MANAGEMENT 4090 SECTION D Course Outline Fall 2008 INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Brad Olson EMAIL: OFFICE: D 534 CLASS TIMES: Tuesday & Thursday, 1:40 p.m. to 2:55 p.m. - Room: D 631 OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. & Thursday 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. or by appointment. TEXTS: Hitt, M., Ireland, R., Hoskisson, R., Rowe, W., & Sheppard, J., (2006). Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization -- Concepts, (Second Canadian Edition). Toronto: Thomas/Nelson. Internet site: Syllabus, power point slides etc… can be found on the Class Web Site. Olson, B. (2007). Management Policy & Strategy (Cases), Coursepack Capsim Management Simulation Inc. (online registration is mandatory). Internet site: COURSE PREREQUISITES: Current Prerequisites (under 2008-2009 calendar): For 40-course B. Mgt program: Fourth-year standing (a minimum of 90 credit hours) including MGT 3020, MGT 3031, MGT 3040, MGT 3050 (or POLI 3420), and MGT 3061. For Post-diploma B. Mgt program: Fourth-year standing (a minimum of 90 credit hours) and admission to the Bachelor of Management program via Diploma Admission Route, including MGT 3031, MGT 3050 (or POLI 3420), and MGT 3061. COURSE OBJECTIVES: To provide students with the knowledge to integrate core business functions and implement sound strategic decisions. Students will become familiar with the terms, concepts and theories associated with business policy and strategy. During and after this course, it is hoped that students will understand and appreciate that strategic decisions affect the entire organization, and thus learn the importance of integrating disciplines such as economics, accounting, finance, etc. Emphasis will be placed on the development of analytical skills, critical thinking, and written and oral communication skills. METHOD: To convey the foundation of business policy and strategy, I will incorporate lecture, class activities, a major simulation exercise, case analyses, presentations and videos throughout the semester. The student, therefore, must be fully prepared so that he or she is aware of what is being covered in each class. COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND GRADING: Case question(s): 50 Content exam 1: 150 Content exam 2: 150 Case final exam: 230 Participation: 50 Business simulation game: 350 Simulation homework assignments: 20 1,000 total points 860 – 1000: Excellent - 950 – 1000 = A+; 900 – 949 = A; 860 – 899 = A-; 740 – 859: Good - 820 – 859 = B+; 780 – 819 = B; 740 – 779 = B-; 620 – 739: Satisfactory - 700 – 739 = C+; 660 – 699 = C; 620 – 659 = C-; 500 – 619: Pass - 580 – 619 = D+; 500 – 579 = D; 0 – 499: = Fail - 0 – 499 = F. MIDTERM EXAMS AND FINAL EXAM: There will be three exams given during the semester. Two will be content exams consisting primarily of multiple choice and/or short answer questions and some essay-type questions. Content exams will cover chapters assigned and material brought up in lecture but not limited to your assigned readings. The final exam will be a case analysis. We will discuss the format of the case exam during the semester. Make-up exams will only be given in extreme circumstances. You must get approval from me before the day of the exam. I reserve the right to refuse any request for a make-up exam. No hats are allowed in the exams. IPods, cell phones and other such devices must be turned off. GROUP ASSIGNMENTS AND BUSINESS STRATEGY GAME: Classes will be divided into groups consisting of 5 or 6 members (depending on class size). The intent of this group assignment is to prepare students to work with others that have different responsibilities within a company. Therefore, groups should consist of different majors (i.e. accounting, management, finance, and marketing), if possible. There will also be peer evaluations. These peer evaluations will be conducted to assess individual contributions to team performance; I will adjust grades as necessary based on the peer evaluations. However, I do have the right to adjust any evaluation if I deem it unjust. Please note: all comments regarding individual contributions (or lack thereof) should be recorded in a journal or notebook. Each group will participate in the business strategy game. The business strategy game is a simulation exercise that gives players hands-on experience in crafting strategies, making business decisions, and being responsible for financial performance. Students are expected to spend a substantial amount of time on the game. Time commitment is particularly heavy in the initial portion of the game. You will need to register for this simulation game. To register, you will need your “Industry ID number”. It is C27276. Please note that the industry ID number is NOT the registration number. With my website, you can download slides to assist in your registration. Once you have registered, I will provide you with a copy of the “Capstone Student Guide 2009”. Although I will be a resource for the business strategy game (Capstone), I will not deal with the operational issues of the game. There will be NO spoon-feeding. As a