The purpose of this organization is to be a positive liaison, to give financial support, and to
give logistical support to the band director and members of the band programs within the
Fort Bragg Unified School District. This organization may act as an umbrella organization
for all music programs of the Fort Bragg Unified School District, and it may elect to operate
consistent with umbrella organizations whose mission it is to support music programs in the
a. It shall be organized as a non-profit organization and shall not be for the private
gain of any person, and
b. It shall be organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes within the
meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and
c. No substantial part of the activities of this organization shall consist of carrying on
propaganda or otherwise attempt to influence legislation, and the organization shall
not participate or intervene in any political campaign (including the publishing or
distribution of statements on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for political
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the by-laws are as follows:
Section 1. Members-at-Large.
Membership of this organization shall be open to all parents and relatives of Ft. Bragg Band
Students, and to all individuals interested in the promotion and support of the band program
of the Ft. Bragg Unified School District. The privilege to vote or to hold office is reserved for
voting members as described in Article I, Section 2.
Section 2. Voting Members.
Fort Bragg Band Booster members are eligible to vote upon attendance at their second
regular meeting or after having served at a band booster event prior to the regular meeting.
Section 1. Meetings.
1.1 Location: All meetings of members, except as herein otherwise stated, shall be held in the
music room of the Middle School, in the City of Fort Bragg, County of Mendocino, State of
California, or in such other place designated by the Executive Committee or stated in written
notice of meeting.
1.2 Executive Meetings: The executive committee shall meet at the discretion of the
President and just prior to the regular meeting.
1.3 Regular meetings: Regular meetings of this organization shall be held at 7 P.M. in the
Fort Bragg Middle School Band Room, every month during the school year, on a particular
day of the month as designated by the executive committee or a majority of the BAND
Boosters present at the first band booster meeting of the school year.
Any issues or expenditures may be presented to the membership at any meeting, and the floor
shall be opened for discussion. Decision shall be made by majority vote of those in
attendance. All regular meetings shall include circulation of an attendance sheet, which shall
serve as indication of attendance, and be used to enhance communications between meetings.
1.4 Special Meetings: Special meetings of the members may be called at any time for any
purpose(s) whatsoever, by the President, or by the Executive Committee.
1.4.1 Notice of Special Meetings: The Band Booster Secretary shall give Notice of a Special
Meeting of members, stating the place, the day, and the hour of the meeting, and in general
terms, the purpose thereof. Such notice shall be communicated to the members in-person or
by mail, email, or phone, using the most recent contact information on the official records.
1.5 Proof of Notice: An entry of the service of notice of a meeting of the members, given in
the manner above provided, shall be made in the minutes of the proceedings of the meeting,
and such entry, if read and approved at a subsequent meeting of the members, shall be
conclusive on the question of such service.
Section 2. Presiding Officers
The President, or in the Presidents' absence, the Vice President, or in the absence of the
President and Vice President the chairmen, elected by the members present, shall call the
meeting of the members to order and shall act as the presiding officer.
Section 3. Election.
At the last regular meeting of the year, the band booster members shall elect the Executive
Officers as designated under Article 3 Section 1 of these by-laws. The Band Director is not
elected but serves according to his/her terms of employment.
Section 4. Quorum
A majority of the executive committee and all members present constitutes a quorum to
conduct business.
Section 1. Members.
The executive officers of this organization shall consist of a President, Vice-President,
Secretary, Treasurer, and the Band Director of the Fort Bragg Unified School District. At the
last band boosters meeting of the school year, members shall vote to elect the executive
board. These officers shall serve throughout the school year or until a new executive board is
elected. Immediately after the election, the executive officers may meet for the purpose of
Section 2. Powers of the Executive Committee
The Executive committee shall have full power and authority to perform organizational and
managerial tasks, and to authorize purchases not to exceed $500 during any 30-day period.
Section 3. Eligibility.
Only parents or guardians of students currently enrolled in band at a Fort Bragg Public
School may actively serve as an elected Executive officer.
