ent Promoting Safety in Community College Districts

Workshop Announcement
Northern California Community College Districts
Employment Relations Consortium
Promoting Safety in
Community College Districts
This workshop provides important guidance for you and your district by detailing specific strategies
for preventing workplace and campus violence, as well as outlining how to legally respond if violence
does occur. This interactive workshop includes:
Review of the wide range of legal obligations that require community colleges to maintain a
safe campus and workplace;
Practical information to assist community colleges comply with these legal requirements and
harmonize their safety planning obligations under the Federal Law, the Education Code and
the Cal/OSHA; and
Realistic strategies for:
o preventing violence from occurring;
o identifying and responding to threats and early warning signs of violence; and
o responding to violence in the event you are faced with an incident.
A comprehensive workbook is also included, which contains supportive materials you can use to
implement a more effective violence prevention program in your community college campus and
Who Should Attend?
Human Resources, Supervisors, Administrators and Security Personnel
MCLE Credit
LCW is an approved provider for Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) Credit. Attorneys
attending this course will receive 2.75 hours of MCLE credit. An MCLE sign-in sheet and certificate
will be available at the workshop.
DATE: Thursday, April 23, 2015
TIME: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
PRESENTER: Heather R. Coffman
LOCATION: Webinar via CCC Confer
RESERVATIONS: Please register directly through your district’s HR Department.
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