Plug-in Architectures J User Interface Software, Fall 2004

Plug-in Architectures
Jeffrey Stylos
User Interface Software, Fall 2004
Component architectures
What are components good for?
Being able to reuse standard components
within your own applications
Allowing applications to be architected and
implemented more modularly
Allowing applications to be extended (by plugins) after they are compiled and released
What is a plug-in?
For my purposes, a plug-in is a piece of
software that extends or changes the
behavior or interface of an existing,
compiled application
What are plug-ins good for?
Extending an application’s functionality
Changing the UI of an application (skins or
Extracting data from an application
To connect it to another app
For logging
What are the issues with plug-in
 What sort of plug-ins can you create?
What aspects of the original program can you override?
How difficult does this make it to create the base
 How are the plug-ins created and installed? Are
they compiled?
 How do plug-in authors debug their plug-ins?
 How you create an architecture that balance
these different issues is an interesting research
My goals for this lecture
Give an overview of several different
examples of plug-in architectures and their
capabilities and limitations
Give you an idea of what resources and
tools to use if you want to create one of
these plug-ins
Not to die from coughing
Why you should care about plug-in
 Writing plug-ins is a way to connect your
research with real applications, making it more
 Writing plug-ins is a relatively easy way to write
software that can make your life easier
 Building a plug-in architecture into your project is
a way to let other people improve your project
for you
 Designing new plug-in architectures is a
potentially fruitful research avenue
This wasn’t one of the existing topics
I picked it because I wanted to learn more, not
because I was already an expert
These slides suck
I have a cough
Skinnable apps
"Editor MACroS“
One of the first runtime extensible systems
Designed for text editing
Used for everything
Contains a core written in C
The rest is written in elisp
Emacs extensions
 Extensions are written in elisp
 Can provide new functions or replace existing
 Most extensions are macros that provide some
sort of automation when explicitly invoked
 Can also do things like change text formatting
Can display images, but only in the context of lines of
Auto spell-checking (flyspell)
 It’s hard to:
Write multi-threaded extensions (makes network
programming difficult)
Do arbitrary painting (assumes lines of text)
Emacs extensions (continued)
Everything loaded from initialization file
To install an extension
Set the correct paths in the initialization file
Load the extension from the initialization file
Can also manually load any lisp file, or
even execute code as you write it
How do you debug extensions?
Because much of Emacs is in Lisp, can
step through it
Has a built-in debugging mode
Extensions for more detailed debugging
(Edebug) and profiling (ELP)
Don't have to build Emacs to run or debug
an extension
Emacs examples
[Show Tetris example]
Several different applications
Current code base provides
Mozilla 1.8
Netscape 7.2
Firefox 1.0
Thunderbird 1.0
Different from old Netscape (which also
provided some extensibility)
Current extensibility features allow modification of the
browser interface components (not just interactive
webpage elements)
Mozilla extensibility architectures
Heavier weight – supports C++ and other programming
 XUL / JavaScript
User interface modification and scripting
Also used for “themes”
 [XPConnect]
Bridges XPCOM and Javascript
 [XPInstall]
Installation and package management
Cross-Platform COM
A cross platform clone of COM
Multi-threaded, but no remote support (not
Used to create heavy-weight components
that can be called by XUL and JavaScript
Code can be cross platform, but has to be
XPCOM (continued)
Used to
much of
Mozilla’s core
XPCOM (continued)
 Uses the IDL (Interface Definition Language) to
specify capabilities
IDL compiles to C++
Connects to JavaScript
As with COM, XPCOM programming uses lots of
interface pointers
 §Bad:
void ProcessSample(nsSampleImpl* aSample) {
void ProcessSample(nsISample* aSample) {
(Usually) needs Mozilla framework to
Can be difficult to compile
Needs the Mozilla framework to debug
Requires special tool to generate IDL
Can use XPCOM for programming other
than Mozilla plug-ins, but few do
Debugging XPCOM components
Effective when you debug all of Mozilla
Tools for detecting memory leaks
BloatView, Boehm GC Leak Detector, Refcount
Tracing, Trace-Malloc, etc.
High level overview of XPCOM Mozilla
Make a DLL that implements necessary
methods (NSGetModule, etc.)
