Document 16073389

Introduction to Anthropology 1000Y
Term Paper Guidelines
 10-15 typed pages (2000-3000 words), double-spaced, 10-12-point font
 Pages should be numbered and stapled
 The essay must have a cover page with your name and student number along with
the title of the essay.
 It should not be in a duo tang or other type of binder.
 The essay must have a title. The title should encapsulate your main argument.
 The essay should have an introductory paragraph/section that outlines your major
argument or thesis, as well as supporting hypotheses and evidence for the topic
you have chosen. It is often helpful to think in terms of a question the paper
attempts to answer.
 The body of the text should build on the hypothesis by providing examples to
support your argument, i.e. it must be both descriptive and analytical. Failure to
be analytical (i.e. entirely descriptive) or failure to back up any assertions made,
either by evidence or argument, will result in a lower grade.
 The conclusion should summarize the results of your analysis (not what you did).
You may also discuss any new understandings or insights that you have arrived at
from doing the essay. The concluding section is not a place to introduce new data.
 The essay must have a list of references used.
 Note: “References “ refers to books and articles actually referred to in the essay.
A “Bibliography”, on the other hand, is simply a list of books or articles that may
or may not have been used. It is the former that is required.
 A minimum of 3, and a maximum of 10, scholarly References must be used.
 You must use the American Anthropological Association’s reference format for
this paper.
 Any of the books or articles used in the class may be used
 You may also incorporate your own original research from interviews or
participant observation etc. If you chose to do this please see me.
The paper will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
 Clarity of structure and organization. Is the essay clear, concise and to the point?
Is the information presented in a logical, orderly fashion that can be readily
 Innovativeness and analytic interpretation. Does the essay provide new insight
into the chosen subject matter via carefully thought out consideration or does it
come of as a simple "re-hash" of source materials?
 Style. Does the report flow? Is the author familiar and comfortable with her/his
subject? Is it grammatically correct? Does the student give the impression that
she/he knows what she/he is talking about?
Relevancy of the subject matter. Is the information presented relevant to the topic
selected? For example, do the illustrations or examples used actually illuminate
the points stressed?
Due Date:
 November 29th
Outlines or drafts may be handed in earlier and will be returned with comments and
suggestions — but they need to be in before November 15th.
Percent of Grade:
 40%
The essay may be on any topic that interests you. Below is a list of suggested topics. The
SAIT Library has almost no anthropology books, which means you will have to either
use the main U of L library, the public library (which also has very few anthropology
books) or the U of C library. Anthropology books and journals are found on the 6th floor
of the McKimmie Library and begin with the call letters GN
Discuss indigenous rights in Canada.
How are we, as anthropologists, to make sense of terrorism and/or suicide bombings?
What is the value of anthropology for business?
Analyse the culture of a particular corporation.
Describe, using ethnographic examples, how a descent group is like a corporation.
How far can the family be considered the fundamental unit of social organization?
Discuss with reference to cross-cultural examples.
7. Discuss the extent to which language reflects or shapes social relationships.
8. How, as anthropologists are we to understand gay/lesbian marriages?
9. Using ethnographic examples discuss the cultural construction of either time or space.
10. Using ethnographic examples, compare and contrast Western and non-Western
concepts of health and illness.
11. Discuss, using ethnographic examples, the role of prestige in exchange relationships?
12. What can the study of the patterns of food preparation, distribution and consumption
tell us about the dynamics of social life?
13. Exchange is at the basis of all social relations. Discuss using examples
14. In what ways is marriage economically important? Illustrate your answer with
ethnographic examples.
15. Discuss relativism and ethnocentrism with respect to anthropological method and
16. 'Witchcraft is irrational'. Discuss using ethnographic examples.
17. The ethnographer’s goal is ‘to grasp the native’s point of view, his relation to life, to
realise his vision of his world’ (Malinowski, 1922). Discuss.