Teacher’s Handbook 2015-2016 School Year TEACHER HANDBOOK The handbook is designed to assist staff members through a myriad of information and will become a living document. Fort Bragg Middle School’s three rules for success are: Be Safe, Be Respectful and Be Responsible. Welcome to FBMS, the home of the Timber Cubs! FORT BRAGG MIDDLE SCHOOL MISSION The mission of Fort Bragg Middle School is to encourage and support student achievement as we strive for excellence. We seek to do this in a safe environment by developing positive relationships within the school, family and community. FORT BRAGG MIDDLE SCHOOL VISION Our vision is to create an environment where all students come to school prepared and eager to learn. All students will understand that they are actively supported in their efforts to succeed socially and academically. Our students will become productive, responsible, and successful citizens of the global community. DISTRICT LCAP GOALS FOR IMPROVING STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Increase student readiness for college and career Increase English Language proficiency for al sub-groups Increase student technological, scientific and mathematical literacy Promote support models for student achievement Promoting healthy lifestyles, including nutrition, exercise and social civic development LENGTH OF TEACHING DAY The teacher duty day is seven hours exclusive of lunch, staff meetings, and non-paid extra duty. The duty hours will be from 7:45 AM to 3:15 PM. The same duty hours are in effect on early release days. CONFERENCE/PREP PERIODS During the teacher’s prep period, he/she is expected to be on campus, usually in one of four places: his/her room, other teacher’s classrooms, the teacher’s lounge, the office, or the cafeteria. It is most important that the office know where you are during this prep period so that you can be contacted for conferencing with students or parents or the administration. Arrangements to leave school during a prep period may be made with administrators or office. In the case of an emergency, teachers may be asked to substitute, when a guest teacher is not available. ACCOUNTING FOR PUPIL TIME 2 Students are to remain in rooms, or in the case of physical education classes, within the designated outside areas or locker room until the passing bell rings. Students should be in their assigned seat when bell rings at the beginning and end of class period. If a student is excused from class, student should have a hall pass with teacher signature, date, time and destination. It is essential that students are dismissed on time so they are not tardy to the next class. See PBIS Training Manuel for protocol. DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES See PBIS Training Manuel for protocol. COUNSELING REFERRALS Before referring a student to the office, the teacher should do all s/he can to help a student. Student contact with the counselor may be accomplished in any of the following ways: 1. 2. 3. 4. A student may initiate such contact by coming to the office on his/her own volition, provided s/he has permission from his/her teacher. A student may be referred by the principal or counselor. A student may be summoned by the counselor when the need arises. A teacher may request counseling help with a given student. Whenever a teacher wishes to refer a student for counseling, s/he should fill out a referral to the counselor. STAFF MEETINGS Please reserve Mondays for faculty meetings from 3:15 PM – 4:15 PM. Refer to Faculty Calendar for dates. Although we may not always have a meeting on these days, you will be expected to keep these Mondays clear. Each staff member is required to be at these meetings (notify administrator for last minute illness or emergency). Support staff will be invited to attend on a periodic basis. TEACHER ABSENCE When a teacher is away from school, it is necessary that the guest teacher have specific instructions on conducting classes during the absence. The lesson plans and seating chart should be up to date so that the guest teacher will have appropriate materials to work with when taking over the classes. Please fill out a request for authorized absence form if you know you will be out and an absence verification form (only one form per teacher per pay period) when you return. PROCEDURE FOR CALLING A GUEST TEACHER 1. Certificated personnel should email the sub caller @ subcaller@fbusd.us and the school secretary @ ncox@fbusd.us as soon as possible after you know you will be absent and only call the District Sub-Line 961-3520 if you do not know about your absence until the evening before and morning of your absence. After 7AM on the day of your absence, call the MS office 961-2870 for a substitute. If you know you will be out of the classroom, please fill out Request for Authorized Absence form and 3 2. Verification of Absence form as far in advance as possible. Please do not make arrangements without contacting the sub-line and MS Office. All Guest Teachers are automatically released each day, except in the case of extended absence or unless prior arrangements are made with the principal. PHOTOCOPYING The office staff is available to assist you with the copier questions. The Riso copier must be used for copies exceeding 50+. STUDENT USAGE OF MACHINES & COPY ROOM No student is to use the fax or copy machine. CLASSROOM SUPPLIES Classroom supplies are limited so please be resourceful. There is a limited school budget for class supplies. Most of the supplies used in the classroom are ordered by the