99 [20] 1. Spring Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 11231130 m2 * 4*0.09603 = 4314101.756 Kwh/day = 4314101.756 Kwh/day * 90 days = 388269158 Kwh – for spring 2. Summer Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation =11231130 m2 * 6.5*0.09603 = 7010415.353 Kwh/day = 7010415.353 Kwh/day * 90 days = 630937381.8 Kwh – for summer 3. Autumn Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 11231130 m2 * 7*0.09603 55 = 7549678.072 Kwh//day = 7549678.072 Kwh/day * 90 days = 679471026.5 Kwh – for autumn 4. Winter Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 11231130 m2 * 3.5*0.09603 = 3774839.036 Kwh//day = 3774839.036 Kwh/day * 80 days = 339735513.3 Kwh – for Spring Now total power generated per year = Sum of power generated in all the seasons (i.e. spring, summer, winter and autumn) = 2038413080 Kwh /Year The Sopogy has solar to thermal lose and thermal to electrical lose of 49.04% and 81.02% respectively. So actual energy generated per year = 2038413080 Kwh /Year Economical Analysis: If we sell one Kwh amount of power for $0.11, the total revenue will be actual energy generated per Year. sum of 56 So, the total revenue generated for I – 99 per year = 2038413080 Kwh * 0.11 = 224.22 MilionUS $ 5.8 Freeway I-8 Starts: San Diego Ends: Yuma (Ca-Az border) Length- 169 miles = 271.979 Km = 271979 meters Effective Length Lef =75% of total length = 271979 * 0.75 meter = 203984.35 meter Total Width W = 80 ft ((20*2) shoulders +40 median) Here we will use 40% of one shoulder (20ft *40%) for constructions like steam turbine, charging station (battery) and protection elements. Therefore, Effective Width Weff = 20ft (shoulder) +40ft (median) +(20*60%)shoulder Weff = 72 feet 1ft = 0.3048 m So Weff = 21.94 meter = Effective Length Lef f * Effective Width Weff Area = 203984.4 * 21.94 57 = 4476559 m2 Available hours of Solar energy in cities of California [21] [22]. San Diego March 20 - 6:52am to 6:59pm June 21 - 5:40am to 7:59pm September 22 - 6:36am to 6:46pm December 21 - 6:46am to 4:45pm Yuma (AZ) March 20 -6:42am to 6:49 pm June 21- 5:30am to 7:49pm September 22-6:26am to 6:36pm December 21- 7:36am to 5:36pm Season Solar Insolation in Yuma (Kwh/m2/day) Average Solar Insolation (Kwh/m2/day) Spring Summer Solar Insolation in San Diego (Kwh/m2/day) 4.5 (4) 5 5 6 4.75 5.5 Autumn 5 5 5 Winter 4 5 4.5 Table 9: Seasonal solar insolation of major cities on the freeway I-8 [20] 1) Spring Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation 58 = 4476559 m2 * 4.75*9603 = 2041948.811 Kwh/day = 2041948.811 Kwh/day * 90 days = 183775393 Kwh – for Spring 2) Summer Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 4476559 m2 * 5.5*0.09603 =2364361.78 Kwh/day = 2364361.78 Kwh/day * 90 days = 212792560.4 Kwh – for summer 3) Autumn Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 4476559 m2 * 5*0.09603 = 2149419.80 Kwh/day = 2149419.80 Kwh/day * 90 days = 193447782.1 Kwh – for autumn 4) Winter Energy generation = Area * Avg. Solar Insolation = 4476559 m2 * 5*0.09603 = 1934477.82 Kwh/day = 1934477.82 Kwh/day * 80 days = 174103003.9 Kwh – for winter 59 Now total power generated per year = Sum of power generated in all the seasons (i.e. spring, summer, winter and autumn) = 764118739.5 Kwh /Year The Sopogy has solar to thermal lose and thermal to electrical lose of 49.04% and 81.02% respectively. So actual energy generated per year = 764118739.5 Kwh /Year Economical Analysis: If we sell one Kwh amount of power for $0.11, the total revenue will be sum of actual Energy generated per Year. So, the total revenue generated for I – 8 per year = 764118739.5 Kwh * 0.11 = 84.05 MilionUS $ 5.9 Installation Cost As guided by our project guide, Dr John Balachandra, per mile cost for this power plant would be an average of 4,000,000 US$ + 5%. This cost includes cost of the equipments needed to run the plant and cost of labor for installation. For example, I-10 has effective length (242.54 * 0.75) of 181.91 miles. Hence, the total installation cost for I-10 is = 181.91 * 4,000,000 = 727,620,000 60 Table shows installation cost for different freeways. Freeway Installation Cost Million US Dollar I-10 727.62 I-40 + I-58 463.83 I-5 Sec. I 1155 I-5 Sec. II 771 I-5 Sec. III 348 I-80 540 I-99 1272 I-8 507 Table 10: Installation Cost Conversions: 1 Foot = .3048 meter, 1 mile = 1.609344 Km 5.10 Comparison between coal-fired power plant and solar thermal power plant over a ten years of period. Here we are considering