Class Number 10570
Fall 2011 (August 24, 2011 Version)
Instructor : Instructor: Emmett E. Perry, Jr. Ph.D.
Place & Time : Conway 104. Monday and Wednesday 1:20 – 2:35 PM.
Office : Conway 328.
Office hours : Mondays and Wednesdays (8:30 – 5:00) and by appointment.
Telephone: 816 501 4088 (O), 913 897 0067 (H), or 913 620 0597 (C)
E-mail :
The course requires both a text and an on-line quiz system. The required textbook is:
Colquitt, J. A., Lepine, J. A., and Wesson, M. J. (2011) Organizational Behavior, Improving Performance and Commitment in the Workplace, 2d Edition. McGraw-Hill Irwin. 2011. The on-line quiz system is called ”Connect Access” and produced by McGraw-Hill. It is purchased as described in the next section.
- Step 1. The first step you need to take is to register for the course (regardless of where you get your textbook). To do this, go to: .
While registering, you will see discussion of the option to purchase resources on-line.
- Step 2. You have the following options with respect to the course resources.
Text. You may: 1) rent the textbook (The Rockhurst bookstore has this option), or 2) purchase a hard copy (from the bookstore, at McGraw-Hill or through your own sources), or 3) purchase an electronic copy at the bookstore (or at McGraw-Hill).
On-Line Quiz Access. You may purchase Connect-Access at the bookstore or at
McGraw-Hill. Regardless of where you get your text, you must have this resource
(NOTE the first quiz is taken in preparation for the first class.)
- Step 3. Go to the instructor’s CTE website (
) for other course materials (handouts, syllabus, etc.).
Catalog Description. The course investigates how individual and group behavior impacts the performance of an organization. Topics include perception, personality, values, job satisfaction, emotional intelligence, learning, communication, motivation, culture, conflict, stress, and power/politics. The purpose of this course is to increase students’ awareness of the impact that these topics have on leadership effectiveness.
Prerequisite. Junior standing or concurrent BUS 1900.
Learning Objectives. The following table shows particular course learning objectives and their corresponding contribution to program learning goals and management learning goals.
After completing the course, students should be able to:
L.O. #
Self-assess competency in core management and leadership skill areas.
Develop and use plans to improve competency in three management and leadership areas.
Use key organizational behavior and management concepts to analyze and evaluate performance behavior at individual, group and organizational levels.
Build effective teams and lead team-based activities.
Recognize the individual and situational factors responsible for unethical behavior in organizations and methods for minimizing such behavior.
1, 3, 5
Approach to Class . There are several dynamics of the class that should be outlined. First, students prepare for class by completing readings and sometimes self-assessments or exercises.
Quizzes are done in advance of class and provide the basis for in-class discussions and exercises.
In-class time is invested primarily around applying the concepts students learned about in preparation for class. The second distinct feature of this class is the semester-long teams into which the class is divided. Teams will be formed during the second class period and students will work extensively in teams thereafter. A Team Service Project (TSP) is identified, planned and conducted by each team during the semester. The project allows students to experience and consider topics we discuss in class—within their own teams. Much like teams in the workplace, members will be expected to conduct detailed planning and to complete work tasks—along the way developing the skills necessary to establish, lead and maintain an effective work team.
HSOM Program Evaluation.
“ During the course, an assessment of your business skills and knowledge will be conducted for HSOM accreditation review purposes.
Your input to this assessment will contribute to determination of your participation grade. There is no specific preparation required.
Completion of the assessment is mandatory.
Methods of Evaluation.
1. Attendance. The design and nature of this course requires timely and consistent attendance.
Grading is intended to encourage and reward efforts for full attendance. Authorized absences are those granted by the university and up to two may be granted by the instructor if notification and advance coordination is made. A call or email “informing” the instructor of an absence typically does not constitute “coordination.” Students are encouraged to call or email whenever circumstances suggest that it is appropriate. In general, those with 2 absences or less receive full attendance points. Those with 3 absences receive 10% decrement and additional 10% decrement for each additional absence. Those with perfect attendance receive a 10% bonus (110%).