administrative secretary. If you need anything else, you will need to make an order by filling out a requisition. Requisition forms are available in the office. Your department head will also have to approve and sign the form before submitting it to Administration for approval. Please do not order supplies directly from any vendor and do not purchase supplies and expect to be compensated unless a purchase order has gone through the district office. If you order or purchase directly, you will be required to pay for the purchase yourself. Anything ordered on a “trial basis” must also be ordered on a regular “buy-out requisition.” Teachers who receive merchandise without a requisition, even on a trial basis, are responsible for the payment and/or return of the merchandise. The merchandise cannot be returned by the school unless it has been received on a purchase order. STUDENT BODY PURCHASES All clubs and student body organizations (athletics), including student council, must have orders approved by administration. After approval, orders will be placed by the administrative secretary following district procedures and guidelines. TEACHER SUPERVISION Depending on the master schedule, teachers are given a 40 minute (plus passing) duty free lunch period each day. When our lunch period is less than 40 minutes in length, there will be no assignments for noon supervision. Your presence outside your classroom during passing periods is required. When our Master Schedule requires a 40 minutes (or more) lunch period, equitable duty assignments will be given to each teacher. Do not leave students unattended in your rooms. Please make arrangements with other teachers if you need to be out of room. It is also extremely important for teachers who have been out of their classrooms to return to their rooms well before the tardy bell rings. If you need to leave 4 your classroom due to illness or an emergency, call the office. Someone from the office will assist you and cover your class. TEACHER DUTIES All teachers have duty assignments in the halls and playground in the morning, at nutrition break and at the bus stop after school. Teachers are expected to be outside their rooms during passing period as well. The assignments are listed in the Daily Bulletin. Please be on time for your duty assignment. When absent, make sure you leave a note for your Guest Teacher so s/he can take your assignment as well. TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT Laptop computers are available on a mobile cart for use in either your classroom or the library. Please use the on-line sign-up sheet (https://sites.google.com/site/fbusdstaffsite/home) or talk to Cris in the library. Make note of any issues with the computers and promptly return to the library after use and no later than the end of the work day. Explicit expectations for student technology use can be found in the PBIS Handbook. Always supervise students following guidelines for internet safety and referring to district policy for technology. Check out the website below for links and information on internet safety, cyberbullying, fair and use law, cheating and plagiarism and many other topics and links related to technology use. This site also includes links for the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS). If you plan on using the internet with your students, Safe in Your Space, is a must: http://safeinyourspace.org/studentstechnology.asp For a technology problem or request, please email Nancy Cox @ ncox@fbusd.us. MEDIA USE The use of media as part of a teacher’s presentation of a specific unit is encouraged. There are many television productions and programs that can be integrated into lessons, and with advance planning, they can be used in a positive manner. Use the following guidelines: 1. 2. 3. All productions shown should have a substantial connection with your subject matter or the unit being taught at that time. There will be NO “R” rated material shown. If you have a “PG” or “PG 13” material, you must have parental permission in writing for each student prior to the video presentation. We have a form in the middle school office, or you can develop you own form and send a note home to the parents via your students saying this video/DVD will be shown on this date and does their child have permission to see it. If there is an objection, develop alternative lessons for the student, with no penalty for not viewing the material. PHONE 5 There is a phone in the office designated for student use. Students may use the phone with office or staff permission. Students may use teacher phone with teacher permission. INVITATIONS AND TRIPS Any sponsor or teacher planning a school-sponsored trip or party must notify the principal and receive approval for the trip or party before presenting the matter to the students. Upon seeking approval from an administrator, a field trip packet will be provided that includes district guidelines and procedures. Field trip procedures often change from year to year so it is best to be informed in advance of making plans. The school encourages field trips when they are of educational value and an extension to our curriculum. All field trips and parties scheduled for weekends or off campus after school hours must have board approval. All field trip requirements including information for transportation, legal requirements for parents attending or driving (DMV print out), teacher required to ride on bus, permission forms, district/school policy etc. Student eligibility will be included in the