Create a IDL specification
Create an XPT specification from the IDL
Put everything in Mozilla’s components
XPCOM Examples
Using XPCOM:
var sound = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance();
if (sound) sound.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISound);
[scriptable, uuid(1BDC2EE0-E92A-11d4-BCC0-0060089296CB)]
interface mozIGPS : nsISupports
boolean Open(in string strDevice);
boolean Close();
string Reason(in boolean bClear);
readonly attribute double latitude;
readonly attribute double longitude;
readonly attribute double elevation;
readonly attribute double gpstime;
XPCOM resources
High level information
An Introduction to XPCOM
I don’t know of any good tutorial for
creating and compiling an XPCOM
Mozilla Plug-ins: XUL and JavaScript
Used to build the base Mozilla user
What most of the available extensions are
written in
Uses XUL to specify the static layout of the
UI elements
Uses JavaScript to specify how each of
the elements interacts
XML User-interface Language
Initial ambitions of also being a language
for richer webpages (sort of works now)
Cross platform
Can be used to create stand alone
applications (with difficulty)
XUL (continued)
Uses “overlays” to add new interface
elements to existing interfaces
Easy to add a new button to an existing form
Can also replace existing interface
Uses CSS to specify many of the
formatting elements of the UI
How to write a XUL-based plug-in
Write a .xul and .js file in Notepad
Put in Mozilla’s extension directory
Debugging XUL and JavaScript plug-ins
 Difficult – most common
solution is trial and error
Prints out red error
messages on the UI
 There exists a debugging
Venkman JavaScript
…but it hasn’t worked with
Firefox or Thunderbird for a
year or so
 Update: There’s a
development branch that
might work with some
version of Firefox
Example XUL code
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE window>
<?xul-overlay href="file://src/HTML/moztests/sampleoverlay.xul"?>
<window orient="vertical"
<box orient="vertical">
<box orient="horizontal" flex="1">
<text value="Sample text number ONE"/>
<spring flex="1"/>
<text value="Sample text number TWO"/>
<box orient="vertical">
<text value="Sample text number THREE"/>
<text value="Sample text number FOUR"/>
<box id="extraStuff"/>
Example JavaScript / XUL code
function toggleContactsPicker() {
var sidebarBox = top.document.getElementById("sidebar-box");
var sidebarSplitter = top.document.getElementById("contacts-panesplitter");
var sidebarState = sidebarSplitter.getAttribute("state");
var menuItem = top.document.getElementById("menu_showContacts");
var toolbarButton = top.document.getElementById("button-contacts");
if (sidebarBox.hidden) {
sidebarBox.hidden = false;
sidebarSplitter.hidden = false;
if (menuItem)
if (toolbarButton)
Example XUL extensions
[Show Firefox and Thunderbird
[Thunderbird extensions:
Contact sidebar
Quote colors]
Uses the swap-ability of XUL elements to
create plug-ins that change the
appearance but not the functionality
[Show theme examples]
XUL and JavaScript resources
Lots, high-level overviews, reference sites,
and examples
Because they are non-compiled
languages, you can view the source of
every current available extension
XUL / JavaScript overview
 Powerful and flexible UI scripting
 Can override existing elements
 Can dynamically transform UI elements
 Provides support for separating formatting decisions into
CSS files
 Provides support for internationalization by separating
text strings into language files
 Don’t have to compile
 Hard to debug
 Can’t write arbitrary C code
 Potentially slow
A modern Emacs
Designed to have a very small core that
loads independent components
Written in Java, primary selling point is its
included Java developing components
“The Eclipse Platform is an IDE for
anything, and for nothing in particular.”
Cross platform
Eclipse (continued)
 Designed for building IDEs
 People used it for other apps
Remail, Haystack (new version)
 Now formalized: “Rich Client
Eclipse architecture
Eclipse plug-ins
All written in Java
Found at Eclipse launch
Heavier-weight than Emacs model – can’t
dynamically swap plug-ins or write and execute
Include a “manifest” file
Specifies visibility of included classes and
Used to add information to the plug-in registry
Manifest file example
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <plugin
 name="JUnit Testing Framework"
 id="org.junit"
 version="3.7"
 provider-name="">
 <runtime>
<library name="junit.jar">
<export name="*"/>
 </runtime>
 </plugin>
Eclipse plug-in architecture
 Load-on-demand strategy makes it feasible to have
many different plug-ins and still have reasonable
 “Extension points” make it easy for plug-ins to
themselves be extendable
 Allows for multi-level extensibility
 (Most architectures only support a single level of extensibility)
 Uses “explicit ports” to make plug-in connections clear
 Plug-ins say what they can extend
 Helps support multi-layered extensibility
 Manifests help encapsulate plug-ins from each other
(they can only use each other in specified ways)
 Again, helps multi-layered extensibility
Eclipse plug-in architecture (cont.)
Extensibility points are tied to specific
Can’t have multiple swappable implementations of
the same functionality
Can’t have strict dependencies
All components are optional
Can’t say “this plug-in only works when this other
plug-in is available”
 Reference: Evaluating the Eclipse Platform as a Composition Environment
SWT and JFace
 Standard Widget Toolkit
Really just a widget set
JFace is the higher-level toolkit built on top of SWT
 Allows for portable plug-ins that use native
 Usable outside of Eclipse
Opinionated claim: Best Java widget set
 Supports widget extensibility by allowing Java
extensions of native widgets
Different types of Eclipse plug-ins
Whole apps
C++ IDE (CDE)
Visual UI Editor (SWT/Swing Designer)
Aspect oriented language extension
Profiler (EclipseProfiler)
Sample Eclipse plug-in
[Show HelloWorld Eclipse plug-in]
How do you debug your Eclipse plug-in?
Eclipse comes with tools to help build, run
and debug Eclipse plug-ins
Plug-in wizard
Runs separate instances of Eclipse for
developing and testing
Provides support for the packaging of plug-ins
EclipseProfiler plug-in
Eclipse resources
Many high level articles
Most on
Relatively active mailing list
Archived on, (poorly) searchable
For many things, only reference is the
Eclipse source code
Skinnable Apps
Skinnable Apps
Is this research related?
Some history
Remember Winamp 1?
(That’s an mp3 player, by the way)
Not intentionally skinnable
Someone figured out how to modify the bitmap
resources in the compiled Winamp executable
Became wildly popular, then supported
Winamp 2 skins
Winamp 3
More than just changing bitmaps
Let skin authors specify size and location
of buttons, and simple scripting (MAKI
Used an XML-based language to define
the location of UI elements, similar to
resource editors
Winamp 3 skins
 [Show Winamp]
(Another mp3 player)
Flash-like graphic capabilities in a skin
[Show Sonique]
Skinnable Apps wrap up
Natural evolution of a separation between
UI and underlying functionality
A form of end-user programming
Many limitations as a plug-in architecture
Difficult to trap events
Limiting even just considering UI capabilities
Different plug-in architectures support
different type of extensibility
Plug-in programming is very different from
regular GUI programming
Never get a cough before you have to give
a presentation
Good luck on homework 5!