2. Pre-Class Quizzes (via McGraw-Hill’s “Connect Access”). a. Pre-class quizzes are intended to prepare the student to more fully for classroom activities and discussion. The electronic ConnectAccess system allows students to take quizzes over course material in advance of each class. b. Quizzes may be taken in advance—at the discretion of the student. However, the instructor makes them available only a week or so in advance. c. The quizzes may be taken more than once—to improve your score but are limited to 3 attempts. d. The maximum score for any quiz varies. I automatically remove the first incorrect answer (to account for poorly worded/confusing questions). e. No quizzes may be submitted after 8 AM on the day of class. Feedback for each quiz is available at 8:02AM on the day of class. f. Late submissions are discounted 10% per hour late. g. The instructor may occasionally administer an in-class quiz. h. Quizzes are open book but must reflect individual effort
—no collaboration is allowed.
3. Examinations. Examinations will be used as a means to evaluate critical thinking and analytic skills, and to provide opportunities to apply concepts to real-world problems. Examinations will be conducted by the teams. Team members collaborate within—but not between—teams.
4. Team Service Project (TSP) Presentation. (see separate description and grading rubric for additional info.)
5. Journal. Students are required to develop and maintain a journal for this class. ( see separate handout entitled, Journaling Guidelines.)
6. Personal/Professional Development Plan (P/PDP).
An end-of-course requirement is for each student to develop their own Personal/Professional Development Plan. The P/PDP may have a number of sections but the three that follow are suggested.
Preparation for this requirement is primarily achieved through insights captured in weekly journals. If the journal is well done, areas for personal and professional development should emerge to provide the basis for the P/PDP. The sections for the P/PDP might include: a.
Self-awareness. The many assessments taken in this course will provide an appreciation of each student’s individuality and unique characteristics. Areas include strengths, weaknesses, distinct characteristics, etc. This is the primary section where students reflect on what they have learned about themselves over the course of their college experience—and during this course in particular. b.
Personal Development. In this section areas of self-awareness are considered from the perspective of how their development might continue. Areas for consideration might relate to emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and physical development. Here the intent is to identify areas where development is needed and to describe their strategy to conduct that development.
Professional Development. Here, content areas and areas from other courses may be added. Engaging around areas of professional requirements for success upon graduation, the student describes the steps that are planned to conduct that development.
The document should be written in ways that, when read some years later, it will provide insight into perspectives that were held at the time, and also support future self-awareness and developmental efforts.
P/PDPs are to be typed using single-spaced pages, 12pitch Times New Roman font, 1 ½ inch margins, and not less than 4 typed pages. Evaluation of these papers includes depth of reflection across a number of areas of self-awareness; the quality of the analysis around how development might occur, as well as organization and quality of written expression. Late submissions receive at least a 10% decrement.
7. Participation (also see separate document). Active participation in class is a cornerstone of an effective adult classroom experience. Hence, positive participation is highly encouraged and includes behaviors such as: description of one’s own experience around the topic of discussion, asking insightful questions, asking for clarification, confronting ideas in ways that advance the conversation. This participation is rewarded with bonus points at the discretion of the instructor.
Negative participation is discouraged and includes: engaging in distracting behaviors such as texting, reading materials not related to the class discussion, dozing, or use of other devices not directly related to the class topic.
8. Summary of Course Evaluation.
Attendance (100% attendance bonus: 10 points)
Pre-class Quizzes (as % of possible points)
Individual Professional Development Plan
100 pts.
200 pts.
100 pts.
100 pts.
Exams (100/each)
TSP Preparations Updates (top 2 scores)
300 pts.
100 pts.
TSP (Presentation) 100 pts.
Total 1000 pts.
A plus and minus system will be used to assign final grades: 93% = A (4.0), 90% = A- (3.67),
87% = B+ (3.33), 83% = B (3.0), 80% = B- (2.67), 77% = C+ (2.3), 73% = C (2.0), 70% = C-
(1.67), 67% = D+ (1.3), 63% = D (1.0), 60% = D- (0.7), below 60% = F (0.0)
Conduct of Class Sessions. Students are expected to have completed the assigned preparations and the quiz prior to each class period and expected to arrive for class on time for a prompt start.
Most class periods will be devoted to team and class-wide experiential exercises and discussion.
