NMED 3700 Production Management

NMED 3700
Production Management
NMED 3700
Today’s Class…
Committee Work
The Interview Process
NMED 3700
Your job is to
Stage a Showcase for New
Media Students and their work
NMED 3700
• You are the architects building an event
out of an idea.
• The activity that will help you the most in this class is…
– Art openings
– Art shows
– Media events
– Campus talks
• It will give you ideas for what you might want to do and what
NOT to do.
NMED 3700
• It all
down to
NMED 3700
• Over the next 14 weeks this NMED 3700
Class shall:
1. organize present an 2-D art showcase in the
Level 7 Gallery (required by each student NOT
on the Programming or Event Committee)
2. design a catalogue archiving curated works &
accompanying AFA grant application
3. produce and create an audio doscent’s CD
about student work & accompanying AFA grant
NMED 3700
• Over the next 14 weeks this NMED 3700
Class shall:
4. organize and present a catalogue launch &
accompanying AFA grant application
5. design a website announcing the curatorial
calendar & accompanying AFA grant application
6. organize and present a film festival of student
work & accompanying AFA grant application
7. produce and create a video documentary
profiling New Media students and their work &
accompanying AFA grant application
NMED 3700
NMED 3700
• Programming Committee
Catalogue Designer/Editors
Moving Image DVD Producers
2-D & Static Image CD Producers
Web Designer
• Event Management Committee
– Film Festival
– Launch Coordinators
– Advertising & PR
• Curators
NMED 3700
• The Programming Committee
Catalogue Designers (Team of 2)
DVD Compilation Producers (Team of 2)
2-D & Static Compilation Producers (Team of 2)
Website Designer/Writer/Photographer
NMED 3700
• The Event Coordination
– Film Festival (Team of 4)
– Launch Coordinator (Team of 6)
– 2-D & Static Work Show (Team of 5)
NMED 3700
• Curators
– All students curating student work into the Level 7 Gallery during
the month of March
NMED 3700
• Team/Committee Formation
• This course will be one part competitive and
three parts collaborative
– Each committee is a team that must raise the bar of
productivity for themselves and that of the other committees
NMED 3700
• Break Into Groups
– If you don’t want to be on a committee brainstorm on three
students who you might want to curate into Level 7 Gallery
– If you want to be on a committee, break into the team you
want to work with and brainstorm on how to get that job.
– Each student will have to apply for a specific job:
• Curator
• Event Manager
• Programming Committee Member
– That application will have to be sent to me via email by 12pm
– If multiple people apply for a committee role, you will have to
interview/present to the class as to your concept for the job
on Thursday.
NMED 3700
• How to Run A Brainstorm Session
• Each team is to use today’s lab time to brainstorm on an idea for
the event.
• A brainstorming session should be used for generating lots of
new ideas and solutions. It should not be used for analysis or for
decision making. That comes next class.
NMED 3700
• How to Run A Brainstorm Session
• Step One: Identify Your Problem/
• This is already done. Use this session to generate ideas for
what kind of event should the class present
NMED 3700
• How to Run A Brainstorm Session
• Step Two: Find a location where you can
sit around a table to talk and take notes
• The library is best – it’s meant for working.
• Do not choose a location that will present interruptions or social
• Smaller groups are easier to control but there are less people to
keep the process moving smoothly onward..
• A very small group is more like a quick-fire conversation and
could be seated round a small table so everyone can add their
ideas conversationally.
• Try to move the group close together so they don't feel remote
from each other.
NMED 3700
• How to Run A Brainstorm Session
• Step Three: Start the Record
• This is the first installment of your Project Log
• Everyone should take notes on this session and there
should be a facilitator who records the official
“minutes” of the meeting
– Record: Date, Time, Location, Names of Participants
• At the top of the page record the agenda question: What Kind
of Event Should We Present
• Underneath that make your laundry list of ideas and related
• Make it legible because everyone in the group will need a copy
NMED 3700
• How to Run A Brainstorm Session
• The Facilitator. This person needs to introduce the session,
to keep an eye on the time and to make sure the meeting stays on
topic. This person will facilitate the session to make it run smoothly and
ensure that the participants feel comfortable and join in the process.
They will also be responsible for restarting the creative process if it
slows down.
NMED 3700
• How to Run A Brainstorm Session
• Step Four: Ideas You Must Generate and
Who is your audience?
Where is your event location?
Who will provide the content/art work?
When is your event?
April 9 2009
What is the name of your event?
How will you use 10-minutes to present your idea to the class?
NMED 3700
• How to Run A Brainstorm Session
• If ideas begin to slow down consider events that you’ve
participated in, attended, seen on television for ideas.
– The don’t have to be art-related. Just a model of a successful event.
– Think of what is fun and interesting and memorable for you
• Presentation of your ideas should involve all team
members and can include media support materials, or even
class relocation to the location of your choice. The bottomline is we must get a sense of your team’s vision for the
NMED 3700 in 2008 event.
• In all instances, your team must decide: “Will this promote
the excellence of students in the New Media Department?”
NMED 3700
• How to Run A Brainstorm Session
• Every response must have a through rationale
– Refer back to the Process Diagram. Explain how the idea will be monitored,
managed, planned and controlled
– A rationale explains the reasoning behind your idea.
– Each rationale should be between 75-200 words.
– Please, note the resulting suggestion is NOT a contract but a potential
blueprint for a successful event.
• During the first half of Tuesday’s class each team will have
time to perfect their presentation.
• During the last half of Wednesday’s class each team will
make a 7-10 minute presentation on their idea.
• After each presentation has been, given you will vote as a
class on which event we will organize