Interdisciplinary Studies 2850X: Study Tour of South Korea Instructor: Ian MacLachlan Office: B872 Phone: 403 329-2076 E-Mail: Office Hours: By appointment and June 23, 2:00-4:00 for test return. Schedule: Summer 2010 Predeparture Lectures (Lethbridge) 6:00-9:00, AH 177: June 10, 11, 14, 15, 16 Note: Due to time limitations and a busy schedule designed to conform with student availability, some classes may run later than 9:00 PM. June 21st Class (Lethbridge): 1:00-9:00, AH177 Korean Studies Program (Ulsan): June 25-July 24, 2010 Description: This course is based on the University of Ulsan International Summer Korean Studies Program from June 25 to July 24, 2010 which will be held in the city of Ulsan, South Korea. Students will learn about Korean language, culture, history, geography, business and politics through lectures and field trips. The course has three distinct phases and students will be assessed through each phase. Predeparture classes Korean Studies Program Take-home Examination Required Reading: Reading material will be supplied or posted on the course web page. Pre-Departure Lecture Outline: Details of material to be covered in pre-departure lectures will be posted separately on the course web page. Course Web Page: ( Grading Policy: All work will be marked as percentages. Percentages will be weighted and accumulated with final grades determined as follows: Grade Ranges A+ 90-100 B+ 77-79 C+ 67-69 D+ 56-59 A 85-89 B 73-76 C 63-66 D 50-55 A- 80-84 B- 70-72 C- 60-62 F 0-49 1 Grading Scheme Description Scope Due Date Value Test 1 Korean Language June 16 15% Test 2 All other pre-departure classes June 21 20% Collective Travel Journal Entries To be assigned: 1 entry from Lethbridge, As assigned 2 entries in South Korea 20% Participation Attendance & punctuality, active cooperation, successful completion of all June-July academic work in Ulsan 25% Take-home Test 1,000 words, 3 double-spaced pages 20% August 1 Tests Two tests are based on pre-departure classes prior to leaving for South Korea. Test 1 will assess basic Korean language skills. Test 2 will assess the balance of pre-departure course content (including readings, lectures, and field trip). Collective Travel Journal Entries A travel journal will be maintained as a blog that will serve as a permanent, publicly accessible record of course activities. Students will be assigned three dates to post journal entries to the blog. (On particularly busy days, two students may be assigned entries.) Entries will describe what the members of the exchange have done on a particular day but should also offer some insights on cultural comparisons and contrasts. Blog posts should range from 150 to 300 words in length. Entries may be supplemented with digital photographs or other links. Blog posts will be assessed on their clarity of expression, acuity of observations, accuracy of descriptions, originality of approach and analytical insight. The schedule for blog posts will be posted on the course web page once students have been assigned dates. Some questions to guide your blog posts include: What are you learning about South Korea? What is surprising? What is uncomfortable? What is most enjoyable? What is puzzling? How do Koreans respond to you? What questions do they ask? What questions do you ask (or want to ask) them? What have you learned from the people you meet? What have they learned from you? How are your educational experiences in South Korea different from those in Canada? How are they similar to your educational experiences in Canada? The blog will be in the public domain thus language and the views expressed must reflect positively on the university and on the Korean Studies program at the University of Ulsan. Participation Students are expected to participate actively in all course activities: in predeparture classes, while travelling, and while in South Korea and under the guidance of University of Ulsan staff 2 (including classes, extracurricular activities and excursions). The participation grade will be assigned by the course instructor in consultation with University of Ulsan staff. Take-Home Exam Prior to departing from the University of Ulsan, students will receive a take-home exam which will provide an opportunity for a summary expression of their learning throughout the course. The exam must be submitted for grading as an e-mail attachment by August 1, 2010, exactly one week after returning to Canada. (The Dean of Arts and Science’s office has granted special permission for this late submission date.) 3