Student familiarity with reading materials and pre-class assignments are essential to the success of each class meeting. Often, one or more persons from each team will often be asked to present the team’s ideas, conclusions, etc. to the class as a whole. The process will largely be circular, rather than linear.
ADA Statement.
RU official policy: “Rockhurst University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Please contact Sandy Waddell, Director, Access Office
(Massman Hall Room 7, (816) 501-4689,
) to provide documentation and request accommodations. If accommodations have already been approved by the Access Office, please communicate with the instructor of this course regarding these arrangements by the second week of class in order to coordinate receipt of services.”
Student Contact Information. RU official policy: “Student contact information must be kept current in order to receive important notices from Rockhurst University. Your contact information is online via your RockWeb account. Please check your local address, local phone number, and emergency contact information on RockWeb and revise as needed. All important University notices will be sent only to your RU email address. Please check your RU email account in addition to any other email accounts you may have. Accounts are activated at the Computer
Services Help Desk (Conway 413).”
Academic Honesty Policy. Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated. The Rockhurst
University Catalog provides examples of academic dishonesty and outlines the procedures, penalties, and due process accorded students involved in academic dishonesty. All infractions will be immediately referred to the Dean's office. In your research paper, make sure you provide citations for all ideas and information that are not your own.
Crisis Management.
The Crisis Management Team for Rockhurst University, out of a concern for the safety and welfare of all community members, urges you to familiarize yourself with Campus Emergency Procedures as well as emergency, evacuation, and shelter signage located within and outside of buildings across campus. They also request that you sign up for Rock@lerts, the University’s emergency communications system. All community members must comply with University staff instructions during regularly scheduled fire/tornado drills as well as actual emergencies. Information regarding the above resources can be found at .
Intentionally Left Blank
(Class #)
Daily Class Schedule.
Dat e
Exercises & Assessments: Those listed below must be discussed in weekly journals in addition to reactions to other preparations.
Introduction. What is Organizational Behavior? Following a brief overview we will conduct an exercise: Expectations, Rules
and Norms: A Discussion Around Previous Experiences.
Orientation to supporting technology for the course.
Journal Assignment: Reflect on Class #1 discussion, “take-aways” from the assigned reading or results from OB Assessment (p.25)
“Take-Aways” are defined as: “Personally interesting points that give you new perspectives or something that you think has merit for consideration in the future.” (not the same as the end-of-chapter
“take-aways” (e.g. p. 26)
Optional Help Session for McGraw-Hill CONNECT
Con 328
Foundations of Group/Team Establishment (Part 1)
1. Brief back (by instructor) from Class #1 Discussion.
2. Exercise: Group Ranking Task - - “Winter Survival” (Conduct
Homework Exercise: Team Charter. Complete and submit report as outlined in instructions (separate handout) and schedule below (2/2).
Consider reading class #5 articles before doing this exercise as it will help it be more effective.
Assessments (and Exercises): Those listed in this block are required to be discussed in weekly journal.
Learning and Critical Thinking. Readings:*** (see Note)
Marsick, “ Transformative Learning from Experience in the Knowledge Era.”
Palmer, “The Recovery of Community in Education”
Durrance, “
Some Explicit Thoughts on Tacit Learning
Brookfield, “ What it Means to Think Critically ”
Smith , “Malcolm Knowles, Informal Adult Education, Self-direction and
Assignment to prepare for this class (journals due after Wed classes)
- Chapt.1 and scan the
- Chapt 1. Quiz. (For this class only , reading and quiz can be done after our first class meeting.)
- Journal #1 due: ______.
(Journals are due weekly after the Wed class at a time/date we will determine during our first class.)
Bring laptop with you!
- Chapts. 11 and 12.
Complete 3 quizzes before class! (don’t forget ch 1)
- Bio Summary sheet due today *** (see note at bottom of syllabus.)
- Anticipate team charter deadline below (2/2).
- Homework: Read and prepare ½ page summary
(approx) per article for any two articles—YOU choose which articles to read. (Try to disperse
Schon, “
(Listed as “Knowles…”)
Knowing in Action
” (optional)
Journal. In your weekly journal, record
from Mon or
Wed class periods except when an exercise or assessment is conducted. Then, journals must include reflections around those events in addition to take-aways from class preparation/discussion.
