Rev. 4/24/15
Login into Cornerstone by accessing the following URL:
On the login page pick the option of “Sign in to one of the following sites:” and select “Cornerstone
Production/Live” from the drop down.
Type in your CSCC network login information when prompted (i.e., username and your normal network
NOTE: The Cornerstone system automatically logs users off when it sits idle for 60 minutes. A pop-up
box appears five minutes before the time limit is reached indicating the user will be logged off unless
there is activity within that five minutes. Any work that has not been saved within the past 60 minutes
cannot be recovered once the user is logged out.
Select the RECRUIT tab and click on Review Applicants.
A list of open positions will be displayed to which you have access to view resumes. Click on the blue
number under the column heading “Applicants.”
You will see a list of all applicants in the pool:
You can look at each individual’s resume and application by clicking on these icons (the blue person icon
is the resume and the white paper icon is the application):
You can use the scroll bar below the list of candidates to scroll through all the columns to the right to view
the answers to each applicant’s application.
Column View: You can customize the way your column views are displayed to you individually by clicking
on the EDIT link to the right on the applicant list page.
Default setting displays all available columns in your view. Deselect columns by clicking on the item you
do not want to see and using the left arrow to move it off the Selected list. Reorder the columns by clicking
on the item that you want to see first in your column view and then clicking the up arrow. When you are
done making changes, hit Save and you will be returned to the applicant screening page.
Using the batch option, you can open the resumes of all applicants without having to open each
person's individual resume.
Click on the blue checkmark in the Applicant(s) banner to highlight all applicants. Click on the “Actions”
dropdown box.
Select “Resume/CV Review” from the options in the Action box.
Applicants are listed in the column on the left. Select candidates by clicking on the name OR use the
ARROW to advance through the list.
To indicate a reviewer has reviewed an applicant, click on the applicant’s name from the Manage
Applicants page.
From the Applicant Profile page, click on the Status tab.
Clicking in the box to the right of the reviewer’s name under the Reviewed column indicates the
reviewer has reviewed the applicant.
For more detailed information about processing candidates such as changing an applicant’s status,
scheduling interviews, conducting reference checks, adding comments, uploading documents, and
extending offers, please see the Cornerstone Quick Guide – Hiring Manager.