ELMS Users Group Meeting May 8, 2007 Summary

ELMS Users Group Meeting
May 8, 2007
Cohen, Helene
Egel, Andy
Lee, Linda
Macready, George
Pragel, Steve
After brief introductions, we discussed the possible roles for this user group. The
list is meant as a guide, and is open for discussion. Agreed upon purposes include:
- to serve as a venue for faculty-to-faculty sharing of information and
techniques related to BlackBoard.
- to provide a platform for the two-way flow of information to and from OIT
regarding BlackBoard problems, issues, and features.
- to provide an infrastructure for arranging Benjamin-housed, college-specific,
training sessions or demos by OIT and/or others (including other faculty).
Based upon the OIT ELMS Technical and Support committee, Steve announced:
- OIT is looking into providing student "dummy" accounts for faculty use.
- OIT has approved the use of BlackBoard for administrative, non-course use
(e.g., committees, workshops, etc.).
The above items are approved, although OIT is still building/refining the
administrative methods of implementing and/or requesting those features.
Other features, and related items:
- Andy Egel mentioned that he is signed up for BlackBoard boot-camp. This is
an intensive two-day workshop that others in his department have taken and
enjoyed. More details can be found at www.training.umd.edu under IIT
- George Macready mentioned some boilerplate items that he saw demoed at a
recent OIT brown-bag that would be helpful to have available to all (see
Action Items).
- Helene Cohen mentioned Wimba, which is a BlackBoard add-on that allows
real-time voice communication in a chat-room style interface. It also has
some graphic-based interactive tools that emulate a face-to-face environment
(i.e., virtual classroom). George mentioned that this feature has recently been
enabled on the campus BlackBoard instance (see Action Items).
George Macready mentioned Camtasia (see
http://www.techsmith.com/camtasia.asp) for screen capture and video
creation. He provides video tutorials and class lessons via a BlackBoard link
to the streaming media server.
Future Discussion
Other items for future discussion include:
- Workshops for students in BlackBoard courses. Who would conduct them,
how do you ensure attendance, what would they cover, etc.
- Technology institute and/or demo of faculty use of technology for the collegeat-large.
- Distance learning.
- Video streaming (and streaming media server availability).
- What happens if technology fails in the classroom?
- Maggie McLaughlin (by email) expressed an interest in discussing the
archiving of courses, as well as general communication and teaching
techniques, as related to BlackBoard courses.
Action Items
Steve and/or Linda will:
- Check on availability of boilerplate items.
- Confirm scope of availability and operation of Wimba.
- Check on streaming media server integration into BlackBoard.
- Check on support mechanisms available for students, in general.
- Check on anytime support for faculty and students (either email or
- Check into archiving options in BlackBoard.