Self Awareness: Learning Styles and Info Gathering and
Perception Exercise: What are blind spots?
Slocum, “Cognitive Style in Learning and Problem Solving”
Assessment : Slocum: Cognitive Style Instrument
Kolb, “Four Styles of Managerial Learning” Assessment : Kolb’s
Managerial Learning and Problem Solving Styles
Assessments (and Exercises): Those listed for this class (3 each) are required to be discussed in weekly journal.
Journals. Focus your reflections on: 1) identifying and recording
“take-aways;” 2) what you learned about teammates—points of implication for teamwork.
Foundations of Group/Team Establishment (Part 2).
Schwartz, “Ground Rules for Effective Groups”
Schwartz, “Facilitator Interventions”
Exercise and discussion of teams and their context. VIDEO: “Duke
Teams, (or portions of), meet 1-on-1 with instructor to discuss
TSP and the Update (see schedule for openings).
TSP UPDATE # 1. (See separate documents for grading rubric)
Journal. Add reflections around your UPDATE #1 in your journal.
What are you learning about your team? What might you do to help the team and develop team skills (PDP-Development Plan)? among the team)
- Bring copies for teammates (and 1 to hand in) and prepare to discuss with teammates.
- Journal Due: _______.
- Chapt 8 and quiz.
- Read and complete selfassessments in Kolb and
- Bring self-assessments to class.
- Bring StrengthFinder/
StrengthQuest results to class.
- BEFORE class, reflect and record insights around implications of ALL scores for your interaction with the team.
- Study syllabus and
Journaling handout before class. Bring any questions to discuss in-class before quiz based on these docs.).
- Review Chapt. 11, 12.
- Read Chapt.13 and quiz
& Schwartz (2 articles).
Team Charter due today
- Journal #3 Due: _____.
Review and develop update using TSP Update
Job Performance
Exercise: No advance exercise preparation required.
Organizational Commitment.
EXAM # 1 handed out (due Friday at 5PM).
Job Satisfaction
Journals. Reflect on self-assessments and process/approach your team is taking for completing the exam
Personality and Cultural Values
Personality Exercise: Individual Personality assessment: Go to: with the team exam (now that we have discussed in class).
Take the long version— still only takes 10 minutes.
Print the report
(in LANDSCAPE MODE), and bring to class. Before class, compare the results of the long form to the exercise on p. 297.
Additional Reading: Goleman, excerpt from “ Working With
Emotional Intelligence.
REVIEW of GRADED EXAM describe and assess the
Journals. Include reflections around your team processes associated
Motivation Concepts
Exercise: No outside exercise preparation required.
VIDEO and Exercise: Assess the SAS work context from motivation perspective.
TSP UPDATE #2. (See separate documents for grading rubric)
Trust, Justice, and Decision Making
Exercise: No outside exercise preparation required
EXAM # 2 handed out (due by 5 PM Tues 19 th Nov).
- Chapt. 2 and quiz.
- Journal #4 Due: _____.
- Chapt. 3 and quiz.
- Complete Values
Exercise (see website)
- Chapt 4 and quiz
- Journal #5 Due: _____..
Note special requirement.
- Chapt. 9 and quiz
- Complete 2 selfassessments in chapter
(p. 297 and 305)
- Complete Personality
Exercise (at left).
- Chapt. 10 and quiz.
Complete, How
Emotionally Intelligent
Are You. OR Text
Assessment p.352. If former, bring results to class.
- Journal #6 Due: _____.
Note special requirement.
- Chapt. 6 and quiz.
- Read Nucor article,
Art of Motivation .
- Journal #7 Due: _____.
- Chapt. 7 and quiz.
Team Work Day
Conflict and Negotiation.
Exercise: Conflict: Role Play Scenario
Journal. Reflect on this exercise in the weekly journal.
Review and discussion of Azimuth Check exercise (see separate handout for directions)
TSP Update # 3. (See separate documents for grading rubric)
Team Azimuth Check Exercise.
Teams meet and conduct the exercise and submit report. Also complete Peer Evaluation forms for each member to include as part of Azimuth Exercise.
Leadership: Personal Focus (continued).
