UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES Addictions Counselling Program HLSC 4050 - Internship in Addictions Counselling II Course Syllabus – Fall, 2007 Instructor: Office: Phone: E-mail: Office Hours: Steven Thibodeau, PhD Assistant Professor AH 110 403 332-5234 Tuesdays 1:30– 4p. or by appointment Calendar Statement: Students participate, at an advanced level, in the practice of addictions counselling in a fieldwork setting. Seminars facilitate the integration of theory, practice, and research. Class Schedule: Pre-internship seminar: Sept. 4 & 5, from: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Location: September 4 ~ C– 620 September 5 ~ SU 180 Internship dates: Sept 10 - Dec. 6, 2007 (13 weeks at 32 hours/week) Credit Value: 15.0 credit hours Course Prerequisites: Successful completion of the first three years of the Addictions Counselling Program. Course Description: Students will extend and build upon field placement experience as an intermediate training experience in professional addictions counselling practice. Where possible, students will be placed in settings where they will experience addictions practice in a combination of primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. Students are expected to carry an active counselling caseload at their fieldsite. The internship is offered as a full time activity (35 hours per week) for the fall semester, of which 32 hours will be spent in a specific field setting. Students will be evaluated in the field setting by a designated field supervisor. Students will participate in a weekly on-line seminar as well as a two day (12 hour) pre-internship seminar. The course instructor will also liaise regularly with the field site. Students are encouraged to consult the Policies and Procedures Manual for specific policies and procedures of the internship. The Field Placement: Each learner will be evaluated by the field supervisor informally on an ongoing basis and formally at midterm and at the end of the internship according to the evaluation sheets provided in the Appendix of the Policies & Procedures Manual. The faculty liaison will maintain regular contact with the learner and field supervisor, identify learners at risk of failure, and intervene if necessary. Successful completion of the internship will be graded on a pass/fail basis. To pass the course students will be expected to have at least an overall 3.0 average of applicable competencies in the checklist evaluation of key competencies provided in the Policies & Procedures Manual. 2 The Seminar: The seminar evaluation will consist of a combination of assignments including a learning contract, on-line seminar, e-mail log and case analysis for a total of 100%. A pass/fail grade will be assigned for the seminar component of the course. Course Objectives: During the senior internship, the field supervisors and faculty liaison expect learners to continue to develop competency in the following established practice skills: $ Communicate effectively with others $ Apply direct intervention as appropriate $ Work on behalf of others (e.g. as an advocate) $ Work with others (individuals, groups, families) $ Understand and apply research-based practices $ Understand and apply a range of theoretical perspectives as appropriate $ Demonstrate skills essential and necessary to sustain life-long learning Approach to Learning: This course will include experiences in a combination of a field setting, pre-internship integrative seminar, and weekly on-line seminars and cover a range of topics related to issues, practice and emerging trends. Students will be expected to be reflective and self-aware and take increased responsibility for leading discussions and modeling professional practice. Various topics such as clinical case conferences, ethical and legal guidelines, monitoring interactions with clients, consultations in schools and mental health agencies, and recognizing and managing critical problems will be covered. Topics may vary to accommodate student needs and interests. The essential learning experience for learners will consist of the interaction between field supervisors, faculty and students within the practice and classroom settings. The learner’s field placement will be comprised of supervised practice in a field setting. It is our expectation that the student will manage an appropriate caseload during this experience. In the seminar, the focus will be on integrating clinical practice and self-awareness. In addition, students will assess personal growth, participate in discussions, dialogue with guest speakers, and develop learning contracts. Recommended Text: Corey, G., Corey, M.S., & Callanan, P. (2003). Issues and ethics in the helping professions (6th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole. Standards of Professional Conduct: The ethical standards expected of students and faculty are those found in the Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics of the Canadian Counselling Association (1999). A