Sacramento City College Classified Senate Meeting December 18, 2014 12:00-1:00pm, RHN-258

Sacramento City College
Classified Senate Meeting
December 18, 2014
12:00-1:00pm, RHN-258
2014-2015 Classified Senate Officers
President: Sandra Belmares
Vice-President: Kevin Williams
Treasurer: Shawn Ledet
Secretary: Rachel Larsen
Past President: Monica Souza
4CS Representative: Deborah Knowles
Sandra Belmares
Kevin Williams
Shawn Ledet
Rachel Larsen
Deborah Knowles
Tom Childress
Barbara Beale
Rick Brewer
Craig Hart
Norman Lorenz
Tyler Wyckoff
Rob Heisleman
Pamela Morrison
I. Call to Order - Meeting called to order at 12:05 pm.
II. Changes in Agenda - Added brief presentation from representatives of the Marriott hotel chain.
III. Approval of Minutes - Craig Hart motioned to approve the November 2014 minutes, Sean Ledet
seconded, motion passed.
Marriott Presentation - Representatives Gretchen Lacayo-Codus and Kristin Goble spoke briefly about
the Marriott as a possible location for the upcoming 2015 Classified Spring Retreat.
IV. Officer Reports
a. President - Sandra Belmares
 Board of Trustees met December 10th and voted in a new President, Dustin Johnson and
a new Vice President, Deborah Ortiz. They reviewed the district budget and the
information is available online.
 Executive Council met December 1st. Sandra reported out that Deborah Knowles
attended the CCLC Annual Convention and Monica Souza and Tyler Wyckoff attend the
Professional Development Clearinghouse Summit in November. Sandra also provided
the classified employees’ feedback anonymously regarding the Participatory Decision
Making Task Force Report. If you still have feedback continue to send to Sandra.
 Chancellor’s Cabinet met December 1st – The meeting minutes are not online but may
be available online during the accreditation process. See below regarding the LRCCD
Policy and Regulation Review Process flowchart discussion.
b. Vice President – Kevin Williams
 The Student Senate met on 12/10/14 and expressed concerned about emergency
housing requests they have seen on the student “For Rent” board. They are trying to
find ways to reach out to our homeless students. Kevin suggested that the Classified
Senate come up with a way to assist the Student Senate in their efforts.
 There will soon be new waste units on campus for recycling.
 There is a proposal to eliminate the challenge process for retaking assessments on
c. Treasurer - Shawn Ledet
 We currently have $3,592.04 in our account.
Academic Senate –Sean was out of town when they met so he missed their last meeting.
He is hearing that there is a push to more closely monitor Distance Education to make
sure it is interactive between students and teachers.
d. Secretary - Rachel Larsen – No report
e. Past President - Monica Souza (Not present) – No report
V. Old Business
a. Area Reps needed for Area 7, 13 & 14 and Senate Sub-Committees - Monica Souza and Sandra
Belmares attended the Student Services Area Representatives Meeting on December 16th, 2015.
They provided a presentation about shared governance, highlighting that it is the right of
classified employees to be involved in shared governance by attending the Classified Senate
meetings and serving on SCC committees, and that this service is part of their job
responsibilities. Also, highlighted that classified who serve as Area Reps on the Senate have 1
hour of release time to attend the meetings, this 1 hour is not their lunch time, but in addition
to their lunch hour. They asked the supervisors, coordinators, and deans to please encourage
their department’s staff to serve on the SCC Classified Senate and the standing committees and
non-standings at SCC and at the district-level. They also provided tools that may be helpful in
scheduling office coverage while employees are away attending Senate and committee
meetings. The meeting went well, and Sandra received positive feedback from those in
b. SCC Standing and Non-Standing Committees always need staff to join. Let Sandra know if you
are interested in serving.
c. ESTEEM Program needs Classified employees to be involved for the spring 2015 semester. It’s a
one semester commitment. Please contact Sandra if you’re interested.
VI. New Business
a. Professional Development – Norman Lorenz, Tyler Wyckoff
 AB 2558 – Classified and Faculty and Managers are to all be included in professional
development activities. AB 2558 revises current statute to establish the Community
College Professional Development Program and authorizes the use of state money for
those activities if it becomes available through the budget. It also clarifies that districts
that participate in the Community College Professional Development Program must
provide professional development opportunities to other staff as well as faculty.
 Braiding job descriptions was suggested as a way to possibly get some of our classified
positions filled. This would allow for funding or partial funding through SSSP and/or
Student Equity Program.
 SSSP and Student Equity Plan funds can be used for training, conferences, workshops
and travel as defined within the state regulations. By 7/1/15, we need to have decided
how to expend these funds which must be expended by December 2015. Norman
Lorenz wants us to remember the phrase, “Purposeful engagement.”