field trip packet. ROOM CARE Attention is directed to the necessity of maintaining neatness and orderliness of teaching materials and equipment. Supervision of students is necessary to maintain neatness and cleanliness in the classroom. Department heads will lead teachers to inventory all textbooks and materials, and discard outdated, obsolete materials accordingly. Inventory lists will be kept in a binder in the principal’s office for reference. Ventilation and lighting in the classroom are the responsibility of the teacher. Classroom doors are to be locked when the room is not in use. Windows should be locked at the close of the school day and lights turned off. If something is spilled or splattered in your room, clean it up immediately and call the office to have a custodian come to your room. Custodians have cleaners to remove the most difficult stains; the sooner they get to it, the easier it is to remove the stain. An online work order request must be submitted for work needing to be done. This is done at http://www.mytechdesk.org/log.php/fbusd/staff or email Nancy Cox @ ncox@fbusd.us with request. The order must be filled out and submitted for any work needing to be done. COMMON AREAS Each person using a common area (such as the staff lounge) is responsible for keeping the area clean. A way to show courtesy and respect to everyone is to keep the areas neat and tidy. Everyone appreciates our efforts, including the custodial staff. Please clean up after yourselves. . 6 EMPLOYEE ACCIDENT REPORTS Staff members are protected under the State Compensation Insurance Fund for accidents occurring while on duty. Any person receiving an injury on duty should report to the principal and secretary immediately and fill out an Employee Report of Work Injury/Illness. The principal shall then report it immediately, via forms and a phone call, to the district office. If you are injured at work and do not report the incident, or are admitted to a hospital the same day, you must report immediately to the school/district your accident/injury. STUDENT ACCIDENT REPORTS Whenever anyone in your class is injured or becomes ill the following procedure is to be followed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. In case of a major accident or fainting, remain with the student and call the office or send another student to the office for assistance. In case of a minor accident, when the student shows no signs of fainting or anxiety, send another student with injured or ill person to the office. Do not move a student with head or back injuries! File an accident report with the office that same day. The health clerk or secretary has the report forms to be used and will complete the form with your information. There is a wheelchair in the office if the student has difficulty walking. TEACHER EVALUATION AND TENURE Teachers given a third contract in the Fort Bragg School District are considered tenured teachers. Probationary teachers will be observed by the administration at least twice during the school year. Tenured teachers are evaluated as scheduled. For a more detailed explanation, refer to the district contract effective for this year. Teacher observations/evaluations are made by the principal. SOLICITORS It is a violation of the law for any person to enter a school room for the purpose of soliciting business of any kind during school hours without written permission from the principal’s office. Do not admit salespersons to your room at any time if they do not have written permission. KEYS School keys are issued by the principal’s secretary. They should not be loaned to pupils and should be kept in the possession of the teacher at all times. Do not leave them on your desk where they may be picked up by students. If you need keys issued to you beyond the keys you are assigned, see the principal before seeing the secretary. ILL STUDENTS Students who are ill should be sent to the office. Mildly injured students should be accompanied to the nurse’s office by a teacher or another student. 7 EXTRA CURRICULUR ACTIVITIES Students may need to leave before school ends for athletic events or extra curricular activities. These students have been approved (grades/citizenship) to participate. Refer to the bulletin for dismissal times and information. PARENT CONTACTS When you receive your student role sheets, you should call each of their parents/guardians to welcome their student to your class. This positive phone call will go a long way in establishing a positive rapport with the parent/guardian before you need their help with a discipline problem. PATRIOTIC EXERCISE Please consider having students participate in a patriotic exercise such as the Pledge of Allegiance or reading a patriotic verse, etc. DAILY BULLETIN The bulletin is emailed to each teacher and also put in your mail box before the start of the school day. Please post daily in your classroom. Please read the bulletin as it will contain information that is of importance to teachers and students. Items for the bulletin are due to the principal’s secretary by 3:00 PM the day preceding the insertion date. FIRE EVACUATION DRILL PROCEDURE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. All school personnel and visitors are required to leave the building regardless of the activities in which they are engaged. All students will stop work immediately. Students in shops will turn off motors, torches, gas and water outlets, etc. Students should not stop to take personal belongings with them. Please evacuate to the assigned area (blacktop numbers) in an orderly manner. The teacher will pick up attendance sheets and proceed with the group. The teacher will check to be sure that everyone is out and then close and lock the door. On their way to assigned areas, students remain with their class, no exceptions. Teachers need to take attendance sheets with them. Upon arrival to the assigned position, the teacher will check to be certain every class member is present. The teacher will remain with the class during the drill period. Teachers are to direct students to return to class when they receive an “all-clear” signal. EARTHQUAKE PROCEDURE 1. All student and personnel should drop and cover during the quake. Everyone should try as best as possible to protect themselves from falling building materials, flying 8 2. 