Question #1 Oriented Strand Board(OSB) is manufactured by gluing woodchips together to form panels. Several panels are then bonded together to form a board. One of the factors influencing the strength of the final board is the amount of glue used in the production process. An OSB manufacturer conducted a test to determine the breaking point of a board based on the amount of glue used in the production process. In each test, a board was manufactured using a given amount of glue. Weight was then applied to determine the point where the board would fail (break). The test was performed 9 times and the results are given below. sum Glue 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 45.0 Breaking Point 72.7 76.5 82.1 87.3 98.6 109.4 114.1 114.2 117.2 872.1 Glue^2 9 12.25 16 20.25 25 30.25 36 42.25 49 240.0 Brk pt. ^2 5285.29 5852.25 6740.41 7621.29 9721.96 11968.36 13018.81 13041.64 13735.84 86985.9 Glue*brk Pt. 218.1 267.75 328.4 392.85 493 601.7 684.6 742.3 820.4 4549.1