the energy generation on I-40 + I-58 and comparing it with the coal-fired power plant, having same power capacity of 132 MW. Energy Generated per Year = 802055703.9 Kwh 61 To produce1 Kwh, 2.1 pound of coal is required [26]. Therefore, To produce 8202055703.9 Kwh = 802055703.9 Kwh * 2.1 pound / Kwh = 1684.2 Million pound of coal is required Now, 1 ton = 2000 pound Therefore, 1684.2 Million pound of coal = 1684.2 Million pound / 2000 pound = 842100 ton of coal The price of one ton coal in the market is 54.15 USD. Therefore, 842100 ton of coal = 842100 ton * 54.15 USD [27] = 45.60 Million USD The above calculation shows that, to generate 8202055703.9 Kwh with coal-fired power plant, 45.60 Million USD of coal is required. The capacity of I-40 + I-50 is 132 MW. Installation cost: To produce 1 KW of energy, 1290 USD is required in coal-fired power plant. [28] Therefore, For 132 MW = 132 MW * 1290 USD/MW = 170.28 Million USD 62 Maintenance cost: For coal-fired power plant: The maintenance cost for coal-fired power plant is 18 USD per 1 MWh. [29] Therefore, For 8202055703.9 Kwh = 18 USD/Kwh * 8202055703.9 Kwh = 14.43 Million USD Now, considering the total cost of coal-fired power plant for the next ten years: Installation cost + Maintenance cost + Coal cost = 170.28 Million USD + (14.43 Million USD * 10) + (45.60 Million USD * 10) = 770.58 For Solar thermal power plant: We are considering 10 percent of the total revenue generated for the maintenance and miscellaneous cost each year. The total revenue generated per year on the free way I-40 + I-58 is 88226127.43 USD. Therefore 10 percent of this value is 8.82 Million USD. The Installation cost is 463830000 USD. For the solar thermal power plant, the installation and maintenance cost for ten years: Installation cost + Maintenance cost = 463.83 Million USD + (8.82 Million USD * 10) = 552.03 Million USD 63 Chapter 6 SIMULATION AND RESULTS 6.1 Simulation using programming ‘C’ Program: To calculate total energy generated and revenue generated per year Input values: Length of region (miles) Width of region (feet) Solar Insolation of each season Output values: Energy generation of each season Energy generation per Year Revenue generation per Year Program Code: #include<stdio.h> int main() { double l,w,sisp,area, sisu,siau, siwi ; double pesp, pesu, peau, pewi, pey, rpey; printf("Enter the length : "); 64 scanf("%lf",&l); printf("\nEnter the width :"); scanf("%lf",&w); printf("\nEnter the Solar Insolation Spring"); scanf("%lf",&sisp); printf("\nEnter the Solar Insolation Summer :"); scanf("%lf",&sisu); printf("\nEnter the Solar Insolation Automn:"); scanf("%lf",&siau); printf("\nEnter the Solar Insolation Winter:"); scanf("%lf",&siwi); area=(l*750*0.9*0.3048*w*1.609344); printf("Area is : %lf", area); pesp = 90 * area * sisp* 0.09603 ; pesu = 90*area* sisu* 0.09603 ; peau = 90*area*siau* 0.09603 ; printf("\nEnergy Generated per Spring : %lf",pesp); printf("\nEnergy Generated per Summer : %lf",pesu); printf("\nEnergy Generated per Automn : %lf",peau); 65 pewi = 80*area*siwi* 0.09603 ; printf("\nEnergy Generated per Winter : %lf",pewi); pey = pesp+pesu+peau +pewi ; printf("\nEnergy Generated per Year : %lf",pey); rpey=pey * 0.11; printf("\nTotal revenue generated per year (US $) : %lf", rpey); return 0; } 6.2 Simulation results of program for different freeways: 1) I-10 [shahsa@titan:21]> a.out Enter the length : 242.54 Enter the width :80 Enter the Solar Insolation Spring4.5 Enter the Solar Insolation Summer :7 Enter the Solar Insolation Automn:5.5 Enter the Solar Insolation Winter:4.5 66 Area is : 6424524.371055 Energy Generated per Spring : 249863565.517711 Energy Generated per Summer : 388676657.471995 Energy Generated per Automn : 305388802.299424 Energy Generated per Winter : 222100947.126854 Energy Generated per Year : 1166029972.415984 Total revenue generated per year (US $) : 128263296.965758[shahsa@titan:22]> 2) I-40+I-58 [shahsa@titan:36]> a.out Enter the length : 154.61 Enter the width :80 Enter the Solar Insolation Spring5 Enter the Solar Insolation Summer :7 Enter the Solar Insolation Automn:6 Enter the Solar Insolation Winter:4.66 Area is : 4095389.267786 Energy Generated per Spring : 176976104.123459 Energy Generated per Summer : 247766545.772842 67 Energy Generated per Automn : 212371324.948150 Energy Generated per Winter : 146614870.260501 Energy Generated per Year : 783728845.104952 Total revenue generated per year (US $) : 86210172.961545[shahsa@titan:37]> 