Sacramento City College Classified Senate Meeting April 9, 2015 12:00-1:00pm, RHN-258

Sacramento City College
Classified Senate Meeting
April 9, 2015
12:00-1:00pm, RHN-258
2014-2015 Classified Senate Officers
President: Sandra Belmares
Vice-President: Kevin Williams
Treasurer: Shawn Ledet
Secretary: Rachel Larsen
Past President: Monica Souza
4CS Representative: Deborah Knowles
Sandra Belmares
Kevin Williams
Shawn Ledet
Andrea Galang
Ashley Poole
Cathy Phillips
Rosa Rose
Sam Esquibel
Craig Hart
Dave Whittington
Pamela Morrison
Marilyn Perry
Monica Souza
Michael Thao
Jake Kattan
Sarah Adomovich
Barbara Beale
Haley Lepper
I. Call to Order
 Meeting called to order at 12:00 pm.
II. Changes in Agenda
 None.
III. Approval of Minutes
 March 2015 minutes motioned to be approved by Shawn Ledet and second by Kevin Williams.
IV. Officer Reports
a. President - Sandra Belmares
 Sandra emailed to SCC classifieds the April Board of Trustees Report for the four Los Rios
Classified Senates.
 The handouts being circulated today were shared at the Board meeting last night,
including “Inmate Education PowerPoint,” “Enrollment Management PowerPoint,” and
“Los Rios College Enrollment Management and Marketing Plans: A Combination of
Proposals and Initiatives.”
 The SCC Blue Book Task Force classified members are: Andrea Galang, Monica Souza,
Chris Torres, Tyler Wyckoff and Sandra Belmares.
 The Centennial Celebration Mini-grant ($2,000 maximum) applications are due by May
15th, 2015. It would be great if a few classified members would volunteer to coordinate
an activity on behalf of the Classified Senate. Please contact Sandra with your ideas and
if you are interested.
 The Classified Staffing Requests for 2015-16 process is underway. You are encouraged to
discuss any concerns and recommendations with you division dean and/or dept.
 Classified Senate elections will be held in mid/late May. Please consider who you would
nominate for a Senate Officer position and Area Reps position. You can nominate
The Classified Leadership Institute is coming up, June 3 – 6, 2015 at Granlibakken, in
Tahoe City, CA. Registration is filling-up quickly, so register soon if you would like to
Vice President – Kevin Williams
 Executive Council Meeting Update –
i. President Jeffery reported that Francisco Rodriguez is now the Chancellor of the
Los Angeles Community College District. He was sworn in at an investiture.
During which people from other colleges, faculty, staff, student and admin, are
invited to meet the new Chancellor. Los Rios has never had one of these. Most
of the discussion had to do with the final draft of the accreditation process.
Also there is a book set called the 4 disciplines of execution. They want to make
it available for everyone. They were purchased through the achieving the
dream conference.
ii. There is a change in direction in the board on smoking on campus. Campuses
now have the ability to choose if they are smoke free or not. If they choose to
be smoke free with would be smoke tobacco and vape free. The campus nurses
are putting together a survey to find out if this campus wants to be smoke free.
iii. There are institutional effectiveness initiatives that will be 1 year aspirational
goals to try and keep issues from becoming accreditation issues.
iv. On May 8th the dedication of the new Student Services building will take place.
Classified Appreciation on the same day as well as District Wide Tenure.
v. Future Items on the exec board parking spaces near the president’s office, and
different charging stations and etiquette on campus for charging electric
 Student Senate Meeting Update –
i. Michael Poindexter visited the Student Senate to reinforce the importance of
the Student Senate and their representation of the students on our campuses.
ii. Peoples Day will be on campus May 7th, and Pet a Pet will be on April 18th
outside the Student Services Building.
iii. A delegation was sent to the Hispanic Association of Colleges in Washington DC.
They learned about different scholarships and funding that individuals can
receive. This was put forward by the efforts of Economics Professor Sandra
iv. The Student Senate is also supporting a movement to get more Gender Neutral
bathrooms on campus.
Treasurer - Shawn Ledet
 Senate Budget Update - Current balance is $4,154.08, a couple of invoices will be
coming in. The last balance was $3,500.00. The tally of what was raised from the
retreat was $646.00. Tyler Wyckoff received a donation to the senate of $24.00.
