Document 16072523

This thesis would not have been completed without the unwavering support of many faculty,
friends, and family over the years. The idea was first presented to me by Dr. Jerry Johnson, who has been
an inspiration throughout this entire journey. Over his long career, Dr. Johnson’s enthusiasm, instruction,
and encyclopedic knowledge of local archaeology and beyond, imparted a great affinity for archaeology
among his students and produced many professionals working in California Archaeology today. It is hoped
the legacy he and the past students of CSUS left behind will instruct the community on Central Valley and
Northern California’s long history and provide a basis for future student and professional research. Another
source of inspiration was my Committee Chair, Dr. Mark Basgall. His support, acceptance, and
consideration, right from the start, allowed me to have the confidence I needed to complete this task.
Additional insight and instruction were provided by Dr. Michael Delacorte and Dr. Jacob Fisher. Without
their guidance, in particular the statistical assistance provided by Dr. Fisher, this thesis would not have been
a product which can hopefully serve as a contribution to the science.
Other important support was provided by Cristi Hunter, whose friendship and instruction was a
particular source of solace during this lengthy journey and by Tim Carpenter for his assistance and
instruction during the fish bone analysis. This thesis would have also not been possible without the efforts
of Bridget Wall, whose excellent graphic skills provided the majority of the graphics and whose editorial
skills saved me from certain orthographic and bibliographic doom. Her support and comradery, (especially
during seminars) as well as that of Jesse Martinez, Steve Moore, Debbie Ward, Julie Minor (Sage), Jena
Roberts, Alta Cunningham, Gary Scholze, Shannon Goshen, and Virginia Austerman provided the strength
I needed to see this task through to the end. Additional support and friendship was provided by Michelle
Noble, Bill Larson, Ryan Brady, Nikki Polson, Denise Jurich, Dave Glover, Leslie Glover, Bill Norton,
Randy Bethard, Carl Hansen, Maryann Russo, and Tina Fulton. A special mention is given to June Allison
for always being so happy and ready to ensure items were delivered and returned safely.
The love, forgiveness, and patience of my family (the Correias, DiSalvos, Pinedas, and the Matts)
cannot be forgotten, particularly, Marc DiSalvo who was my friend, helper, confidant, and support for the
majority of the graduate program along with our dogs Spoonie and Lucky. The pride of my sister, and
example set for my niece and nephew alone almost make the whole experience worth it. Multiple others not
named here have helped and supported me along the way, for which I am extremely grateful.
Lastly, I wish to thank the indigenous people and their ancestors who provided the materials
examined in this thesis. I respectfully present my words to them and hope that through these words, others
may come to know the first people of the Lower Sacramento River Valley.