3) I-5, Section I Enter the length : 385 Enter the width :80 Enter the Solar Insolation Spring4 Enter the Solar Insolation Summer :6.5 Enter the Solar Insolation Automn:5.5 Enter the Solar Insolation Winter:3.5 Area is : 10198078.184448 Energy Generated per Spring : 352555721.298915 Energy Generated per Summer : 572903047.110737 Energy Generated per Automn : 484764116.786008 Energy Generated per Winter : 274210005.454712 68 Energy Generated per Year : 1684432890.650372 Total revenue generated per year (US $) : 185287617.971541[shahsa@titan:38]> 4) I-5, Section II Enter the length : 257 Enter the width :80 Enter the Solar Insolation Spring4 Enter the Solar Insolation Summer :6.5 Enter the Solar Insolation Automn:5.5 Enter the Solar Insolation Winter:2.5 Area is : 6807548.294554 Energy Generated per Spring : 235342390.581354 Energy Generated per Summer : 382431384.694700 Energy Generated per Automn : 323595787.049361 Energy Generated per Winter : 130745772.545196 Energy Generated per Year : 1072115334.870611 Total revenue generated per year (US $) : 117932686.835767[shahsa@titan:39]> 5) I-5, Section III Enter the length : 116 Enter the width :80 69 Enter the Solar Insolation Spring4 Enter the Solar Insolation Summer :5.5 Enter the Solar Insolation Automn:5.5 Enter the Solar Insolation Winter:4 Area is : 3072667.712717 Energy Generated per Spring : 106224580.962790 Energy Generated per Summer : 146058798.823836 Energy Generated per Automn : 146058798.823836 Energy Generated per Winter : 94421849.744702 Energy Generated per Year : 492764028.355165 Total revenue generated per year (US $) : 54204043.119068[shahsa@titan:40]> 6) I-80 Enter the length : 180 Enter the width :80 Enter the Solar Insolation Spring4 Enter the Solar Insolation Summer :6 Enter the Solar Insolation Automn:5.5 Enter the Solar Insolation Winter:3 Area is : 4767932.657664 Energy Generated per Spring : 164831246.321571 70 Energy Generated per Summer : 247246869.482356 Energy Generated per Automn : 226642963.692160 Energy Generated per Winter : 109887497.547714 Energy Generated per Year : 748608577.043800 Total revenue generated per year (US $) : 82346943.474818[shahsa@titan:41]> 7) I-99 Enter the length : 424 Enter the width :80 Enter the Solar Insolation Spring4 Enter the Solar Insolation Summer :6.5 Enter the Solar Insolation Automn:7 Enter the Solar Insolation Winter:3.5 Area is : 11231130.260275 Energy Generated per Spring : 388269158.001922 Energy Generated per Summer : 630937381.753123 Energy Generated per Automn : 679471026.503363 Energy Generated per Winter : 301987122.890384 Energy Generated per Year : 2000664689.148792 Total revenue generated per year (US $) : 220073115.806367[shahsa@titan:42]> 71 8) I-8 Enter the length : 169 Enter the width :80 Enter the Solar Insolation Spring4.75 Enter the Solar Insolation Summer :5.5 Enter the Solar Insolation Automn:5 Enter the Solar Insolation Winter:4.5 Area is : 4476558.995251 Energy Generated per Spring : 183775393.034223 Energy Generated per Summer : 212792560.355417 Energy Generated per Automn : 193447782.141288 Energy Generated per Winter : 154758225.713030 Energy Generated per Year : 744773961.243958 Total revenue generated per year (US $) : 81925135.736835[shahsa@titan:43]> 72 6.3 Simulation of energy generation per year in Kwh using Based on our calculation, we have illustrated a graph of total energy generated per year in Kwh for different freeways. This graphical illustration is obtained using Microsoft Office Excel. We have generated equation in Microsoft Office Excel with certain assumption, which we described in our methodology chapter and so we can plot such graph on entering data for any freeway/region. Freeway I-10 Actual energy generated per year in KWh 1166029972 I-40 + I-58 783728845.1 I-5 Sec. I 1684432891 I-5 Sec. II 1072115335 I-5 Sec. III 492764028.4 I-80 748608577 I-99 2000664689 I-8 744773961.2 Table 11: Energy generation per year in Kwh for freeways 73 Graph 2: Actual energy generation per year in Kwh 6.4 Revenue generation per year in Million US $ Based on our calculation, here we are drawing a graph between total revenue generated in Million US $ per year Vs different freeways for given data. This graph gives us easy illustration to understand which freeway will be able to generate what amount of revenue. 