Monongahela National Forest GIS ROLL CALL WV GIS Conference & Workshops, 2004 Sam Lammie Monongahela National Forest GIS Program Manager Outline Monongahela National Forest REGIONAL SIGNIFICANCE FOREST FACTS GIS RESOURCES ACCOMPLISHMENTS PRIORITIES WV GIS Conference & Workshops, 2004 Sam Lammie GIS Program Manager Regional Significance Monongahela National Forest ECONOMIC Monies distributed to counties based on USFS lands $1.2 million - PILT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) Monies $1.7 million - 25% or Stabilized Payments (from timber sale receipts, etc) Distributed to Federal treasury $1.1 million - Mineral Revenues from oil and gas leasing/gas storage WV GIS Conference & Workshops, 2004 Sam Lammie GIS Program Manager Regional Significance Monongahela National Forest ECOLOGICAL TNC used a rarity-weighted richness index (RWRI) for each of the almost 5,ooo hexagons in the United States that contain imperiled species. They then were able to create a continuous surface map of rarity-weighted richness across the country. WV GIS Conference & Workshops, 2004 Sam Lammie GIS Program Manager Forest Facts Monongahela National Forest MNF Originated - 1915 ACREAGE ~ 916,000 acres (~7% of state) - purchased approximately 7,000 acres near White Sulphur over the past year TOPOGRAPHIC DIVERSITY - Elevation ranging from 900 – 4,800 feet CLIMATE - Precipitation ranging from 60” in the west to 30” in the east (of the Alleg Front) AQUATIC RESOURCES - Potomac and Ohio river systems -12O miles warmwater fisheries/570 miles coldwater fisheries - 90% of all WV trout waters TERRESTRIAL RESOURCES - 230+ species of birds/70+ species of trees/82 species fish/nine T&E species - 87 rare/sensitive plant and animal species AVERAGE ANNUAL COMMERCIAL TIMBER VOLUME – 29 MMBF WV GIS Conference & Workshops, 2004 Sam Lammie GIS Program Manager Forest Facts Monongahela National Forest FEDERALLY DESIGNATED: WILDERNESSES-FIVE/NRA-ONE - Wilderness – five, National Recreation Areas - one INFRASTRUCTURE - Over 3,000 miles of roads, over 800 miles of trails, six visitor centers, two information centers • POPULATION ACCESS - Within one day’s drive of one third of US population WV GIS Conference & Workshops, 2004 Sam Lammie GIS Program Manager GIS Resources Monongahela National Forest GIS STAFF - Pgm manager + three technicians GIS USERS - 30+ staff COMPUTER HARDWARE - IBM NetVistas, Client-server architecture (1 TB), Large Format HP 5500 plotter COMPUTER SOFTWARE - Suite of ESRI products WV GIS Conference & Workshops, 2004 Sam Lammie GIS Program Manager Accomplishments Monongahela National Forest DATA MANAGEMENT - Compliance with FS national stds - Acquired IKONOS 1-meter natural color satellite imagery - Incorporated land additions into base layer - Completed NHD for eight 4th level hydrologic units - Updated trails layer with GPS locational data PRODUCT AND STAFF SUPPORT - Forest plan amendment completed - Forest plan revision, in-progress - NEPA project work - Began FVM revision through GSTC in Salt Lake City TRAINING - Introductory and Advanced ArcGIS - ArcView basics WV GIS Conference & Workshops, 2004 Sam Lammie GIS Program Manager Project-specific Monongahela National Forest UPPER SHAVER’S FORK NRIS-WATER FOREST PLAN AMENDMENT IDENTFYING WVNFS HABITAT WV GIS Conference & Workshops, 2004 Sam Lammie GIS Program Manager Upper Shaver’s Fork Monongahela National Forest WV GIS Conference & Workshops, 2004 Sam Lammie GIS Program Manager NRIS-Water Monongahela National Forest WV GIS Conference & Workshops, 2004 Sam Lammie GIS Program Manager Forest Plan Amendment Monongahela National Forest Proposed Action The MNF is proposing to amend the 1986 Monongahela National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan) to update management standards for eight of the nine federally listed species known to occur on the MNF. WV GIS Conference & Workshops, 2004 Sam Lammie GIS Program Manager Forest Plan Amendment Monongahela National Forest T&E Analysis Plants 1 2 3 4 5 Running Buffalo Clover Shallow Barren Rockcress Showy Lady Slipper Small Whorled Pogonia Virginia Spirea Buffers/habitat 320 meters 320 meters 320 meters 320 meters 320 meters Animals 6 Cheat Mtn Salamander 7 Indiana Bat hibernacula foraging 8 Virginia Big-eared Bat hibernacula 9 WV Northern Flying Squirrel suitable habitat 300 feet 200 feet 5 mile 200 feet ~ red spruce type WV GIS Conference & Workshops, 2004 Sam Lammie GIS Program Manager Forest Plan Amendment Monongahela National Forest 1986 Management Prescriptions WV GIS Conference & Workshops, 2004 Sam Lammie GIS Program Manager Forest Plan Amendment Monongahela National Forest 2004 Management Prescriptions WV GIS Conference & Workshops, 2004 Sam Lammie GIS Program Manager Identifying WVNFS Habitat Monongahela National Forest MONONGAHELA NATIONAL FOREST RED SPRUCE TASK ORDER August 11, 2003 SCOPE The current task order involves classifying portions of 47-1:24000 scale topographic quadrangles on the Monongahela National Forest (MNF) for the red spruce forest type. This classification will include identifying individual polygons that are homogeneous for lifeform, species, crown cover, size classes, and vertical structure. The study area encompasses 500,000 acres of land above 2,900 feet elevation within the Forest’s proclamation boundary of which approximately 100,000 acres had been typed as red spruce. WV GIS Conference & Workshops, 2004 Sam Lammie GIS Program Manager Identifying WVNFS Habitat Monongahela National Forest MNF DATA Red Spruce vegetation layer Forest Visitor Map (digital and hardcopy) Forest stands layer with CDS forest type attribute Color infrared digital orthophoto quadrangles (spring 1995, 1996) IKONOS imagery (November, 2001 + additional imagery slated for November, 2003) Black & white aerial photographic 9 x 9 prints at 1:15840 scale (spring, 2001) Forest ownership Roads + trails layers Stream network (from NHD) Digital elevation models (30-meter) Digital raster graphics (DRG). WV GIS Conference & Workshops, 2004 Sam Lammie GIS Program Manager Identifying WVNFS Habitat Monongahela National Forest Olson Fire Tower - Overview Olson Fire Tower - Rhododendron Big Run Bog – WVNFS habitat Canaan Loop – WVNFS habitat Red Run, North Fork – WVNFS habitat WV GIS Conference & Workshops, 2004 Sam Lammie GIS Program Manager Future Directions Forest Plan Revision Re-configured Platform = ArcSDE + ArcGIS V. 8.3 New Data Model - Geodatabase Staff Training + Tool Applications + Integration Data access – Public WV GIS Conference & Workshops, 2004 Sam Lammie Monongahela National Forest GIS Program Manager Forest Data FS Geodata Clearinghouse -- WV Tech Center -- MNF electronic download site WV GIS Conference & Workshops, 2004 Sam Lammie Monongahela National Forest GIS Program Manager