Name: Date: 1. In what years did the anti-footbinding campaign start...

1. In what years did the anti-footbinding campaign start in China?
2. Main arguments against footbinding:
a. Other _____________ ridiculed China.
b. China looked bad to other countries.
c. China’s economy was __________.
3. Kang Youwei’s arguments against footbinding:
a. China looks bad because of _____________ addicts and ___________
in the streets.
b. Foreigners call the Chinese ______________.
c. Mothers in ____________ and ____________ are strong because they
do not __________ their feet.
d. China must _____________ with other nations and cannot be weak.
4. Around 1890-1910, China’s ____________ was far behind the West. China
also had a low _____________ and ______________ status in the world.
5. Symbolism of bound feet:
a. From “natural treasure” to ___________________.
b. Civilization to _______________.
c. Beautiful to ______________.
d. High fashion and high class to ______________ and
5. Symbolism of natural feet:
a. Ideal femininity and _____________.
b. ________________
c. ________________
d. ________________
e. ________________
f. The hope of China’s ________________ into a new century.
6. Natural foot societies are groups that wanted footbinding to continue/end.
They started in the _____________ and eventually moved out to the
7. Natural foot societies were more popular in the cities/countryside.
8. Many women from the East/West joined natural foot societies.
9. How did Christian missionaries in China feel about footbinding?
10.Strategies for spreading anti-footbinding propaganda:
a. created _____________
b. used pictures and _______________ of bound feet
c. using quotes from _______________
d. used religious teachings
e. said footbinding restricted women’s ______________
f. said it prevented women from ____________ efficiently
g. said it made it easier for __________ to be raped during ________
h. said it was a waste of ___________, money, and ____________.
11.China was changing at this time:
a. Giving up its ___________ system and agricultural economy
b. More ___________ economic ideas and methods from the West
c. More and more _____________ went bankrupt
d. Lots of __________ factories were built in the cities
e. Many young __________ from the countryside moved to the
___________ to work. (Couldn’t do this if had __________ feet.)
12.Sometimes there were meetings that showed both bound and natural feet.
There were two groups of women there.
a. The women with bound feet were middle-aged, __________, and
_____________. They looked _____________ and pale. They
symbolized how China was ___________, old, and feudal.
b. How do you think these women felt, taking off their bindings and
showing their feet to strangers?
c. The women with natural feet were ____________, ___________, and
______________. They symbolized the hope for a new China—
reformed, ____________, _____________, modernized, and
d. These meetings were very ______________.
Hundreds/Thousands/Millions of people came to see the bare feet.
13.Women who did not loosen their bindings or who continued to bind their
_______________’s feet had to pay high ____________.
14.The government also offered _____________ for bringing in
______________ and ______________. Some people broke into
____________ to steal wrappings or shoes. Other people stopped women on
the _____________, forcing them to take off their wrappings and shoes.
15.Women were humiliated. Some even committed ______________.
16.Without the binding, it was more/less painful to walk.
17.Some husbands divorced or _____________ their older wives.
18.Younger men only wanted to marry _______________ women.
19.Women with bound feet became “__________________” and could not find
20.You read about girls’ experience binding their feet. You just finished
reading about the experience of older women being forced to unbind their
feet. In your opinion, which experience is worse? Explain.