Reading: Kotter, “What Leaders Really Do”
Video: Matt Diggs and exercise: “Contrasting Leader Styles”
Organizational Structure
Discussion: Influence of Organizational Design on Performance and video: VOLVO “The Remaking of Work: Alternatives to
Assembly Lines”
Organizational Culture
Discussion of culture and video, “In Search of Excellence: Walt
Disney” (socialization)
Organizational Change (No chapter in text)
VIDEO: Teams and Change – Magma Metals or Tallahassee
Democrat (TBD) Exercise: “Employee Involvement in
Organizational Change”
Discussion of TSP Presentation Evaluation Process
EXAM # 3 handed out (due 8AM Monday).
- Journal #8 Due: _____.
- Team Azimuth Check report due as .doc by
5PM Friday.
- Chapt. 14 and quiz.
- Read Kotter article
- Complete 2 selfassessments : Leadership
Style Inventory and Have
You Experienced
Leadership and bring paper copies to class.
- Chapt 13 and quiz
- Journal #9 Due
- Additional readings:
- Draw final presentation sequence.
- Journal # 10 Due (two themes: Azimuth check and team TSP update.
- Chapt. 15 and Quiz
- Read Nucor Article: It’s
Not Easy To Be Lean
- Chapt. 16 and Quiz
- Journal # 11 Due
- No chapt reading
- Additional reading:
Team Work Day
Discussion of TSP Presentation Evaluation Process (alternative date)
Special Discussion Class: Theme To Be Announced
Fall Break (Thanksgiving)--NO CLASSES
TSP PRESENTATIONS (3 each). TEAMS: ____, ___, and ____
9 Dec
TSP PRESENTATIONS (3 each). TEAMS: ____, ____, and___
Final Exam Period: End of Course Summary; Celebration; and
End of course evaluation.
- Journal # 12 Due (last
Journal !)
- Readings: TBD
- Electronic slides (.ppt) and paper copy of presentation due on day of presentation.
- Feedback forms required should accompany presentation.
- Same as for 11/28 above and…
- Individual P/PDP due -
- Peer evaluations due
Appendix. Team Service Project Feedback Form
Instructions for student use. Students should use the electronic version on these two pages. Add appropriate addresses, give (or send) copies to the recipient(s) and others as appropriate. Ensure that their feedback is submitted in a timely way —it is used for course grade evaluations. See the instructor for envelopes if needed.
Address for:
Recipient or Other Stakeholders
Dear Mr. or Ms…
The purpose of this letter is twofold. First, I would like to thank you for allowing my students to interact with you in order to conduct a Team Service Project as part of their coursework requirements. As the student team likely explained, the intent for the project was for students to use the project as a work setting which would allow them to learn more about effective teamwork. O ur school’s Catholic and Jesuit mission and vision recognize the importance of service to others, and your support of this team has allowed them to fulfill part of that mission!
The second purpose of this note is to ask you to assist me in evaluating their efforts. Completing the attached form allows you to assess the team’s work and it will provide me with feedback I need to better evaluate their work. It will also assist teams in the future as they pursue similar projects.
Feel free to make additional copies of the attached evaluation form if you would like others to provide their assessment. Please use the enclosed envelope to return your survey or, you may simply send it to me by email (see address below.)
Again, thank you again for allowing us to work with you. If you have any questions or if I can assist you further please do not hesitate to call me at 816 501 4088, or email me at
Emmett E. Perry, Jr.
Assistant Professor of Management
Helzberg School of Management
Rockhurst University
1100 Rockhurst Road
Kansas City, MO 64110
Date: ___________
Team Members: _________________________________________________
[Please provide names of team members that you interacted with.]
Project Summary:
[Please summarize what the team achieved.]
Please Evaluate the Team’s Efforts Using the Following Questions.
(please provide numbered response to each question)
The team interacted professional with me.
1 strongly disagree – 5 strongly agree
The product/service was of high quality.
The team’s planning appeared to be comprehensive
The team established and met timelines commitments to you.
The TSP had value for me.
1 very low
– 5 very high
Assess the project’s significance.
1 little significance – 5 major significance
Please provide any additional comments you would like to (you can also use the back of this form).