Sacramento City College Classified Senate Meeting March 12, 2015 12:00-1:00pm, RHN-258 2014-2015 Classified Senate Officers President: Sandra Belmares Vice-President: Kevin Williams Treasurer: Shawn Ledet Secretary: Rachel Larsen Past President: Monica Souza 4CS Representative: Deborah Knowles Attendance: Sandra Belmares Kevin Williams Shawn Ledet Rachel Larsen Deborah Knowles Tom Childress Sam Esquibel Ann Danenberg Yolanda Ramirez Craig Hart Haley Lepper Andrea Galang Barbara Beale Monica Souza Tyler Wyckoff I. Call to Order Meeting called to order at 12:00 pm. II. Changes in Agenda None. III. Approval of Minutes Sean Ledet motioned to approve the February 2015 minutes, Kevin Williams seconded, motion passed. IV. Officer Reports a. President - Sandra Belmares Sandra began by saying that she’s really enjoying her role as Senate President. She’s gaining different perspectives and learning how differently each Los Rios campus’ Senate operates. Executive Council approved revisions to the SCC travel procedures. Both the new Travel Justification Memo form and the Travel Authorization and Reimbursement Processes flowcharts are available online at Executive Council is requesting at least four representatives from each constituency group to serve on the SCC “Blue Book” Review Task Force. The Blue Book is used to guide the college’s participatory decision-making process and should be updated every three years or so. Anyone wishing to be involved in updating the Blue Book, please contact Sandra. The Food Service Advisory Committee timeline has been moved out. Vendor requests for proposals (RFP’s) are due April 14th, 2015. The committee will begin reviewing the RFP’s on April 17th and prepare to make a recommendation to the BOT on May 13, 2015. Please contact Sandra if you have any feedback about the food service on campus. The 100th Anniversary Planning Committee is currently working on developing the minigrant application. Anyone interested in participating in the 100th anniversary celebration in their department, division, or Senate may qualify for up to $2,000.00 b. c. d. e. grant award to help fund their activity. Also, the committee is looking for subcommittee members. Please contact Sandra or Rick Brewer for more information. The DREAM Conference was a big success. Sandra, along with fellow colleagues attended the conference in Baltimore, MD. A debrief meeting was held at DO on March 6th, at which Sandra shared that communication within a single campus, as well as, between Los Rios campuses can be improved upon to better serve students. When asked why this issue exists, Sandra responded to the Chancellor that a shift in culture would likely need to occur so that employees feel more comfortable sharing all that is happening within their departments with other campus departments and with their counterparts at sister campuses. These types of conversations may lead to streamlined processes for the services we deliver to students. The BOT met on 3/11/15. The FLC Classified Senate President, Rochelle Franco, was nominated for the 2015 California Community Colleges Classified Employee of the Year Award. The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office is sponsoring AB 288, which will allow a greater and more varied segment of high school students to take community college courses. The college courses authorized by this legislation could be offered on high school campuses during the school day and enrollment could be limited to eligible high school students. At the 3/11/15 BOT meeting, AVC of Student Services Victoria Rosario and SCC Nurse Wendy Gomez presented an update on the smoking policy and DSA’s to the board. ARC is the only campus in the Los Rios district without DSA’s. Sandra got the impression from the board that they would like to eventually move toward being a non-smoking district in the future. Vice President – Kevin Williams No Report. Treasurer - Shawn Ledet We currently have $3,543.29 in our account, but there will be some expenses from the last coffee break, they just haven’t come in yet. Secretary - Rachel Larsen No Report Past President - Monica Souza Monica reported that she’s been working with the 4CS, the classified retreat planning committee, and has been doing fundraising with Quarmaine. V. Old Business a. Area Reps Needed for Areas 7, 11, 12 & 13 Please consider being an area rep. It reflects well upon the Senate when people are involved. Tyler asked what is required of an area rep. Sandra said they attend Senate meetings and report/communicate/discuss what is going on and shared at the Senate meetings to the classified members of the departments that are in their “area of representation.” The sign-up sheet was passed around the room to allow for people to volunteer. VI. New Business a. College Strategic Planning Committee (CSPC), 2 Vacancies – Contact Sandra Belmares if you would like to serve on the CSPC. b. Professional Development Activity Report Out - All Monica Souza shared that she is taking a photography class at SCC. Officer Sam Esquibel reported that he is finishing up his last semester at Sacramento State to earn his bachelor’s degree. Tyler Wyckoff mentioned that there will be a workshop offered at U.C. Davis on 3/14/15 by Dr. Karl Hart and also Equity Training with Julia Jolly on 3/13/15. Sandra Belmares mentioned that she, along with Janice Hans, Kim Goff and Jake Kattan will be attending the Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI) Workshop on 3/17/15 at ARC. c. Career Center – Yolanda Ramirez Yolanda gave us an overview of the SCC Career Center. They help students, staff, faculty and the public with career development through workshops and career fairs. They also have computer labs for use for working on resumes, sending applications, etc. They also attempt to place students in on-campus jobs. This year for Career Day, they hope to have around 50 plus employers on the campus. d. Work Experience Education/Internship Program – Tracey Hodge Tracey gave us an overview of the SCC Work Experience Program. Participants do volunteering or job shadowing in a real work environment. The student must also attend the work experience class, as well. If the student already has a job, they can enroll in WEXP 198. It is non-transferable, but it’ll give them 1-2 extra units, plus they might be able to learn some leadership skills. VII. Good of the Order a. Upcoming Campus Events – Chris Torres Many events coming up on campus, including Student Leadership Elections. Please help spread the word about elections to student. b. Classified Spring Retreat Update – Tri-Chairs Tyler reported that 38 people have signed up to attend the retreat so far. There is still room available. There was discussion about needing money for workshops costs, supplies, and to purchase gifts for each attendee. Monica Souza motioned to give no more than $600.00 to the Classified Retreat Planning Committee for retreat costs, Deborah Knowles seconded, Officer Sam Esquibel abstained, motion passed. VIII. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 1:05 pm. Next meeting is April 9, 2015, 12pm-1pm, RHN-258.