3. 4. 5. glass, books, etc. Students should be under desks or tables when possible with their heads covered. As soon as safely possible, all students and staff will be removed from the buildings to a pre-designated safe area. Teachers will administer minor first-aid to anyone who is in need of assistance. Attendance will be taken upon arrival to the evacuation site. If there are major injuries, appropriate first-aid will be given by the emergency response team. The first aid station will be located on the field beside the basketball courts. During an emergency all staff members are to remain on campus per state law. In a memorandum from the office of emergency services it is clearly stated that in the California government code 3100 that in an extreme emergency all public employees become disaster service workers subject to such civil defense activities as may be assigned to them by their superiors or by law. In the event of an earthquake, the following procedure should be followed: Between classes (passing period) or when you are outside during break or lunch, duck, cover and hold until earthquake stops. Stay away from buildings, trees, exposed wires, or other hazards that may fall. The safest place is in the open. Students should report to the evacuation number of their previous class. Stay calm and take the safest route. All staff should calmly help students get out to the field safely. Do not return to buildings unless they have been determined to be safe, and you have been issued a directive from the administration to do so. TEXTBOOK ISSUANCE/BOOK ROOM At FBMS all textbooks are issued to the students by their teachers. Keep a current inventory of textbooks. Make it clear to students that they are responsible for the books checked out to them and will be required to pay for lost or damaged books and supplies. The student’s name must be written in ink on the inside of the book. If you need to store books in the book room, talk with the librarian about making an inventory list of what is being checked in and out. This will help us know what needs to be replaced if lost, stolen, or damaged. Please do not leave books in the book room unless they have been accounted for. This will help us determine what we have and what we need. All classrooms should have a copy of the Williams Act posted on the wall by the door. Class sets of current state and board adopted curriculum should be present in all classrooms. 9 REPORTING STUDENT PROGRESS TO PARENTS/GUARDIANS A progress report shall be issued four times a year and a report card at each semester. The progress report and report card will show the academic grade, credit (if granted), a citizenship grade and comments, if appropriate, relating to academic performance, adjustment and conduct. If a student’s academic progress is deteriorating, it is important to contact the parent/guardian immediately by phone, email or conference. ANY STUDENT WITH A “D” OR “F” GRADE MUST HAVE AT LEST ONE COMMENT THAT CLARIFIES THE GRADE. Communication with parent/guardian is crucial for student success. Remember that parents/guardians also like to be notified when their student is doing well. CONFERENCE/SST MEETINGS During collaboration meetings, a struggling student may be identified as having difficulty in two or more classes. It is recommended that a conference be held with a parent and team prior to a full SST meeting. Often, this meeting will get the student back on track, or set the stage for an SST meeting if further issues arise. Teams can set up an SST by calling Cyndi, or independently if all team members agree to a time. ATTENDANCE Attendance should be taken at the beginning of every period through Aeries.net. TEACHER WEB PAGES Each teacher is required to keep an Aeries Gradebook and a web page with current information for students and parents. It is imperative that the homework and classwork section is current and each class post a syllabus. Parents are becoming accustomed to using these pages as a way to stay updated on student assignments and student progress. Grade book and web page will be checked weekly by the principal. Keeping them up to date is mandatory and is considered a norm for FBUSD. SUSPENSION OF STUDENTS FROM CLASS (Ed. Code) A teacher may suspend a student from his/her class for no more than the remainder of the period and that period on the next day. When a student is suspended by a teacher, a contact must be made with the parent or guardian of the student. The suspending teacher is responsible for making contact. The team, principal, or counselor will attend a conference if requested. If you are unable to contact the parent/guardian by telephone, send a note home that is to be signed and returned by a parent/guardian by the next day. 10