PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION ABOUT THE GIS CONTACT IN YOUR STATE TRANSPORTATION AGENCY. Name of Contact: Work Address: City, State, ZIP: Telephone: Fax: E-Mail: PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS AND RETURN THIS SURVEY TO: 1. What computer Operating Systems are used for GIS in your agency? (Check all that apply) ____ Unix (please specify brand): ___ Solaris ___ AIX ___ HP ___ Ultrix ___ Linux ___ Other: _______ ____ Windows (please specify version): ___ 95/98 ___ NT ___ 2000 ___ ME ___ XP ____ Mac OS 2. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ What GIS software is used in your agency? (Check all that apply) ESRI (please specify which software packages): ___ ArcInfo ___ ArcView ___ ARC IMS Other: _____________ Intergraph (please specify which software packages): ___ MGE ___ GeoMedia Other: _____________ Caliper (please specify which software packages): ___ TransCad ___ Maptitude Other: _____________ Bentley Microstation MapInfo MapPublisher GDS DigiMap In-House Other: ______________________ 3. ____ ____ ____ Are your GIS software licenses? floating (i.e., shared) one license per seat Other (please describe: ______________________________________) 4. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ What database management software (DBMS) do you use to maintain your attribute and/or geo-spatial data? (Check all that apply) Access Informix Oracle Paradox SyBase Other (please specify: _________________________) 5. At what stage of development is GIS in your agency? (Check only one) ____ Preliminary Planning (no operational GIS capability, but evaluating other states’ programs, talking with software vendors, etc.) ____ Pilot/Demonstration (no officially recognized GIS unit(s), but one or more GIS demonstration projects underway) ____ Early Implementation (one or more officially recognized GIS units, primary focus on basemap development, data integration, and a few, targeted applications) ____ Fully Operational (widespread use of GIS throughout the agency, core GIS functions include basemap maintenance, training, technical support, and intra-agency coordination) 6. ____ ____ ____ ____ How is GIS software and expertise deployed in your agency? (Check only one) Specific individuals or units (no department-wide coordination) Single GIS unit responsible for all core functions and applications Core GIS unit(s) and multiple end users in various program offices Enterprise-wide database integration and widespread GIS applications 7. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Which of the following GIS core functions are you actively involved in? (Check all that apply) Base Map development/improvement Locational Referencing System (LRS) development Data warehouse development/maintenance GIS technical support and training End-user application development Web application development 8. How many people in your agency are full-time GIS core staff? ______ 9. How many people in your agency are GIS end-users? ______ 10. Where is the GIS core staff located in your agency? (Please check no more than two) Planning Engineering Information Services Mapping/survey Maintenance Operations Throughout the agency (no formal GIS core group) ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 11. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ What job classifications are used in your department for GIS core staff? (Check all that apply) GIS professional Engineer Planner Information systems/information technology specialist Cartographer Analyst Other (please specify: ________________________________) 12. Does your department have a digital road base map? ____ No ____ Yes 12a. ____ ____ ____ If Yes, does it include? Only state highways (e.g., U.S. and state signed routes) State and county routes (e.g., U.S., state, and county signed routes) All public roads (e.g., all signed routes and local streets) 12b. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ If Yes, what is the scale? (Please check the highest resolution for which you currently have statewide coverage.) 1:100,000 or lower resolution (e.g., derived from TIGER or DLG) 1:24,000 (e.g., digitized from USGS quadrangle maps) 1:10,000/12,000 (e.g., digitized from USGS digital orthophoto quads) 1:5,000 (e.g., digitized from higher resolution digital orthophotography) 1:1,000 or higher resolution (e.g., derived from higher resolution digital orthophotography or kinematic GPS) Other scale (please specify: ___________________________________) 13. Does your agency currently participate in any geo-spatial data sharing activities with other agencies or organizations within your state? ____ Yes ____ No 14. What is the approximate annual budget for GIS your agency? (Please include dedicated GIS hardware/software costs, GIS core staff salaries, and contracts for training, database development and application support.) $______________ 15. What are the current high-priority GIS projects in your agency? (Please list up to 5 projects, including either GIS core functions or applications.) 1)______________________________________________________________ 2)______________________________________________________________ 3)______________________________________________________________ 4)______________________________________________________________ 5)______________________________________________________________ THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME. PLEASE RETURN THE COMPLETED SURVEY TO: