What Do Students & Households Think About Global Warming Issues? University Wisconsin-Eau Claire

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
What Do Students & Households
Think About Global Warming Issues?
Student Researchers: Isaac Borofka-Webb, Drew Christensen,
Joy Larson, Ben Ponkratz and Matthew Sackmann
Faculty Researcher: Eric Jamelske
Department of Economics
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Chippewa Valley Center for
Economic Research & Development
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
The Project
The Survey
The Sample
The Results
Public Awareness
Future Work
Global Warming
February 2010, Washington DC
January 2010
Late April 2010
Eau Claire, WI
The Project & The Survey
How much do people really
know about global warming?
Survey of households and students.
What do residents of the
Chippewa Valley think?
What do UWEC Students think?
The Project & The Survey
Is global warming really happening?
Why is it happening?
Is it anthropogenic?
Should we be concerned?
What should we do?
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
The Sample
292 households submitted a completed on-line survey.
-Postcard mailing and news media
412 UW-Eau Claire students surveyed by paper and pencil in
economics, geography, and chemistry classes.
704 total respondents.
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
The Sample
Student sample was 54% female and 46% male
Household sample was 45% female and 55% male.
In terms of age 93% of students were 18-24 compared to only
13% of household respondents.
The remaining age distribution for households was 20% age
25-44, 50% age 45-64 and 17% over age 65.
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
The Sample
Most households reported annual income between $40,000-$75,000.
12% earned less than $20,000.
17% earned over $100,000.
Students were not asked about their income (they are poor).
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
The First Question
The First Question
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Global Warming Not Real
The remaining questions are about the causes of global
warming and what we should do to address it.
40 household respondents said GW is not happening.
10 student respondents said GW is not happening.
New N = 252
New N = 402
These respondents were not asked further questions.
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Cause of Global Warming
Cause of Global Warming
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Cause of Global Warming
Cause of Global Warming
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Nearly all had an opinion regarding global warming.
Public opinion somewhat divergent.
A majority felt mostly human caused.
Non-trivial amount of skepticism toward anthropogenic cause.
Majority blame manufacturing most.
Some uncertainty regarding most responsible sector.
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
What Should We Do
What Should We Do
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
What Should We Do
What Should We Do
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
What Should We Do
What Should We Do
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
What Should We Do
What Should We Do
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Of those that believe global warming is real, general
consensus that action should be led by government.
Majority also support international agreement to reduce carbon
emissions (even without China and India).
Economy is most important current issue.
-Environment is a distant 4th.
Vast majority of reported little/no familiarity with the current
US legislative proposals (especially students).
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Alternative Strategies/Policies
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Wind and solar perceived to be most effective alternative sources of
Nuclear and ethanol less so.
Carbon tax, and cap & trade policies also not thought to be very
effective strategies.
Much uncertainty regarding effectiveness of alternatives/strategies,
especially cap and trade, carbon capture, carbon tax and nuclear.
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
What Should We Do?
Divergent opinions regarding if global warming is real and how
concerned we should be.
Uncertainty & divergent opinions regarding global warming causes.
Consensus regarding need for government involvement, but
uncertainty and divergent opinions regarding what alternatives and
policy strategies would be most effective.
Little to no familiarity with current legislative proposals.
Need for increased public awareness!
What Should We Do
What Should We Do
What Should We Do?
What Should We Do?
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Public Awareness (Science)
How much global warming science should people know?
Temperature is rising.
Climate models predicted this rise.
GHGs trap heat.
World Fossil Economy.
Warming will have consequences, some possibly severe.
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Public Awareness (Science)
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
 http://www.ipcc.ch/
The United States Environmental Protection Agency
 http://www.epa.gov
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
 http://www.noaa.gov/
Goddard Institute for Space Studies
 http://www.giss.nasa.gov/
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Public Awareness (Legislation)
How much global warming politics should people know?
Alternative sources, cap and trade, taxes, subsidies
Waxman-Markey Bill, Kerry-Boxer Bill
Montreal Protocol
Rio de Janeiro, Kyoto, Copenhagen, Cancun
Wisconsin Policy
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Public Awareness (Legislation)
International sources
 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
National sources
 Henry Waxman House Webpage (Waxman-Markey)
- http://www.henrywaxman.house.gov/
 John Kerry Senate Webpage (Boxer-Kerry)
State sources
 Clean Energy Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Public Awareness (Energy Alternatives)
 US Department of Energy
- http://www.windpoweringamerica.gov/
 Wind Power in Wisconsin
 US Department of Energy, http://www1.eere.energy.gov/solar/
 Nuclear Energy Institute, http://www.nei.org/
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Public Awareness (Energy Alternatives)
 American Coalition for Ethanol
- http://www.ethanol.org/
Hybrid vehicles
 Electric Drive Transportation Association
Commuter/high-speed rail
 Midwest High Speed Rail Association
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Public Awareness (Policy Strategies)
Carbon Capture
 Carbon Capture Project, http://www.co2captureproject.org/
Carbon Tax
 Carbon Tax Center
Cap & Trade
 Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, http://www.rggi.org/home
 Environmental Protection Agency
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
The Economic Way of Thinking Can Help
People respond to incentives
 How did we get here?
People respond to incentives
 How can we change course?
Politics and Ignorance
 Will we change course?
Taking the pulse of the world regarding GLOBAL WARMING!
Yale 360 Survey: http://e360.yale.edu/content/digest.msp?id=2303
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
The Economic Way of Thinking Can Help
What is YOUR solution?
“There are no solutions, there are only trade-offs.”
Questions & Discussion