 If we have a conference or workshop we want to attend, we should check with our Dean
to learn whether it is eligible for Professional Development funding.
b. 100 Anniversary Planning Committee – Rick Brewer
 Rick provided a brief PowerPoint presentation and announced that the planning has
begun. The first meeting will be in January 2015, and in fall of 2016 will be exactly 100
years from when SCC first began. Please contact Rick if you are interested in
participating in any way.
c. Classified Job Ranking 2015-2016
 Sandra confirmed there is no funding for 2014-15 classified positions. She asked should
we use the same job ranking from 2014-2015 for the 2015-16 FY, or should we redo the
ranking? Deborah Knowles motioned to redo the ranking for the 2015-16 fiscal year, as
some priorities may have changed, Kevin Williams seconded, motion passed.
d. LRCCD Policy and Regulation Review Process flowchart
 Sandra will email this new flowchart to all classified employees soon for your review. It
was just released from the District Office. JP Sherry handed out this flowchart at the
special BOT meeting on November 19, 2014, and then again at the December 1, 2014
Chancellor’s Cabinet meeting. At both meetings, Sandra made mention that there is not
a “Review by Classified Senate” hexagonal box like there is for the Academic Senate and
the Student Advisory Committee. JP Sherry responded that the VP’s of Administration
would be responsible for communication with the classifieds and maybe another box for
classifieds should extend from the VPA box. JP also stated that there is not a districtlevel Classified Senate like there is for the Student Senate and Academic Senate. The
Student Advisory Committee and the Academic Senate represented in the hexagon
shapes are district committees, not campus level committees. Sandra plans to discuss
this further with President Jeffery, SCC colleagues, and the Classified Senate Presidents
at our sister colleges to gather feedback. Please send your feedback to Sandra.
e. Participatory Decision Making Task Force Report - Sandra got good feedback and welcomes
more. Sandra read aloud the feedback she’s received so far.
 We do not have enough representation from classified on committees. Until we do, we
will not have true shared participatory governance. The survey put out by PRIE does not
address why staff are not joining the committees. I suggest that classified speak to
classified first, including supervisors, to find out why they are not participating (maybe
survey or forum discussion or both). Is it apathy, too much desk work, lack of supervisor
support, etc.? Afterwards, we would be prepared to discuss with the larger group that
includes faculty and managers.
 … over the time I have been working here at SCC, my ability to participate in
governance, social events and even an exciting project like the 100-year anniversary of
the college has become ever more limited as my job duties have expanded to consume
ever more of my time and psychic energy. At some level, be it on this campus or at the
district, the decision has been made to keep the lid on classified hiring while adding
more and more responsibilities to the jobs of most of us.
 When I first started here [at SCC], I was very gung ho about activities like these and
found it much easier to participate. I had the impression that my input and skills were
welcomed and appreciated on the various committees upon which I served in the early
years of my career. Now, however, I feel it’s all I can do just to get my specific job duties
accomplished. With the increase of various record-keeping and other bureaucratic
requirements that have been imposed ... The bottom line is that shared governance is
severely impeded when people don’t have the space in their working lives to even
consider taking part in it.
 I’m glad Academic Senate included Classified Staff when addressing concerns about
participatory decision making.
f. Institutional Plan additions: SSSP Plan and Student Equity Plan are now posted online as SCC
Institutional Plans.
g. Employee Satisfaction Survey Results – Please review the results that are posted online. Ongoing
discussions regarding the results and possible solutions and an opportunity for feedback and
comments will be made at the Classified Senate meetings throughout the spring 2015 semester.
You may also send your feedback/comments via email to Sandra.
h. SCC Standing Committee Reports
Staff Equity & Diversity – Sandra read aloud the following report provided by tri-chair
Kim Goff - The committee wants to address classified hiring committees and how
they’re handled compared to faculty, i.e. faculty applicants get parking passes and
classified applicants do not. Also, there is a push for all interview committee members
to go through Equity Training.
Student Equity – Sean Ledet – Committee is putting a plan in place in each major
department to help struggling students. This is currently in its planning stages.
i. District Committee Classified Tri-Chair Reports
District Matriculation Coordinating Committee – Rob Heiselman – SSSP and student
equity plans have both been approved.The assessment changes that Kevin referred to
earlier – the District Matriculation Committee is reviewing the proposed change. We are
currently implementing new changes in registration priorities due to the new law.
District Budget Committee – Sandra read aloud the following report provided by trichair Taunya Wattier – The district budget committee met last week. There were no big
announcements at the meeting. The district distributed the FY15 PDF (Program
Development Funds) schedule. Our college CDF funding is flat on this schedule, in other
words we did not receive any additional funding and actually our CDF will decrease
$139. Our Non-Instructional Equipment was funded for the first time in 4 years, $84,310
which will be written into next year’s budget. This is great because with the move into
the new student services building these funds can be used to remodel and update the
RN bottom floor if needed. We also received instructional equipment funds for the first
time in a few years. District budget will meet again in February this will be after midyear
budget and we should be into the Fy16 budget planning. The college Budget Committee
had their last meeting for the fall term on 12/5. During the fall we reviewed the hearing
guidelines that will be distributed to the deans in the spring, discussed the MOE
guidelines, and a big item that we accomplished was the budget terminology. This can
be found as part of the Budget Committee minutes saved on the SCC website and will
also be distributed to the deans. We will begin hearing in the spring. The Budget
Committee will be working with $300k again this term to distribute as needed.
VII. Good of the Order
a. Accreditation Update – Drafts are in. The Accreditation Coordinating Committee is reviewing
them now, and will submit revisions by January 5th, 2015. On January 12th, 2015, the entire
campus will receive the drafts and be asked to give feedback. During Spring Convocation there
will be an accreditation open forum from 10:30am-12:30pm to give everyone an opportunity to
discuss and provide feedback and comments and voice concerns, etc.
b. Computer access for XP users – Computers with the XP operating system or older will no longer
be able to access the District’s network. This will go into effect over the winter break.
VIII. Adjournment
 Meeting adjourned at 1:05 pm. Next meeting is January 8, 2015, RHN-258.