– Faculty of Management The University of Lethbridge

The University of Lethbridge – Faculty of Management
To our students, we make a promise:
A promise to do our best, so they can be their best
A promise to foster exploration, to share ideas and information, to teach but also to learn
A promise to build the buildings, acquire the technology, cultivate the partnerships and welcome the
people essential to advancing an environment that excites and ignites learning
A promise to create an environment where professors and students are colleagues and everyone
grows together, an environment that recognizes the power of every student’s dream
And helps that dream come true.
Management 3905
Instructor: Craig Milner
E-522 329-2362
Office Hours: Tues 10:30 – 12:00
or by appointment
Class Time: Mon
Location: D631
16:30 – 17:30
Pre-Requisites: none
This course will introduce students to a contemporary form of management development known as
mentoring. As a proactive competitive strategy, mentoring functions to help organizations develop and retain
managerial talent. Students will study various formal mentoring forms and experience the mentor-protégé
relationship directly through participation in an organized mentor program.
Program Objective
The Faculty of Management's Mentors Program will be instrumental in initiating the original contact between a
mentor and protégé which can be nurtured and developed into a mutually beneficial relationship. Specifically
the objectives of the program are:
To provide students with additional opportunities to develop their career plan/goals in a manner that is
conductive to the industry in which they are planning to pursue their career.
To provide students with the opportunity to gain insight into the current employability skills sought by
employers in the student's industry of interest.
To allow students to gain experientially based knowledge within specific career areas.
To assist students in goal setting based on knowledge and information gained from the Mentors
To provide an opportunity for the mentor to participate in the academic success of the students in the
Faculty of Management.
Course Readings
While there are no required readings in the course (some readings are handed out for the scheduled events),
the list on the next page is provided for suggested readings should you wish to know more about the subject .
Hendricks, Howard and Hendricks, William 1999. As Iron Sharpens Iron: Building Character in a
Mentoring Relationship. Moody Press ISBN: 0802456316
Shea, Gordon F. 1998. Mentoring: How to Develop Successful Mentor Behaviors. Crisp Publishers.
ISBN: 156052426X.
Stanley, Paul D. and Clinton, Robert. 1992.
Succeed. Navpressis. ISBN: 0891096388.
Connecting: The Mentoring Relationships You Need to
Stone, Florence M. 1998. Coaching, Counseling & Mentoring: How to Choose & Use the Right Tool to
Boost Employee Performance. AMACOM. ISBN: 0814404162.
Course Assessment
Class time’s are not used regularly throughout the semester. It is recommended that you review the attached
schedule to familiarize yourself with the scheduled events.
Extra meetings will be set between the student and Coordinator throughout the semester, to monitor the
ongoing mentoring relationship.
Finally, you will need to submit an interim report which will receive a Pass “P” or Fail “F” grade.
Assignment Details
Initial Preparation
In advance of your initial meeting with your mentor you will need to prepare (1) an up-to-date resume, (2)
a brief summary of your interests and career aspirations and finally (3) a brief description of your learning
Email Update
Have you met? How did it go? What’s your initial reaction to this mentoring match? Send me a quick
email to update me on your progress so far. This update is due by Tuesday September 25th.
Update One-on-One
How is the match progressing? Based on what you have read about mentoring, what can you do to make
things even better? Arrange to meet with me one-on-one so we can discuss the experience so far.
During this informal chat, be prepared to discuss progress versus your learning objective, things you’ve
learned about mentoring and thoughts on the remainder of your MENTORS experience. Meetings
should take place the week of February 27th 2006.
Interim Report
This report should be approximately 2-4 pages in length and should outline your assessment of your
mentoring relationship up to this point. Based on your research on mentoring relationships how is your’s
An evaluation of the activities and time spent with your mentor should be included with emphasis on how
this relationship is meeting your initial expectations/objective.
Upcoming plans as well as any improvements you plan to introduce for the remainder of the course
should also be included. This report is due by Tuesday Nov 20th.
New this year, we’ve introduced “formal” meeting times. While the bulk of the value of the course comes
through your interactions with your mentor, these sessions are designed as support – to not only teach you in
key mentoring principles but also help guide you towards a positive experience.
Sept 10th
welcome – class introduction – getting started
Sept 17th
matches – first introductions
no class – email progress update
Sept 24th
Oct 1st
no class – thanksgiving
Oct 8th
Oct 15th
Oct 22nd
mentoring workshop (tentative)
Oct 29th
Nov 5th
social event
Nov 12th
no class – remembrance day
Nov 19th
no class – email progress update
Nov 26th
Dec 3rd
wrap – up