student may be required to leave a clinical setting at any time if, in the opinion of the Faculty member, the student’s practice threatens client safety or is disruptive to client care. Please consult the University of Lethbridge Calendar 2007-2008 for further details. Plagiarism Statement: The University of Lethbridge subscribes to, a plagiarism detection service. Please be advised that student work submitted for credit in this course may be submitted to this system to verify its originality. Students may be required to submit both electronic and hard copy versions of their work. 3 Seminar Assignments: (Please consult attached marking sheets) Learning Contract On-line Seminar Presentation and Participation Clinical Case Analysis On-line Log Pre and post-internship personal growth assessment Total 15% 25% 20% 20% 20% 100% Learning Contract: The learning contract will help the learner organize their learning needs for the internship site. This contract will be designed to help the learner, supervisor and faculty liaison be clear about what the learner wants to achieve from the internship and how the learner will get there. Please consult your learning contract handout from the pre-internship seminar. The final draft of the learning contract (with the understanding that this contract invites ongoing modification) is due two weeks after the start of the internship on Friday Sept. 21, 2007. Learners can drop off their learning contract at the Health Sciences main office, fax it to their faculty liaison at 3292668, or e-mail ( ) it to their faculty liaison as an attachment. On-Line Seminar: Each learner will lead an on-line seminar for one week of the internship on a professional issues topic. Weekly leaders will be expected to post a relevant summary of their topic and monitor discussion of that topic for the week. The faculty liaison will be available for consultation. Learners are also expected to actively participate in the on-line seminar presentation of the other learners. On-Line Log: As most learners are situated out of the Lethbridge area for their internship, regular contact with the faculty liaison can be difficult. By sending an e-mail log to the faculty liaison at the end of every second week (every Friday that is an even day), this ensures communication is kept ongoing between learner and the faculty liaison. Learners can discuss progress to date, significant critical incidents, personal issues of competence and professional practice, issues with colleagues, reflections on individual and group counselling, and noticings of personal issues. Case Analysis: The students will submit a confidential case analysis of the work done with one client by Thursday Dec.8, 2007 via drop off at HLSC office, email or fax 403 329-2668. Please consult the attached marking sheet for an outline of the assignment. Pre and Post-internship Personal Growth Assessment: Students will assess themselves in various aspects of clinical practice and personal awareness issues. Forms for this assignment will be handed out in the pre-internship seminar. Students will submit an assessment both at the start of the internship and at completion. Attendance: Learners must attend the pre-internship seminar as well as participate in the weekly on-line seminars for successful completion of the seminar. Special circumstances must be arranged with the faculty liaison prior to the seminar. 4 HLSC 4050 Internship in Addictions Counselling II Learning Contract Fall, 2007 Student’s Name: Major Learning Objectives /5 Specific Objectives for each Major Learning Objective (comprehensive and concrete) /5 Planned Activities for Realization of Objectives /5 Total /15 Comments: 5 HLSC 4050 Internship in Addictions Counselling II On-line Seminar Fall, 2007 Student’s Name: Summary of professional or ethics issue including alternative perspectives /6 Accessing of professional issues and ethics literature /4 Discussion questions and monitoring of discussion /5 Total /15 Active participation in other on-line professional issues presentations (must participate in 10 of 13) /10 Comments: 6 HLSC 4050 Internship in Addictions Counselling II Case Analysis Fall, 2007 Student’s Name: Topic Marks Client Demographics and Presenting Problem /2 Client History ( psychosocial, addictions, family, medical, school-career etc) /3 Initial assessment and diagnosis /3 Initial counselling goals including theoretical interventions /3 Counselling sessions summary /3 Overall progress and current client status (termination, referral etc.) /3 Discussion including alternate strategies not used /3 Total /20 Comments: 7 HLSC 4050 Internship in Addictions Counselling II On-line Log Fall, 2007 Student’s Name: Log: An integration of key experiences, insights, personal awareness, issues and struggles. Students submit bi-weekly, with an extra week given at mid-term. . Week 2- Sept. 21 /4 Week 4- Oct. 12 /4 Week 6- Oct. 26 /4 Week 9- Nov. 9 /4 Week 11- Nov 23 /4 Total /20 Comments: Will be given directly by e-mail by your faculty liaison.