 Academic Senate Meeting Update - Shawn missed the last few Academic Senate
meetings due to illness. But discussions include accreditation, and new coordinator
positions and job descriptions. They will also move to 4 meetings during the month.
Secretary - Rachel Larsen (absent)
Past President - Monica Souza
 Provided the 2015 SCC Classified Leaders’ Retreat Picture Slideshow.
V. Old Business
a. Accreditation Update: final document, first reading – Kelly Irwin and Don Palm
 Kelly Irwin sent a copy of the current version of the Standards to Sandra and highlighted
areas that would be pertinent, especially to Classifieds to review. Sandra forwarded this
document to all SCC classifieds. It is the most current draft and it is getting close to final.
There is a forum being held the next week to discuss the accreditation draft. Please
review the document and help to make sure the content of the report is accurate. The
accreditation forums will be held every day next week. Particularly read standards III.C
on Training and IV.A on Governance and ask yourself does it reflect what we are actually
doing at SCC currently? Please provide feedback by Friday, April 17th.
VI. New Business
a. Professional Development Activity Report Out – All
 Monica Souza reminded people to apply for CLI since the deadline was approaching.
 Tyler Wyckoff shared LRCEA will supply $1000 and Staff Resources $500 to help fund.
 Tyler Wyckoff is attending the 4C/SD Conference April 16-17, 2015 in Ontario, CA.
b. Institutional Effectiveness – Marybeth Buechner
 The State has asked us to set goals for four areas this year. The Strategic planning
committee met and is making recommendations. We know that the goal for
accreditation will be Reaffirmation with no action. Also they want to set a goal for
increasing the rate of course completing for the year of 0.5%. This goal will have to be
set every year. After a show of hands, the Classified Senate approved the goal with 16
in- favor and two abstentions.
c. SSSP and Student Equity Overview of Guidelines – Aiden Ely
 New students under SSSP are required to complete orientation, assessment, and meet
with a counselor and develop an educational plan. Colleges are required to provide
orientation, assessment, counseling, and follow-up services to at-risk students. SSSP
funds must be appropriately expended for student success activities and efforts.
Student Equity plans existed at the State Chancellor’s Office for years, but this is the first
time that there is funding tied to it. Student Equity planning identifies 5 metrics for
student success. Access course completion, ESL, and Basic Skills Degrees and
certification, and transfers. Sacramento City College is putting a focus on completing
basic skills courses to aid in Student Equity and SSSP.
 A dean of student services job description is being developed to oversee SSSP and
Student Equity. The two programs work well together and the college is trying to find a
way to merge the benefits of these programs to work for all of the students. The two
programs are likely to create new positions all over the college for administration,
classifieds, and student help. The SSSP and Equity program are adopting a more
proactive stance in reaching out to students to help them.
d. SSSP and Student Equity Funding for Hiring – Michael Poindexter
 When asked why people may not have attended SSSP and Equity workshop last spring
semester, the majority responded “workload.” Michael asked people to let him know if
Supervisors and Deans tell them they can’t go to professional development workshops.
Participation in these is very important. If there is a problem he wants to know.
 Tyler Wyckoff shared that we need to bring more attention to the Faculty/Staff Online
Calendar. It is updated often, and shows what is coming up.
Jake Kattan shared that sometimes the volume of emails that we get makes it
challenging to know what events are important.
In the SSSP Budget provided to the State Chancellor’s Office, SCC listed numerous
classified positions. These positions will move forward for hiring, but will not be subject
to the college’s classified position ranking process that is normally conducted through
the VPA’s office. This is because these positions are categorically funded, therefore,
restricted by state guidelines and regulations.
Michael provided a handout on Recruitment Strategies. Please send any ideas or
comments regarding recruitment strategies you may have to Sandra Belmares and she
will forward to the VPSS.
VII. Good of the Order
 Honrando a Nuestros Estudiantes, Honoring Our Students, ceremony is being held on April
29th, 5pm-7:30pm at CRC, room CAC 100.
 Classified Appreciation Luncheon will be held on May 8th at the Theatre Art Court.
 CLA “Present Yourself Well in Writing” workshop - session 2, will be held Friday, April 17th at
the Ethan Way Center.
VIII. Adjournment
 Meeting adjourned at 1:07 pm. Next meeting is May 14, 2015, RHN-258.