Section 4. Term of Office
The officers of this organization shall hold office for a term of one (1) year. Re-election is
Section 5. Vacancy
When one or more of the executive officers gives notice of his or her resignation to the
executive committee, effective at a future date, such resignation shall become effective at the
time stated therein, and the executive committee shall have the power upon receipt of such
resignation to fill such vacancy or vacancies to take effect when such resignation shall
become effective. Each executive officer so appointed shall hold office during the remainder
of the term of office of the resigning director or directors, or until their successors are
appointed and qualify.
Section 6. Quorum
A majority of the executive officers shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Every act or decision of the majority of the officers present at a meeting at which a quorum is
present shall be valid.
Section 1. Duties.
The President shall be the chief executive officer of the organization. The president shall
preside at all meetings of the members and the executive committee. The president shall have
general charge of the business of the organization, shall execute with the Secretary, in the
name of the organization all deeds, bonds, contracts, and other obligations when authorized
by the general membership.
Section 2. Additional Duties.
The president shall also have other powers and shall perform such other duties as may be
assigned to him/her by the general membership.
Section 1. Duties.
The Vice-President shall be vested with all the powers and shall perform all the duties of the
President, in case of the absence or disability of the President. The Vice-President shall also
have such other powers and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to this person
by the general membership.
Section 1. Duties.
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all proceedings of the members and of the Executive
Committee in books provided for that purpose. The Secretary shall attend to the giving and
serving of notices of all meetings of the members and of the Executive Committee. The
Secretary shall execute with the president, in the name of the organization, all deeds, bonds,
contracts and other obligations when authorized by the general membership, or the Executive
Committee. The Secretary shall keep and have charge of the journal of the meetings of the
Executive Committee and of the members, the book of by-laws, and other books and papers
as the Executive Committee may direct.
The Secretary of the organization shall keep minutes at all meetings of the members, and in
the Secretaries absence, the presiding officer may appoint any person to act as Secretary.
Section 1. Duties.
He/she shall keep or cause to be kept full and accurate accounts of receipts and
disbursements in books to be kept for that purpose. The treasurer shall have no authority to
draw on funds of the organization unless said expenditures of funds has been previously
authorized by the Executive Committee or general membership in relation to their allotted
powers, and is recorded in the minutes of a special or regular meeting of the group
authorizing said expediters.
Section 2. Checking and Savings accounts.
The Treasurer shall be in control of the checking and savings accounts of the Fort Bragg
Band Boosters. The Treasurer shall make sure there are four (4) names who can endorse the
Fort Bragg Music Booster checks. The checking account shall be set up in such a manner as
to need two (2) signatures on any check over $500 before it is valid currency.
Section 3. Audit.
The Treasurer shall submit a monthly report at each regular meeting of this organization, as
well as an annual report at the last regular meeting of the year. The Treasurer’s record shall
be open to inspection by the officers or the band director at any time.
Section 4. Removal from Office.
Officers may be recommended for removal by unanimous vote of the other officers at a
specially called officers meeting. The proposition shall then be presented to the membership
attending the next regular or special meeting, and shall require a majority vote of those
present. A vacancy in any office shall be filled by a majority vote of the current officers, with
the appointed officer serving out the remainder of the term.
Section 1. Committee formation and powers.
The Executive Committee from time to time, may appoint such standing or special
committees as may, in their judgment, be deemed expedient and refer to such committee or
committees any organizational matter, with full power to act.
With the exception of elected or appointed chairpersons, volunteers shall form the
committees. If there are no volunteers, the president shall appoint committee members to
serve. The Band director shall serve as a consultant to all committees, Final authority for
implementation of recommended or approved projects or programs involving the band, rests
with the Band Director.
The Current Robert's Rules of Order, Revised Edition, shall govern conduct at all meetings
of the organization.
a. These bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed by majority vote at any regular
meeting of the organization.
b. The mission statement and/or any other important documents of this organization may be
changed by majority vote at any regular meeting.
The property of this organization is irrevocably dedicated to charitable purposes and no part
of the net income or assets of this organization shall ever inure to the benefit of any Director,
Officer, or member thereof or to the benefit of any private person. Upon dissolution of the
organization, its assets remaining after payment or provision for payment of all debts and
liabilities of this organization shall be distributed to the Fort Bragg Unified School District in
order for the remaining funds to provide help for the Fort Bragg band programs.