Committees Marketing & Communications This committee will survey the dynamic field of current and developing technologies as they relate to the administrative aspects of an arts organization. Course content will address development of Web Sites, CD-ROMs and catalogues as well as the basics of digital imaging, image management, and video and audio technologies. Usability issues related to the World Wide Web as well as the principles of interactive and presentation design, virtual galleries and exhibition spaces together with developing technology plans will be investigated in the context of their use as methodologies for the effective implementation of new media forms. Students will be given a broad overview of the functional components of administrative management and participation in the theory and techniques of both written and oral communications for internal as well as external purposes in the context of management documents, promotional materials, grant proposals, exhibition signage, press releases, oral presentation and public speaking. They will have the opportunity to explore, discuss and understand the principles of successful This committee will oversee fund accounting basics, preparation and analysis of financial statements, evaluating and monitoring financial condition, capital budgeting and investment analysis, debt policy and management. Resource Management & Audience Development The priority of this committee is to gather intrauniversity sponsorships, in-kind donations for raffle and door prizes, secure volunteer support and raise funds that will not exceed $300.00. Preparation and analysis of financial statements, evaluating and monitoring financial condition, capital budgeting and investment analysis, debt and surplus policy and management. Recognizing that education and community development is almost always a mission-critical aspect of public cultural events, students will explore how educational and community programming goals aid in both audience development and the artistic enrichment of the public audience. This committee will identify audiences and ensure that promotions about the event reach all identified audiences within and outside University of Lethbridge population. Programming Committee This committee shall ensure that the all departments in the University of Lethbridge Faculty of Fine Arts are informed of this semester’s showcase. They will be responsible for calls for submissions and their management, jury formation, traffic coordination, venue booking and ticket sales when required. Committees No committee shall exceed seven (4) students Each committee must have a spokesperson. The role of spokesperson will rotate for each presentation. Each committee must have a contact person. The role of contact person will not change for the duration of the semester. Each committee will have a database manager. Sign-up Students will be asked to sign-up for a committee at the beginning of next class. So make certain who have a second, and third choice if you can’t get on your first choice committee.