74 Freeway Revenue generated annually per freeway Million US Dollar ($) per year I-10 I-40 + I-58 128.263 86.21 I-5 Sec. I 185.287 I-5 Sec. II 117.932 I-5 Sec. III 54.204 I-80 82.346 I-99 220.0731 I-8 81.925 Table number 12: Revenue generation per year in Million US $ Graph 3: Revenue generation per year in Million US$ 75 6.5 Economical analysis on freeways to calculate most economical energy generation The following graph shows the comparison between all freeways with respect to revenue generated per year in Million US $. Here we have keep length and width identical i.e. 100 miles and 80 feet respectively. Graph shows that the most economical freeways are I40+I-58 and I-10. Revenue Generated in Freeway Million US $ I-10 52.883 I-40 + I-58 55.759 I-5 Sec. I 48.126 I-5 Sec. II 45.888 I-5 Sec. III 46.727 I-80 45.748 I-99 51.904 I-8 48.476 Table number 13: Economical analysis on different freeways 76 Graph 4: Economical analysis 77 6.6 Energy generation analysis for Freeway I-10 Month Total Energy Generation Kwh per season January 100730206 February 100730206 March 103019529 April 111922451 May 137359372 June 160252601 July 160252601 August 137359372 September 125912758 October 125912758 November 108742836 December 103019529 Table 14: Monthly projected energy generation on I-10 78 Graph 5: Projected energy generation on freeway I-10 6.7 Revenue payback period Table 14 shows approximately revenue payback period of different freeways. Freeway “I-40 + I-58” has lowest, 5.25 years, payback period. 79 Freeway Total Revenue Payback Installation Generation, period Cost, MillionUS Dollar Years Million US per Year Dollar I-10 727.62 128.26 5.67 I-40 + I-58 463.83 88.22 5.25 I-5 Sec. I 1155 189.05 6.10 I-5 Sec. II 771 119.73 6.43 I-5 Sec. III 348 55.5 6.27 I-80 540 83.85 6.44 I-99 1272 224.22 5.67 I-8 507 84.05 6.03 Table 15: Revenue payback period Graph 6 shows the graphical illustration of” total installation cost” and “revenue generated per year” for different freeways, In addition, Graph 7 shows comparison between different freeways for payback period. 80 Graph 6: Total installation cost and revenue generation per year in Million US$ 81 Graph7: Payback period (Years) 6.8 Economical comparison between coal-fired power plant and solar thermal power plant over a ten years of period. Coal solar thermal 230.31 472.65 290.34 481.47 350.37 490.29 410.4 499.11 470.43 507.93 530.46 516.75 590.49 525.57 650.52 534.39 710.55 543.21 770.58 552.03 Table: 16 Comparison between coal-fired power plant and solar thermal power plant 82 Graph 8: Installtion and running cost 83 Chapter 7 CONCLUSION The main purpose of using the sun as a source of energy is to produce green and renewable energy. Energy generated from solar power has no byproducts of green house gases, which is very beneficial for the atmosphere. Today, we are facing problems due to green house effects, which are mainly caused by the green house gases produced by the combustion of natural gases. Moreover, our country has not enough reservoirs of natural gas and we have to depend to the oil producing countries. On the other hand, California has enough solar energy, and we do not need to depend on other countries for that. Solar energy is free and California is blessed with this energy. We should use this energy for power generation as much as we can, to reduce our dependency on oil producing countries. Calculations of energy generated by solar thermal power plant on the freeways of California have a satisfactory result, which shows that we can generate energy in large amounts. These results inspire us to generate electricity from solar and to keep our environment green and healthy. Our calculations indicate that the most economical locations to install a power plant are on a portion of the freeways of I-10 and I-40 + I-58, which are provide the best results for energy generation. This proposal addressed our calculations regarding installation cost and revenue generated, and it helped to identify the payback period of total revenue invested. Also our analysis shows that, over a long period, solar thermal power plants are 84 more beneficial than coal-fired power plants. It saves money and keeps the environment free from the carbon emissions, which coal-fired power plants emit. 85 REFERENCES 1. Energy Information Administration, Renewable Energy Consumption and Electricity Preliminary Statistics 2008, online : rgy-large.png 2. California Quick Facts, Energy Information Administration (EIA), online 3. The Outlook on Renewable Energy in America (ACORE), January 2007 4. 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