FORT BRAGG UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Course Outline 7th + 8th Grade Art Updated: February 2016 Subject Area: Visual Art Proposed Grade Level: 7+8 Course Length: 1 Semester Grading: A-F COURSE DESCRIPTION: This art class supports seventh grade students in learning about the connection between art and culture through exploring curriculum based on the California Public School Standards for Visual Art. Students will gain new skills and build upon existing skills by creating original works that reflect their growth as an artist over the course of their semester in Art class. Seventh grade students have attained basic skills, this class seeks to support them in refining the criteria they will use to gauge the success of their own, and others', works of art. This art class supports eighth grade students in making personal connections to visual arts through exploring curriculum based on the California Public School Standards for Visual Art. Students will gain new techniques and build upon existing skills by creating original works that reflect their growth as an artist over the course of their semester in Art class. Eighth grade students have attained basic skills and knowledge, this class seeks to provide them with a more in-depth exploration of visual art. GENERAL COURSE GOALS: Provide students with a review of art history. Build technical skills and student confidence through completion of projects of increasing complexity. To develop students’ knowledge and use of academic language that is specifically related to art and art criticism. To engage students with projects which reflect popular culture and contemporary art. STUDENT READING COMPONENT: Students will follow simple written directions and read daily journal questions. STUDENT WRITING COMPONENT: Students will complete daily journal responses to questions related to the current, or upcoming, unit of study. STUDENT MATH COMPONENT: Students will be required to use basic measurement skills to complete some projects. STUDENT ORAL COMPONENT: Students will participate in class discussions during both the daily journal response and teacher led power point presentations. DETAILED UNITS OF INSTRUCTION: All class projects include instruction based on the California Public School Standards for Visual Art for grades seven and eight, and review of standards for grade six, and will include the following: 7.1 and 8.1, Artistic Perception- Students will explore the processes for reflection on and analysis of artworks in order to gain a better understanding and appreciation of art. 7.2 and 8.2, Creative Expression- Students will experiment with the processes and techniques used in the creation of art and work towards developing a personal artistic style and vision. 7.3 and 8.3, Historical and Cultural Context- Students will research the historical and social context of visual art and gain a better understanding of the significance of art within world cultures. 7.4 and 8.4, Aesthetic Valuing- Students will examine their own art, as well as the work of others, responding to, analyzing and making judgments about the success and merits of different works of art. 7.5 and 8.5, Connections, Relationships, and Applications- Students will connect and apply what they learn about art techniques, forms, and history to other subject areas and career opportunities. Unit I: PAPER ART- 1/22- 3/4 1. Handprint Art Goal (grades 7 and 8) 7.2.1- Develop increasing skill in the use of at least three different media. 2. Artist Portfolios) 7.4.4- Develop and apply specific and appropriate criteria individually or in groups to assess and critique works of art. 3. Notan 7.1.1- Describe the environment and selected works of art, using the elements of art and the principles of design. 4. House Project 7.1.2 Identify and describe scale (proportion) as applied to two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art. 7.2.5 Interpret fantasy and reality in original two-dimensional and three-dimensional of art. works Unit II: DRAWING- 3/7-4/8 5. Gray Ground Drawing 6.2.1- Use various observational drawing skills to depict a variety of subject matter. 6.2.3- Create a drawing, using varying tints, shades, and intensities. 6. Gesture Drawing 6.2.1- Use various observational drawing skills to depict a variety of subject matter. 7.4.3- Take an active part in a small group discussion about the artistic value of specific works of art, with a wide range of the viewpoints of peers being considered. 7. Perspective Drawing 7.1.3- Identify and describe the ways in which artists convey the illusion of space (e.g., placement, overlapping, relative size, atmospheric perspective, and linear perspective) 7.2.2- Use different forms of perspective to show the illusion of depth on a two dimensional surface. 8. Cartoon Art 8.2.1- Demonstrate an increased knowledge of technical skills in using more complex two dimensional art media and processes. (e.g. printing press, silk screening, computer graphics software) 8.5.2- Create a painting, satirical drawing, or editorial cartoon that expresses personal opinions about current social or political issues. Unit IV: PAINTING- 4/18-5/13 10. Color Wheel 7.2.4- Develop skill in mixing paints and showing color relationships. 11. Pop Art . 8.3.3- Identify major works of art created by women and describe the impact of those works on society at that time. 12. Dot Painting 6.2.4- Create increasingly complex original works of art reflecting personal choices and increased technical skill. Unit V: PRINTMAKING- 5/16-6/10 13. Styrofoam Prints 6.4.4- Change, edit, or revise their works of art after a critique, articulating reasons for their changes. 7.2.7- Create a series of works of art that expresses a personal statement demonstrating skill in applying the elements of art and the principles of design. 7.3.2- Compare and contrast works of art from various periods, styles, and cultures and explain how those works reflect the society in which they were made. 13. Linoleum Printmaking 8.3.1- Examine and describe or report on the role of a work of art created to make a social comment or protest social conditions. ASSESSMENTS: ACTIVITY %/POINTS Attendance & Participation Handprint Art Goal Artist Portfolio Notan House Project Gray Ground Drawing Gesture Drawing Perspective Drawing Comic Art Color Wheel Pop Art Dot Painting Styrofoam Prints Linoleum Prints 20% 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 TOTAL 325 Basic Course Requirements & Expectations: Students are expected to be motivated learners who attend all classes, participate in class activities, and complete assignments on time. Additionally, students are expected to contribute to a positive and safe learning environment by demonstrating respect for materials, classmates, and teacher. ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTIONS: * All projects include detailed grading rubrics which are used by students and teacher to determine scores. Attendance & Participation: Student attends all classes and comes to class prepared. Student uses class time for active learning and contributes during class discussions. Student completes all written notes and daily journal responses. Handprint Art Goal: Student identifies a personal learning goal for the semester and contributes a painted handprint on paper to the class wall. Artist Portfolio: Student creates an original work of art on the surface of their portfolio and uses it to properly store their artwork over the course of the semester. Student participates in developing grading rubric. Notan: Demonstrates a unique design and the use of positive and negative space. House Project: Individual or team uses class time effectively, project includes landscaping and has a one inch border. Gray Ground Drawing: Student follows all directions. Finished drawing demonstrates a variety of tints, shades, and intensities. Gesture Drawing: Student completes quick daily gesture drawings and trades posing with a partner during drawing time. Perspective Drawing: Student demonstrates use of one or two vanishing point or points and a horizon line to create a realistic drawing. Cartoon Art: Individual or team uses class time effectively, drawings include figure drawing and perspective techniques studied in class. Color Wheel: Student draws color wheel and labels colors correctly. All colors are accurate and painted edges are neat. Pop Art Painting: Student brings in a product label or tag from home. Student correctly constructs and uses viewfinder to create an original composition. Painting demonstrates improved color mixing and application skills. Dot Painting: Student chooses a local animal or insect for their dot painting. Student fills the entire space of the paper with dots. Styrofoam and Linoleum Prints: Student completes preliminary sketches for their plates. Students carves plates so that letters and numbers read correctly. Student completes at least three prints from each carved plate. *Please sign and return to teacher* I have read through the contents of this outline with my Grade 7/8 Art student. Parent/Guardian (print): Parent/Guardian (sign): *See what the Art students are creating* Find and “like” us on Facebook! search for FBMS ART or go to