Chapter 3: Efficiency of Algorithms Quality attributes for algorithms Correctness: Maintainability

Chapter 3: Efficiency of Algorithms
Quality attributes for algorithms
It should do things right
No flaws in design of the algorithm
If we discover it is incorrect, efforts for modifying and/or
extending it must be minimized
Central aspect in real-life programs
Good structure
Name things (variables, conditions etc.) based on their roles in
the algorithm/program
Chapter 3: Efficiency of Algorithms
Search for intuitive and intelligent solutions
Example: Adding 1 to n
1. Get value of n
2. Set Sum to 0 and x to 1
3. While x <= n do
 4. Add x to Sum
 5. Add 1 to x
End of the loop
6. Print value of Sum
7. Stop
But more elegant is the Gauss method (treated earlier):
 1. Get the number n
 2. Set m to n+1
 3. Set n to n multiplied by m
 4. Divide n by 2
 5. Print the result n
Chapter 3: Efficiency of Algorithms
How does the algorithm use resources
Resources are: time and memory
Major computer science concern
Memory efficiency:
How much memory is used in processing compared with
the size of the input data
Time efficiency:
Amount of processing work in dependence of the size of
data input
Inherent time (in)efficiency cannot significantly be
influenced by the use of more or less efficient machines
Chapter 3: Efficiency of Algorithms
The choice of algorithms
For the same problem there may be different algorithmic
solutions possible.
The algorithm attributes, above all the efficiency criterion,
can be used in order to choose the “best” solution for the
respective problem.
Example for a problem with 3 different solutions:
A survey of ages of persons in a city is undertaken in order
to get the average age of the population in that city.
Persons who don’t wish to publish their ages write 0 as a
fictive age.
Given such a survey, print the average age in the city.
Chapter 3: Efficiency of Algorithms
Input: A list of ages including 0’s
Idea of the solution:
E.g. [0, 24, 16, 0, 36, 42, 23, 21, 0, 27]
Successively eliminate any 0 in the list.
Get the number r of the “real” (no fictive ones, no 0’s) ages.
Sum up real ages and divide by r in order to get the average.
Idea of Solution A:
Set r to size of the list (here 10).
Looking at the list from left to right and pointing with two fingers.
Whenever a 0 is encountered at the position of the left finger, we
copy ALL items to the right of the right finger one cell to the left
and we decrement r.
If the left finger points on a real age, both fingers are moved to the
Chapter 3: Efficiency of Algorithms
After copying the 9 items (after the right finger):
[24, 16, 0, 36, 42, 23, 21, 0, 27, 27]
Processing a “real” age pointed to by the left finger:
r = 10
[0, 24, 16, 0, 36, 42, 23, 21, 0, 27]
[24, 16, 0, 36, 42, 23, 21, 0, 27, 27]
Copy operations needed whenever a 0 is processed:
Here: 9 + 7 + 3 = 19 copy operations
Chapter 3: Efficiency of Algorithms
Algorithm A:
Get the n size of the list
Set r to n, left to 1, right to 2
While left <= r do
If left points to a non-zero item then
Add 1 to left and right
Decrease r by 1
While right <= n do
Copy item at position right one cell to the left
Add 1 to right
End loop
Set right to left+1
End loop
Copying operations -> time efficiency is rather low
Only memory for the input is required (+ tiny quantities for
variables like n, left, and right) -> memory-efficient
Chapter 3: Efficiency of Algorithms
Idea of solution B:
Provide a new (output) list.
Read the input from left to right and copy any non-zero item the
output list
Algorithm B:
Get n the size of the list
Set left to 1 and pos to 1
While left <= n do
If left points to a non-zero item then
Copy item to position pos
Increment left and pos
Increase left by 1
End loop
Input list: [0, 24, 16, 0, 36, 42, 23, 21, 0, 27]
Output list: [24, 16, 36, 42, 23, 21, 27]
Chapter 3: Efficiency of Algorithms
Efficiency of algorithm B:
Every location is examined and non-zero ones are copied
Extra memory for the output list
-> less copies than solution A (or more time-efficient than A)
-> each non-zero element is copied
-> less memory-efficient than A
Idea of Solution C
r is set to the size of the list
The left finger slides from left to right (beginning from the first
The right finger slides from right to left (beginning from the last
Whenever a 0 is encountered by the left finger the item of the right
finger is copied to that place and r is decremented
The process is repeated until “left” is higher than “right”
Chapter 3: Efficiency of Algorithms
After copying the 27 to the first position and decreasing right and r:
[27, 24, 16, 0, 36, 42, 23, 21, 0, 27]
Now left increases until 0:
r = 10
[0, 24, 16, 0, 36, 42, 23, 21, 0, 27]
[27, 24, 16, 0, 36, 42, 23, 21, 0, 27]
In turn a copy and a decrease of both r and right:
[27, 24, 16, 0, 36, 42, 23, 21, 0, 27]
Chapter 3: Efficiency of Algorithms
Algorithm C
Get n the size of the list
Set r to n, left to 1, right to n
While left < right do
End loop
If item of left is 0 then decrement r
If item of left is not 0 then increase left by 1
Decrement r
Copy item of right to position of left
Decrement right
Fewer copies than B, number of copies is number of zeros
No memory requirement like B
Comparison in our example:
A: Too many copies, no extra memory requirement
B: Fewer copies than A, more memory requirement
C: Fewer copies than B (few 0’s !), no extra memory requirement
 C “seems” to be the best choice !
