Galileo Galilei T J Osler

Galileo Galilei
T J Osler
Galileo Galilei (15 February 1564 – 8 January 1642
• Galileo Galileo was born in Pisa, in the
Tuscany region of Italy, on February 15,
• In 1609, Italian
Scientist Galileo Galilei heard about the
invention of a spyglass. He made one for
himself and turned it on the heavens.
Replica of Galileo’s Telescope
It was on this page that Galileo first noted an
observation of the moons of Jupiter.
Phases of Venus
• 1610 - To the moons of Jupiter, Galileo gave the
name Sidera Medicea ("Medicean stars") in
honor ofCosimo de Medici, the Grand Duke of
Tuscany, whom Galileo served as "first
philosopher and mathematician" after leaving
the University of Pisa in 1610
• 1611 - The Starry Messenger was a sensational
success, and Galileo became well known
throughout Europe. In 1611, Galileo traveled to
Rome, where the Collegio Romano, at the
behest of Robert Bellarmino, confirmed Galileo's
Period of a pendulum is independent of its amplitude
Dome of the cathedral of Pisa with the "lamp of Galileo"
In 1633, Galileo was convicted of "grave suspicion of heresy" based on the
book, which was then placed on the Index of Forbidden Books, from which it
was not removed until 1835
1633 Trial of Galileo
Galileo's trial began on April 12, 1633. Over the next two
months, Galileo would be called before the Inquisition on three
separate occasions.
Galileo was convicted and sentenced to house arrest
Galileo died at Arcetri, near Florence, on January 8, 1642. In that
same year Newton was born and would carry forward the torch of
knowledge by uniting Kepler's Planetary Laws with Galileo's
mathematical physics to perfect the Law of Universal Gravitation,