Project Charter <Project Name> <Date> The purpose of the project charter is to define the reasons for the project, assign a project manager and his/her authority level for the project and to obtain formal authorization for a project or phase of a project. Project Charter <Project Name> Date Version Description 0.1 Initial Draft Author Versioning: Versions include a decimal placeholder. Numbers to the right of the decimal indicate internal/team revisions. Numbers to the left of the decimal indicate accepted/published versions. Hence V 0.1 is the first draft, V0.2 is the second draft. Version 1.0 is the accepted and published project charter. Version 1.1 would be a revision made after initial acceptance, though the changes themselves have not been accepted. Columbus State Community College Confidential 2 Project Charter <Project Name> Executive Summary 4 Purpose Statement 5 Background and History 5 Objectives and Benefits 5 Scope 6 Project Milestones 7 Budget 8 Project Organization 9 Major assumptions 10 Current Risks, Barriers or Constraints 10 Critical Success Factors and Guiding Principles 10 Roles and responsibilities 11 Project Manager Approval 12 Sponsor Approval 12 Columbus State Community College Confidential 3 Project Charter <Project Name> Executive Summary Columbus State Community College Confidential 4 Project Charter <Project Name> Purpose Statement <Insert purpose statement> Background and History Objectives and Benefits Columbus State Community College Confidential 5 Project Charter <Project Name> Scope The following is in scope: A. B. Items that are outside of scope are not included in the work plan and must obtain approval through a change request process before work on these items can begin. This list is not all inclusive. A. Columbus State Community College Confidential 6 Project Charter <Project Name> Project Milestones Milestones are major accomplishments over the course of the project, impact most subcommittees work efforts and are well understood by all subcommittee and project team members. They are significant points in time, tangible achievements, key meetings, key decisions made, key communications, etc. Milestones serve as foundation for project planning, progress reporting and help ensure focus on most important events. This is “milestone driven work planning”. The following is the most current list of project milestones and due dates. Date Description / Comments Columbus State Community College Confidential 7 Project Charter <Project Name> Budget Describe the amount approved. Is this a board approved special project? Who administers the budget? Who has signing authority over budget funds? List of budgeted items: DEPARTMENT ITEM Columbus State Community College Confidential AMOUNT 8 Project Charter <Project Name> Project Organization Overall responsibility for the project is assigned to <Insert name(s) or Role(s)>. Changes to the scope of this project or budget request, must be approved by <Insert name(s) or Role(s)>. Describe Steering Committee, Subcommittee structure Columbus State Community College Confidential 9 Project Charter <Project Name> Major assumptions Current Risks, Barriers or Constraints Project risks and mitigating actions will be tracked using Risk Register that provides a point-intime snapshot of the project risks, owners and mitigating actions throughout the project. What follows is an initial list of project risks although we expect this list to grow as well as this list to mitigate effectively many of the identified risks. 1. Critical Success Factors and Guiding Principles 1. Success factor 1. 2. Success factor 2. 3. Success factor 3. 4. Success factor 4. 5. Success factor 5. Columbus State Community College Confidential 10 Project Charter <Project Name> Roles and responsibilities Many roles and responsibilities have been identified for this project. The following table summarizes the roles and associated key responsibilities along with general level of involvement. The list below should be adjusted based on the projects needs. Role Description Involvement Sponsors Make key project decisions, help resolve major issues, help mitigate major risks, track progress against project milestones, approve changes, and serves as project champion at senior management level. Part time throughout the project Project manager Manage overall project, work with subcommittees and sponsors to address project level risks/issues, monitor project wide milestones. Own the planning and execution of the master work plan. Serve as project champion. Full time throughout the project Subcommittee chairs Manage the work of the subcommittee and manage the involvement of the subcommittee members, facilitate recommendations on decisions owned by subcommittee. Communicates with other Subcommittee Chairs as needed to reduce any potential overlap of work. Submit progress reports to the Project Manager. Part time throughout the project Core Implementation Team/Subcommittee members Serves as project champion for the campus community. Participate in subcommittee work including: initial assessment, remediation, recommendations, key decisions, policy change recommendations, task groups as needed, and issue resolution. Part time throughout the project Administrative Assistant Provide administrative support including records management and maintaining centralized database and provide support for the campus visit Part-time throughout project Functional Experts/Others Assist with project as needed. Part-time throughout project Columbus State Community College Confidential 11 Project Charter <Project Name> Project Manager Approval NAME/ROLE SIGNATURE DATE SIGNATURE DATE Sponsor Approval NAME Columbus State Community College Confidential 12