group, it is your responsibility to understand the rules of the game. My input in the game will be minimal. The manual is very explicit and straightforward. In other words, most of your questions can be answered by reading the manual or through assistance from the Capstone toll free number or their website. There is a steep learning curve in this game so I would suggest you spend considerable time, upfront, playing the game. At the end of the game, your team will submit a written report and make a formal presentation (no longer than 25 minutes – presentations longer will be penalized) about your company. The written report will be due on December 5th, 2008. The presentations will be on December 2nd and 4th, 2008. I will discuss the content of the report and presentations at a later date of the semester. The break-down of the different categories of the simulation are as follows: Results of game (between 100 – 150) Presentation (between 50 – 100) Company report (between 100 - 150) Total must equal 350 points. You must decide by September 23rd, 2008 what your weighted percentages are for each category. Otherwise, the weights will be 100 for game results, 125 for presentation and 125 for company report. SIMULATION HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS: I will give a number of exercises for you to complete in order for you to prepare for the simulation game. CASE QUESTIONS: You will be responsible to be prepared for each case. I will choose at least one case where I will ask one or two questions that you (individually) will write responses to during the class period. There will be a time limit on the written responses. If you miss this class, you will receive zero points on that question(s). PARTICIPATION: Participation will be determined by your attendance and involvement in class discussions. I will randomly take attendance and note individual involvement throughout the semester. Coming to class prepared (or not prepared) will increase (or decrease) your participation points. Therefore, attending and preparing for class are essential. Rudeness to the instructor or to your fellow peers will not be tolerated. Talking to classmates while the instructor or other peers are in discussion is not acceptable, and you will be marked down for such actions. As well, coming in late (or leaving early) will decrease your participation points. The distribution of these points is solely at the discretion of the instructor. Attendance does not equal participation, meaning coming to all classes will not, in itself, warrant all points associated with attendance and participation. In fact, coming to class would only warrant approximately 20% of the participation marks. Therefore, even if you came to every class, yet you do not participate or participate very little in relation to other students, then you should expect no more than a quarter of the participation points. ATTENDANCE: You are expected to attend each scheduled class. If you must miss a class, it is your responsibility to get notes, assignments and other information from another student. I will make announcements of any schedule or exam changes in class. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: No form of academic misconduct will be tolerated. Please see your student handbook or school catalog for the University's policy. FINAL NOTE: It has been my experience that the best way to learn is to enjoy what you are doing. So let’s have some fun. Let’s come to class prepared and then together share what we have learned. 4090 Section D TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO MAKE ANY CHANGES DEEMED NECESSARY. DATE TOPIC READING ASSIGNMENT (OUTSIDE READINGS TBA) 09/4 Introduction/Strategic Management Text: Chapter 1 09/9 Strategic Management Text: Chapter 1 09/11 Firm Performance Text: Chapter 2 09/16 External Environment/Case Analysis Text: Chapter 3/ Edward’s Restaurant 09/18 External Environment Text: Chapter 3 09/23 Internal Environment/Case Analysis Text: Chapter 4/ Care Canada 09/25 Simulation Exercise Practice round 09/30 Generic Strategy Activity Text: Chapter 5 10/2 Simulation Exercise Practice round due Oct 1 - 2:00 pm 10/7 Business Level Strategy Text: Chapter 5 10/9 Simulation Exercise Decision 1 due Oct 8 - 2:00 pm 10/14 Content Exam # 1 10/16 Simulation Exercise/Corporate-Level Strategy Chapter 7/ Decision 2 due Oct 15 - 2:00 pm 10/21 Corporate Level Strategy Text: Chapter 7 10/23 Simulation Exercise/Acquisitions Chapter 8/Decision 3 due Oct 22 - 2:00 pm 10/28 Acquisitions/Case Analysis Text : Chapter 8/ Vincor and the New… 10/30 Acquisitions Chapter 8/Decision 4 due Oct 29 - 2:00 pm 11/4 Corporate Governance Text: Chapter 11 11/6 Corporate Governance Chapter 11/ Decision 5 due Nov 5 – 2:00 pm 11/11 Holiday 11/13 Strategic Leadership Chapter 13/Decision 6 due Nov 12 -2:00 pm 11/18 Strategic Leadership/Case Analysis Text: Chapter 13/Sepp’s Gourmet… 11/20 International Strategy Chapter 9/Decision 7 due Nov 19 - 2:00 pm 11/25 International Strategy/Case Analysis Text: Chapter 9/Perdue Farms 11/27 Content Exam # 2 12/2 Group Presentations 12/4 Group Presentations FINAL EXAM – T.B.A.