Chapter 3: Efficiency of Algorithms
Measuring Efficiency
What is really a “good” algorithm for a given problem?
Algorithms A, B, and C have the same result but do things
How to judge algorithms objectively?
 Algorithm analysis: Time and memory complexity
Sequential search (telephone book)
1. Get values of N, n, N1, …, Nn, T1, …, Tn
2. Set I to 1 and mark N as not yet found
3. Repeat 4 through 7 until either N is found or I>n
4. If N = Ni then
5. Print phone number Ti
6. Mark N as found
7. Increment I
8. If N is not marked as found then Print ‘Sorry, could not find the
Chapter 3: Efficiency of Algorithms
Good efficiency criterion in this case is: counting the number of comparisons.
Best case: N is in the first place
Worst case: N is in the last place or it does not exist at all
About n/2 comparisons
n comparisons
Average case: N is somewhere in the middle of the list
only 1 comparison
NY city’s population 20 millions (n), computer can do say 50000
In average: 3.33 minutes to find the phone number (n/2*1/50000)
Worst case: When the name is not in the book almost 7 minutes are needed!
Space for the list is required (n)
Additional cells for variable like I, and n
 memory-efficient
Chapter 3: Efficiency of Algorithms
Algorithm efficiency is measured using the size of input (n) as
Order of Magnitude
E.g. sequential search:
worst case: n comparisons
c peripheral work per comparison (e.g. adding a variable)
 worst case is c*n (in this case rather 2*n)
Difference between n and 2*n
and so on
 Graph of 2*n in dependence of n
 Graphs of c = 1, c = ½, and c = 2 in comparison
All of them follow the basic straight line shape
Chapter 3: Efficiency of Algorithms
Order of magnitude f(n) (-> written O(f(n)) )
Any function g(n) that follows the basic shape of f(n)
Example: Sequential search needs at least n comparisons
-> O(n) in both average and worst case
Another problem: A city has 4 districts
Phone calls between districts are kept in a table
Chapter 3: Efficiency of Algorithms
Process the information in the table (e.g. print out content)
For each row 1 to 4 do
Number of print operations:
4 * 4 = 16
Similarly: Given n districts, number of print operations would be:
For each column 1 to 4
Print the entry in this row and column
n * n = n2 operations
Work does not grow in the same rate as the input (like sequential
It grows at a rate equal to the square of the input
Chapter 3: Efficiency of Algorithms
An algorithm having c*n2 amount of work to do is said to be of order of
magnitude n2 or O(n2) algorithm.
In our example c = 1
Graphs of c*n2 for different values of c
c*n2 is different in shape from c*n
We can ignore the actual value of c
Example from real life:
Driving is faster than walking, running, and biking
Driving has another order of magnitude!
Graph of n and n2 in comparison
Computers often solve problems with large problem sizes (n is very
Humans are often able to solve problems of small problem size, they
don’t really need a computer therefor.
Chapter 3: Efficiency of Algorithms
Suppose you have 2 solutions for the same problem:
For large n, the O(n) algorithm will always perform better even
if the constant factor c is high
A: O(n)
B: O(n2)
Compare: 0.0001*n2 and 100*n
In the long run: 100*n will perform better than 0.0001*n2
-> constants do not affect the inherent (in)efficiency of algorithms
-> constants may play a role for small n only
Important rule when designing algorithms
No assumptions about the size of the problem !!!
If any, this should be documented, because any assumption may
affect the efficiency tremendously
Chapter 3: Efficiency of Algorithms
Machine speed does not help avoid inefficiency of algorithms!
Mac PowerPC 601, price $2000, speed = 15 million operations /sec
Cray T3D, price $31 millions, speed = 300 billion operations /sec
Let us give the Mac an O(n) and the Cray an O(n2) algorithm, respectively
Mac O(n)
Cray O(n2)
0.001 sec
0.00075 sec
0.01 sec
0.075 sec
1 sec
12.5 min
150.000.000 10 sec
20.83 hours
-> The difference in order of magnitude has slowed down the very
powerful Cray machine (for large n)
Were the two algorithms of same order of magnitude, were the Cray
better in performance
Chapter 3: Efficiency of Algorithms
Sequential search: O(n)
What is if the list is alphabetically ordered?
Example: [Adam, Catherine, David, John, Nancy, Peter, Thomas]
 Searching for Peter?
Sequential search: 6 operations needed
Why not begin in the middle of the list (like searching in a
telephone book) and then branch to the right or the left depending
on the name to be looked for?
1. Step: Compare Peter with John  failure
2. Step: Branch to the right, and compare Peter with Peter 
 Only two comparison operations are needed (sequential search
needed 6)
In general: O(log(n)) because the length of the list is successively
divided by 2.
Logarithmic search (binary search) is more efficient than
sequential search.
Chapter 3: Efficiency of Algorithms
Direct sort: O(n2)
More efficient sort: O(n*log(n))
Difficult Problems: O(2n)
Given a network of cities connected by direct paths, find the
minimum path between two cities.
Search for Hamiltonian cycles in a network of cities.
Find the minimum number of bins needed to fill n objects.
 These problems are “realistically” not solvable, they need
many thousands of years for relative small problem sizes.
Heuristics (sub-optimal solutions)
E.g. first fit for bin-packing problem